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1、1吉林省辉南县第一中学 2018-2019 下学期高二第一次月考英语试题I 听力(满分 30 分)第一节 听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A,B,C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍.1. Where has the woman found a job? A. In an oil company. B. In a soil company. C. In a wine company.2. When does the girl quarrel with her mother

2、?A. When she is angry. B. When her mother is angry.C. When they have different opinions.3. Did the girl give a gift to her mother?A. No, she didnt. B. Yes, she did. C. They didnt mention it.4. Whats the weather like?A. Its cloudy. B. Its windy. C. Its rainy.5. Whats the girl wearing?A. A new shirt.

3、B. A suit. C. A new suit.第二节听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A,B,C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第 6 段材料,回答 68 题。6. Who was the visitor?A. A friend of the man. B. A cat. C. His own cat.7. What happened that night?A. Someone knocked at the doo

4、r.B. Nobody knocked at his door.C. A cat knocked at his door.8. When did the story happen?A. In the morning. B. In the afternoon. C. In the evening.听第 7 段材料,回答 911 题。9. How old was the man when he began to smoke?A. Fourteen. B. Fifteen. C. Sixteen.10. What can smoking cause?A. Heart disease, cancer

5、and other problems.B. Look like grown-up. C. Healthy body.11. What was the man trying to do?A. Go on smoking. 2B. Give up smoking. C. Cure his disease.听第 8 段材料,回答 1213 题。12. What was the boy doing when he got his foot hurt?A. Riding a bike. B. Climbing a tree. C. Climbing a hill.13. What did the boy

6、 do after he hurt his foot?A. Went back to town. B. See a doctor. C. Tied the foot up.听第 9 段材料,回答 1416 题。14. What happened to the woman?A. She had an accident.B. She had a truck. C. She met a soldier.15. How fast was the car going?A. 19 miles an hour. B. 90 miles an hour. C. 9 miles an hour.16. What

7、 did the policeman do after the accident?A. Booked the drunk soldier.B. Drove the soldier into the town.C. Let the women say sorry to the soldier.听第 10 段材料,回答 1720 题。17. What is the Wayle?A. It is a park. B. It is a river. C. It is a bird.18. When did I go to the park?A. Saturday. B. Sunday. C. Frid

8、ay.19. What happened to the man?A. He was struck by a ball. B. He fell into water.C. He heard the people shout at him.20. Which one is right?A. The man was angry at the children.B. The children said sorry to the man.C. The man threw the ball back to the children.II 阅读理解 (共 15 小题,每小题 2 分) A Pacific S

9、cience Center GuideVisit Pacific Science Centers StoreDont forget to stop by Pacific Science Centers Store while you are here to pick up a wonderful science activity or souvenir to remember your visit. The store is located(位于) upstairs in Building 3 right next to the Laster Dome.Hungry?3Our exhibits

10、 will feed your mind but what about your body? Our caf offers a complete menu of lunch and snack options, in addition to seasonal specials. The caf is located upstairs in Building 1 and is open daily until one hour before Pacific Science Center closes.Rental InformationLockers are available to store

11、 any belongings during your visit. The lockers are located in Building 1 near the Information Desk and in Building 3. Pushchairs and wheelchairs are available to rent at the Information Desk and Denny Way entrance. ID required.Support Pacific Science Center Since 1962 Pacific Science Center has been

12、 inspiring a passion(热情) for discovery and lifelong learning in science, math and technology. Today Pacific Science Center serves more than 1.3 million people a year and beings inquiry-based science education to classrooms and community events all over Washington State. Its an amazing accomplishment

13、 and one we cannot achieve without generous support from individuals, corporations, and other social organizations. Visit pacificorganzier.org to find various ways you can support Pacific Science Center.21.Where can you buy a souvenir at Pacific Science Center?A.In Building 1.B.In Building 3.C.At th

14、e last Dome.D.At the Denny Way entrance.22.What does Pacific Science Center do for schools?A.Train science teachers.B.Distribute science books.C.Inspire scientific research.D.Take science to the classroom.23.What is the purpose of the last part of the text?A.To encourage donations.B.To advertise com

15、ing events.C.To introduce special exhibits.D.To tell about the Centers history.BA warm drink of milk before bed has long been the best choice for those wanting a good nights sleep. But now a study has found it really does help people nod offif it is milked from a cow at night. Researchers have disco

16、vered that “night milk” contains more melatonin(褪黑激素), which has been proven to help people feel sleepy and reduce anxiety. The study, by researchers from Seoul, South Korea, involved mice being fed with dried milk powder made from cows milked both during the day and at night. Those given night milk

17、, which contained 10 times the amount of melatonin, were less active and less anxious than those fed with the milk collected during daytime, according to the study published in The Journal of Medicinal Food. 4Night milk quickened the start of sleep and caused the mice to sleep longer. While the effe

18、ct of cows milk harvested at different time has not been tested on humans up to now, taking melatonin drugs has been suggested to those who are struggling to fall asleep at night. Previous studies have also indicated that milk can be excellent for helping sleep because of the calcium content, which

19、helps people to relax. Milk is also sugar-free and additive-free with nutritionists recommending skimmed milk as the best choice before bed as it is the least fattening. The more fat you take in before bedtime, the greater burden you will put on your body at night.24.According to the text, the mice

20、fed with daytime milk_.A.started sleep more easilyB.were more anxiousC.were less activeD.woke up later25.Which of the following is true of melatonin according to the text?A.Its been tested on mice for ten yearsB.It can make people more energeticC.It exists in milk in great amountD.Its used in sleepi

21、ng drugs26.What can be a suitable title for the text?A.Night Milk and SleepB.Fat Sugar and HealthC.An Experiment on MiceD.Milk Drinking and Health27.How does the author support the theme of the text?A.By giving examples.B.By stating arguments.C.By explaining statistical data.D.By providing research

22、results.CModern day robots may not be as entertaining as R2D2 or the robot from Lost in Space, but robots are very important to space exploration and are being used in a variety of different ways for several important reasons.Robots make great explorers on planets, moons, and other landing areas. As

23、ide from the earth, just about every surface in the solar system is unsafe for humans to explore. The air on most other planets is insufficient for humans to explore. The air on most other planets is insufficient for humans to breathe, making it necessary to wear a space suit and oxygen equipment. T

24、he temperatures on these surfaces are much too hot or much too cold for any humans to withstand. Plus there would be complications with radiation, weather, and a lack of gravity. Robots have much less limitation in these areas and can survive much longer under these conditions.Robots are designed fo

25、r collecting scientific data. Robots are also able to 5perform many tasks at one time and can process information much quicker and more efficiently. Important scientific projects from detecting minerals, analyzing ground samples, to finding water are all performed much quicker and accurately by robo

26、ts.The use of robots has made the cost of space exploration much less expensive than it would cost for humans to do the work. In order to successfully send humans into space we would need to build a vehicle that can not only carry humans, but also enough | food and water to keep them alive for the d

27、uration of the trip. Moreover, robots have no problems working for hours on end. Robots never complain, they dont require food or water, and they never need a bathroom break.Over the past 30 years or so there have been many different types of robots used successfully in the exploration of space. Per

28、haps the most famous and successful robots are Spirit and Opportunity who have both been exploring the surface of Mars. They have both been very successful with experiments on soil and rocks and have even found evidence of water in Mars history.28.Which of the following would be the best title for t

29、he passage?A.The Development of RobotsB.The Discovery of Space ExplorationC.No Robots,No Space ExplorationD.Robots Are Used in Space Exploration29.According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?A.The use of robots in space exploration costs more than the use of humans.B.It is dangerous

30、 for. humans to explore other surfaces in the solar system except the earth.C.Both Spirit and Opportunity have found the evidence of water on Mars.D.Many different types of robots have explored the space successfully.30.The underlined word “withstand” most probably means“_”A.remainB.bearC.defeatD.de

31、velop31.What is the writers attitude in this passage?A.Negative.B.Persuasive.C.Subjective.D.Objective.DIsle Royale is surrounded by the deep blue waters of Lake Superior, the largest freshwater lake on Earth. The only way to get there is by boat or seaplane. The National Park Service operates shuttl

32、e boats that take visitors to Isle Royale. The boats leave from two Michigan ports. A boat trip to Isle Royale takes three to five hours .Waters are often extremely rough.6Modern copper mining began in the late 1800s. resulting in large areas of the island being burned. This led to settlement develo

33、pment. Soon,Isle Royale became popular for summer homes. It became a national park on April 3, 1940. In 1980, officials named it an International Biosphere Reserve(生物圈保护区) because of its unique ecosystem.Isle Royale offers hiking, camping, boating, and even scuba diving. The National Park Service pr

34、otects 11 sunken(沉没的) boats for divers to explore. They are reminders of Lake Superiors commercial shipping history. The sunken wooden ship called The America is one of the most popular dive sites. The America carried passengers, mail, and supplies to many towns along the shores of Lake Superior. It

35、 first launched in 1898, and was used until 1928, when it was damaged. It sank to the bottom of the lake soon after.Visitors to Isle Royale share the trails with a well-studied population of wolves. Scientists believe wolves walked there during a freeze of the lake sometime in the 1940s. Researchers

36、 closely record their population numbers. Much of the research takes place during the winter, when the trees are bare. The researchers fly over the island to observe the animals from above.Animal research is the only winter activity going on at Isle Royale. The national park is closed each year in l

37、ate October because of the terrible weather conditions and reopens in spring time the next year.But for the other months of the year. Isle Royale offers green forests, and clear blue waters. Its excellent scenery and unusual location keep visitors returning year after year.32.What is mainly talked a

38、bout in the first paragraph?A.The access to the island.B.The islands locationC.The islands natural environment.D.The islands basic information.33.How long is the history of the national park?A.More than two centuries.B.Over seventy years.C.Less than forty years.D.Over one hundred years.34.The sunken

39、 boats and ship are considered as _.A.a site where people seek pleasure and wealthB.a lesson that reminds people to remember the disastersC.an underwater museum where people can see many relicsD.a history book that shows the commercial shipping in the area35.The researchers fly over the island in wi

40、nter because _.A.there are more animals thenB.they can have a clear look at the animals thereC.they dont intend to disturb the animalsD.the island cant be reached with the lake frozen7III 七选五 (共 10 分,每小题 2 分)ForgivenessTo forgive is a virtue, but no one has ever said it is easy. When someone has dee

41、ply hurt you, it can be extremely difficult to let go of your hate. However, forgiveness is possible, and it can be surprisingly beneficial to your physical and mental health. People who forgive show less sadness, anger and stress and more hopefulness, according to a recent research.36 Try the follo

42、wing steps:Calm yourself.37 You can take a couple of breaths and think of something that gives you pleasure: a beautiful scene in nature, or someone you love.Dont wait for an apology. Many times the person who hurt you does not intend to apologize. They may have wanted to hurt you or they just dont

43、see things the same way.38 Keep in mind that forgiveness does not necessarily mean becoming friends again with the person who upset you.Take the control away from your offender(冒犯者). Rethinking about your hurt gives power to the person who caused you pain. Instead of focusing on your wounded feeling

44、s, learn to look for the love, beauty and kindness around you.39 If you understand your offender, you may realize that he or she was acting out of unawareness, fear, and even love. You may want to write a letter to yourself from your offenders point of view.Dont forget to forgive yourself.40 But it

45、can rob you of your self-confidence if you dont do it.A.Why should you forgive? B.How should you start to forgive?C.Recognize the benefits of forgiveness.D.Try to see things from your offenders angle.E.For some people, forgiving themselves is the biggest challenge.F.To make your anger die away, try

46、a simple stress-management technique.G.If you wait for people to apologize, you could be waiting an awfully long time.IV 完形填空 (共 20 小题,每小题 1.5 分)A Race Against DeathIt was a cold January in 1925 in North Alaska. The town was cut off from the rest of the world due to heavy snow.On the 20th of that mo

47、nth, Dr. Welch 41 a Sick boy, Billy, and knew he had diphtheria, a deadly infectious(传染的) disease mainly affecting children. The children of Nome would be 42 if it struck the town. Dr. Welch needed medicine as soon as possible to stop other kids from getting sick. 43 , the closest supply was over 1,

48、000 miles away, in Anchorage.How could the medicine get to Nome? The towns 44 was already full of ice, so it couldnt come by ship. Cars and horses couldnt travel on the 45 roads. Jet airplanes and big trucks didnt exist yet.846 January 26, Billy and three other children had died. Twenty more were 47

49、 . Nomes town officials came up with a(n) 48 . They would have the medicine sent by 49 from Anchorage to Nenana. From there, doge led(狗拉雪橇) driversknown as “mushers”would 50 it to Nome in a relay(接力).The race began on January 27. The first musher, Shannon, picked up the medicine from the train at Nenana and rode all night. 51 he handed the medicine to the next musher, Shannons face was black from the extreme cold.On January 3


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