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1、1语篇组合练(八)一、完形填空I will never forget the Sunday afternoons I spent on my grandfathers farm in Western Pennsylvania when I was a little boy. Miles of winding stone walls around the house provided endless hours of 1 for a city kid like me. I can still remember the afternoon when I was eight years old. S

2、ince my first visit to the 2 , Id wanted to be allowed to climb the stone walls around the farm. My parents would never approve(同意 ). Still, my wish to climb across those walls grew so 3 . One spring afternoon, I picked up all my courage and 4 the living room, where the adults were sitting and talki

3、ng over tea after dinner. “Can I climb the stone walls?“ I asked. Immediately the women in the room cried. “Heavens, no! Youll 5 yourself!“ I wasnt too disappointed, because their reply was just as Id expected. But before I could leave the room, my 6 stopped me. “Wait a minute,“ I heard him say. “Le

4、t the boy climb the stone walls. He has to 7 to do things for himself.“ “Hurry up,“ he said to me, “Come and see me when you get back.“ For the next two and a half hours I climbed those old walls and had the 8 of my life. Later I met with my grandfather to tell him about my adventure(冒险). Ill never

5、forget what he said. “Fred,“ he said, smiling, “you made this day a 9 day just by being yourself. Always 10 , theres only one person in this whole world like you, and I like you exactly as you are.“ 1.A. sadness B. pityC. fun D. confusion2.A. farm B. house C. home D. room3.A. weak B. high C. low D.

6、strong24.A. visited B. entered C. saw D. left5.A. enjoy B. hurt C. forget D. lose6.A. mother B. father C. grandfather D. friend7.A. agree B. finish C. promise D. learn8.A. time B. love C. regret D. failure9.A. terrible B. difficult C. special D. hopeless10.A. think B. forget C. value D. remember二、阅读

7、理解AWhen I was eleven years old, I was given a gift of happiness and I had a carefree childhood in France. One day, on my way home from school, a truck ran over me and my legs were cut off. As I lay there bleeding, I suddenly realized that I might have to live the rest of my life without legs. How de

8、pressed I was at that moment! But then I realized that depression wont get my legs back. So I decided not to waste my life feeling depressed. When my parents arrived at the hospital, they stood there quietly, and looked so shocked and sad. I told them, “Ive already accepted the fact. Now you also ha

9、ve to get used to this.“Ever since then, I often see my friends getting worried about little things: The buses come late; they get bad grades on the tests and so on. But I just enjoy life.I was lucky to realize that it is a waste of energy to pay attention to what you have lost, and that the key to

10、happiness is to take pleasure in what you have. Sounds simple, doesnt it? So why are many people unhappy?3People often think happiness is based on what they achieve. “My whole life would improve if I had a new car.“ But when they get the car, what happens? For a whole week they are walking on air. T

11、hen they go right back to be unhappy.Happiness is not a happening; its a state of mind. Even though you have the whole world, youll still be unsatisfied. And you have relatively(相对地)little but feel full of joy. Happiness comes from mastering the art of enjoying and taking pleasure in what you alread

12、y have.1.The underlined word “depressed“ in Paragraph 2 most probably means“ “. A. sad and disappointed B. painful and annoyedC. smart and strong D. calm and quiet2.After the accident, the author didnt feel depressed anymore because . A. the doctors could help him and get his legs backB. he must com

13、fort his parents at that timeC. he knew depression made no difference to himD. he was just a childish and forgettable kid3.In the authors opinion, the main cause of most peoples unhappiness is that they . A. dont want to achieve more for futureB. pay so much and get so littleC. always compare with o

14、thersD. pay so much attention to what they have lost4.In Paragraph 5, when the person gets the car he expected, . A. he will choose to walk for a week4B. the car will bring lasting happiness to himC. he will find the car is no help to him at allD. he will go back to be unhappy after a few days5.The

15、author wants to tell us . A. how one person enjoys a life without legsB. we should forget the loss and the gain in lifeC. happiness is just a state of mindD. our life will be improved if we fight for our dreamsBIt is reported that some developed countries have shipped broken parts of computers to Ch

16、ina. Such a thing can be found every day although it is against international laws. Last month Hong Kong officers found 131,000 kilograms of broken computers, TVs and phones sent from Sydney.Things like these are called electronic waste, or e-waste. Dealing with them is not an easy job because dange

17、rous poisons like mercury (汞) and lead (铅) can be found in them. Every time an old computer breaks down, it needs to be dealt with safely. But at present, broken computer parts are usually buried. It may be hundreds of years before they are really gone in the earth.Many places in China are polluted

18、by e-waste. Guiyu in Guangdong Province is one of them. This town is named as “the e-waste capital of the world“. It has to deal with 1.5 million kilograms of e-waste each year, from which it makes 75 million yuan. But it comes at a cost. Many of the poisons in e-waste find their way into the enviro

19、nment. Plastic is burned outdoors and chemical water is poured into rivers. Greenpeace, an environmental group, has found the air, the earth and the rivers in Guiyu badly polluted.5The Chinese government wants the country to develop, but in a way that doesnt do harm to the environment and peoples li

20、fe.This year, China passed a new environmental protection law, the strictest one we have ever had. Computer companies like Lenovo and Dell will be asked to take back their old computers. This is because the companies that make computers know best how to deal with them safely. Hopefully, the problem

21、with e-waste will be solved in the near future.1.The e-waste found in Hong Kong last month was from . A. France B. JapanC. Germany D. Australia 2.The underlined word “buried“ probably means “ “ in Paragraph 2. A. 焚烧 B. 降解 C. 掩埋 D. 回收3.The town of Guiyu in Guangdong Province . A. is the e-capital of

22、the worldB. spends less money on e-waste C. deals with e-waste safelyD. has serious e-waste pollution4.This year, the Chinese government . A. made a new environment protection lawB. closed some computer companiesC. tried to change peoples lifeD. asked people to hand in their old computers 5.The pass

23、age is mainly about . 6A. the e-waste problem in ChinaB. the cost of burning e-wasteC. the ways to deal with e-wasteD. the need to pass a law against e-wasteCMaruko-chan (小丸子) is the main character(人物) of the Japanese cartoon, Chibi Maruko-chan. She is a primary school girl, who often makes mistakes

24、 and puts herself in difficult situations. Yet, for those who were born in the 1980s and 1990s, Maruko-chan helped them to feel better about themselves as a kid.Unlike many popular characters, Maruko-chan isnt pretty, nor does she have any kind of special ability. In fact, shes lazy and hates to do

25、chores. But this is what makes her so popular among so many people, young and old. Maruko-chan is not perfect shes naughty (淘气的), funny, and sometimes sad. She is afraid of exams and leaves her homework until the last day of the holiday.Later, as Maruko-chan gradually learns the ways of the world, s

26、he comes across a lot of problems, but her cleverness helps her out. The lovely girl is known for her funny yet wise sayings, such as, “Leave happiness to the last in a bittersweet (苦乐参半的 ) life,“ and “Self-reliance(自立) is the secret to happiness.“But as these young people grew up, Maruko-chan, did

27、not. Though she has always been a grade-three student, her idea of being true to herself teaches us a lot. Last month, however, Momoko Sakura, the creator of the cartoon, passed away at the age of 53. “I feel so sad about her death, which came too early, but the bright smiles of Maruko-chan and her

28、friends will keep shining in the minds of reader,“ wrote Jane, a fan of Momoko Sakura. 1.Which grade is Maruko-chan in?(不超过 5个词)72.What makes Maruko-chan different from other popular characters?(不超过 15个词)3.What helps Maruko-chan when she has problems?(不超过 5个词)【参考答案】一、完形填空【完形短文大意】 我永远不会忘记小时候在祖父的农场度过的

29、那些日子。房子周围绵延数英里的石墙为像我这样的城市孩子提供了无尽的快乐时光。我的父母不同意我去爬这些石墙,但最后祖父允许了我。他让我学会了做真正的自己。1.C 【解析】 结合文意可知,房子周围绵延数英里的石墙为像我这样的城市孩子提供了无尽的快乐时光。故用 fun。2.A 【解析】 由上文中的“my grandfathers farm“可知此处是说“自从我第一次去农场“。故用 farm。3.D 【解析】 结合文意可知, 我想去爬石墙的愿望变得那么强烈。故 strong“强烈的“符合文意。4.B 【解析】 由下文可知,我鼓足勇气走进起居室。enter“进入“。5.B 【解析】 由上文中的“no“可

30、知此处是说“你会伤到你自己“。故用 hurt。6.C 【解析】 由下文中的“Later I met with my grandfather to tell him about my adventure(冒险)“可知此处是说,我的祖父拦住了我。故用 grandfather。7.D 【解析】 结合文意可知此处是说“他必须学会为自己做(一些)事“。故用 learn。8.A 【解析】 结合文意可知此处是说“在接下来的两个半小时里,我爬上了那些古老的墙,玩得很痛快“。故用 time。9.C 【解析】 结合文意可知此处是说“通过做你自己,你使这一天成了特殊的一天“。故用 special。10.D 【解析】

31、 结合文意可知此处是说“永远记住“。故用 remember。二、阅读理解【阅读 A篇短文大意】 作者以自己小时候因出车祸而失去双腿的经历告诉我们,不要在意那些已经失去的东西,要从已有的东西中发现快乐,享受生活。81.A 【解析】 由画线词前的“I suddenly realized that I might have to live the rest of my life without legs“可知作者当时的心情应该是难过并沮丧的。故选 A。2.C 【解析】 由第二段中的“But then I realized that depression wont get my legs back“可

32、知答案为 C。3.D 【解析】 由第四段的内容可推知,作者认为大部分人不开心的主要原因是他们太关注自己已经失去的东西。故答案为 D。4.D 【解析】 由第五段的最后两句可知答案为 D。5.C 【解析】 由最后一段中的“Happiness is not a happening; its a state of mind“可知答案为 C。【阅读 B篇短文大意】 本文主要介绍了中国的电子垃圾问题。1.D 【解析】 由第一段的最后一句可知答案为 D。2.C 【解析】 由画线词后的“It may be hundreds of years before they are really gone in the

33、 earth“可知此处是说,坏掉的电脑部件通常被埋在地下。故答案为 C。3.D 【解析】 由第三段的前两句可知答案为 D。4.A 【解析】 由最后一段的第二句可知答案为 A。5.A 【解析】 通读全文可知,本文主要介绍了中国的电子垃圾问题。故答案为 A。【阅读 C篇短文大意】 樱桃小丸子是不少 80后、90 后的童年集体回忆,主角小丸子那些年说过的金句往往搞笑又富有哲理。然而最近,樱桃小丸子的作者去世了,但小丸子的精神会一直闪耀在读者心中。1.She is in Grade Three.2.She isnt pretty, nor does she have any kind of special ability.3.Her cleverness.


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