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1、1Unit 17 Laughter(一)课前自主学习.阅读单词知其意1anecdote n 轶事,趣闻2ridiculous adj. 荒谬的,可笑的3forgetful adj. 健忘的4psychology n. 心理学5comedian n. 喜剧演员6comedy n. 纵联 1 喜剧7compensate vt. 补偿,赔偿8authority n. 权威;权力9mature adj. 成熟的10identification n. 身份11component n. 成分,组成部分12string n. 绳,线13agency n. 代理处,经销处14yawn vi. 打哈欠.重点单词

2、写其形1clarify vt. 澄清,讲清楚 22withdraw vt. 纵联 2 提取;撤退3forbid vt. 禁止,不准4border n. 国界,边境5overlook vt. 忽略,忽视6swiftly adv. 迅速地7delay n. 纵联 3 延误,延期8acknowledge vt. 承认,认可9figure n. 纵联 4 人物10scold vt. 斥责,责备11obtain vt. 获得,得到12tough adj. 艰难的;不幸的;强壮的13rarely adv. 很少,难得14yell vi. 叫喊,叫嚷15queue vi. 排队16purely adv. 完

3、全地,仅仅17raw adj. 生的,未煮过的18depth n. 深(度),纵深19resist vt. 抵抗,抵制20desperate adj. 不顾一切的21unbelievable adj. 不可置信的,极其惊人的22tension n. 紧张,焦虑23scratch n. 痕迹或划伤vt. 划(破).拓展单词通其变1amuse vt.逗乐,使(某人)笑amusement n 娱乐,消遣;快乐的事amused adj.娱乐的,觉得好笑的amusing adj.逗人笑的,好笑的2convince vt.使相信convincing adj.令人信服的convinced adj.相信的,信

4、任的3harmony n 协调,和谐harmonious adj.和谐的,协调的4scare vt.使恐惧scared adj.惊恐的,担惊受怕的scary adj.可怕的,(某人)吓得发抖的5profession n 职业,专业professional adj.职业的6universal adj.通用的,普遍的;全世界的universe n 宇宙7astonish vt.使惊讶,使惊骇astonishing adj.令人惊讶的astonished adj.3惊讶的astonishment n 惊奇8caution n 谨慎,小心cautious adj.谨慎的,小心的cautiously a

5、dv.谨慎小心地9response n 回应,应答respond v 回答,答复10messy adj.凌乱的,肮脏的mess n 混乱纵联 1.“剧”之种种tragedy 悲剧 TV play/series 电视剧soap opera 肥皂剧 drama 话剧Peking Opera 京剧 Henan Opera 豫剧comedy 喜剧纵联 2.“金融”词汇荟萃account n 账目;账户 budget n 预算(案)capital n 资金;资本 cheque n 支票interest n 利息 withdraw vt.提取financial crisis 金融危机 banking bu

6、siness 金融业financial market 金融市场纵联 3.“推迟,耽搁”词汇小聚delay hold uppostpone put offdefer lay overdetain stop overretard纵联 4.由“figure”想到的VIP 重要人物a historical figure 历史人物a heroic figure 英雄人物a typical character 典型人物a big shot/a somebody 大人物a small potato/a nobody 小人物biography 人物传记legendary personage 传说人物4单元话题

7、娱乐活动子话题 1 体育赛事marathon 马拉松 throwing 投掷high jump 跳高 long jump 跳远individual events 个人赛 team events 团体赛freestyle relay 自由泳接力 womens singles 女子单打mens doubles 男子双打子话题 2 娱乐场所amusement park 游乐场 night club 夜总会aquarium 水族馆 bathing beach 海滨浴场concert 音乐会 bar 酒吧间botanical garden 植物园 exhibition 展览carnival 狂欢节子话题

8、 3 艺术品种literature 文学 painting 绘画music 音乐 dance 舞蹈sculpture 雕塑 drama 戏剧architecture 建筑 movie 电影学考对接活学活用高考采撷(一) 阅读中的词汇应用1(2013江苏高考阅读 B)Markets and queues paying and waiting are two different ways of allocating things, and each is appropriate to different activities. The morals of the queue, “First com

9、e, first served, ” have an egalitarian (平等主义的) appeal. They tell us to ignore privilege, power, and deep pockets.写出加黑词在此处的汉语意思:队列,长队,在此处为名词,还可作动词,意为排队写出加黑词在本单元的同义词形式:overlook写出加黑词在本单元的名词:depth2(2013重庆高考阅读 D)It is filled with symbiotic existences, too: unimaginable quantities of creatures, little and

10、 large alike, mix within its 5depths in a kind of oceanic (harmonious), giving to the waters a feeling of heartbeat, a kind of subocean vitality. And it has a psychology. It has personalities: sometimes peaceful and pleasant, on rare occasions rough and wild; always it is strong and striking.用所给词的适当

11、形式填空:harmony写出加黑词在本单元的副词形式:rarely写出加黑词在本单元的同义词:tough3(2009浙江高考阅读 C)A device like this could also be used to identify fruits that are perfectly ripe and ready to pick and eat, says Natalia Dudareva, a biochemist at Purdue University in West Lafayette,Ind.who studies smells of flowers and plants.写出加黑词

12、在本单元的同根名词:identification,加黑词所在句中短语 be used to do sth.意为被用来做某事 ,与 used 相关的短语还有:used to do sth.意为过去常常做某事,be used to doing sth.意为习惯于做某事写出加黑词在本单元的同义词:purely写出加黑词在本单元的同义词:mature高考采撷(二) 写作中的词汇应用(根据汉语及提示词翻译句子)1(2018全国卷书面表达)这部短片会让你确信我们和学校共同成长并且它光荣的历史也让我们吃惊。(convince, astonish)The_short_film_will_convince_yo

13、u_that_we_are_growing_together_with_our_school_and_its_glorious_history_also_astonishes_us.2(2015江苏高考书面表达)我们承认,没有规章制度,人们不可能享受到和谐,或者整个国家也会处于混乱中。(acknowledge, harmony)It_is_acknowledged_that_people_could_not_enjoy_harmony_or_the_country_would_be_in_chaos_without_rules_and_regulations.3(2013安徽高考书面表达)我会

14、牢记交通规则于心。如果我步行,我不会忘记走人行道。如果我上公交车,我会按顺序排队。(queue)I_will_keep_traffic_rules_in_mind_all_the_way._If_I_walk,_Ill_never_forget_to_use_the_pedestrian_crossing._If_I_get_on_the_bus,_Ill_queue_in_order.(二)课堂重点释疑61forbid (forbade, forbidden) vt.禁止,不准记牢(1)forbid doing sth. 禁止做某事forbid sb. sth. 禁止某人某事Error! 禁

15、止某人做某事(2)forbidden adj. 禁止的;不准的练通 单句语法填空He was forbidden to_leave (leave) the house, as a punishment.For the benefit of health, people forbid smoking (smoke) in the office.My father forbade me from meeting my friends online at the Internet cafe! 一句多译他父亲禁止他去任何网吧。His father forbade_him_to_go to any ne

16、t bar.His father forbade_him/his_going to any net bar.His father forbade_him_from_going to any net bar.写美(2012福建高考书面表达)更甚的是,他们吐痰甚至向湖里扔垃圾,这是在公共场合完全禁止的行为。Whats_worse,_they_spat_and_even_threw_rubbish_into_the_lake,_which_is_forbidden_totally_in_public_places.联想 forbid 后用动名词作宾语,用动词不定式作宾语补足语。类似的还有 allow

17、, encourage, advise, permit 等。2astonish vt.使惊讶,使惊骇记牢(1)It astonishes sb. that . 令某人惊讶的是(2)astonished adj. 感到惊讶的be astonished at/by . 对感到惊讶be astonished to do . 因做而感到惊讶astonishing adj. 令人惊讶的(3)astonishment n. 惊奇,惊异to ones astonishmentto the astonishment of sb.让某人感到惊讶的是in astonishment 惊讶地7练通 单句语法填空He

18、was astonished to_see (see) a man lying in the box on top of a pile of woolen goods.Everyone is astonished at/by the news that hes learned Latin in three months.After hearing the news, she stared at me in astonishment.China is developing at an astonishing (astonish) speed,and will soon be one of the

19、 most powerful countries in the world. 完成句子To_my_astonishment,_it disappeared completely.令我吃惊的是,它消失的无影无踪了。It_did_not_astonish_her_at_all_that he had gone.他走了,她对此一点都不吃惊。写美(2015浙江高考书面表达)我们正在讨论去哪里郊游,令我吃惊的是,大部分同学想去公园而我想去一个更好的地方。We_were_discussing_where_to_go_for_an_outing._To_my_astonishment,_most_of_my

20、_classmates_wanted_to_go_to_a_park_while_I_had_an_idea_of_going_to_a_nicer_place.3acknowledge vt.认可,承认;对(某人所做的事)表示感谢;告知收到记牢(1)acknowledge sb./sth. to be/as .认为某人/物是;承认某人/物是acknowledge doing sth. 承认做某事It is universally/widely acknowledged that . 是大家公认的(2)acknowledgement n. 承认;感谢练通 单句语法填空With no solid

21、 evidence, he refused to acknowledge stealing (steal) the ladys purse.We are sending you a small sum of money in acknowledgement (acknowledge) of your help.Its universally acknowledged (acknowledge) that Professor Hawking is one 8of the worlds greatest physicists. 句型转换People widely acknowledge that

22、students should be evaluated in terms of overall quality.It is widely acknowledged that students should be evaluated in terms of overall quality.Its universally acknowledged that Tom is one of the top students in our class.Tom is universally acknowledged as/to be one of the top students in our class

23、.写美(2018全国卷书面表达)大家普遍认为,你到达的时间不能迟于规定的时间。It_is_widely_acknowledged_that_your_arrival_shouldnt_be_later_than_the_fixed_time.4delay n. bring about; contribute to 等。句式集释while 引导的省略句教材原句 While still at primary school, Rowan had already shown admirable acting talent.悟拓展例句(1)So while sitting (sit) in the cl

24、assroom and doing my papers, I felt confident and was full of energy.因此,当我坐在教室做试卷时,我感到信心十足、精力旺盛。(2)If chosen (choose), Mr. Brown, who is rich in experience, will turn out to be an excellent manager.如果被当选,经验丰富的布朗先生会成为一名优秀的经理。(3)If_(it_is)_necessary,_you should turn to your parents for help.如果有必要,你应该向

25、你的父母求助。析用法规则(1)while still at primary school 为状语从句的省略,完整形式为 while he was still at primary school。用法归纳(2)在由 while, when, if, as if, even if/though, though, although, until, once, unless 等引导的状语从句中,当从句中的主语与主句的主语一致或从句中的主语是 it,且从句中含有 be 的某种形式时,从句中的主语连同 be 可同时省略。背写作佳句21(1)(2017全国卷满分作文)When told you are in

26、terested in Tang poems, I am very delighted.(开头句)(2)(2016江苏高考满分作文)In short, internet voting, to some extent, is unfair, if not immoral, and cannot be trusted.(要点句)(3)(2016全国卷满分作文)If convenient for you, lets meet at 8:30 outside the school gate. If not, let me know what time suits you best. I should

27、be available any time after school next week.(总结句)词块、句式过关综合训练 .选词填空get rid of, burst out laughing, wait in line, run into, thanks to, do sb. good, result in, regardless of1I almost burst_out_laughing when I saw what she was wearing.2Its good manners for us to wait_in_line when we buy a ticket.3Music

28、 can help us get_rid_of_bad moods and make us forget about misfortunes.4It will not do_you any good if you drink large amounts of water after heavy exercise without any rest.5Stress and tiredness often result_in a lack of concentration.6Anyone can do rockclimbing, regardless_of_their fitness level o

29、r age.7Thanks_to his effort, it is more successful than we have expected.8But the governments plans have run_into strong opposition from the campaigners of civil rights.完成句子1In_spite_of/Despite_the_bad_weather,_the sports meeting will be held on time.尽管天气不好,运动会还将按时举行。2When you do something with fait

30、h, it_will_result_in_success.当你有信心地去做某事,结果就会成功。3While_working_in_that_factory,_he made many friends.在那个工厂工作时,他交了许多朋友。4Dont worry if you have_any_trouble_(in)_studying_Chinese,_and just take your time.学汉语有任何困难时都不要担心,慢慢来。22.分步写作仔细观察下面两幅图画,写一篇幽默故事,讲述“我”在星期天发生的“污水代墨”的趣事,反映“污染严重”这一主题。可以适当发挥。注意:1.短文必须前后连贯

31、;2词数 100 左右。参考词汇:墨汁 ink;化工厂 chemical works第一步:准确审题,理行文脉络,拟写作要点本写作属于看图作文,时态根据叙述事件而定,人称为第一人称。要点可以从下面三部分着手:一是点出特殊墨水,引出主题;二是叙述经过;三是呼吁治理污染。要点表达要力求准确全面,避免跑题。要点 1:上周日我发现了一种不用花钱的特殊墨水,这真是太有趣了。Last_Sunday_I_found_a_special_ink_that_cost_nothing_and_it_was_amusing.要点 2:在路上我惊奇地发现在河里有一些黑水。I_was_astonished_to_fin

32、d_some_black_water_in_the_river_on_the_way.要点 3:因此到了我们每个人保护环境的时候了。So_it_is_time_for_everyone_to_protect_our_environment.第二步:添加细节,文意更丰满,表达更亮眼为了使内容更充实,我们需要对要点进行升级改造,使之更加完美、地道。如要点 1使用 which 引导的非限制性定语从句;要点 2 可补充内容“污水代墨”的过程,表达时用be doing . when .句型,there be 句型,which 引导的非限制性定语从句,why not动词原形以及 and 并列句;要点 3

33、可添加对环境现状的陈述,可使用现在分词短语做状语以及 It is time . that 句型。拓展 1:上周日我发现了一种不用花钱的特殊墨水,这真是太有趣了。(which 引导的非限制性定语从句)Last_Sunday_I_found_a_special_ink_that_cost_nothing,_which_was_amusing.拓展 2:我正在家里做作业,这时发现墨水用完了。我毫不迟疑地去附近的一家商店去买了一瓶新的。(be doing . when .)23I_was_doing_my_homework_at_home_when_I_found_my_ink_had_run_out

34、._I_went_to_a_store_nearby_to_buy_a_new_bottle_without_delay.拓展 2:在路上我惊奇地发现在河里有一些黑水。(there be 句型)I_was_astonished_to_find_there_was_some_black_water_in_the_river_on_the_way.拓展 2:我很快弄明白了:附近的一所化工厂一直在往这条小河排放污水,这就造成了现在的局面。(which 引导的非限制性定语从句)Soon,_I_figured_out_that_the_chemical_works_nearby_was_always_p

35、ouring_polluted_water_into_it,_which_resulted_in_the_situation.拓展 2:“为什么不用它作墨水?”我说。因此我就带了些回家。(why not动词原形)“Why_not_use_it_as_ink?”_said_I._So_I_got_some_home.拓展 2:多亏了它,我按时完成了作业并且对它很满意。(and 并列句)Thanks_to_it,_I_finished_my_homework_on_time_and_felt_content_with_it.拓展 3:面对这种形势,我们必须承认,尽管政府采取了一些措施,但我们的环境

36、一直在遭受着严重的污染。(现在分词作状语)Facing_this_situation,_we_must_acknowledge_that_our_environment_is_being_polluted_seriously_in_spite_of_some_measures_taken_by_our_government.拓展 3:因此到了我们每个人保护环境的时候了。(It is time that .)So_it_is_time_that_everyone_should_protect_our_environment.第三步:连句成文,排语句顺序,重衔接过渡开头开门见山点出话题;中间叙述事

37、件,用到连接词,如 so, but 等;结尾表达了治理污染的强烈期望。Last_Sunday_I_found_a_special_ink_that_cost_nothing,_which_was_amusing.I_was_doing_my_homework_at_home_when_I_found_my_ink_had_run_out._So_I_went_to_a_store_nearby_to_buy_a_new_bottle_without_delay._But_I_was_astonished_to_find_there_was_some_black_water_in_the_riv


39、wledge_that_our_environment_is_being_polluted_seriously_in_spite_of_some_measures_taken_by_our_government.So_it_is_tim24e_that_everyone_should_protect_our_environment.理清句间结构之(一) 总分一般来说,段落的首句常是主题句,起到总领的作用,后面句子是对主题句的论证和分析,有时通过引用一些句子进行说明。利用句子间的这种“总分”关系,可准确解答阅读七选五类题目。高考典例 1 2018全国卷阅读七选五Before there was

40、the written word, there was the language of dance. Dance expresses love and hate, joy and sorrow, life and death, and everything else in between._36_ We dance from Florida to Alaska, from north to south and sea to sea. We dance at weddings, birthdays, office parties and just to fill the time.由位置可知 3

41、6 题为主题句,为总,根据其后的细节支撑句“We dance from Florida to Alaska, from north to south and sea to sea. We dance at weddings, birthdays, office parties and just to fill the time.”可知,舞蹈在美国无处不在。 B 项符合要求。ASo why do we dance?BDance in the US. is everywhere.CIf you like dancing outdoors, come to America.DMy older stu

42、dents say it makes them feel young.EI keep practicing even when Im extremely tired.FDancing seems to change their feeling completely.GThey stayed up all night long singing and dancing.高考典例 2 2017全国卷阅读七选五Lots of people find it hard to get up in the morning, and put the blame on the alarm clock. In fa

43、ct, the key to easy morning wakeup lies in resetting your body clock._16_ Heres how to make one._17_ In order to make a change, you need to decide why its important. Do you want to get up in time to have breakfast with your family, get in some exercise, or just be better prepared for your day? Once

44、you are clear about 25your reasons, tell your family or roommates about the change you want to make.第 16 题空格前一句为主题句,为总,介绍了早上起床变得简单的关键是重新设置生物钟,后一句为细节支撑句,提出要制定一个调节计划,因此得出第 16 题的答案为 C 项。由位置可知 17 题为主题句,为本题的总;根据后面的细节支撑句“In order to make a change”和“Once you are clear about your reasons”可以断定 B 项为正确答案。Rethi

45、nk mornings .Keep your sleep/wake schedule on weekends .Keep a record and evaluate it weekly .AGet a sleep specialist.BFind the right motivation.CA better plan for sleep can help.DAnd consider setting a second alarm.EIf the steps you take are working, keep it up.FStick to your set bedtime and wakeup

46、 time, no matter the day.GReconsider the 15 minutes you spend in line at the cafe to get coffee.高考典例 3 2016全国卷阅读七选五_38_ Fresh fish should smell sweet: you should feel that youre standing at the oceans edge. Any fishy or strong smell means the fish isnt fresh. _39(A)_ When you have bought a fish and

47、arrive home, youd better store the fish in the refrigerator if you dont cook it immediately, but fresh fish should be stored in your fridge for only a day or two. Frozen fish isnt as tasty as the fresh one.第 38 空考查段首主题句。根据段落中提供的细节:围绕如何通过嗅觉来鉴别鱼是否新鲜,由此可以推出 F 项为本段的主题句,意为“买鱼时应该先闻一闻” 。A.Do not buy it.BThe easiest is to steam it.CThis is how you can do it.DIt just requires a little knowledge.EThe fish will go bad within hours.FWhen buying fish, you should first smell it.GThe fats in fish are thought to help prevent heart disease.26


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