ANSI AWS C2 18-1993 Guide for the Protection of Steel with Thermal Sprayed Coatings of Aluminum and Zinc and their Alloys and Composites (Incorporating Errata 1.pdf

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1、Guide for theProtection ofSteel withThermalSprayed Coatingsof Aluminum andZinc and theirAlloys andCompositesANSI/AWS C2.18-93RAn American National StandardERRATAThe following corrections are for errors found in ANSI/AWS C2.18-93, Guide for theProtection of Steel with Thermal Sprayed Coatings of Alum

2、inum and Zinc and their Alloysand Composites.1) Page 4, Table 3B: Certain values in Table 3B are an order of magnitude small. Usethe table below in place of Table 3B in the document.Table 3BNominal Feedstock Required Per ftz/0.001-in. (U.S. Customary Units)(Deposit Efficiency on a Flat Plate)Feedsto

3、ck MaterialAluminum WireAluminum PowderZinc WireZinc Powder85/15 Wire90/10 MMC WireDepositEfficiency(%)80-8585-9065-7085-9085-9080-85Flame SprayMaterialRequired(lbs/ft2/0.001 in.)0.0140.0140.0500.0390.0360.014DepositEfficiency(%)70-75NA60-65NA70-7570-75Arc SprayMaterialRequired(lbs/ft2/0.001 in.)0.0

4、17NA0.054NA0.0490.0172) Page 17, “SAFETY PRECAUTION“ box, last line: The reference to OSHA Safetyand Health Standards should be 29 CFR 1910 and not 10 CFR 1910.Keywords Aluminum, Aluminum Metal Matrix ANSI/AWS C2.18-93composite, Arc Spray, Flame Spray, An American National StandardSteel Protection,

5、Thermal SprayCoating, Zinc, Zinc/Aluminum Alloy . .American National Standards InstituteApril 22,1993Guide for the Protectionof Steel with Thermal SprayedCoatings of Aluminum and Zincand Their Alloys and CompositesPrepared byAWS Committee on Thermal SprayingUnder the Direction ofAWS Technical Activi

6、ties CommitteeApproved byAWS Board of DirectorsAbstractThis guide presents an industrial process for the application of thermal spray coatings (TSC) on steel. It covers safety,job/contract description, background and requirements, selection of TSCs, TSC operator qualification, materials andequipment

7、, application-process method with quality-control check points, Job Control Record, maintenance and repairof TSCs, records, debris containment and control, and warranty.American Welding Society550 N.W. LeJeune Road, P.O. Box 351040, Miami, Florida 33135Statement on Use of AWS StandardsAll standards

8、(codes, specifications, recommended practices, methods, classifications, and guides) of the AmericanWelding Society are voluntary consensus standards that have been developed in accordance with the rules of theAmerican National Standards Institute. When AWS standards are either incorporated in, or m

9、ade part of, documentsthat are included in federal or state laws and regulations, or the regulations of other governmental bodies, theirprovisions carry the full legal authority of the statute. In such cases, any changes in those AWS standards must beapproved by the governmental body having statutor

10、y jurisdiction before they can become a part of those laws andregulations. In all cases, these standards carry the full legal authority of the contract or other document that invokes theAWS standards. Where this contractual relationship exists, changes in or deviations from requirements of an AWSsta

11、ndard must be by agreement between the contracting parties.International Standard Book Number: 0-87171-407-8American Welding Society, 550 N.W. LeJeune Road, P.O. Box 351040, Miami, Florida 33135 1993 by American Welding Society. All rights reservedPrinted in the United States of AmericaNote: The pri

12、mary purpose of AWS is to serve and benefit its members. To this end, AWS provides a forum for theexchange, consideration, and discussion of ideas and proposals that are relevant to the welding industry and theconsensus of which forms the basis for these standards. By providing such a forum, AWS doe

13、s not assume any duties towhich a user of these standards may be required to adhere. By publishing this standard, the American Welding Societydoes not insure anyone using the information it contains against any liability arising from that use. Publication of astandard by the American Welding Society

14、 does not carry with it any right to make, use, or sell any patented items.Users of the information in this standard should make an independent, substantiating investigation of the validity of thatinformation for their particular use and the patent status of any item referred to herein.With regard t

15、o technical inquiries made concerning AWS standards, oral opinions on AWS standards may be rendered.However, such opinions represent only the personal opinions of the particular individuals giving them. Theseindividuals do not speak on behalf of AWS, nor do these oral opinions constitute official or

16、 unofficial opinions orinterpretations of AWS. In addition, oral opinions are informal and should not be used as a substitute for an officialinterpretation.This standard is subject to revision at any time by the AWS Committee on Thermal Spraying. It must be reviewed everyfive years and if not revise

17、d, it must be either reapproved or withdrawn. Comments (recommendations, additions, ordeletions) and any pertinent data that may be of use in improving this standard are requested and should be addressed toAWS Headquarters. Such comments will receive careful consideration by the AWS Committee on The

18、rmal Sprayingand the author of the comments will be informed of the Committees response to the comments. Guests are invited toattend all meetings of the AWS Committee on Thermal Spraying to express their comments verbally. Procedures forappeal of an adverse decision concerning all such comments are

19、provided in the Rules of Operation of the TechnicalActivities Committee. A copy of these Rules can be obtained from the American Welding Society, 550 N.W. LeJeuneRoad, P. O. Box 351040, Miami, Florida 33135.PersonnelAWS Committee on Thermal Spraying(July 1992)RA. Sulit, ChairmanE. R. Sampson, Vice C

20、hairmanL. B. Lands-Dill, SecretaryR. S. Brunhouse, Jr.T. BerneckiT. CallG. D. CathisR. A. DoutyR. O, DrossmanR. J. Dybas*W. M. ElgerD. FilippisG. L. FillionR. H. FrostS. GoodspeedA. J. GrubowskiE. S. Hamel*J. O. HaydenJ. Herbstritt*R. HoldsworthJ. E. KellyD. A. LeeR. A. Miller*L. MoskowitzH. NovakE.

21、 R. NovinskiN. Reyes*R. H. UngerT. H. ViaJ. Watson*J. Wen*J. B. C. WuSulit EngineeringHobart TAFA TechnologiesAmerican Welding SocietyA ANSI/ASC Z49.1,Safety in Welding and Cutting4, and NFPA 58, Standardfor the Storage and Handling of Liquified PetroleumGases.5 Read and follow safety precautions in

22、 the manu-facturers Material Safety Data Sheet for specific feed-stock materials used.Airborne metal dusts, finely divided solids, or accu-mulations should be treated as explosives. Adequateventilation in the thermal spray work area and collectionof the overspray should be made to minimize the dange

23、rof dust explosions and fires. In shop environments, wet-bag, and filter-cartridge collectors may be used to collectthe fine overspray particles, thus minimizing the explo-sion and fire hazard and release of controlled and hazard-ous materials. Bag- and filter-cartridge-collector unitsshould be at l

24、east 15 m (50 ft) removed from the sprayingarea to preclude ignition from the flame or heat ofthermal spray guns.Field work may require partial or complete contain-ment of the work site for surface preparation and thermalspraying and the collection and safe disposal of the usedblasting media and the

25、rmal spray overspray. Follow theindustrial safety and environmental compliance require-ments cited in 3.1 and section 13. Consult local com-munity (city, county, and state) and Federal air qualityand hazardous materials control agencies for amplifyinginformation as required.The extremely hot conditi

26、ons of thermal spray opera-tions require additional precautions such as not pointingthe thermal spray gun at any person or at any combust-ible or explosive material. Paper, wood, oily rags, clean-ing solvents, sealers, and paints should be stored awayfrom the thermal spraying area.Good housekeeping

27、in the shop and field work areasshould always be maintained to avoid accumulation ofmetal dusts, with particular attention given to inspectingfor dust on beams, rafters, tops of booths, and in floorcracks.2.2 Thermal Spray Powder. The following are basicsafety principles for handling aluminum and zi

28、nc powders:(1) Read and follow the manufacturers instructionson the Materials Safety Data Sheet.(2) Avoid any condition that will suspend or floatparticles in the air creating a dust cloud.(3) Avoid actions that generate static electricity, cre-ate sparks or otherwise result in reaching the ignition

29、energy or temperature. This includes NO SMOKING.(4) Take actions to minimize and dissipate the gener-ation of static electricity, such as bonding and ground-ing, to avoid spark discharge.(5) Take steps to limit the size of a fire or explosionand to hold any resulting damage to the very minimum,i.e.,

30、 store aluminum and zinc powder containers sepa-rately and away from flammable materials and oxidizingagents such as sulphur and nitrates. Zinc dust forms anexplosive mixture with dry and nioist air.(6) Do not use water to extinguish aluminum or zincfires. Use dry sand or a Class D extinguisher.SAFE

31、TY PRECAUTION: Uncontrolled aluminumand zinc powder are a combustion and explosionhazard (from suspended fine aluminum or zinc dust).Thermal spray aluminum and zinc powders, nomi-nally 40-110 nm(0.0016-0.0044 in.) diameter, arenot a combustion or explosive hazard when handledand used in accordance w

32、ith powder manufacturersinstructions.Note: Safety and Procedure Precautions are cited indouble-lined boxes. QC Checkpoints are cited in single-lined boxes.Recommendations for Storage and Handling of Alumi-num Powder and Paste gives the Aluminum Associa-tions recommendations for the storage and handl

33、ing ofaluminum powder.63. Job and Contract Description3.1 General. Describe the overall job and cite all themajor thermal spray job or contract requirements refer-encing the sections and paragraphs in the body of the jobor contract as applicable. Cite job-site access, job per-mits, industrial safety

34、 and environmental compliancerequirements as appropriate.3.2 Thermal Spray Boundary (TSB). The perimeterof the area of the workpiece or structure to be thermal4. Available from American Welding Society, 550 N.W.LeJeune Rd., P.O. Box 351040, Miami, FL 33135.5. Available from National Fire Protection

35、Association (NFPA),Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02269.6. Recommendations for Storage and Handling of AluminumPowder and Paste, TR-2, SGE/5M/12-86/4A. Available fromthe Aluminum Association, Inc., 818 Connecticut AvenueNW, Washington, DC 20006.sprayed should be defined as the Thermal Spray Bound-ary

36、 (TSB). Particular attention must be placed on proper-ly ending the TSC in the TSB and feathering it into theuncoated area. The TSB should end 5-8 cm (2-3 in.)beyond the toe of the proposed weld joint feathering tozero thickness in the next 3-5 cm (1 to 2 in.) and shouldbe wrapped around contoured c

37、orners whenever possible.3.3 Job Control Record (JCR). Annex A presents aJCR that covers the essential job information and the QCcheck points in six areas: the TSC Contractor (TSCC);the purchasers invoice; TSC type and requirements;TSC operator qualification; blasting and thermal sprayequipment; and

38、 the nine QC check points of the applica-tion-process method of this guide (see section 8). Page 1of the JCR summarizes the purchasers requirements andthe planning information. Page 2 summarizes the pro-duction QC checkpoints.3.4 Selection of TSC. TSCs are used for long-term,generally greater than 2

39、0 years, protection of steel inatmospheric and corrosive environments. Annex B pre-sents the recommendations for selection of TSCs andTSC thickness for several environments and service life.This information is based on the coating specifications ofthe British Standards Institution7 and the Canadian

40、Stan-dards Association8 including the literature AWS 19-YearReport and the LaQue Center for Corrosion Technology34-year marine-exposure inspection reports.3.5 TSC Inspector. The TSC inspector is a person whois knowledgeable of the concepts and principles of, andskilled in observing and measuring con

41、formance to, thisguide. The TSC inspector, at a minimum, should meetthe knowledge and skill requirements of Annex C, Ther-mal Spray Operator Qualification and Certification, or asotherwise specified by the purchaser or purchasingcontract.3.6 TSC Operator Qualification. The TSC operatorqualification

42、recommendations are presented in AnnexC. They are based on ANSI/AWS C2.16-92, Guide ForThermal Spray Operator Qualification,4 with additionsappropriate to the protection of steel with TSCs.7. Code of Practice for Protective Coatings of Iron and SteelStructures Against Corrosion, British Standards In

43、stitutionB.S. 5493:1977. Available from American National StandardsInstitute, 11 West 42nd Street, New York, NY 10036.8. Canadian Standards Association, CSA Standard G189-1966,Sprayed Metal Coatings for Atmospheric Corrosion Protec-tion, Reaffirmed 1980. Available from Canadian StandardsAssociation,

44、 178 Rexdale Boulevard, Toronto, OntarioM9W1R3, Canada.4. Background and Requirements4.1 Background. The background for this thermal sprayjob should be briefly described.4.2 Requirements. The following should be detailed:(1) TSC feedstock material.(2) TSC minimum inspection and end-item accept-ance

45、criteria for the following:(a) Surface-preparation and thermal spray processqualification to include materials, equipment, and method.(b) Production area and components to include spe-cific inspection and measurement procedures, locationsand frequency.Table 1 summarizes the inspections and tests tha

46、t canbe made during shop and field application of TSCs.Table 2 lists the analytic tests that may be used to furtherexamine and qualify the surface preparation, feedstockmaterial, and thermal spray processes. The purchasingcontract should specify the required tests pass and failvalues.Page 1 of the J

47、ob Control Record (Annex A) summa-rizes the job requirements, TSC operator qualifications,and the materials and equipment to be used. Page 2 of theJCR lists the nine QC Check Points for performing thejob.The TSCCs quality assurance program, JCR, and QCcheck points equivalent to this guide may be use

48、d ifmutually agreed to by the purchaser and the TSCC.(3) TSC work requirements including industrial proc-ess, what is to be sprayed (and not sprayed), spraymaterial(s) and thickness, QC steps, end-item accept-ance inspection, and the Job Control Record (JCR).(4) TSC inspector qualification, designat

49、ion, andauthority on behalf of the purchaser.(5) TSC operator qualification.(6) Schedule (thermal spray job start, duration, keyevents, and completion).(7) Concurrent work that may or will be on-goingduring the thermal spray work on the job site that maycause mutual interference. Cite the procedural and reme-dial actions to be taken should interference occur. FileDelay and Disruption reports as required.(8) Job site work permits; access permits; work regu-lations and procedures; safety requirements, equipment,and procedures; and JCR.(9) Containment and disposal of waste and debrisge

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