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1、1第十一讲 八年级下 Unit 1Unit 2单元话题Unit 1 Health and first aid (健康与急救) Unit 2 Volunteering and charity (志愿服务与慈善)熟词生义1.foot (n.)英尺 Mark was standing just a few feet away from me.马克就站在离我几英尺远的地方。某物的底部,某物的下端 There was a small village at the foot of the mountain.山脚下有一个小村庄。2.rest (v.)(被)支撑;(使)倚靠 Their bikes were

2、resting against the wall.他们的自行车靠在墙上。3.control (v.)克制,自制 Sarah took a deep breath, trying to control her anger.萨拉深吸一口气,试图控制住自己的愤怒情绪。4.sign (v.)签(名),署(名),在上签字 The artist signed his name in the corner of the painting.画家在这幅画的角上落了款。5.change (v.)替换,更换 When I lost my keys, we had to change all the locks.我丢

3、了钥匙之后,我们只好把所有的锁都换了。换(衣服)Francis came in while Jay was changing.杰伊正在换衣服,弗朗西斯进来了。换乘 You have to change trains at Zhengzhou for Chengdu.要去成都,你得在郑州换乘火车。2词汇拓展1.foot(n.) (pl.)脚;足 2.lie(v.) (过去式) (过去分词) (现在分词)躺;平躺 3.hurt(v.) (过去式/过去分词)(使)疼痛;受伤 4.hit (v.) (过去式/过去分词)(用手或器具)击;打 5.her(pron.) (名词性物主代词)她的 (反身代词)

4、她自己 6.our(pron.) (名词性物主代词)我们的 (反身代词)我们自己 7.climb(v.) (n.)登山者;攀登者 8.knife(n.) (pl.)刀 9.mean(v.) (过去式/过去分词)意思是;打算;意欲 (n.)意义;意思 (adj.)意味深长的 (adj.)毫无意义的 10.important(adj.) (n.)重要性;重要 11.decide(v.) (n.)决定;抉择 12.feel(v.) (过去式/过去分词)感受到;觉得 (n.)感觉;感触 13.satisfy(v.) (n.)满足;满意 (adj.)满意的;满足的;欣慰的 14.own(v.) (n.)

5、物主;主人 15.imagine(v.) (n.)想象力;想象 16.difficult(adj.) (n.)困难;难题 17.carry(v.) (过去式/过去分词)拿;提;扛 18.train(v.) (n.)训练;培训 19.kind(adj.) (n.)仁慈;善良 20.understand(v.) (过去式/过去分词)理解;领会 3短语归纳1. 感冒 2. 胃疼 3. 躺下 4.take ones temperature 5.have a fever 6.take breaks(take a break) 7. 下车 8. 使惊讶的;出乎意料 9. 及时 10.right away

6、11.get into 12. 习惯于;适应于 13.take risks(take a risk) 14.run out(of) 15. 切除 16. 离开;从出来 17. 掌管;管理 18.give up 19. 打扫(或清除)干净 20. (使)变得更高兴;振奋起来 21.give out 22. 想出;提出(主意、计划、回答等) 23. 推迟 24.hand out 25. 打电话给(某人);征召 26. 曾经;过去 27. 照顾;非常喜欢 28. 参加选拔;试用 29.fix up 30.give away 31. (外貌或行为)像 32.set up 33.make a diffe

7、rence 情景交际 谈论健康问题和事故 给出建议41. ?你怎么了? I have a headache.我头疼。2. ?你发烧了吗? Yes, I do./No, I dont./I dont know.是的,我发烧了。/不,我没发烧。/我不知道。3.Whats the matter with Ben?Ben怎么了? . He has a sore back.他伤到自己了。他背疼。 4. ?她应该做什么? She should take her temperature.她应该量体温。5. ?我应该放些药在上面吗? Yes, you should./ No, you shouldnt.是的,

8、你应该。/不,你不应该。语法回顾1.情态动词 should,could的用法2.反身代词3.动词不定式4.动词短语【参考答案】【词汇拓展】1.feet 2.lay; lain; lying 3.hurt 4.hit 5.hers; herself 6.ours; ourselves 7.climber 8.knives 9.meant; meaning; meaningful; meaningless 10.importance 11.decision 12.felt; feeling 13.satisfaction; satisfied 14.owner 15.imagination16.d

9、ifficulty 17.carried 18.training 19.kindness 20.understood【短语归纳】1.have a cold 2.have a stomachache 3.lie down 4.量体温 5.发烧 6.休息 7.get off 8.to ones surprise 9.in time 10.立即;马上 11.陷入;参与 12.be used to 13.冒险 14.用尽;耗尽 15.cut off 16.get out of 17.be in control of 518.放弃 19.clean up 20.cheer up 21.分发;散发 e up with 23.put off 24.分发 25.call up 26.used to 27.care for 28.try out 29.修理;装饰 30.赠送;捐赠 31.take after 32.设立;建起 33.影响;有作用 【情景交际】1.Whats the matter with you/Whats wrong with you 2.Do you have a fever 3.He hurt himself 4.What should she do 5.Should I put some medicine on it

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