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1、2018 年秋学期高一年级期中学情调研英语试题第一部分听力(共两节,计 20 分)第一节(共 5 小题;毎小题 1 分,计 5 分)听下面 5 段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出较佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。 每段对话仅读一遍。1. Where is the womans mobile phone?A. In the bedroom. B. In the living room. C. In the kitchen.2. What does the man need?A. A new c

2、omputer. B. Anew mouse. C. A new monitor.3.What will the speakers probably do next Saturday?A. Go to a play. B. Book some tickets. C. Meet Janet.4.What is the probably relationship between the two speakers?A.Boss and secretary. B.Teacher and student. C.Waiter and customer.5. When might the woman com

3、e to practice German?A. On Tuesday. B. On Wednesday. C. On Friday.第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,计 15 分)听下面 5 段对话或独白“毎段对话或独白有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B, C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对沽或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间,每段对话或独白读两遍。听第 6 段材料,回答第 6、7 题。6. What does the woman like to be?A.A joumalist. B.A teacher.

4、C. A doctor.7. What are they talking about?A.Why they should study. B. Where they should work.C. What subjects they should take.听第 7 段材料,回答第 8-9 题。8。What does the man want to do here?A. Buy a car. B. Rent a car. C. Repair a car.9. What doesnt the man take with him?A. His credit card. B. His confirma

5、tion number. C. His drivers license.听第 8 段材料,回答第 10 至 12 题。10. Whats the man?A.A Tennis fan. B. A reporter. C. A student.11. What is the woman doing?A. Wailing for a tennis star. B. Watching a tennis match.C.Queuing up for a tennis match.12. Where does the woman come from?A. London. B. Berlin. C. Wi

6、mbledon.听第 9 段材料,回答第 13 至 16 题。13. How did the man find the movie they saw Iasi week?A. Absurd. B. Boring. C. Excellent.14.Why does the man want to see action movies in a theatre?A.To enjoy them on a big screen.B.To enjoy them with many oihers.C.To have popcorn for dinner there.15. Which is the woma

7、ns favourite?A. Seafood and chicken. B. Meat and love stories.C.Fish and action movies.16. What is the talk mainly about?A. Their past experience. B. Their likes and dislikes.C. Their plan for the night.听第 10 段材料,回答第 17 至 20 题。17. In which country do children sing songs of spring on May Day?A. Franc

8、e. B. Greece. C.Italy.18.How do children in England deal with the pennies?A.Buy some flowers. B. Buy gifts. C. Throw them into a well.19.What do children in the US do on May Day?A.Give each other gifts. B. Sing songs to each otherC.Leave flowers at the doors 20. Where is the text taken from?A.A clas

9、s prescnlalion. B.A TV programme. C. A radio programme.第二部分语言知识运用(计 20 分) 第一节:完形填空(每小题 1 分,计 20 分)Do parents owe their kids anything? Starting from my position, parents do not owe their children a 21 education.If they can 22_ it, they can.23_ send them to the besi universities. But they must not fee

10、l guilty if they cant. If the children really want to go, theyll find a 24 . There are plenty of loans (贷款)and scholarships for the bright and 25 ones who cant afford to pay.When children grow up and want to 26. their parents do not owe them a down payment on a house. They do not have the 27. to bab

11、y-sit their grandchildren. If they want to do it, it must be considered a _28_ not a responsibility.Do parents owe their children anything? Yes, they owe them a great deal.One of their duties is to give their children a personal 29 .A child who is constantly made to feel stupid and unworthy, constan

12、tly 30 to brighter brothers, sisters, or cousins will be so 31 ,so afraid of failing that he (or she) wont try at all. Of course they should be 32. corrected when they do wrong,but its often better to let children learn their mistakes by themselves 33 . All our parents should do is to trust them, re

13、spect them, tolerate them and give them chances to try and fail. They must learn to stand 34.When criticisms are really needed, they should be 35 with praises, with a smile and a kiss. That is the way children learn.Parents owe their children a set of solid values around 36_ they build their lives.

14、This means teaching them to _37_ the rights and opinions of others; it means being respectful,to ciders, to teachers, and to the law.The best way to teach such values is by 38 . A child who is lied to will lie. A child seeing no laughter and no love in the home will have laughing and loving .No chil

15、d asks to be _40. If you bring a life into the world, you owe the child something.21. A.formal B.college C. usual D.foreign22. A.afford B.get C. find D.receive23. A.gradually B.hardly C. certainly D.finally24. A.supply B.help C. hand D.way25. A.handsome B.honest C. wealthy D.eager26. A.get married B

16、.get a job C.go abroad D.live alone27. A.time B.duty C.right D.energy28. A.habit B. pleasure C. favor D.service29. A.affair B. worth C. belief D.respect30. A.compared B. brought C. forced D.taken31. A.unfair B. unusual C unknown D.unsure32. A.nearly B. gently C. properly D.possibly33. A.now and then

17、 B. in time C. at once D.right now34. A.failure B. honor C.progress D.test35. A.mixed B. satisfiedC.balanced D.shared36. A.which B. it C. whom D.what37. A.consider B. refuse C.respect D.know38. A.explanation B. deed C.word D.time39. A.pleasure B. freedom C.fun D.difficulty40. A.praised B. alone C. p

18、oor D.born第三部分:阅读理解(每小题 2 分,计 30 分)ARiding School:You can start horse-riding at any age. Choose private or group lessons any weekday between 9 a.m. and 8:30 p. m. (3:30 p.m. on Saturdays). There are 10 kilometres of tracks and paths for leisurely rides across farmland and open country. You will need

19、 a riding hat. Opening Hours: Monday through Friday:9:00 a.m. -8:30p.m.Phone: (412) 3964754 Fax: (412) 396-6752 Sailing Club:Our Young Sailors Course leads to the Stage Sailing qualification.Youll learn how to sail safely and the coutse also covers sailing theory and first aid. Have fun with other c

20、ourse members afterwards in the clubroom. There are 10 weekly two-hour lessons (Tuesdays 6p.m.8p,m.) Opening Hours: Tuesdays: 6:00p.m.8:00p.mPhone:(412)396-6644 Fax: (412)396-6644 Diving Centre:Our experienced instructors offer one-month courses in deep-sea diving for beginners. There are two evenin

21、g lessons a week, in which you learn to breathe underwater and use the equipment safely.You only need a swimming costume and towel. Reduced rates for couples. Opening Hours: Monday and Friday:6:30p.m. - 8:30pmPhone: (412)3%-6312 Fax: (412) 396-6706 Medical Center:The staff of the Medical Center aim

22、to provide convenient and comprehensive medical care to students and staff of the university. The center is well equipped and the staff here are trained to deal with a broad range of medical problems. Both female and male doctors as well as mining staff are available for consultation. Also, all kind

23、s of medicines arc sold here and are cheaper for students than other drugstores. Opening Hours: 24 hours from Monday to Sunday Phone: (412)396-6649 Fax: (412) 396-6648 Watersports club:We use a two-kilometre length of river for speedboat racing, and water-skiing. A beginners course consists often 20

24、-minutc lessons. You will learn to handle boats safely and confidently but must be able to swim. The club is in a convenient central position and is open daily from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., with lessons all through the day.Opening Hours: Monday through Friday: 9:00a.m. - 4:00p.mPhone: (412)396-6899 Fax: (4

25、12) 396-689041.If you want to swim and enjoy activities which are fast and a bit dangerous, you should join .A. Watersports Club B. Riding School C.Sailing Club D. Diving Centre42. If you want to experience a new activity in the countryside in the mornings, you may fax .A. (412) 396-6876 B. (412) 39

26、6-6706 C. (412)396-6648 D. (412) 396-675243. If you are planning to explore the ocean depths, you should attend your lessons at .A.24 hours &om Monday to SundayB. Monday through Friday: 7:00 a.m.-10:00 p.m.C. Tuesdays: 6:00 p.m. -8:00 p.m.D. Monday and Friday: 6:30 p.m. 8:30 p.m.BIm fat. Im too skin

27、ny. Id be happy if I were taller, shorter, had curly hair, straight hair, a smaller nose, bigger muscles, longer legs. Do any of these statements sound familiar? Do you often put yourself down? If so, youre not alone.As a teen, youre going through a ton of changes in your body.And as your body chang

28、es, so does your image of yourself. Lots of people have trouble getting used to it, and this can affect their confidence.Some people think they need to change how they look or act to feel good about themselves. But actually all you need to do is change the way you see your body and how you think abo

29、ut yourself.The first thing to do is recognize that your body is your own, ao matter what shape, size, or color it comes in. If youre very worried about your weight or size, go to your doctor to check that things are OK. But its no ones business but your own what your body is like finally, you have

30、to be happy with youiself.Next, find which aspects of your appearance you can change and which you can Everyone, even the most perfect-seeming celebrity (名人), has things about themselves that they cant change and need to accept like their height, for example, or their shoe size.If there are things a

31、bout yourself that you want to change and can, do this by making goals for yourself. For example, if you want to get fit,make a plan to exercise every day and cat nutntious foods.When you hear negative comments coming from within yourself, tell yourself to stop. Try building your confidence by listi

32、ng three things in your day that really gave you pleasure. It can be anything like the way the sun felt on your face, the sound of your favorite band, or the way someone laughed at your jokes.44.From the first paragraph, we can infer that .A. most teens like to have a special body image B.teens pref

33、er to change tbeir body image quickly C.many teens cant accept their body changes easily D.teens usually change their opinions on their body image45.Which of the following does the author probably agree with?A. Change the way other people look at you .B. Realize you cant change everything about your

34、self.C. Learn from some celebrities on how to change your body.D. Go to your doctor for advice on how to change your body.46. The underlined phrase “put yourself down” in the first paragraph probably means .A.make yourself fall downB. write down your name somewhereC.force yourself to do somethingD.

35、say negative things about yourselfCI will be travelling to Australia as a Student Ambassador with People to People. People to People arranges for American students lo travel all around the world to learn about other cultures, and to help others understand American culture. The program was founded by

36、 former President Dwight D. Eisenhower to promote peace through understanding .I had to put in many hours of special work to get to this point. First, a teacher nominated me, and then I attended an informational meeting about the program. The application process included an interview, and finally, I

37、 was accepted.Thats when the hard work really began, In addition to attending monthly meetings to prepare for the big trip, my parents encouraged my twin sister Beth (also participating in the program) and me to raise $2,000 each to help pay for the cost. And so the fund-raising began.We did everyth

38、ing from selling subs and candy bars to selling an old car to decorating peoples mailboxes during the holiday season. We also baby-sat,washed cars, held a yard sale, and washed windows. After months of hard work 1 had raised a total ofS2,319.87! Combined, Beth and 1 raised over S4,500. 00!Now I have

39、 a problempacking. Yes, 1 know it sounds unimportant, but my suitcase seems to have shrunk as I placed my belongings inside. According to airline regulations, a suitcase can be no larger than 54 inches and weigh no more than 44 pounds For a person who likes to wear a different outfit every day, pack

40、ing all ray clothes into such a small space seemed an impossible task. However, I have gradually lessened ray load and my suitcase which started out weighing overweight now checks in at a mere 36 pounds. Apart from a slightly bloated (臃肿的)carry-on bag, my luggage is definitely manageable.1 doubt whe

41、ther I will get much sleep tonight because I am so excited! I know that what lies ahead is going to be the trip of a lifetime!47.When docs the author write the passage?A. Several months before the journey.B. The night prior to leaving.C. Just hours after reaching the destination.D. The night when sh

42、e was accepted.48. Which of the following is not the aim of People to People program?A.To promote peace through understanding.B.To make American culture known to others.C.To collect money for travelling.D.To learn about othacultures.49. Which is the correct order of the authors preparation for die j

43、ourney? a.being accepted as a memberb. raising money for the tripc. attending a meeting about the programd. packing belongingse. being nominated by the teacherA.e, a, b, c, d B. a, c, e, d, bC.c, a, e, b, d D. c, c, a, b, d50. What does the author think of the journey?A.It could be a tiring, expensi

44、ve journey.B.It could be a long-lasting journey, which needs taking all dailynecessities.C. It could be an oversea journey, during which she would experience hard labour.D. It could be an exciting, unforgettable journey.DDear Mr. Expert,I grew up in an unhappy and abusive home. I always promised mys

45、elf that Id get out as soon as possible.Now, at age 20, I have a good job and a nice house, and Tin really proud of the independence Ive achieved.Heres the problem: several of my friends who still live with their parents wish they had places like mineso much so that they make mine theirs.It started

46、out with a couple of them spending the weekends with me.But now they seem to take it for granted that they can show up any time they like. They bring boyfriends over, talk on the phone and stay out forever.I enjoy having my friends here sometimesit makes the place feel comfortable and warm-but this

47、is my home, not a party house. I am old enough to move out on my own, so why cant I seem to ask my friends to respect my privacy(私人空间)?JoanDear Joan,If your family didnt pay attention to your needs when you were a child, you probably have trouble letting others know your needs now.And if youve gathe

48、red your friends around you to rebuild a happy family atmosphere , you may fear that saying no will bring back the kind of conflict you grew up withor destroy the nice atmosphere you now enjoy. You need to understand that in true friendship its okay to put your own needs first from time to time.Be d

49、ear about the message you want to send. For example, “I really love your company but 1 also need some privacy. So please call before you come over.”Edward51.We can learn from the first letter that Joan .A.lives away from her parents B.takes pride in her friendsC.knows Mr. Expert quite well D.hates her parents very much52.We can infer from the first letter that .A.Joan considers her friends more important than her privacyB.Joan doesnt like


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