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1、1Module 2 Unit 1I. 选词填空(注意适当形式)。in the east of on the north of to the south ofon the coast lots of1. There are lots of small villages on the coast.2. Shanghai is in the east of China.3. Canada is on the north of the US.4. There are lots of old buildings and churches in Cambridge.5. Malaysia is to th

2、e south of China.II. 适当形式填空。1. Our classroom is bigger than theirs (their).2. This picture is more beautiful (beautiful) than that one.3. Lots of tourists go to London to see (see) these famous places.4. The north of China is colder (cold) than the south.5. I like fruit, especially (especial) apples

3、.III. 单项选择。B.1. China lies _ the east of Asia. And it is _ of Japan.A. on; in the west B. in; to the westC. to; to the east D. of; on the eastD. 2. Hangzhou is famous _ producing silk in China.A. from B. as C. in D. forC. 3. This place is not big enough for Lucys birthday party. We should find a _ o

4、ne.A. big B. small C. bigger D. smallerB. 4. The _ she eats, the fatter she becomes.A. much B. more C. many D. mostA. 5. Who speaks English _, Alice or Joan?A. better B. good C. the better D. bestB. 6. Tom is _ than his uncle.A. more fatter B. fatter C. much fat D. fattestD. 7. We have done a lot to

5、 make our city cleaner, but its still not enough.So we should do _ to improve it.A. less B. higher C. later D. moreC. 8. You are standing too near the camera. Can you move _ away?A. far a little B. the farthest a lot C. a bit farther D. more furtherD. 9. What delicious bread! Thats right. It will ta

6、ste _ with butter.A. bad B. well C. worse D. betterB. 10. Hong Kong has seven _ people.A. millions B. million C. millions of D. million ofD. 11. There are lots of small villages _ the coast.A. with B. in C. of D. onD.12. In China it is a custom to give kids lucky money _ during the Spring Festival.A

7、. finally B. luckily C. simply D. especiallyC. 13. Han Meis pencil is shorter than _.A. he B. him C. his D. Li LeiB. 14. Her bag is _ than _.A. newer; you B. newer; yours C. newest; yours D. new; your2B. 15. Look, how beautiful the car is! Yes, but the price of it is too _ for me. I cant afford it.A

8、. expensive B. high C. cheap D. lowA. 16. _ is the city? Its over 300 years.A. How old B. How long C. How often D. WhatB. 17. Hainan is _ island. Its very big.A. a B. an C. the D. /A. 18. The population of the city _ about ten million.A. is B. are C. were D. amC. 19. Wuhan is a big city _ the Yangtz

9、e River.A. in B. at C. on D. fromA. 20. Are you free this evening? -No, I have a lot of homework_.A. to do B. doing C. does D. doIV. 完成句子。1. 中国在日本的西面,拥有十三亿人口。China is to the west of Japan. And it has a population of 1.3 billion.2. 远离垃圾食品,它对我们是有害的,尤其是对孩子们。Stay away from junk food, please. Its bad for

10、 us, especially for children.3. 这座大学坐落于城市的东部,大约有 3.5万名学生,里面有一些古老建筑可以参观。The university lies in the east of the city. It has about thirty-five thousand students. And there are some old buildings to visit.4. 鲁迅的家乡是浙江省。他作为一名作家闻名于中国。而浙江以丝绸而享誉亚洲。Lu Xuns home town is Zhejiang Province. He is famous as a wr

11、iter in China. And Zhejiang is famous for silk around Asia.5. 我们将会住在河畔的酒店里,你可以在一天中的任何时候去游泳。We will stay at a hotel on the river, and you can go swimming any time of the day.V. 完形填空:Canada is the second largest country in the world. It is over 7,000 kilometers from the _1_coast(海岸)to the east. It _2_

12、 six time zones. _3_it is 9 a. m. in Vancouver on the west coast,it is 1:30 p.m. in St Johns on the east coast.English and French _4_ the two main languages in Canada. About 60 percent of _5_ people speak English, and about 25 percent speak French. More _6_ 70 percent of its population live in citie

13、s near the US border(边境).Ottawa is the capital. Every year millions of tourists go there to_7_ museums and take part in the cultural activities. Toronto is the largest city of the country _8_about 2. 5 million people. Montreal is _9_ second biggest French-speaking city in the world.The maple leaf is

14、 the national symbol of Canada. The Canadian flag has a red maple leaf on a red _10_white background.1. A. west B. east C. south D. north2. A. is B. had C. has D. have3. A. Which B. What C. Where D. When4. A. are B. is C. will be D. has been5. A. their B. his C. its D. our6. A. up B. over C. about D. than7. A. see B. visit C. look D. find8. A. with B. for C. from D. at9. A. a B. an C. the D.不填10. A. or B. and C. but D. howeverACDAC DBACB1


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