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1、1第四讲词义猜测题上下文中求答案考查内容 设问方式根据上下文猜测词义是阅读能力的一部分,也是高考阅读理解测试中重要的一项。要做好这类题目,考生要记住:在完整的语篇中,单词和词组的意义总是受特定的语境、上下文限制的,因此考生可以根据上下文,并利用所掌握的语法、词汇和构词法等知识确定它们的意义。词义猜测可以是对一个单词的意义的推断,也可以是对一个短语或句子的意义的推断;既可以考查生词的意义,也可以考查熟词的新义,还可以是对替代词所替代内容的判断。在阅读理解题中,所考查的词或短语的意义往往不停留在字面上,而要根据短文提供的语境,通过阅读上下文,根据已知的信息或常识来推测尚不熟悉的词或短语的含义。By

2、 saying that “.” in the first (second .) paragraph, the author means that _.In Paragraph ., “.” can be replaced by “_”The meaning of “.” in Paragraph . is related to _.Which of the following has the closest meaning to . (Paragraph .)?As is used in Line ., the word “.” refers to _.The underlined sent

3、ence in the . paragraph probably means that _.词义猜测题 7 大猜词技巧要做好词义猜测题,考生除了必须熟练掌握考试大纲规定的词汇外,在平时的训练中还要注意积累生词和短语,掌握构词法的基本知识,对于各种前、后缀的变化形式了然于心,还要学会根据上下文语境进行合理推测,掌握一定的解题技巧。根据定义或上下文解释进行猜测有时短文中出现一个需要猜测其意义的词或短语,下面接着出现其定义或解释。标点符号,如逗号后的解释(名词同位语)、破折号后的解释、括号内的解释等。这都是判断该词或短语意义的主要依据。例如:Annealing is a way of making

4、metal softer by heating it and then letting it cool very slowly.句子给予了 annealing 一个明确的定义,即“退火” 。It will be very hard but also very brittle that is, it will break easily.从 that is(也就是说)后的解释中我们可以了解到,brittle 是“脆的”意思。The herdsman,_who looks after sheep, earns about 650 yuan a year.定语从句中 looks after sheep

5、 就表明了 herdsman 的词义为“牧人” 。2The weather in this area is treacherous;_its sudden changes often endanger the lives of sailors.分号后的句子在解释什么样的天气是 treacherous, sudden change 与 treacherous 在语义上相对应,因此含义是“突变的” 。Some good readers find it helpful to use their sense to visualize or picture what they read.visualiz

6、e 的意思由破折号后的 picture(想象)给出了说明,因此含义为“想象” 。When President Torrijos of Panama met Carter, he tried to give him a friendly abrazo (hug)abrazo 对大多数人来说都很陌生,但由括号内的 hug(拥抱),我们不难推测 abrazo 也是“拥抱”的意思。例 (2018全国卷阅读 C 节选)Soon afterwards, many of those people started settling down to become farmers, and their langu

7、ages too became more settled and fewer in number. In recent centuries, trade, industrialisation, the development of the nationstate and the spread of universal compulsory education, especially globalisation and better communications in the past few decades, all have caused many languages to disappea

8、r, and dominant languages such as English, Spanish and Chinese are increasingly taking over.29Which of the following best explains “dominant” underlined in paragraph 2?AComplex. BAdvanced.CPowerful. DModern.分析 根据画线词所在句子可知,人类社会发展的很多因素导致许多语言消失,而逐渐被英语、西班牙语、汉语等语言取代,画线词前后的解释暗示了这些语言逐渐占主导地位,故选 C 项 powerful

9、 (强大的,有影响力的)。根据同位关系进行猜测阅读中出现的难词有时后面紧跟一个同位语,对前面的词进行解释,因此可利用同位关系对前面的词义或句意进行猜测。例如:They traveled a long way, at last got to a castle,_a large building in old times.同位语部分“a large building in old times”给出了 castle 的确切词义,即古时候的“城堡” 。3We are on the night_shift from midnight to 8 am. this week.两个破折号之间的短语很清楚地表明

10、 night shift 是“夜班”的意思。The “Chunnel”, a tunnel (隧道) connecting England and France, is now complete.此句中“a tunnel (隧道) connecting England and France”是 Chunnel 的同位语。因此,Chunnel 指的就是英法之间的海底隧道。例 (2016全国卷阅读 C 节选)I am Peter Hodes, a volunteer stem cell courier. Since March 2012, Ive done 89 trips of those, 5

11、1 have been abroad. I have 42 hours to carry stem cells (干细胞) in my little box because Ive got two ice packs and thats how long they last. In all, from the time the stem cells are harvested from a donor (捐献者) to the time they can be implanted in the patient, weve got 72 hours at most. So I am always

12、 conscious of time.29Which of the following can replace the underlined word “courier” in Paragraph 1?Aprovider Bdelivery manCcollector Dmedical doctor分析 “a volunteer stem cell courier”是“Peter Hodes”的同位语;根据文中“I have 42 hours to carry stem cells (干细胞) in my little box”可知,Peter Hodes 的任务就是将捐献者捐献的干细胞运送给

13、需要的病人,即作者是干细胞递送员。故选择 B 项。根据构词法(前缀、后缀、派生等)进行猜测在英语中,有很多词可以通过增加前缀和后缀的方式,构成新词。乍看起来,这个词可能是新词,但在掌握了一定的构词知识之后,就不难猜出它的词义。例如:“Our parties are aimed for children 2 to 10, ” Anaclerio said, “and theyre very interactive and creative in that they built a sense of drama based on a subject.”文中 interactive 是由前缀 int

14、er(相互的)和 active(活动的,活跃的)构成的,同时根据上下文的意思可以判断,该词的含义应是“互动的” 。Perhaps, we can see some possibilities for next fifty years. But the next hundred?possibility 是 possible 的同根名词,据此可以判断 possibility 的意思是“可能性”。例 (2016全国卷阅读 D 节选)4A silence in a conversation may also show stubbornness, uneasiness,_or worry.分析 根据构词

15、法知识我们可知,un为否定前缀,ness 为名词后缀,easy(舒适)为词根。因此,我们可猜测 uneasiness 为“不安;担忧”之意。根据因果关系进行猜测在一篇阅读文章中,根据原因可以预测结果,根据结果也可以找出原因。例如:The lack of movement caused the muscles to weaken. Sometimes the weakness was permanent. So the player could never play the sport again.从后面的结果“永远不能再运动”可以推测 permanent 的意思为“永远的,永久的” 。Mary

16、 didnt notice me when I came into the classroom, because she was completely engrossed in her reading.从前面的结果“当我走进教室时,玛丽没有注意到我”可以推测 engrossed 的意思为“全神贯注的” 。Our vision was obscured by the trees, so we couldnt see the lake from our window.由后面的结果 couldnt see(看不见)可知,我们的视线被树遮挡住(obscured)了。例 (2018全国卷阅读 B 节选)

17、If you have a_juicer,_you can simply feed in frozen bananas and some berries or sliced fruit. Out comes a “softserve” creamy dessert, to be eaten right away. This makes a fun activity for a childrens party; they love feeding the fruit and frozen bananas into the top of the machine and watching the i

18、ce cream come out below.26What is “a juicer” in the last paragraph?AA dessert. BA drink.CA container. DA machine.分析 该段第一句含有一个 if 引导的条件状语从句,若满足该条件,则产生的结果是第一句的后半句和第二句, “you can simply feed in frozen bananas and some berries or sliced fruit. Out comes a softserve creamy dessert, to be eaten right away.

19、” 即“将冰冻香蕉和其他莓类、水果片放进去,出来的是奶油状甜品” 。由此因果关系可推知 juicer 指的是榨汁机。故选择 D 项。根据上下文的指代关系进行猜测文章中的代词 it, that, he, him 或 them 可以指代上文提到的人或物,其中 it 和that 还可以指代一件事。有时代词指代的对象相隔较远,要认真查找;有时也需要对前面5提到的内容进行总结,才能得出代词所指代的事物。例如:Like Schmid, the editors of several selfpublished art magazines also champion (捍卫 ) found photograp

20、hs. One of them,_called simply Found, was born one snowy night in Chicago, when Davy Rothbard returned to his car to find under his wiper (雨刷) an angry note intended for someone else:“Whys your car HERE at HER place?”them 指的是前面出现的 selfpublished art magazines。However, the question that “moon people”

21、asked is still an interesting one. A growing number of scientists are seriously thinking about it.it 指的是月球人(moon people)所问的问题(the question)。例 (2017全国卷阅读 C 节选)2Despite the celebrations, though, in the US.the jazz audience continues to shrink and grow older, and the music has failed to connect with yo

22、unger generations.3Its Jason Morans job to help change that.As the Kennedy Centers artistic adviser for jazz, Moran hopes to widen the audience for jazz, make the music more accessible, and preserve its history and culture.29What does the underlined word “that” in paragraph 3 refer to?AJazz becoming

23、 more accessible.BThe production of jazz growing faster.CJazz being less popular with the young.DThe jazz audience becoming larger.分析 根据语境可知,画线词 that 指代第二段“Despite the celebrations, though, in the US. the jazz audience continues to shrink and grow older, and the music has failed to connect with youn

24、ger generations.”的内容,即爵士乐听众的数量减少并且趋于老龄化,不受年轻人喜欢的现状。故选 C。根据同义或近义关系进行猜测在同一句、同一段或同一篇文章中,作者为了避免语言的单调、重复,有时会使用意思相同或相近的词。因此,考生只要读懂上下文,知道其中一个词的意思,就能猜出另外一个词的意思。例 (2018全国卷阅读 D 节选)Adults understand what it feels like to be flooded with objects. Why do we 6often assume that more_is_more when it comes to kids a

25、nd their belongings? The good news is that I can help my own kids learn earlier than I did how to live more with less.32What do the words “more is more” in paragraph 1 probably mean?AThe more, the better.BEnough is enough.CMore money, more worries.DEarn more and spend more.分析 根据该段第一句“Adults understa

26、nd what it feels like to be flooded with objects.”可知,作者认为成年人都理解物质过剩的那种感觉,后面又用反问句提出了问题:但是,说到孩子们和他们的物品,我们为什么通常又认定 more is more 呢?由此推知,这里的 more is more 与前面的 flooded with 为近义呼应,指“越多越好” 。故选A。根据转折或对比关系进行猜测根据上下句的连接词,如 but, however, otherwise 等可以推断上下文之间的逻辑关系,从而可以依据某一句的含义,来确定另一句的含义。另外,分号也可以表示转折、对比或不相干的意义。例如:

27、A childs birthday party doesnt have to be a hassle;_it can be a basket of fun.从分号前后两句的意思可以看出,hassle 和 a basket of fun 是相反的意义,所以不难判断 hassle 的意思是“困难,麻烦” 。She is usually prompt for all her class, but today she arrived in the middle of her first class.but 一词表示转折,因此 but 前后的意思正好相反。根据后半句的意思“她今天第一节课上了一半才来”

28、,可得出她平时一向“准时”的结论。The players in the World Cup are professionals, while those who play in the Olympics must be amateurs.由于转折词“while”引导的两个分句前后意义相反,我们可推测出 amateurs 是professionals(专业人士)的反义词,意思为“业余人士,业余选手” 。例 (2017全国卷阅读 C 节选)Gray wolves once were seen here and there in the Yellowstone area and much of th

29、e continental United States, but they were gradually displaced by human 7development. By the 1920s, wolves had practically disappeared from the Yellowstone area. They went farther north into the deep forests of Canada, where there were fewer humans around.29What does the underlined word “displaced”

30、in paragraph 2 mean?ATested. BSeparated.CForced out. DTracked down.分析 画线词的前句说明在黄石公园和美洲大部分地区曾有许多的灰狼,连词 but转折了句子意义,后来由于人类的发展,灰狼数量逐渐减少,几乎消失,由此可推断出画线词的意思为“被迫离开” ,故选择 C 项。课堂应用体验 AKrubera Cave in the western Caucasus Mountains is the deepest known cave in the world. An international team prepared to desce

31、nd into Krubera. The team members hoped to be the first cavers to reach a depth of 2,000 meters, brought five tons of equipment and other necessities with them, and established camps at key locations along the route. They worked for up to 20 hours each day.In the third week, progress was blocked at

32、1,775 meters by a sump a cave passage filled with water that gives cavers few options. There are basically three techniques available: dive through it, empty it, or go around it. Gennadiy Samokhin dove to the bottom but was disappointed. “No chance to get through, ” he said. Searching for a way arou

33、nd the sump, Garcia Dils risked entering a waterfall of near freezing water and discovered that his dry suit had holes in it. “The water was so cold that I lost the feeling in my fingers, ” he said later. He, too, was unsuccessful.Finally, two teammates found a way around the sump through a tight pa

34、ssage they called the Way to the Dream. The team was exhilarated. The passage led to yet another sump at 1,840 meters. After a short test dive, Samokhin emerged, smiling. There was a promising passage, he reported. But it would have to wait. After nearly four weeks, with supplies running low, the te

35、am had run out of time and would have to return to the surface.Four weeks later, a team of nine Ukrainian cavers led by Yuri Kasjan went 8back to Krubera. Following the path opened by the previous team, they reached the sump at 1,840 meters relatively quickly. After much searching, a pit (坑), later

36、named the Millennium Pit, was discovered that allowed them to pass the 2,000 meter depth. More pits and passages led them to 2,080 meters, a spot they named Game Over. But the caving game is never over. Deeper caves will probably continue to be discovered and call out to be explored.语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。文章

37、讲述了探洞穴者对世界上最深的洞穴库鲁伯亚拉洞穴进行探索的过程。1Why did the team return to the surface after nearly four weeks?AThey were lacking in supplies.BThey had achieved their goal.CThey couldnt go through the sump.DThey gave their task to Yuri Kasjans team.解析:选 A 细节理解题。根据第三段中的“After nearly four weeks, with supplies running

38、 low, the team had run out of time and would have to return to the surface.”可知,因为物资逐渐短缺,探洞穴者被迫返回地面。2What does the underlined word “exhilarated” probably mean?ACheerful. BPowerful.CConfused. DExhausted.解析:选 A 词义猜测题。根据画线词前的“two teammates found a way around the sump through a tight passage they called

39、the Way to the Dream”可知,两名队员找到了通过水坑的通道,所以他们应该很高兴,故选 A 项。3Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?AGame Over was discovered at 2,000 meters.BThe Way to the Dream begins at 1,840 meters.CThe Millennium Pit passed the 2,080 meters depth.DSamokhins teammates found a way around a sump at 1,7

40、75 meters.解析:选 D 细节理解题。根据第二段中的“progress was blocked at 1,775 meters by a sump”以及第三段中的“two teammates found a way around the sump through a tight passage”可知,Samokhin 在 1 775 米处找到了绕过水坑的通道。4What is the text mainly about?AThe features of Krubera Cave.BFamous caves around the world.CA journey of exploring

41、 Krubera Cave.9DThe importance of exploring Krubera Cave.解析:选 C 主旨大意题。本文讲述了探洞穴者对世界上最深的洞穴库鲁伯亚拉洞穴进行探索的过程,故选 C 项。BThere has been much debate over the past few decades concerning fears that automation will lead to robots replacing human workers on a massive scale.The increasing use of robotics, computer

42、s and artificial intelligence is a reality, but its full consequences are far from cut_and_dried. While the future is uncertain, robots are a fixture of our society which are not going to disappear. As with the Industrial Revolution, where machines were used in many tasks in place of manual laborers

43、, the Digital Revolution is likely to place robots in various jobs. In spite of that, many of todays jobs were not in existence before the Industrial Revolution, such as those of programmers, engineers and data scientists. Exactly what new kinds of jobs might exist in the future is difficult to imag

44、ine at present. Therefore, the most important part of the issue is not whether jobs will be lost, but whether the creation of new vacancies (空缺) will outpace the everincreasing number of losses and what skills will be required in the future.So which workers are considered to be at particular risk? I

45、t has been suggested that middleskill jobs involving routine and set rules, such as those in office administration, could be assigned to computers. While patternrecognizing software will soon be able to diagnose diseases both earlier and more accurately than doctors. However, this does not necessari

46、ly signal the replacement of human doctors. Futurists foresee doctors using patients wearable devices to collect and monitor physiological data. Likewise, farmers will attend to livestock whose microsensors could indicate the onset of illness while considering the process of planting crops based on

47、predictive data sets as well as analyzing online weather forecasts.It is clearly not all bad news, as the demand for employees with skills in data analysis, coding, computer science, artificial intelligence and humanmachine interface is continually rising. Furthermore, the demand for skills in jobs

48、where humans surpass computers, such as those involving care, creativity and innovative craftsmanship, is likely to increase considerably. Finally, the key lies in the adaptation of the workforce, through appropriate 10education and training, to keep pace with our worlds technological progress.语 篇 解

49、 读 : 本 文 是 一 篇 议 论 文 。 文 章 探 讨 了 科 技 的 发 展 对 人 类 的 职 业 带 来 的 冲 击 。5What is the main concern associated with technological advances?ASafety at work.BBoredom of life.CIncreased unemployment.DRobots taking over the world.解析:选 C 细节理解题。由第一段中的“fears that automation will lead to robots replacing human workers”可知,人们担忧的是失业问题。6Which is closest in


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