IEC 61182-10-1999 Printed boards - Electronic data description and transfer - Part 10 Electronic data hierarchy《印制电路板 电子数据描述和转换 第10部分 电子数据层次》.pdf

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IEC 61182-10-1999 Printed boards - Electronic data description and transfer - Part 10 Electronic data hierarchy《印制电路板 电子数据描述和转换 第10部分 电子数据层次》.pdf_第1页
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IEC 61182-10-1999 Printed boards - Electronic data description and transfer - Part 10 Electronic data hierarchy《印制电路板 电子数据描述和转换 第10部分 电子数据层次》.pdf_第2页
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IEC 61182-10-1999 Printed boards - Electronic data description and transfer - Part 10 Electronic data hierarchy《印制电路板 电子数据描述和转换 第10部分 电子数据层次》.pdf_第3页
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IEC 61182-10-1999 Printed boards - Electronic data description and transfer - Part 10 Electronic data hierarchy《印制电路板 电子数据描述和转换 第10部分 电子数据层次》.pdf_第4页
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IEC 61182-10-1999 Printed boards - Electronic data description and transfer - Part 10 Electronic data hierarchy《印制电路板 电子数据描述和转换 第10部分 电子数据层次》.pdf_第5页
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1、INTERNATIONAL STANDARD IEC 6118210 Firstedition 199912 Printedboards Electronicdatadescriptionandtransfer Part10: Electronicdatahierarchy Cartesimprimes Descriptionettransmissiondedonnesinformatiques Partie10: Hirarchiedesdonneslectroniques Referencenumber IEC6118210:1999(E)Numbering Asfrom1January1

2、997allIECpublicationsareissuedwithadesignationinthe 60000series. Consolidatedpublications ConsolidatedversionsofsomeIECpublicationsincludingamendmentsare available.Forexample,editionnumbers1.0,1.1and1.2refer,respectively,tothe basepublication,thebasepublicationincorporatingamendment1andthebase publi

3、cationincorporatingamendments1and2. Validityofthispublication ThetechnicalcontentofIECpublicationsiskeptunderconstantreviewbytheIEC, thusensuringthatthecontentreflectscurrenttechnology. Informationrelatingtothedateofthereconfirmationofthepublicationisavailable intheIECcatalogue. Informationonthesubj

4、ectsunderconsiderationandworkinprogressundertaken bythetechnicalcommitteewhichhaspreparedthispublication,aswellasthelist ofpublicationsissued,istobefoundatthefollowingIECsources: IECwebsite* CatalogueofIECpublications Publishedyearlywithregularupdates (Onlinecatalogue)* IECBulletin Availablebothatth

5、eIECwebsite*andasaprintedperiodical Terminology,graphicalandlettersymbols Forgeneralterminology,readersarereferredtoIEC 60050: International ElectrotechnicalVocabulary (IEV). Forgraphicalsymbols,andlettersymbolsandsignsapprovedbytheIECfor generaluse,readersarereferredtopublicationsIEC60027: Lettersy

6、mbolstobe usedinelectricaltechnology,IEC60417:Graphicalsymbolsforuseonequipment. Index,surveyandcompilationofthesinglesheets andIEC60617: Graphicalsymbols fordiagrams. * Seewebsiteaddressontitlepage.INTERNATIONAL STANDARD IEC 6118210 Firstedition 199912 Printedboards Electronicdatadescriptionandtran

7、sfer Part10: Electronicdatahierarchy Cartesimprimes Descriptionettransmissiondedonnesinformatiques Partie10: Hirarchiedesdonneslectroniques PRICECODE IEC1999 Copyrightallrightsreserved Nopartofthispublicationmaybereproducedorutilizedinanyformorbyanymeans,electronicor mechanical,includingphotocopying

8、andmicrofilm,withoutpermissioninwritingfromthepublisher. InternationalElectrotechnicalCommission 3,ruedeVarembGeneva,Switzerland Telefax:+41229190300 IECwebsitehttp:/ X Forprice,seecurrentcatalogue Commission Electrotechnique Internationale InternationalElectrotechnicalC

9、ommission2 6118210IEC:1999(E) CONTENTS Page FOREWORD 9 INTRODUCTION 10 Clause 1 Scope 11 2 Normativereferences. 11 3 Termsanddefinitions. 11 3.1 Filenameextension. 11 3.2 Datahierarchy 11 3.3 Keyword . 11 4 Generalrequirements 12 4.1 Categoryclassification 12 4.1.1 Categoriesandcontents . 12 4.1.2 D

10、escriptionformatcommontoallcategoryfiles 14 4.2 Correlationbetweenreferentialinformation. 15 4.3 Physicallayerandlogicallayer. 17 4.3.1 Logicallayerdefinition 17 4.4 Negativelayerandpositivelayer 18 4.5 Layertolayerinterconnectioninformation 19 4.5.1 Conceptofstackinformation. 20 4.6 Partinformation

11、 21 5 Generalspecification . 23 5.1 SyntacticalrulesinthisdocumentusedtodescribetheEDHformat . 23 5.1.1 Syntaxnotationcharacters 23 5.1.2 Examples 24 5.2 Typesofstandardcategoryfiles . 24 5.2.1 Fileformat 24 5.2.2 Filename. 24 5.2.3 Abbreviatednameofaprintedboardassembly. 24 5.2.4 Filenameextensioni

12、dentifier. 25 5.3 Syntaxusedincategoryfiles 25 5.3.1 Recorddescriptions 26 5.3.2 Parameters . 27 5.3.3 Numericalvalues 27 5.3.4 Characterstrings 28 5.3.5 Reservedwords 28 5.3.6 Formatteddescription . 28 5.3.7 Fixedformatmessages . 29 5.4 Coordinatesystem 29 5.5 Libraries . 30 5.5.1 Typesoflibrary. 3

13、0 5.5.2 Internallibrariesandexternallibraries 30 5.5.3 Priorityoflibrarycalls . 306118210IEC:1999(E) 3 Clause Page 5.6 Generaldescriptionformat 30 5.6.1 Typesofstatements 30 5.6.2 “HEAD“statement. 31 5.6.3 “UNIT“statement 31 5.6.4 “XCHAR“statement 31 5.6.5 “COMMENT“statement. 31 5.6.6 “END“statement

14、 . 31 5.6.7 Descriptionofcomments. 32 5.6.8 “DEFOLD“statement 32 5.6.9 “DEFATR“statement. 32 6 Fileforfilecontrolinformation(FIL) . 32 6.1 Generalinformation 32 6.2 Typesofstatements 32 6.2.1 “HEAD“statement. 33 6.2.2 “FORMAT“statement 33 6.2.3 “LIMIT“statement . 33 6.2.4 “SYSTEM“statement 34 6.2.5

15、“DATE“statement . 34 6.2.6 “AUTHOR“statement 34 6.2.7 “FILE“statement. 34 6.2.8 “EXTERN“statement 34 6.2.9 “NOSTD“statement 34 6.2.10 “UNIT“statement 34 6.2.11 “END“statement . 34 6.3 Exampleoffilecontrolinformation 35 7 Managementinformationfile(MNG). 35 7.1 Generalinformation 35 7.2 Typesofstateme

16、nts 35 7.2.1 “HEAD“statement. 36 7.2.2 “NAME“statement 36 7.2.3 “DRAW“statement 37 7.2.4 “EDITION“statement 37 7.2.5 “DESIGNER“statement 37 7.2.6 “OPERATOR“statement . 37 7.2.7 “END“statement . 37 7.3 Exampleofmanagementinformationfile. 37 8 Technologyinformationfile(TEC) 38 8.1 Generalinformation 3

17、8 8.2 Typesofstatements 39 8.2.1 “HEAD“statement. 39 8.2.2 “VIEW“statement 39 8.2.3 “BOARD“statement 39 8.2.4 “LAYNO“statement. 39 8.2.5 “LAYER“statement . 40 8.2.6 “INTERL“statement 40 8.2.7 “VIA“statement. 41 8.2.8 “GRID“statement 414 6118210IEC:1999(E) Clause Page 8.2.9 “AREA“statement. 41 8.2.10

18、 “CLEAR“statement. 41 8.2.11 “WIDTH“statement . 42 8.2.12 “UNIT“statement 42 8.2.13 “END“statement . 42 9 Netinformationfile(NET) 42 9.1 Generalinformation 42 9.1.1 Typeofinformation . 43 9.1.2 OldandnewNETdatainformation 43 9.1.3 Descriptionofsignalattributes 43 9.2 Correlationbetweencategoryfiles

19、43 9.3 Fileformat 44 9.4 Typesofstatements 44 9.5 Statementdescriptionformat 45 9.5.1 Netinformation . 45 9.5.2 Signalattributes 46 9.6 Exampleof“NET“file 52 10 Componentinformationfile(ELM) 53 10.1 Generalinformation 53 10.2 Correlationbetweencategoryfiles 53 10.3 Fileformat 53 10.4 Typesofstatemen

20、ts 53 10.5 Recorddescriptionformat. 54 10.5.1 “ELMCMP“statement 54 10.5.2 “XELMCMP“statement . 54 10.6 Exampleof“ELM“file . 55 11 Primitivefigurelibrariesfile(FLB) 55 11.1 Generalinformation 55 11.2 Correlationbetweencategoryfiles 55 11.3 Constituentsofprimitivefigureslibraries 55 11.4 Typesofstatem

21、ents 56 11.5 Figurelibrarycentralrecords. . 56 11.5.1 “HEAD“record 56 11.5.2 “UNIT“record 56 11.5.3 “CONTENTS“record. 57 11.5.4 “END“record 57 11.6 Figureshapelibraryrecords . 57 11.6.1 Recordsequenceoffigureshapelibrary. 57 11.6.2 “DEFFLIB“record 57 11.6.3 “ENDFLIB“record . 57 11.6.4 Exampleoffigur

22、eshapelibrary. 57 11.7 Holelibraryrecords 58 11.7.1 Recordsequenceofholelibrary 58 11.7.2 “DEFHLIB“record . 58 11.7.3 “DEFHOLE“record 58 11.7.4 “ENDHOLE“record . 59 11.7.5 “ENDHLIB“record. 59 11.7.6 Exampleofholelibrary 596118210IEC:1999(E) 5 Clause Page 11.8 Stacklibraryrecords. 59 11.8.1 Recordseq

23、uenceofstacklibrary 59 11.8.2 “DEFSLIB“record . 60 11.8.3 “DEFSTK“record 60 11.8.4 “STKFIG“record . 60 11.8.5 “STKHOLE“record 60 11.8.6 “ENDSTK“record 60 11.8.7 “ENDSLIB“record. 60 12 Partshapelibraryfile(PRT) 60 12.1 Generalinformation 60 12.1.1 Rulesforpartshapelibrarydefinition 60 12.2 Correlatio

24、nbetweencategoryfiles 61 12.3 Elementsincludedinpartshapelibraryfile. 61 12.4 Libraryitemsandcontents 61 12.5 Recordsequenceofpartshapelibrary 62 12.6 Recorddescriptions 63 12.6.1 “DEFPLIB“record . 63 12.6.2 “DEFPRT“record 63 12.6.3 “PRTDF1“record 63 12.6.4 “PRTDF2“record 64 12.6.5 “ENDPRT“record 64

25、 12.6.6 “ENDPLIB“record. 64 13 Componentplacementfile(PLC) 64 13.1 Generalinformation 64 13.2 Correlationbetweencategoryfiles 65 13.3 Fileformat 65 13.4 Typeofstatement. 65 13.5 Recorddescriptionformat. 65 13.5.1 Partplacementdata 65 13.6 Exampleof“PLC“file 66 14 Figureinformationfile(FIG) . 66 14.1

26、 Filedescriptionconcept 66 14.1.1 Listofkeywordsin“FIG“file . 66 14.1.2 Priorityoflanddescriptions. 67 14.1.3 Componentdefinitions 67 14.1.4 Descriptionofelectricallyconnectedfigures 68 14.1.5 Descriptionofheightlimitations 68 14.1.6 Priorityofkeywords 68 14.1.7 Priorityofoverlappingpositive/negativ

27、epatterns 68 14.1.8 Descriptionofdimensionlines. 68 14.1.9 Methodforspecifyingdefaultvaluesofattributes 69 14.2 Primitivefigures 69 14.2.1 Circle(seefigure24) 69 14.2.2 Square(seefigure25) 69 14.2.3 Rectangle(seefigure26) 70 14.2.4 Polygon(seefigure27) . 70 14.2.5 Line 70 14.2.6 Text(seefigure28). 7

28、16 6118210IEC:1999(E) Clause Page 14.3 Attributes 71 14.3.1 Colordesignationattributes 71 14.3.2 Paintinattributes(seefigures29and30) 71 14.3.3 Linewidthattribute(seefigure31) . 72 14.3.4 Linetypeattributes(seefigure32) . 72 14.3.5 Lineendattributes(seefigure33) 73 14.3.6 Textattributes(individually

29、defined)(seefigures34to38) . 73 14.3.7 Textattribute(collectivelydefined) . 75 14.3.8 Ratsnestattributes 75 14.3.9 Heightdescriptionattributes . 75 14.3.10 Rotationdescriptionattribute 75 14.3.11 Scalefactordescriptionattribute. 75 14.3.12 Lineendmodificationattributes(seefigure39). 76 14.3.13 Condu

30、ctivefigureattributes 76 14.4 Applicableattributesforeachfeature 76 14.4.1 Lineendattributes 77 14.4.2 Scaleandrotation. 77 14.5 Assignmentoflogicallayer . 77 14.6 Grouping. 78 14.6.1 Groupingofprimitivefigures . 78 14.6.2 Groupingofelectricallyconnectedfigures . 78 14.6.3 Groupingofattributes(refer

31、redbyeachfigurestatement). 78 14.6.4 Groupingofcomponentinformation . 78 14.7 Callingofprimitivefigurelibraries. 79 14.7.1 Figureshapelibrary 79 14.7.2 Stacklibrary 79 14.7.3 Holelibrary . 79 14.8 Exchangeoffigures 79 14.8.1 Exchangeofregisteredfigures 79 14.8.2 Exchangeofstack. 79 15 Backannotation

32、file(BAI) 79 15.1 Generalinformation 79 15.2 Correlationbetweencategoryfiles 80 15.3 Fileformat 80 15.4 Typesofstatements 81 15.5 Statementdescriptionformat 81 15.5.1 Backannotationinformationlevel1component 81 15.5.2 Backannotationinformationlevel2pin 82 15.6 DescriptionexampleofBAIfile . 82 16 Sum

33、maryEDHcharacteristics 83 16.1 Columncategoryfile . 83 16.2 Columntype . 83 16.3 Columnkey. 83 Bibliography . 896118210IEC:1999(E) 7 Figure1EDHfilestructure 13 Figure2Correlationbetweenreferentialcategoryfiles 15 Figure3Correlationbetweenfigurerelatedfiles . 16 Figure4Correlationbetweennetrelatedfil

34、es . 16 Figure5Physicallayerandlogicallayer 17 Figure6Physicallayernumbering. 18 Figure7Conceptofnegativelayerandpositivelayer 19 Figure8Layertolayerinterconnection . 20 Figure9Registrationofshapes. 21 Figure10Registrationofstacks 21 Figure11Partshapespecification 22 Figure12Registrationofpartshape

35、23 Figure13Formatstructure 26 Figure14Numberingconvention . 27 Figure15Coordinatepositioning. 30 Figure16Namestatement 36 Figure17Filecorrelationwithnetfile 44 Figure18Componentinformationfilecorrelation. 53 Figure19Primitivefigurelibraryfilecorrelation. 55 Figure20Exampleofthethreelibrarytypes 56 F

36、igure21Partshapelibraryfilecorrelation . 61 Figure22Dippartshapelibraryexample 61 Figure23Componentplacementfilecorrelation 65 Figure24Circle. 69 Figure25Square. 69 Figure26Rectangle 70 Figure27Polygon .70 Figure28Text. 71 Figure29Paintindesignation. 71 Figure30Paintinmesh 71 Figure31Linewidth. .72

37、Figure32Linetypeattributes 72 Figure33Lineendattributes. 73 Figure34Textcharacterheight. 73 Figure35Rotationangle . 73 Figure36Characterwidthadjustment . 74 Figure37Horizontalspace 74 Figure38Characterstringpositioning 75 Figure39Lineendmodificationattributes . 76 Figure40Squarelineendattributeexamp

38、le . 77 Figure41Backannotationcorrelation . 80 Table1EDHfiledescriptions 12 Table2EDHfilenameextensionandcontent . 14 Table3Formatofcategoryfilename 14 Table4Filestructure . .14 Table5Statementformat 15 Table6Keyitemswhichconnecttherelatedcategoryfilesforfigureinformation interchange 16 Table7Keyite

39、mswhichconnecttherelatedcategoryfilesfornetinformation interchange 17 Table8Logicallayercontent. 188 6118210IEC:1999(E) Table9Syntaxnotationcharactersforthisdocument 23 Table10Standardcategoryfilesandtheirextensionidentifiers 25 Table11Typesofparameters . 27 Table12DescriptionofcharacterstringsExamp

40、le . 28 Table13Statementtypescommonforallcategoryfiles 31 Table14Statementtypespermittedinfileforfilecontrolinformation 33 Table15Exampleoffilecontrolinformation 35 Table16Statementtypespermittedinthemanagementinformationfile 36 Table17Managementinformationfile. 38 Table18Statementtypespermittedinba

41、sicinformationfiles 39 Table19Typesoflogicallayers 40 Table20Elementstowhichtheclearancespecificationisapplied. 42 Table21Netfileformatorder 44 Table22Typeofstatement . 45 Table23ELMstatement 54 Table24Librarytypes. 55 Table25Primitivefigureslibrarystatements . 56 Table26Exampleoffigureshapelibrary.

42、 58 Table27Exampleofholelibrary . 59 Table28Partshapelibraryitemsandcontents . 62 Table29Recordsequenceofpartshapelibrarystatements 63 Table30ComponentplacementfileTypeofstatement. 65 Table31Figureinformationkeywords . 67 Table32Attribute/Featurematrix 77 Table33Backannotationfileformat . 80 Table34

43、BackannotationfileTypesofstatements. 81 Table35Fileandtermsummary . 836118210IEC:1999(E) 9 INTERNATIONALELECTROTECHNICALCOMMISSION PRINTEDBOARDS ELECTRONICDATADESCRIPTIONANDTRANSFER Part10:Electronicdatahierarchy FOREWORD 1) TheIEC(InternationalElectrotechnicalCommission)isaworldwideorganizationfors

44、tandardizationcomprising allnationalelectrotechnicalcommittees(IECNationalCommittees).TheobjectoftheIECistopromote internationalcooperationonallquestionsconcerningstandardizationintheelectricalandelectronicfields.To thisendandinadditiontootheractivities,theIECpublishesInternationalStandards.Theirpreparationis entrustedtotechnicalcommittees;anyIECNationalCommitteeinterestedinthesubjectdealtwithmay participateinthispreparatorywork.International,governmentalandnongovernmentalorganizationsliaising withtheIECal

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