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1、1Unit 8 Natural disastersPeriod 1 Comic strips and Welcome to the unitLearning aims1. To learn some words about natural disasters.2. To identify the words and phrases to describe the natural disasters.Learning activitiesActivity one Preview一、写出下列单词划线部分音标、词性和词义。 1. natural_ 2. disaster_3. earthquake_

2、 4. accident_ 5. wash_ 6. storm_7. rainstorm_ 8. thunder_二、了解下列生词的用法。1. natural 词性:_;词义:_。 如:自然灾害_natural的名词形式是:_ 意思是:_。如:自然保护区_Milk is the _food for young babies. We all love the _. 2. Whos going to mop all the water up if you dont come with me ?句意: _mop词义:_,过去式:_,过去分词:_,现在分词:_mop up意为_, 后接的宾语是名词,则

3、名词既可以放在 up之前,也可以放在 up之后,但如果宾语是代词宾格,只能放在 mop和 up之间。我们学过的类似词组还有_, _, _等。(1)The floor is all wet. Please _. A. mop up it B. mop it up C. clean it D. to clean it(2)The kitchen floor is so clean . Who _(mop) it up ?三、翻译下列短语。1. crash into a tree_ 2. hurt his legs_3. lose the game_ 4. kill thousands of peo

4、ple_5. a car accident_ 6. wash the village away_7. start a big fire_ 8.fall from a tree_四、理解下列句子。1. I was sleeping when it started to rain.句意:_.(1) 本句为一个复合句,从句是由 when 引导的时间状语 从句;主句为_时,从句为_时.(2) 过去进行时用来表示_动作,其结构为“_” 。练一练:用过去进行时填空。(1) The boy _(walk)home when the typhoon came. (2) The girl _(do)h er h

5、omework when the thunder and lightening came. (3) A man and a woman _ (walk) in the water. (4) People _(have) dinner at home when the snowstorm came. Activity two Presentation (Welcome to the unit )Step 1 Free talk1. Whats the weather like today?2. Do you know bad weather sometimes causes natural di

6、sasters?23. What kind of natural disasters do you know? Step 2 Look at the pictures on p93, write the correct names.Complete Part B on Page 93. Step 3 Discuss in groups : Whats the difference between natural disasters and accidents ?Natural disasters are caused by _, while accidents are caused by _.

7、 A. natural forces (自然力量) B. peopleStep 4 Finish Part A on Page 93.Activity three Presentation of comic stripsStep 1 Listen to the tape and answer the following questions. 1. Why did Hobo com e to Eddies house?2. What was Hobo doing when it started to rain?3. Why did Hobo ask Eddie to go home with h

8、im?Step 2 Read the dialogue and act it out.Step 3 Tell a story about Hobo and EddieHobo was when it started to rain. He _hear the rain _half an hour .His house was all .He came to Eddies house and asked Eddie to the floor for him.Exercises【检测反馈】一、根据句意、首字母或中文提示写出单词,完成句子。1. A flood (冲走了) away his car.

9、2. I am reading an article about a c ar _.(事故)3. He didnt leave (直到) the rain stopped.4. Tsunami (飓风) is one of the natural _.5.Are you afraid of _(打雷)and _(闪电)?6. A lot of people died in the Tangshan e_ in 1976.二、用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。1. The earthquake in Wenchuan killed of people last year.2. In the pas

10、t, his mother the kitchen floor twice a week.3. It hard when I came home yesterday.4. you the noise last night?5. The classroom wet. Can you mop it up?Exercises【巩固提升】一、用适当的介词填空。1. Sandy was born _ th e night of 1st January,1999.2. Dont play _ fire _ the for est. Its very dangerous.3. Tony fell _ a t

11、all tree and hurt his legs badly.4. A coach crashed _ a tree just now.5. Tom is afraid _ lightning.二、用所给动词适当形式填空。not forget fall play shout not run 1. Dont keep _here . The teachers are having a meeting in the office.2. I hope you _ to bring it here tomorrow .33. The little boy _ off the bike and hu

12、rt his leg. 4. I told the child _ so quickly .5. Your cousin _ basketball when I saw him .三、阅读理解。The earthquake is terr ible. If you know something about how to protect yourself in an earthquake, it may save your life. Do you know what to do in an earthquake? Now lets look at the following together!

13、If you are insideQuickly move under a strong desk, a strong table or along a wall. You can also go into a small room like the bathroom. This will protect you from falling things. Dont get into a lift. Dont stand near windows, large mirrors or heavy furniture. If you are outsideMove away from buildin

14、gs or high walls. These could fall on you and hurt you. Squat and protect your head until the shaking stops. After the earthquakeCheck, take care of the injuries and help make sure people around you are all right. Be careful about the aftershocks. You should quickly run out of the dangerous building

15、 after the big earthquake. Protect yours elf by wearing long trousers, a long-sleeved shirt and strong shoes. Listen to the radio for the latest informa tion. ( ) 1. If you are in a tall building when an earthquake happens, youd better _. A. run into a lift B. not stay in the bathroomC. stand near l

16、arge mirrors D. not stand near windows( ) 2. If you are outside when an earthquake happens, _. A. you must go into a buildingB. you can not squatC. you have to stop the shakingD. you must move away from buildings or high walls ( ) 3. After the earthquake, you should _. A. take care of the injuresB.

17、not help the others around youC. protect yourself without wearing shoesD. not listen to the radio for the latest information( ) 4. The underlined word “aftershocks” means “_” in Chinese. A. 强震 B.老人 C.余震 D.孕妇( ) 5. The passage mainly tells us about _. A. what to do in a floodB. what to do if you are in an earthquakeC. how and earthquake happensD. how to stop and earthquake


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