IEC TR 62331-2005 Pulsed field magnetometry《脉动场地磁测量》.pdf

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1、 TECHNICAL REPORT IECTR 62331First edition 2005-02Pulsed field magnetometry Reference number IEC/TR 62331:2005(E) Publication numbering As from 1 January 1997 all IEC publications are issued with a designation in the 60000 series. For example, IEC 34-1 is now referred to as IEC 60034-1. Consolidated

2、 editions The IEC is now publishing consolidated versions of its publications. For example, edition numbers 1.0, 1.1 and 1.2 refer, respectively, to the base publication, the base publication incorporating amendment 1 and the base publication incorporating amendments 1 and 2. Further information on

3、IEC publications The technical content of IEC publications is kept under constant review by the IEC, thus ensuring that the content reflects current technology. Information relating to this publication, including its validity, is available in the IEC Catalogue of publications (see below) in addition

4、 to new editions, amendments and corrigenda. Information on the subjects under consideration and work in progress undertaken by the technical committee which has prepared this publication, as well as the list of publications issued, is also available from the following: IEC Web Site ( Cat

5、alogue of IEC publications The on-line catalogue on the IEC web site ( enables you to search by a variety of criteria including text searches, technical committees and date of publication. On-line information is also available on recently issued publications, withdrawn and repla

6、ced publications, as well as corrigenda. IEC Just Published This summary of recently issued publications ( justpub) is also available by email. Please contact the Customer Service Centre (see below) for further information. Customer Service Centre If you have any questions reg

7、arding this publication or need further assistance, please contact the Customer Service Centre: Email: Tel: +41 22 919 02 11 Fax: +41 22 919 03 00 TECHNICAL REPORT IEC TR 62331First edition 2005-02Pulsed field magnetometry PRICE CODE IEC 2005 Copyright - all rights reserved No part of

8、 this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from the publisher. International Electrotechnical Commission, 3, rue de Varemb, PO Box 131, CH-1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland Telep

9、hone: +41 22 919 02 11 Telefax: +41 22 919 03 00 E-mail: Web: W For price, see current catalogue Commission Electrotechnique Internationale International Electrotechnical Commission 2 TR 62331 IEC:2005(E) CONTENTS FOREWORD 4 INTRODUCTION 6 1 Scope and object7 2 Normative refe

10、rences .7 3 Pulsed field magnetometer (PFM).7 3.1 General principles .8 3.2 Size of test specimen 10 4 Field generator.10 4.1 General.10 4.2 Power supply.10 4.3 Magnetizing solenoid.14 5 Polarization and magnetic field strength sensors (pick-up coils) 14 5.1 General.14 5.2 The polarization sensor (J

11、 coil)15 5.3 The magnetic field strength sensor (H coil) 16 6 Transient instrumentation and digitizing hardware.16 6.1 General.16 6.2 Analogue integration and digitization .17 6.3 Digitization and numerical integration 17 6.4 Digitization rate .17 7 Data processing .17 7.1 Data processing elements .

12、18 7.2 Temperature23 7.3 Magnetic viscosity .25 7.4 Calibration.25 8 Comparison of measurements 29 8.1 Permeameter, “large magnet“ comparison29 8.2 Extraction method, ”small” test specimen comparison 30 8.3 Comparative measurement conclusions .33 9 Conclusion .33 Bibliography .34 Figure 1 M and H ti

13、me traces for a permanent magnet.9 Figure 2 J(H) and B(H) loop for a permanent magnet .9 Figure 3 Sine wave (decaying) electrical configuration .11 Figure 4 Unidirectional pulses (1/2 sine wave) electrical configuration12 Figure 5 Unidirectional pulses (decaying) electrical configuration .12 Figure

14、6 Three arrangements of J coil assembly configurations (drawing with permission of EMAJ ref. 30.15 Figure 7 M and H time traces and (H) plot of a “zero signal” 19 Figure 8 J(H) loops of a sintered NdFeB permanent magnet.23 TR 62331 IEC:2005(E) 3 Figure 9 J(H) loop including eddy currents of a conduc

15、tive bulk nickel specimen measurement result from a PFM system .27 Figure 10 Copper specimen eddy current measurement result27 Figure 11 J(H) loop for eddy current “corrected” nickel specimen .28 Figure 12 Results of a permeameter and a PFM measurement of a “large” specimen29 Figure 13 Detail of the

16、 1 stand 2 ndquadrants of the measurement results shown in Figure 12 “large magnet” 29 Figure 14 Comparison of a “small magnet” measured in a super-conducting, extraction method magnetometer (EMM) compared with a PFM measurement result of the same magnet 28 .30 Figure 15 Measurement result of a NEOM

17、AX 32EH NdFeB cylinder of diameter 10 mm length 7 mm on the TPM-2-10 system 34.31 Figure 16 Measurement result of a NEOMAX 32EH NdFeB cube of dimensions 7 mm 7 mm 7 mm 34.32 Figure 17 Measurement result of a sintered Sm2Co17 cylinder of diameter 10 mm and length 7 mm 3433 Table 1 Comparison of metho

18、ds of generating the magnetic field strength 13 Table 2 Classification of the influences of eddy currents.21 Table 3 A comparison of values taken from the measurement results presented in Figure 11 and Figure 1230 Table 4 Comparison of values measured in Figure 14 above (see NOTE) .30 4 TR 62331 IEC

19、:2005(E) INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNICAL COMMISSION _ PULSED FIELD MAGNETOMETRY FOREWORD 1) The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) is a worldwide organization for standardization comprising all national electrotechnical committees (IEC National Committees). The object of IEC is to promot

20、e international co-operation on all questions concerning standardization in the electrical and electronic fields. To this end and in addition to other activities, IEC publishes International Standards, Technical Specifications, Technical Reports, Publicly Available Specifications (PAS) and Guides (h

21、ereafter referred to as “IEC Publication(s)”). Their preparation is entrusted to technical committees; any IEC National Committee interested in the subject dealt with may participate in this preparatory work. International, governmental and non- governmental organizations liaising with the IEC also

22、participate in this preparation. IEC collaborates closely with the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) in accordance with conditions determined by agreement between the two organizations. 2) The formal decisions or agreements of IEC on technical matters express, as nearly as possibl

23、e, an international consensus of opinion on the relevant subjects since each technical committee has representation from all interested IEC National Committees. 3) IEC Publications have the form of recommendations for international use and are accepted by IEC National Committees in that sense. While

24、 all reasonable efforts are made to ensure that the technical content of IEC Publications is accurate, IEC cannot be held responsible for the way in which they are used or for any misinterpretation by any end user. 4) In order to promote international uniformity, IEC National Committees undertake to

25、 apply IEC Publications transparently to the maximum extent possible in their national and regional publications. Any divergence between any IEC Publication and the corresponding national or regional publication shall be clearly indicated in the latter. 5) IEC provides no marking procedure to indica

26、te its approval and cannot be rendered responsible for any equipment declared to be in conformity with an IEC Publication. 6) All users should ensure that they have the latest edition of this publication. 7) No liability shall attach to IEC or its directors, employees, servants or agents including i

27、ndividual experts and members of its technical committees and IEC National Committees for any personal injury, property damage or other damage of any nature whatsoever, whether direct or indirect, or for costs (including legal fees) and expenses arising out of the publication, use of, or reliance up

28、on, this IEC Publication or any other IEC Publications. 8) Attention is drawn to the Normative references cited in this publication. Use of the referenced publications is indispensable for the correct application of this publication. 9) Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements

29、 of this IEC Publication may be the subject of patent rights. IEC shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. The main task of IEC technical committees is to prepare International Standards. However, a technical committee may propose the publication of a technical re

30、port when it has collected data of a different kind from that which is normally published as an International Standard, for example “state of the art“. IEC 62331, which is a technical report, has been prepared by IEC technical committee 68: Magnetic alloys and steels. The text of this technical repo

31、rt is based on the following documents: Enquiry draft Report on voting 68/299/DTR 68/303/RVC Full information on the voting for the approval of this technical report can be found in the report on voting indicated in the above table. This publication has been drafted in accordance with the ISO/IEC Di

32、rectives, Part 2. TR 62331 IEC:2005(E) 5 The committee has decided that the contents of this publication will remain unchanged until the maintenance result date indicated on the IEC web site under “http:/“ in the data related to the specific publication. At this date, the publication

33、will be reconfirmed; withdrawn; replaced by a revised edition, or amended. A bilingual version of this publication may be issued at a later date. 6 TR 62331 IEC:2005(E) INTRODUCTION In order to measure the full magnetic characterization of magnetically hard (permanent magnet) materials, it is necess

34、ary to apply a magnetic field sufficient to saturate the test specimen of magnetic material. The generation of this magnetic field can become a practical limiting factor and can determine the appropriate measurement techniques. Super-conducting magnets can generate very high static or slowly changin

35、g magnetic fields but their complexity, high capital outlay and running costs, requiring cryogenic gases make them far from ideal. It is necessary to change fields slowly to avoid “quenching” the super- conducting magnet. Conventionally wound electro-magnets with slowly changing magnetic fields have

36、 a significant heat generation problem through I 2 R loss. This can be alleviated through the use of a high relative permeability “iron yoke”. However, saturation of the iron prevents maximum characterization of the loop of rare earth permanent magnet materials to be determined. A pulsed field syste

37、m utilizing conventional conductors minimizes heating effects by limiting field durations and by limiting heat generation to acceptable levels. Fields up to 40 Tesla (T) can be generated in this way. Careful consideration, however, must be given to the instrumentation and method to take account of d

38、ynamic effects due to the short duration of the magnetic field. While work on pulsed field magnetometry is carried out in many parts of the world, the two main groups are MACCHARETEC ref. 29 1in Europe and EMAJ ref. 30 in Japan. The approach adopted in Japan is one of supporting a standard with fixe

39、d specimen sizes, magnetic field strengths and frequencies in a limited number of configurations. 1References in square brackets refer to the bibliography. TR 62331 IEC:2005(E) 7 PULSED FIELD MAGNETOMETRY 1 Scope and object This Technical Report reviews methods for measuring magnetically hard materi

40、als using pulsed field magnetometers. The methods of measurement of the magnetic properties of magnetically hard materials have been specified in IEC 60404-5 for closed magnetic circuits and in IEC 60404-7 for open magnetic circuits. The measurement result of the magnetic properties of magnetically

41、hard materials at elevated temperatures is given in IEC 61807. Pulsed field magnetometers have been developed to provide rapid measurement facilities to match high speed production rates with 100 % quality control. The object of this report is to describe the principles and practical implications of

42、 pulsed field magnetometry in order to enable the full potential of the technique to be considered, including its application using small and large magnets of varying geometries, to various magnetic field strengths and frequencies. 2 Normative references The following referenced documents are indisp

43、ensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. IEC 60404-5:1993, Magnetic materials Part 5: Permanent magnet (magnetically hard) materials Me

44、thods of measurement of magnetic properties IEC 60404-7:1982, Magnetic materials Part 7: Method of measurement of coercivity of magnetic materials in an open magnetic circuit IEC 61807:1999, Magnetic properties of magnetically hard materials at elevated temperatures Methods of measurement IEC 60404-

45、14:2002, Magnetic materials Part 14: Methods of measurement of the magnetic moment of ferromagnetic material specimen by the withdrawal or rotation method 3 Pulsed field magnetometer (PFM) A pulsed field magnetometer consists of the following parts: a) The magnetic field strength generator consistin

46、g of i) the power supply (usually a capacitive discharge system) ii) magnetizing solenoid b) Magnetization and magnetic field strength sensors (pick-up coils) c) Instrumentation for transient processing and digitizing hardware i) integration ii) digitization d) Data processing facilities to enable t

47、he processing of 8 TR 62331 IEC:2005(E) i) zero signal ii) M(H) loop positioning iii) self-demagnetization correction iv) low band pass filtering v) calibration factors vi) eddy current correction. 3.1 General principles The basic principle of operation of the pulsed field magnetometer depends upon

48、an intense transient magnetic field being generated by the magnetic field strength generator and being applied to the test specimen to be measured. The magnetic field strength and resultant magnetization of the test specimen are recorded and processed. During a measurement cycle, the test specimen i

49、n the J coil increases flux. The output voltage of this coil is the time derivative of the flux coupled to that coil. This flux is due largely to the magnetization of the specimen but also to the zero signal (see 7.1.1) and possible eddy currents (see the eddy current correction techniques in 7.1.6) etc. As a consequence the coil is usually referred to as the “Jcoil,” or on occasions the “M coil

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