ISO 11838-1997 Motorcycle and motorcycle-rider kinematics - Vocabulary《摩托车和摩托车驾驶员运动学 词汇》.pdf

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ISO 11838-1997 Motorcycle and motorcycle-rider kinematics - Vocabulary《摩托车和摩托车驾驶员运动学 词汇》.pdf_第1页
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ISO 11838-1997 Motorcycle and motorcycle-rider kinematics - Vocabulary《摩托车和摩托车驾驶员运动学 词汇》.pdf_第2页
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ISO 11838-1997 Motorcycle and motorcycle-rider kinematics - Vocabulary《摩托车和摩托车驾驶员运动学 词汇》.pdf_第3页
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ISO 11838-1997 Motorcycle and motorcycle-rider kinematics - Vocabulary《摩托车和摩托车驾驶员运动学 词汇》.pdf_第5页
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1、STD-IS0 LL838-ENGL 1997 Li851903 0700305 T2L I NTE R NATI ON AL STANDARD IS0 11838 First edition 1997-03-01 Motorcycle and motorcycle-rider kinematics - Vocabulary Cinmatique relative au motocycle et iJ son conducteur - Vocabulaire This material is reproduced from IS0 documents under International O

2、rganization for Standardization (ISO) Copyright License number IHSIICCI1996. Not for resale. No part of these IS0 documents may be reproduced in any form, electronic retrieval system or otherwise, except as allowed in the copyright law of the country of use, or with the prior written consent of IS0

3、(Case postale 56,1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland, Fax +41 22 734 1 O 79), IHS or the IS0 Licensors members. Reference number IS0 11838:1997(E) STD-IS0 11838-ENGL 1777 q851903 070030b 9bB IS0 11838:1997(El Foreword IS0 (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of nati

4、onal standards bodies (IS0 member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through IS0 technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. Internat

5、ional organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. IS0 collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization. Draft International Standards adopted by the technical commit

6、tees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote. International Standard IS0 1 1838 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 22, Road vehicles, Subcommittee SC 22, Motorcycles. O IS0

7、 1997 All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from the publisher. / Droits de reproduction rservs. Sauf prescr

8、iption diffrente, aucune partie de cette publication ne peut tre reproduite ni utilise sous quelque forme que ce soit et par aucun procd, lectronique ou mcanique, y compris la photocopie et lec microfilms, sans laccord crit de lditeur. International Organization for Standardization Case postale 56 C

9、H-121 1 Genve 20 Switzerland Internet X.400 c=ch; a=400net; p=iso; o=isocs; s=central Printed in Switzerland/lmprim en Suisse II STD-IS0 LLB38-ENGL 1997 4853703 0700307 BTi INTERNATIONAL STANDARD Q IS0 IS0 11838:1997(E) Motorcycle and motorcycle-rider kinematics - Vocabulary 1 Scope 1.

10、1 This International Standard specifies symbols, definitions and conventions related to motorcycle and motorcycle-rider motions and kinematics and to the modelling thereof. 1.2 It does not deal with methods of measurement, nor with the units used in reporting the results, nor with accuracy. 1.3 The

11、provisions of this International Standard apply to two-wheeled motorcycles as defined in IS0 3833. 1.4 This International Standard does not cover road motorcycles which are controlled by a pedestrian or which are used for the carriage of goods to the exclusion of persons. 1.5 This International Stan

12、dard specifies terms, definitions and symbols for the following systems, parts and aspects: steering system (clause 3) suspension system (clause 4) tyres and wheels (clause 5) basic principles of axis systems and kinematics (clause 6) directional dynamics (clause 7) motorcycle motion characteristics

13、 (clause 8) aerodynamic characteristics of the motorcycle-rider combination (clause 9) riding postures and behaviours (clause 1 O) tests (clause 11 1. 2 Normative references The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this International

14、Standard. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All standards are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this International Standard are encouraged to investigate the 1 - STD-IS0 LL838-ENGL 1777 m 4851703 0700308 730 m IS0 11838:1997(E) 0 IS0 possibility of

15、applying the most recent editions of the standards indicated below. Members of IEC and IS0 maintain registers of currently valid International Standards. IS0 3833: 1 977, Road vehicles - Types - Terms and definitions. IS0 6725: 1981, Road vehicles - Dimensions of two-wheeled mopeds and motorcycles -

16、 Terms and definitions. IS0 6726: 1988, Mopeds and motorcycles with two wheels - Masses - Vocabulary. 3 Steering system I 3.1 Axis and angles of the steering assembly 3.1.1 steer axis ZH rotational axis of the steering assembly for steering control which coincides with the axis of the steering stem

17、and with the axis of the steering head pipe 3.1.2 steer angle H angle of motion of the steering assembly about the steer axis (3.1.1) which is zero when the front wheel plane is parallel to the motorcycle longitudinal plane 3.1.3 wheel steer angle angle formed by the intersection with the road surfa

18、ce plane of the motorcycle longitudinal plane and the front wheel plane 6W 3.2 Dynamic quantities of the steering assembly 3.2.1 steering velocity angular velocity of the sprung part of the steering assembly about the zf-axis s 3.2.2 steering velocity of the handlebars angular velocity of the handle

19、bars about the zH-axis 6, 3.2.3 steer torque torque about the steer axis (3.1 .I) 3.2.4 steer force value obtained from dividing the steer torque (3.2.3) and the effective rotational radius of the steering handle NOTE - The effective rotational radius of the steering handle is the distance between t

20、he steer axis (3.1.1) and the centre point of the steering handlegrip projected on the plane perpendicular to the steer axis. 2 STD*ISO 33838-ENGL 3777 4853703 0700307 b77 IS0 IS0 11838:1997(El 3.2.5 steady state steer torque torque applied to the steering handle in order to maintain the motion of t

21、he motorcycle-rider combination in a given state NOTE - When the motorcycle-rider combination is turning, this torque is classified as positive steer torque ( 1, neutral steer torque ( or negative steer torque ( positive steer torque steady state steer torque (3.2.5)

22、applied in the direction equal to that in which the motorcycle-rider combination is turning neutral steer torque amount of steady state steer torque (3.2.5) equal to zero, required when the motorcycle-rider combination is turning negative steer torque steady state steer torque (3.2.5

23、) applied in the direction opposite to that in which the motorcycle-rider combi- nation is turning 3.2.6 steady state steer force value obtained from dividing the steady state steer torque (3.2.5) and the effective rotational radius of the steering handle 3.2.7 stiffness of the steering assembly res

24、istance against the deformation caused by the loads applied to the steering assembly NOTE - There are torsional and bending stiffnesses. 3.2.8 friction torque of the steering assembly torque about the steer axis (3.1.1) required to initiate the motion of the steering assembly which does not include

25、the friction between the tyre and the road surface 3.2.9 damping torque of the steering assembly damping torque about the steer axis (3.1.1) at a certain steering velocity (3.2.1) which does not include the damping between the tyre and the road surface 3.2.10 moment of inertia of the steering assemb

26、ly moment of inertia of the steering assembly about the steering axis (3.1 .I) under defined load conditions 3.3 Steering characteristics of the steering assembly 3.3.1 steering under stationary conditions steering operation of the rnotorcycle-rider combination under stationary conditions 3.3.2 coun

27、ter steering positive action on the steering handle in order to compensate (cancel out) the change in the state of the motorcycle 3 STDmISO 11838-ENGL 1997 4851903 07003LO 377 IS0 11838:1997(E) Q IS0 3.3.3 disturbed steer very short and quick rotation of the steering handle caused by an outside dist

28、urbance 3.3.4 loss of control in steering uncontrollable rotation of the steering handle caused by a disturbance 4 Suspension system 4.1 Suspension geometry 4.1.1 wheel plane centre plane of the wheel which is perpendicular to the wheel spin axis 4.1.2 wheel centre intersection of the wheel spin axi

29、s and the wheel plane (4.1 .I) 4.1.3 front and rear wheel alignment position of the front and the rear wheel planes relative to some reference frame planes 4.1.4 steering system alignment relation between the wheel(s) and the body or the road surface NOTE - This term is often applied to the fork off

30、-set (4.1.81, castor (4.1.71, castor angle (4.1.6). 4.1.5 alignment variation displacements and deformations of the suspension system caused by forces applied to the wheels 4.1.6 castor angle z SEE IS0 6725:198 4.1.7 castor SEE IS0 6725:198 4.1.8 fork off-set , 6.12. , 6.1 1. distance between the st

31、eering shaft centreline and the front wheel spin axis 4.1.9 vertical wheel travel vertical distance between the wheel spin axis position when the suspension is fully stretched and when it is fully compressed according to the manufacturers indication 4 Q IS0 STD-IS0 LL838-ENGL 1777 m i851703 07003L1

32、225 m IS0 11838:1997(E) 4.1.10 spring and/or damper stroke displacement between the spring and/or damper unit positions when fully stretched and when fully compressed according to the manufacturers indication 4.2 Suspension dynamic rates 4.2.1 suspension rate increase of ground contacting load neces

33、sary to approximate the wheel spin axis and the sprung mass projected on the vertical line passing through the wheel centre by the unit distance under the designated load 4.2.2 ride rate increase of ground contacting load necessary to approximate the road plane and the sprung mass projected on the v

34、ertical line passing through the wheel centre by the unit distance under the designated load 4.2.3 link ratio of spring and/or damper ratio of the vertical wheel travel (4.1.9) and the spring and/or damper stroke (4.1 .IO) NOTES 1 The link ratio can be more or less than 1, depending on the location

35、and the way of geometrical linking of the spring and/or damper in relation to the position of the wheel axis. 2 The link ratio can be a function of the wheel travel 4.2.4 damping characteristics relation between the damping force occurring at the damper unit and the damper piston speed NOTE -The sig

36、n is positive when the damper is compressed, it is negative when the damper is stretched 5 Tyres and wheels 5.1 Tyre axis system and variables 5.1.1 conventional centre of tyre contact intersection of the wheel plane and the vertical projection of the spin axis of the wheel onto the road plane 5.1.2

37、 geometrical centre of tyre contact geometrical centre of the contact area between the tyre and the road plane 5.1.3 effective centre of tyre contact centre of pressures in the contact area of the tyre and the road plane NOTES 1 When the wheel is cambered, the effective centre of tyre contact can be

38、 displaced in the direction of the camber. 2 The effective centre of tyre contact may not be the geometrical centre of tyre contact (5.1.2) area due to distortion of the tyre produced by applied forces. 5 STD*ISO 33838-ENGL 3777 4853703 0700332 Lb3 IS0 11838:1997(E) IS0 5.1.4 camber angle E angle be

39、tween the vertical and the wheel plane 5.1.5 tyre slip angle a angle between the xt-axis and the direction of wheel travel in the conventional centre of tyre contact (5.1 .I) See figure 2 5.1.6 slip ratio S (driving) UtxCOS a - Utc Utc S= 5.1.7 slip ratio S (braking) VtxCOS a - utc U vtC is the peri

40、pheral velocity of the conventional centre of tyre contact (5.1 .I) in reference to the centre of the wheel; a is the tyre slip angle (5.1.5). 5.2 Forces applied to tyres and their coefficients 5.2.1 tyre vertical load zt-component of the force applied from the road plane to the tyre 5.2.2 tyre late

41、ral force yt-component of the force applied from the road plane to the tyre 5.2.3 tyre longitudinal force xt-component of the force applied from the road plane to the tyre 5.2.4 tyre vertical stiffness variation in the vertical load required to shift the distance between the conventional centre of t

42、yre contact (5.1 .I) and the wheel centre (4.1.2) in the vertical direction by the length, with the camber angle (5.1.4) being zero 6 STD-IS0 11838-ENGL 1997 I 4853903 0700333 UT8 I Q IS0 IS0 11838:1997(E) 5.2.5 tyre lateral stiffness variation in the tyre lateral force (5.2.2) required to vary the

43、wheel centre (4.1.2) in the yt-direction by the length relative to the supporting surface, with the camber angle (5.1.4) being zero and a specified tyre vertical load (5.2.1 ) being applied 5.2.6 driving force positive tyre longitudinal force (5.2.3) caused by application of driving torque in the xt

44、-direction 5.2.7 braking force negative tyre longitudinal force (5.2.3) caused by application of braking torque in the yt-direction 5.2.8 conicity force tyre lateral force (5.2.2) which changes sign with respect the horizontal tyre axis system (6.2.211 with a change in direction of rotation when the

45、 tyre slip angle (5.1.5) and the camber angle (5.1.4) are zero 5.2.9 plysteer force tyre lateral force (5.2.2) which does not change sign with respect to the horizontal tyre axis system (6.2.211 with a change in direction of rotation when the tyre slip angle (5.1.5) and the camber angle (5.1.4) are

46、zero 5.2.10 camber force camber thrust tyre lateral force (5.2.2) applied to the tyre having some camber angle (5.1.4) when the tyre slip angle (5.1.5) is zero and the plysteer force (5.2.9) and conicity force (5.2.8) have been subtracted 5.2.1 1 cornering force horizontal component, in the directio

47、n perpendicular to the direction of wheel travel, of the force applied from the road plane to the wheel having some tyre slip angle (5.1.5) when the camber angle (5.1.4) is zero See figure 2. 5.2.12 tyre side force tyre lateral force (5.2.2) when the camber angle (5.1.4) is zero and the plysteer for

48、ce (5.2.9) and conicity force (5.2.8) have been subtracted See figure 2. 5.2.13 tractive force component of the tyre force vector in the direction of wheel travel of the effective centre of tyre contact (5.1.31, is equal to the tyre lateral force (5.2.2) times the sine of the tyre slip angle (5.1.5)

49、 plus the tyre longitudinal force (5.2.3) times the cosine of the tyre slip angle (5.1.5) 5.2.14 drag force negative tractive force (5.2.13) See figure 2. 7 STD.IS0 11838-ENGL 1977 m Li851703 07003LLi T34 IS0 11838:1997(E) IS0 5.2.15 rolling resistance force opposite to the direction of wheel heading mainly resulting from deformation of a rolling tyre 5.2.16 rolling resistance coefficient ratio between the rolling resistance and the tyre vertical load (5.2.1) 5.2.17 camber stiffness rate of change of tyre lateral force (5.2.2) with resp


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