ANSI INCITS137-1988 Information Systems - One- and Two-sided Unformatted 90-mm (3 5-in) 5 3-tpmm (135-tpi) Flexible Disk Cartridge for 7958 BPR Use - General Ph.pdf

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1、kNSI INCITS 137-1988/AMI-1999 formerly ANSI X3.137- 1988/AM1-1999) (Supplement to ANSI INCITS 13 7-1 988 formerly ANSI X3.137-1988) for Information Technology - One- and Two-sided, Unformatted, 90-mm (3.5- in) 5,3-tpmm (1 35-tp9, Flexible Disk Cartridge for 7958 bpr Use - General, Physical and Magne

2、tic Requirements Developed by Where IT all begins Copyright American National Standards Institute Provided by IHS under license with ANSINot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-ANSI X3.137-I 988/AM1-1999 supplement to ANSI X3.137-1988 for Information Techno

3、logy - One- and Two-sided, Unformatted, 90-mm (3.5-in) 5,3- tpmm (135-tpi), Flexible Disk Cartridge for 7958 bpr Use - General, Physical and Magnetic Requirements Approved June 21, 1999 Secretariat: Information Technology Industry Council ) Page 1 of 3 pages Change fhe definifions in clause 3 fo rea

4、d as follows: 3.1 measured peak-to-peak over the whole track. 3.2 3.3 3.4 transmitted to the disk. It ensures centering of the disk on the drive shaft in a unique angular position. 3.5 with the magnetic head(s). 3.6 3.7 protection from abrasion. 3.8 as the standard for reference fields, signal ampli

5、tudes, resolution, peak shift, and overwrite. Track O0 Track 79 on both sides are declared as reference tracks. The reference tracks are calibrated at 300 r/min. NOTE: This Master Standard has been established by the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB). (See 3.12 for further information.) Av

6、erage Signal Amplitude. The arithmetically averaged value for a track of the output voltages Cartridge. An assembly of recording disk and case. Case. A protective enclosure including a shutter mechanism and a write-inhibit hole. Hub. A centering and referencing device attached to the center of the d

7、isk that allows torque to be Contact. An operating condition in which the magnetic surfaces of the disk are in physical contact Index. The point on a track that determines the beginning and end of the track. Liner. Suitable material positioned between the case and the disk to provide cleaning action

8、 and Master Standard Reference Flexible Disk Cartridge. A reference flexible disk cartridge selected 3.9 I1 O nm and a half power bandwidth of 50 nm, maximum, and a silicon photovoltaic cell with an appropriate aperture operating in the short circuit mode, spaced 10 mm (0.39 in) apart, with their op

9、tical axes parallel and contained in a suitable light-tight cover. 3.10 Recording Disk. A flexible disk that accepts and retains, on the specified side or sides, magnetic signals intended for inputloutput and storage purposes. 3.11 Reference Field. The typical field of the Master Standard Reference

10、Flexible Disk Cartridge. There are two Reference fields. one for each side. Optical System. A system consisting of a light-emitting diode with a peak power point at 940 mm An American National Standard implies a consensus of those substantially concerned with its scope and provisions. An American Na

11、tional Standard is intended as a guide to aid the manufacturer, the consumer, and the general public. The exist- ence of an American National Standard does not in any respect preclude anyone, whether he has approved the standard or not, from manufacturing, marketing, purchasing, or using products, p

12、rocesses, or procedures not conforming to the stan- dard. American National Standards are subject to periodic review and users are cautioned to obtain the latest editions. The American National Standards Institute does not develop standards and will in no circumstances give an interpretation of any

13、American National Standard. Moreover, no person shall have the right or authority to issue an interpretation of an Amer- ican National Standard in the name of the American National Standards Institute. CAUTION NOTICE: This American National Standard may be revised or withdrawn at any time. The proce

14、dures of the American National Standards Institute require that action be taken to reaffirm, revise, or withdraw this standard no later than five years from the date of approval. Purchasers of American National Standards may receive current information on all stan- dards by calling or writing the Am

15、erican National Standards Institute. Copyright O 1999 by Information Technology Industry Council (ITI), 1250 Eye Street NW, Washington, DC 20005 Copyright American National Standards Institute Provided by IHS under license with ANSINot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without licens

16、e from IHS-,-,-Page 2 of 3 pages 3.12 Secondary Standard Reference Flexible Disk Cartridge. A flexible disk cartridge, the performance of which is known and stated in relation to that of the Master Standard Reference Flexible Disk Cartridge. NOTE: Secondary Standard Reference Flexible Disk Cartridge

17、s can be ordered under part number RM 8860 from PTB Lab 1.41, Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), Bundesallee 100, D-3300 Braunschweig, Germany, F.R. It is intended that these be used for calibrating further cartridges for use in routine calibration. 3.13 Shutter. A device that uncovers the

18、 head windows upon insertion and automatically covers them upon removal from the drive. 3.14 Side Number. Side O is the side engaged by the spindle. Side 1 is the opposite side. 3.15 Standard Reference Amplitudes (SRAS). The average signal amplitudes derived from the reference tracks of the Master S

19、tandard Reference Flexible Disk Cartridge using the Test Recording Current. There are four SRAs, two for each side: SRA-If is the Average Signal Amplitude from a recording using Test Frequency If at Track 00; SRA-2f is the Average Signal Amplitude from a recording using Test Frequency 2f at Track 79

20、. 3.16 Test Recording Current. The current between 148% and 152% of the current that produces the Reference field at Test Frequency If on Track OO. There are two Test Record Currents, one for each side. 3.17 Test Recording Frequency (at the Recording Head). The number of flux transitions per unit of

21、 time, usu- ally expressed as flux transitions per second (ftps) (1 Hz = 2 ftps). 3.18 Transmittance. The radiant energy that passes through a sample, divided by the radiant energy that is inci- dent upon the sample. Transmittance is usually multiplied by 100 and is called percent transmittance (PT)

22、. The maximum allowable transmittance shall be defined by the reading obtained with neutral density filter with a known transmittance between 0.95% and 1.05%, calibrated at a 940-nm wavelength when used in place of the sample. 3.19 Typical Field. The minimum field that causes a signal output equal t

23、o 95% of the maximum Average Signal Amplitude in the plot of Average Signal Amplitude against recording field at the specified track and flux transition density. In 5.2.1, change fhe inch conversion of fhe forque range fo read: (0.071 to 0.354 ozf in). In 6.3.1, Nominal Locafions, change fhe formula

24、 fo calculafe fhe nominal radius R of fhe cenferline of all fracks from: R = X-0,1875 N mm X (R=z4 i 7.3818 x 10-3N in where X = 393 mm (1.5551 in) for side O X = 38,O mm (1.4961 in) for side 1 N =track number R = X-0,1875 N mm (R = X - 7.3818 x IOp3 N in) X = 393 mm (1.5551 in) for side O X = 38,O

25、mm (1.4961 in) for side 1 N =track number fo: where In 8.1.5, Ovemrife, change fhe lasf senfence from: “At the outermost track, the ratio shall be not more than 125% of the value of the same ratio for the Master Standard Reference Flexible Disk Cartridge.” fo: “At the outermost track, the ratio shal

26、l be not more than 150% of the value of the same ratio for the Master Stan- dard Reference Flexible Disk Cartridge.” ANSI X3.137-I 988/AM1-1999 Copyright American National Standards Institute Provided by IHS under license with ANSINot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license

27、 from IHS-,-,-Page 3 of 3 pages In fhe fable in Figure 4, Side 1 View and Hub Defail, change fhe values of references N and P fo read as follows: Reference Dimension Tolerance (I) mm in mm in N 31,15 1.2264 max max P 1,36 0.054 0,1 0.004 In Appendix E, Peak Shiff Measuremenf, change fhe fexf of Secf

28、ion E2 fo read as follows: E2. Definition T- T Peak Shift = - 2 where T = the mean period of the peaks of the reproduced waveform T = the period of the peak of the 2f pattern (2 microseconds at 300 r/min) The peak shift value of the disk under test, expressed in percentage should be: pt ps - x Kx 10

29、0 where Pt = the peak shift value obtained for the disk under test P, = the peak shift value obtained for the Secondary Standard Reference Flexible Disk Cartridge K = the calibration factor of the Secondary Standard Reference Flexible Disk Cartridge ANSI X3.137-I 988/AM1-1999 Copyright American Nati

30、onal Standards Institute Provided by IHS under license with ANSINot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-ANSI X3.139 88 09241i50 0018537 1 ANSI X3.137-1988 for information syst Copyright American National Standards Institute Provided by IHS under license wit

31、h ANSINot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-_ ANSI X3.137 88 m 0724350 0038538 3 m American National Approval of an American National Standard requires verification by ANSI that the re- quirements for due process, consensus, and other criteria for approva

32、l have been met by the standards developer. Standard Consensus is established when, in the judgment of the ANSI Board of Standards Review, substantial agreement has been reached by directly and materially affected interests. Sub- stantial agreement means much more than a simple majority, but not nec

33、essarily unanim- ity. Consensus requires that all views and objections be considered, and that a concerted effort be made toward their resolution. The use of American Natio,nal Standards is completely voluntary; their existence does not in any respect preclude anyone, whether he hasapproved the stan

34、dards or not, from man- ufacturing, marketing, purchasing, or using products, processes. or procedures not con- forming to the standards. The American National Standards Institute does not develop standards and will in no cir- cumstances give an interpretation of any American National Standard. More

35、over, no per- son shall have the right or authority to issue an interpretation of an American National Standard in the name of the American National Standards Institute. Requests for inter- pretations should be addressed to the secretariat or sponsor whose name appears on the title page of this stan

36、dard. CAUTION NOTICE: This American National Standard may be revised or withdrawn at any time. The procedures of the American National Standards Institute require that action be taken periodically to reaffirm, revise, or withdraw this standard. Purchasers of American National Standards may receive c

37、urrent information on all standards by calling or writing the American Nationabstandards Institute. Published by American National Standards Institute 1430 Broadway, New York, New York 10018 Copyright O 1988 by American National Standards Institute, Inc All rights resewed. No part of this publicatio

38、n may be reproduced in any forni, in an ekctronic retrieval system or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. Printed in the United States of America Copyright American National Standards Institute Provided by IHS under license with ANSINot for ResaleNo reproduction or netw

39、orking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-ANSI X3.337 88 0724350 0038537 5 = ANSI X3.137-1988 American National Standard for Information Systems - One- and Two-sided, Unformatted, 90-mm (3.5-in), 5,3-tpmm (I 35-tpi), Flexible Disk Cartridge for 7958 bpr Use - General, Physical, and Magnetic Requ

40、irements Secretariat Computer and Business Equipment Manufacturers Association Approved January 29,1988 American National Standards Institute, Inc a Copyright American National Standards Institute Provided by IHS under license with ANSINot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without li

41、cense from IHS-,-,-(This Foreword is not part of American National Standard X3.137-1988.) This standard presents, for the purpose of physical and magnetic interchange, a one- and two-sided 90-mm (3.5-in) (nominal) flexible disk cartridge for 7958 bits per radian (bpr) use as required to achieve unfo

42、rmatted disk cartridge inter- change among disk drives using 80 tracks per side and associated information processing systems. Subsequent related standards may contain specifications that differ from this standard as a result of the normal evolution of the product. Original source dimensions for thi

43、s standard were in the International System of units (SI), and reconversion from U.S. customary unit equivalents back to SI units should not be performed. This standard was developed by the X3B8 Technical Committee on Flexible Disks, which consists of a group of experienced and knowledgeable persons

44、 uni- quely qualified with respect to the flexible disk cartridge and its performance re- quirements. Although most members are affiliated with industry or government organizations, this standard represents the sum of individual efforts. Suggestions for improvement of this standard will be welcome.

45、They should be sent to the Computer and Business Equipment Manufacturers Association, 3 11 First Street, NW, Washington, DC 20001. Foreword This standard was processed and approved for submittal to ANSI by Accredited Standards Committee on Information Processing Systems, X3. Committee ap- proval of

46、the standard does not necessarily imply that all members voted for its approval. At the time it approved this standard, the X3 committee had the fol- lowing members: Richard Gibson, Chair Donald C. Loughry, Vice-Chair Catherine A. Kachurik, Administrative Secretary Organizafion Represented Nome of R

47、epresentative American Library Association American Nuclear Society Geraldine C. Main AMPIncorporated EdwardKelly Association of the Institute for Certification of AT&T . PaulD. Bartoli Thomas F. Frost (Alt) Control Data Corporation Charles E. Cooper Keith Lucke (Alt) Cooperating Users of Borroughs

48、Equipment . Thomas Easterday Donald Miller (Alt) Data General Corporation Lee Schiller Lyman Chapin (Alt) Data Processing Management Association Wallace R. McPherson (Alt) Digital Equipment Computer Users Society Digital Equipment Corporation . Gary S. Robinson EastmanKodak GaryHaines General Electr

49、ic Company GUIDE International . Frank Kirshenbaum . Paul Peters Sally Hartzell (Alt) Computer Professionals Thomas M. Kurihara Ward Arrington . Dennis Perry Delbert L. Shoemaker (Alt) Charleton C. Bard (Alt) William R. Kruesi (Alt) Sandra Swartz Abraham (Alt) . Richard W. Signor Hewlett-Packard . Donald C. Loughry Honeywell Bull David M. Taylor IBM Corporation . Mary Anne Gray Robert H. Follett (Alt) ! I Copyright American National Standards Institute Provided by I

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