1、 IEC 60909-0 Edition 2.0 2016-01 INTERNATIONAL STANDARD NORME INTERNATIONALE Short-circuit currents in three-phase a.c. systems Part 0: Calculation of currents Courants de court-circuit dans les rseaux triphass courant alternatif Partie 0: Calcul des courants IEC 60909-0:2016-01(en-fr) THIS PUBLICAT
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18、ues, en anglais et en franais, extraites des articles Termes et Dfinitions des publications IEC parues depuis 2002. Plus certaines entres antrieures extraites des publications des CE 37, 77, 86 et CISPR de lIEC. Service Clients - webstore.iec.ch/csc Si vous dsirez nous donner des commentaires sur ce
19、tte publication ou si vous avez des questions contactez-nous: csciec.ch. IEC 60909-0 Edition 2.0 2016-01 INTERNATIONAL STANDARD NORME INTERNATIONALE Short-circuit currents in three-phase a.c. systems Part 0: Calculation of currents Courants de court-circuit dans les rseaux triphass courant alternati
20、f Partie 0: Calcul des courants INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNICAL COMMISSION COMMISSION ELECTROTECHNIQUE INTERNATIONALE ICS 17.220.01; 29.240.20 ISBN 978-2-8322-3158-6 Registered trademark of the International Electrotechnical Commission Marque dpose de la Commission Electrotechnique Internationale War
21、ning! Make sure that you obtained this publication from an authorized distributor. Attention! Veuillez vous assurer que vous avez obtenu cette publication via un distributeur agr. 2 IEC 60909-0:2016 IEC 2016 CONTENTS FOREWORD . 5 1 Scope 7 2 Normative references. 8 3 Terms and definitions 8 4 Symbol
22、s, subscripts and superscripts . 13 4.1 General . 13 4.2 Symbols 13 4.3 Subscripts . 15 4.4 Superscripts 16 5 Characteristics of short-circuit currents: calculating method 16 5.1 General . 16 5.2 Calculation assumptions 19 5.3 Method of calculation 20 5.3.1 Equivalent voltage source at the short-cir
23、cuit location . 20 5.3.2 Symmetrical components . 22 6 Short-circuit impedances of electrical equipment 23 6.1 General . 23 6.2 Network feeders 23 6.3 Transformers 25 6.3.1 Two-winding transformers 25 6.3.2 Three-winding transformers 25 6.3.3 Impedance correction factors for two- and three-winding n
24、etwork transformers 27 6.4 Overhead lines and cables 28 6.5 Short-circuit current-limiting reactors . 29 6.6 Synchronous machines . 29 6.6.1 Synchronous generators 29 6.6.2 Synchronous compensators and motors 31 6.7 Power station units 31 6.7.1 Power station units with on-load tap-changer 31 6.7.2 P
25、ower station units without on-load tap-changer . 32 6.8 Wind power station units . 33 6.8.1 General . 33 6.8.2 Wind power station units with asynchronous generator . 33 6.8.3 Wind power station units with doubly fed asynchronous generator . 34 6.9 Power station units with full size converter . 35 6.
26、10 Asynchronous motors 35 6.11 Static converter fed drives . 36 6.12 Capacitors and non-rotating loads . 36 7 Calculation of initial short-circuit current . 36 7.1 General . 36 7.1.1 Overview . 36 7.1.2 Maximum and minimum short-circuit currents . 41 7.1.3 Contribution of asynchronous motors to the
27、short-circuit current 42 7.2 Three-phase initial short-circuit current 43 7.2.1 General . 43 IEC 60909-0:2016 IEC 2016 3 7.2.2 Short-circuit currents inside a power station unit with on-load tap- changer . 44 7.2.3 Short-circuit currents inside a power station unit without on-load tap- changer . 46
28、7.3 Line-to-line short circuit . 47 7.4 Line-to-line short circuit with earth connection . 47 7.5 Line-to-earth short circuit 49 8 Calculation of peak short-circuit current . 49 8.1 Three-phase short circuit . 49 8.1.1 Single-fed and multiple single-fed short circuits 49 8.1.2 Multiple-fed short cir
29、cuit . 51 8.2 Line-to-line short circuit . 52 8.3 Line-to-line short circuit with earth connection . 52 8.4 Line-to-earth short circuit 52 9 Calculation of symmetrical breaking current . 53 9.1 Three-phase short circuit . 53 9.1.1 Symmetrical breaking current of synchronous machines 53 9.1.2 Symmetr
30、ical breaking current of asynchronous machines 54 9.1.3 Symmetrical breaking current of power station units with doubly fed asynchronous generator . 55 9.1.4 Symmetrical breaking current of power station units with full size converter . 55 9.1.5 Symmetrical breaking current of network feeder 56 9.1.
31、6 Symmetrical breaking current in case of multiple single-fed short- circuits . 56 9.1.7 Symmetrical breaking current in case of multiple-fed short circuits 56 9.2 Unbalanced short-circuits 57 10 DC component of the short-circuit current 57 11 Calculation of steady-state short-circuit current 58 11.
32、1 General . 58 11.2 Three-phase short circuit . 58 11.2.1 Steady-state short-circuit current of one synchronous generator or one power station unit . 58 11.2.2 Steady-state short-circuit current of asynchronous motor or generator. 61 11.2.3 Steady-state short-circuit current of wind power station un
33、it with doubly fed asynchronous generator . 61 11.2.4 Steady-state short-circuit current of wind power station unit with full size converter . 61 11.2.5 Steady-state short-circuit current of network feeder 61 11.2.6 Steady-state short-circuit current in case of multiple single-fed short circuits . 6
34、1 11.2.7 Steady-state short-circuit current in case of multiple-fed short circuits . 62 11.3 Unbalanced short circuits 62 12 Short circuits at the low-voltage side of transformers, if one line conductor is interrupted at the high-voltage side 62 13 Terminal short circuit of asynchronous motors 64 14
35、 Joule integral and thermal equivalent short-circuit current. 65 Annex A (normative) Formulas for the calculation of the factors m and n . 68 Annex B (informative) Nodal admittance and nodal impedance matrices 69 Bibliography . 73 4 IEC 60909-0:2016 IEC 2016 Figure 1 Short-circuit current of a far-f
36、rom-generator short circuit with constant AC component (schematic diagram) 17 Figure 2 Short-circuit current of a near-to-generator short-circuit with decaying AC component (schematic diagram) 18 Figure 3 Characterization of short-circuits and their currents . 19 Figure 4 Illustration for calculatin
37、g the initial symmetrical short-circuit current “ k I in compliance with the procedure for the equivalent voltage source . 21 Figure 5 System diagram and equivalent circuit diagram for network feeders 24 Figure 6 Three-winding transformer (example) 27 Figure 7 Diagram to determine the short-circuit
38、type (Figure 3) for the highest initial short-circuit current referred to the initial three-phase short-circuit current when the impedance angles of the sequence impedances Z (1) , Z (2) , Z (0)are identical . 38 Figure 8 Examples of single-fed short-circuits . 40 Figure 9 Example of a multiple sing
39、le-fed short circuit 40 Figure 10 Example of multiple-fed short circuit . 41 Figure 11 Short-circuit currents and partial short-circuit currents for three-phase short circuits between generator and unit transformer with or without on-load tap- changer, or at the connection to the auxiliary transform
40、er of a power station unit and at the auxiliary busbar A . 45 Figure 12 Factor for series circuit as a function of ratio R/X or X/R 50 Figure 13 Factor for calculation of short-circuit breaking current I b . 54 Figure 14 Factor q for the calculation of the symmetrical short-circuit breaking current
41、of asynchronous motors 55 Figure 15 Factors minand maxfactors for cylindrical rotor generators . 60 Figure 16 Factors minand maxfor salient-pole generators 60 Figure 17 Transformer secondary short-circuits, if one line (fuse) is opened on the high-voltage side of a transformer Dyn5 63 Figure 18 Fact
42、or m for the heat effect of the DC component of the short-circuit current (for programming, the formula to calculate m is given in Annex A) 66 Figure 19 Factor n for the heat effect of the AC component of the short-circuit current (for programming, the formula to calculate n is given in Annex A) . 6
43、7 Figure B.1 Formulation of the nodal admittance matrix 70 Figure B.2 Example . 71 Table 1 Voltage factor c . 22 Table 2 Importance of short-circuit currents 37 Table 3 Factors and for the calculation of short-circuit currents with Formula (96), rated transformation ratio t r= U rTHV /U rTLV64 Table
44、 4 Calculation of short-circuit currents of asynchronous motors in the case of a short circuit at the terminals 65 Table B.1 Impedances of electrical equipment referred to the 110 kV side . 71 IEC 60909-0:2016 IEC 2016 5 INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNICAL COMMISSION _ SHORT-CIRCUIT CURRENTS IN THREE-PHA
45、SE AC SYSTEMS Part 0: Calculation of currents FOREWORD 1) The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) is a worldwide organization for standardization comprising all national electrotechnical committees (IEC National Committees). The object of IEC is to promote international co-operation on a
46、ll questions concerning standardization in the electrical and electronic fields. To this end and in addition to other activities, IEC publishes International Standards, Technical Specifications, Technical Reports, Publicly Available Specifications (PAS) and Guides (hereafter referred to as “IEC Publ
47、ication(s)”). Their preparation is entrusted to technical committees; any IEC National Committee interested in the subject dealt with may participate in this preparatory work. International, governmental and non- governmental organizations liaising with the IEC also participate in this preparation.
48、IEC collaborates closely with the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) in accordance with conditions determined by agreement between the two organizations. 2) The formal decisions or agreements of IEC on technical matters express, as nearly as possible, an international consensus of
49、opinion on the relevant subjects since each technical committee has representation from all interested IEC National Committees. 3) IEC Publications have the form of recommendations for international use and are accepted by IEC National Committees in that sense. While all reasonable efforts are made to ensure that the technical content of IEC Publications is accurate, IEC cannot be held