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1、- 1 -商南高中 2018-2019 学年第一学期高二英语第二次月考试题第二部分 阅读理解 (共两节,满分 40 分) 第一节 (共 15 小题,每小题 2 分,满分 30 分) AGo Orange for Orangutans(猩猩)Do you like wildlife? Do you want to help protect wildlife? If you do, take action now before it becomes too late. Join us to raise50,000 to help save the amazing orangutan and its

2、 forest home.Orangutans are one of our closest relatives. We share over 96DNA with them and yet we are destroying their homes. Their numbers are falling because of the worse environment and if we dont act now they could disappear with in our lifetime.Its really easy to Go Orange for Orangutans. Simp

3、ly pick a day, choose your way to Go Orange and donate1. 100of your donation will go directly to help this unique and endangered species in the wild. Click on our links below for ideas, advice and inspiration. See what previous supporters have done and get planning!Why Go Orange?One of our closest r

4、elatives badly needs our help. Find out why its so important to get involved today in Go Orange for Orangutans.For schools We have created lots of useful resources to make it easy to get your whole school involved whether its a primary or secondary school in England or wales.Register(注册) for Go Oran

5、geGetting started is really easy.just register your interest today and well be in touch to help support you all the way.Free Fund-raising(筹款) Information ParkTo help you get started weve put together a free fund-raising and information pack.In the FieldRead our blogs from the field and learn how the

6、 money we raise helps to save orangutan in the wild.Orangutan Jungle RunPlay our fun and free Orangutan Jungle Run game and help us spread the message - 2 -to help orangutans in the wild.21.If you want to know about how the donated money is used, which link would you click on?A.Why Go Orange B.In th

7、e fieldC.Orangutan Jungle Run D.Register for Go Orange 22.What can we know about Orangutan Jungle Run?A.It can give you some free information pack.B.it can let you know its important to help Orangutans.C.It can make you register your interest today.D.It can attract more people to attend the activity

8、23.Whats the purpose of Go Orange for Orangutans?A.To provide wildlife habitats.B.To donate large sums to poor schools.C.To keep orangutans from dying out.D.To raise money for studying orangutans.B It was a normal school day for senior Solymar Solis until an unexpected visitor arrived. Her dad, Sgt.

9、 Carlos Solis Melendez, surprised her by coming home early from Kuwait and visiting her unannounced at Spring Valley High School in South Carolina.After serving in Kuwait for nine months, Melendez returned home a week earlier than his daughter expected. He held balloons and flowers in a classroom as

10、 he sat at a students desk to blend in with the crowd. “It came across my mind like, How is she going to react?” he recalled the heartwarming moment. “Is she going to be happy and run to me and hug me, or cry? That was all going on through my mind.”As unsuspecting Solymar entered the classroom, she

11、was soon overcome with emotion, immediately bursting into tears and covering her mouth. She didnt talk. She was just crying. She was overwhelmed with everything. She thought it was a dream.Melendez was a single parent so while he was deployed (调动), he got his sister to live with his daughter. When h

12、e was coming back and talking to his sister, both of them came to the conclusion that they should do something special for his daughter. Melendez and his sister got in touch with the school, - 3 -and they planned this thing, and it turned out perfect.The two are very much looking forward to some goo

13、d daddydaughter time now that hes home. “It means everything,” Melendez said of being able to surprise his daughter this way. “After all the sacrifices(牺牲) shes made, she deserves all the special arrangements and special occasions and celebrations. Ill do anything for my daughter. I believe Im doing

14、 good parenting.”24.How did Solymar feel at first when entering the classroom?A.She was eager to hug her father. B.She felt everything was as usual.C.She got excited at seeing her father. D.She was surprised by what she saw.25. What was Melendezs attitude to the surprise?A. Upset. B. Astonished. C.

15、Touched. D. Content.26.Why did Melendez plan the surprise for Solymar?A.To get involved in her school life. B.To show his concern for her in a special way.C.To build a strong emotional bond with her. D.To make up for what she lost in her growth.27.What can be the best title for the passage?A.Fathers

16、 selfless love for his daughter B.Girl expecting the returning of her dadC.Girl surprised at school by her dads return D.Father and daughters expected reunionCNearly everyone is bullied (欺负) at some time in their lives. If you are being bullied, you may feel scared, but you owe it to yourself to try

17、 and sort out the situation so that the bullying stops.It is surprising that all sorts of people who are now very successful adults were bullied when they were young. It is encouraging to know that it is possible to succeed, in spite of being bullied at school. All of these wellknown people were bul

18、lied at school: Phil Collins, Harrison Ford, Tom Cruise and many others.WHAT CAN I DO IF I AM BEING BULLIED?If your school has an antibullying system, use it to get help. If youre not sure how it works, then talk to a teacher. Some schools ignore bullying, but - 4 -dont become resigned (听天由命 ) to be

19、ing a victim. You can still help yourself and ask others to help you.Tell a friend what is happening. Ask him or her to help you. It will be harder for the bully to pick on you if you have a friend with you for support.Dont fight back if you can avoid it. Most bullies are bigger or stronger than you

20、. If you fight back you could make the situation worse, get hurt or be blamed for starting the trouble.Try to avoid being alone in the places where you know the bully is likely to pick on you. This might mean changing your route to school, avoiding parts of playground, or only using common rooms whe

21、n other people are there.Keep a diary of what is happening. Write down the details of the incidents and your feelings. When you do decide to tell someone, a written record of the bullying makes it easier to prove what has been going on.28.What could be the best title of the passage?A.What to do if b

22、ulliedB.How bullying occursC.Fight back when bulliedD.Bullyingwhose fault?29.From the first two paragraphs we can infer that_ .A.bullying seldom happens among peopleB.bullying is very common among peopleC.wellknown people used to be bullied when youngD.ordinary people are not likely to be bullied 30

23、. When would a person be likely to be bullied?A.When he is with a friend.B.When he is going home by himself.C.When in a room full of people.D.When he is playing on the playground. 31. By writing down the details of the incidents, you can_A.change the bad situationB.avoid being bulliedC.easily prove

24、what is happeningD.make the bully scaredD- 5 -The meaning of silence varies among cultural groups. Silences may be thoughtful, or they may be empty when a person has nothing to say. A silence in a conversation may also show stubbornness, or worry. Silence may be viewed by some cultural groups as ext

25、remely uncomfortable; therefore attempts may be made to fill every gap(间隙)with conversation. Persons in other cultural groups value silence and view it as necessary for understanding a persons needs.Many Native Americans value silence and feel it is a basic part of communicating among people,just as

26、 some traditional Chinese and Thai persons do.Therefore, when a person from one of these cultures is speaking and suddenly stops, what maybe implied(暗示) is that the person wants the listener to consider what has been said before continuing. In these cultures, silence is a call for reflection.Other c

27、ultures may use silence in other ways, particularly when dealing with conflicts among people or in relationships of people with different amounts of power. For example, Russian, French, and Spanish persons may use silence to show agreement between parties about the topic under discussion. However, M

28、exicans may use silence when instructions are given by a person in authority rather than be rude to that person by arguing with him or her. In still another use, persons in Asian cultures may view silence as a sign of respect, particularly to an elder or a person in authority.Nurses and other care-g

29、ivers need to be aware of the possible meanings of silence when they come across the personal anxiety their patients may be experiencing. Nurses should recognize their own personal and cultural construction of silence so that a patients silence is not interrupted too early or allowed to go on unnece

30、ssarily. A nurse who understands the healing(治愈) value of silence can use this understanding to assist in the care of patients from their own and from other cultures.32 What does the author say about silence in conversations?A.It implies anger. B. It promotes friendship.C. It is culture-specific. D.

31、It is content-based.33.Which of the following people might regard silence as a call for careful thought?A.The Chinese. B.The French. C.The Mexicans. D.The Africans.34.What does the author advise nurses to do about silence?- 6 -A.Let it continue as the patient pleases. B.Break it while treating patie

32、nts.C.Evaluate its harm to patients. D.Make use of its healing effects.35.What may be the best title for the text?A.Sound and Silence B.What It Means to Be SilentC.Silence to Native Americans D.Speech Is Silver; Silence Is Gold第二节(共 5 小题 ,每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项.选项中有两项为多余选项.How

33、to Make Small TalkTheres nothing small about small talk.Many great friendships and relationships have started with small talk. Small talk helps you build a meaningful relationship with a person. _ 36 If you want to know how to master small talk, just follow these steps.37 If you want to make a perso

34、n feel comfortable, the best thing to do is to have an “open attitude” and to direct your body toward that person without being too forceful. Just make eye contact, dont cross your arms, and face your shoulders toward that person. This will make the person feel like youre giving him all of your atte

35、ntion.Put away your phone. Theres nothing more annoying than talking to a person who is constantly checking his cellphone.Though you should look eager to talk to the person, dont look to eager. Dont lean so close that you scare him away. _ 38 Give a friendly greeting. If youre seeing someone you alr

36、eady know, just say hello and greet her by her name, “Hi, Jen, its good to see you.” _ 39 If you dont know the person, introduce yourself first so you feel more confident and in control of the conversation._ 40 Just a simple“I love your shoeswhere did you get them?” can get you into a fun conversati

37、on about shoe shopping. Even if the praise doesnt lead anywhere, it will still make the person feel more appreciated before you start discussing other subjects.A. Have friendly body language.B. Focus your attention on their shoes.- 7 -C. It also benefits you in the professional world.D. Many people

38、are turned off by a close-talker.E. Start with small praise.F. You will feel uncomfortable when close to others.G. This is simple and direct and lets the person know youre excited to talk.第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,45 分)第一节 完形填空(共 20 小题,每小题 15 分,满分 30 分)A successful CEO was growing old and decided to choose th

39、e next CEO.He called all the young executives(经 理 )in his company together and gave each one of them a 41 seed.He said,“I want you to plant the seed and come back here one year from today with 42 you have grown from the seed.Ill then 43 the plants. And the one with best plant will be the next CEO.”J

40、im went home with a seed and planted the seed in a pot.Every day,he would water it and 44_ to see if it had grown.After three weeks, some executives began to 45_their plants that were beginning to grow.Jim 46 checking his seed, 47 nothing ever grew.One month,three month,and six months went by , 48 n

41、othing.Jim felt like a 49 .A year 50 went by.Jim told his wife that he wasnt going to take his 51 pot to his company. But she asked him to be 52.At last he took it to the company where he was amazed 53 the plants grown by others.They were beautifulin all shapes and sizes.When the CEO arrived,Jim jus

42、t tried to 54 in the back. 55 ,the CEO spotted Jim and his pot.He asked Jim to come to the front.Jim was 56 .but he told the CEO what had happened.The CEO then announced,“The next CEO will be Jim!”Jim couldnt 57 it.Jim couldnt even grow his seed.“How could he be the new CEO?” the other said.The CEO

43、said,“One year ago today, I gave you all boiled seeds; they were dead-It was not 58 for them to grow.I hope that all of you would tell the 59 .Jim was the only one with the 60 to do so.So he is the one who will be the new CEO!”- 8 -41. A. valuable B. special C. useful D. lucky 42. A. that B. which C

44、. what D.whether 43. A. study B. measure C. test D. judge 44. A. expect B. manage C. watch D. try 45. A. talk about B. think about C. passion D. show off46. A. started B. stopped C. kept D. considered 47. A. and B. but C. however D. so48. A. even B. yet C. just D. still 49. A. failure B. joke C. tri

45、ck D. fool50. A. gradually B. usually C. finally D. nearly51. A. empty B. small C.ugly D. poor52. A. independent B. honest C. gentle D. brave53. A. to B. in C. on D. at54. A. hide B.explain C. disappear D. confirm55. A. Rapidly B. Suddenly C. Exactly D. Naturally56. A. proud B. terrified C. excited

46、D. curious57. A. stand B. accept C. change D. believe58. A. essay B. rare C. possible D. necessary59. A. reason B. truth C. difference D. result60. A. courage B. belief C. power D. ability第 II 卷(非选择题 50 分)第二节 (共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于 3 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。If we look at successfu

47、l people, we can always see that they are usually not those _61_ never faced failure at all in their life. In fact, some of the 62 (success) people in the world we have heard of _63_ (start) out poorly, and _64_ (actual) they have failed many times.There are so many other great failures that famous

48、people met with. For example, the most famous basketball player of all time. Michael Jordan was just _65_ ordinary person before he joined the NBA and he was even cut out from his school basketball team 66 they said he was “lack of skill”. The greatest_67_( invent) in history was Albert Einstein, _6

49、8_(think) as mentally retarded (智力迟钝的) when he was young. He didnt speak until he - 9 -turned 4 and didnt read until he was 7. His grades were so poor in school that his teacher finally asked him _69_ (quit) his school.Successful people do not complain about the adversity (逆境). Instead, they accept the adversity 70 part of life and never put blame onto others.第四部分 写作 (共两节,满分 35 分 )第一节 短文改错(10 分)文中共有 10 处语言错误,要求你在错误的地方增加、删除或修改某个单词。增加:在缺词处加一个漏词符号() ,并在


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