ISO 11843-1-1997 Capability of detection - Part 1 Terms and definitions《检测能力 第1部分 术语和定义 两种语言版》.pdf

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2、 of detection - Part 1: Terms and definitions TECHNICAL CORRIGENDUM 1 Capacit de dtection - Partie 1: Termes et dfinitions RECTIFICATIF TECHNIQUE 1 Technical Corrigendum 1 to IS0 11843-1:1997 was prepared by Technical Committee ISOTC 69, Applications of statistical methods, Subcommittee SC 6, Measur

3、ement methods and results. Le Rectificatif technique 1 IISO 11843-1:1997 a t labor par le comit technique ISOTC 69, Application des mthodes statistiques, sous-comit SC 6, Mthodes et rsultats de mesure. ICs 01.040.03; 03.120.30; 17.020 Ref. No./Rf. no IS0 11843-1 :1997/Cor.l:2003(E/F) O IS0 2003 -All

4、 rights reservedProus droits rservs Published in SwitzerlandlPubli en Suisse IS0 1 1843:-1: 1997/Cor.l:2003( E/F) Page 7, Definition 11 Page 7, Dfinition 11 Delete the word “true” in the definition and in Note 2. Supprimer le mot vraie dans la dfinition et dans la Note 2. Page 9, Table A. 1 Page 9,

5、Tableau A. 1 Replace every occurrence of the word “analyte” in Table A.l by the phrase “chemical species to be determined”. dterminer. Remplacer travers tout le Tableau A.l le mot analyte par lexpression compos chimique 2 O IS0 2003 -All rights reserved/Tous droits rservs I NT E R NAT I O N AL STAND

6、ARD NORME I NTER NATI ONALE IS0 1 1843-1 First edition Premire dition 1997-07-01 Capability of detection - Part I: Terms and definitions Capacit de dtection - Partie 1: Termes et dfinitions This material is reproduced from IS0 documents under International Organization for Standardization (ISO) Copy

7、right License number IHSIICCI1996. Not for resale. No part of these IS0 documents may be reproduced in any form, electronic retrieval system or otherwise, except as allowed in the copyright law of the country of use, or with the prior written consent of IS0 (Case postale 56,1211 Geneva 20, Switzerla

8、nd, Fax +41 22 734 10 79), IHS or the IS0 Licensors members. Reference number Numro de rfrence IS0 1 1843-1 : 1997(E/F) STD-IS0 LLB43-L-ENGL 1777 Li851903 0713518 OLL E IS0 11843-1:1997(E/F) Foreword IS0 (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national stand

9、ards bodies (IS0 member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through IS0 technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International orga

10、nizations, governmental and nongovernmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. IS0 collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization. Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are ci

11、rculated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote. International Standard IS0 1 1843-1 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 69, Applications of statistical methods, Subcommittee SC 6, Measur

12、ement methods and results. IS0 11843 consists of the following parts, under the general title Capability of detection: - Part 7: Terms and definitions - Part 2: Methodology Annexes A and B of this part of IS0 11843 are for information only. Q IS0 1997 All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified,

13、 no part of this publication may be reprodu- ced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photoce pying and microfilm, without permission in writing from the publisher. / Droits de reproduction rservs. Sauf prescription diffrente, aucune partie de cette publicatio

14、n ne peut tre reproduite ni utilise sous quelque forme que ce soit et par aucun procd, lec- tronique ou mcanique, y compris la photocopie et les microfilms, sans laccord crit de lditeur. ISO/IEC Copyrigh Office Case postale 56 CH-1 21 1 Genve 20 Switzerland Internet: X.400: c=ch; a=40

15、0net; p=iso; o=isocs; s=central Printed in Switzerland/lmprim en Suisse STDSISO LLALl3-L-ENGL L77 U 4853703 07L35L7 T58 M Q IS0 IS0 11843-1:1997(E/F) Avant-propos LISO (organisation internationale de normalisation) est une fdration mondiale dorganismes nationaux de normalisation (comits membres de I

16、ISO). Llaboration des Normes internationales est en gnral confie aux comits techniques de IISO. Chaque comit membre intress par une tude a le droit de faire partie du comit technique cr cet effet. Les organisations internationales, gouvernementales et non gouverne- mentales, en liaison avec IISO par

17、ticipent galement aux travaux. LISO collabore troitement avec la Commission lectrotechnique internationale (CEI) en ce qui concerne la normalisation lectrotechnique. Les projets de Normes internationales adopts par les comits techniques sont soumis aux comits membres pour vote. Leur publication comm

18、e Normes internationales requiert lapprobation de 75 % au moins des comi- ts membres votants. La Norme internationale IS0 11843-1 a t labore par le comit techni- que ISO/TC 69, Application des mthodes statistiques, sous-comit SC 6, Mthodes et rsultats de mesure. LISO 11843 comprend les parties suiva

19、ntes, prsentes sous le titre gnral Capacit de dtection: - Partie I: Termes et dfinitions - Partie 2: Mthodologie Les annexes A et B de la prsente partie de IISO 11843 sont donnes uniquement titre dinformation. . 111 STD-IS0 11843-1-ENGL 3Y7-t UI 4853703 0733520 77T E INTERNATIONAL STANDARD (g NORME

20、INTERNATIONALE IS0 11843-1:1997(E/F) Capability of detection - Capacit de dtection - Part 1: Partie 1: Terms and definitions Termes et dfinitions Scope This part of IS0 11843 specifies terms and definitions relating to the detection of a difference between an actual state of a system and its basic s

21、tate. The general concepts laid down in this part of IS0 1 1843, critical value of the response variable, critical value of the net state variable and minimum detectable value of the net state variable (see defi- nitions Nos. 9 to 11 1, apply to various situations such as checking the existence of a

22、 certain substance in a material, the emission of energy from samples or plants, or the geometric change in static systems under distortion. Critical values can be derived from an actual measurement series so as to assess the unknown states of systems included in the series, whereas the minimum dete

23、ctable value of the net state variable as a characteristic of the measurement method serves for the selection of appropriate measurement pro- cesses. In order to characterize a measurement pro- cess, a laboratory or the measurement method, the minimum detectable value can be stated if appropri- ate

24、data are available for each relevant level, .e. a measurement series, a measurement process, a lab- oratory or a measurement method. The minimum detectable values may be different for a measure- ment series, a measurement process, a laboratory or the measurement method. Domaine dapplication La prsen

25、te partie de IISO 11843 prescrit les termes et dfinitions lies la dtection dune diffrence entre ltat rel dun systme et son tat de base. Les concepts gnraux exposs dans la prsente partie de IISO 11843: valeur critique de la variable de rponse, valeur critique de la variable nette dtat et valeur minim

26、ale dtectable de la variable nette dtat (voir dfinitions no 9 no 11 ), sappliquent des situa- tions varies telles que la vrification de lexistence dune certaine substance dans un matriau, lmis- sion dnergie par des chantillons ou des installa- tions, ou le changement gomtrique dans des systmes stati

27、ques sous contraintes. Les valeurs critiques peuvent tre issues dune srie de mesures relles afin destimer les tats inconnus de systmes contenus dans cette srie, tandis que la valeur minimale dtectable de la variable nette dtat en tant que caractristique de la mthode de mesure sert la slection de pro

28、cessus de mesure appro- pris. Pour caractriser un processus de mesure, un laboratoire ou la mthode de mesure, la valeur mini- male dtectable peut tre tablie si des donnes appropries sont disponibles pour chaque niveau concern, cest-dire une srie de mesures, un pro- cessus de mesure, un laboratoire o

29、u une mthode de mesure. Les valeurs minimales dtectables peuvent tre diffrentes pour une srie de mesures, un pro- cessus de mesure, un laboratoire ou la mthode de mesure. 1 STD-ISO Z3893-3-ENGL 1997 II 9853903 0733523 bob IS0 11843-1:1997(E/F) IS0 11843 applies to quantities measured on scales that

30、are fundamentally continuous. It applies to meas- urement processes and types of measurement equipment where the functional relationship between the expected value of the response variable and the value of the state variable is described by a calibration function. If the response variable or the sta

31、te variable is a vectorial quantity, the concepts of IS0 11843 apply separately to the components of the vectors or functions of the components. NOTE - Definitions Nos. 6 and 11 refer to theoretical quantities which in reality remain unknown. Estimates of these theoretical quantities can be determin

32、ed from ex- perimental results. Terms and definitions Without restriction to the general applicability of this part of IS0 11843, it is assumed that the net state variable (see No. 4) is non-negative and that the cali- bration function (see No. 6) is strictly monotonically increasing. See also note

33、1 of definition No. 9. Figure 1 illustrates some of the concepts defined. The form of the distribution of the response variable and the calibration function is only an example and does not imply any restriction to a particular type of distri- bution. The symbols used in this part of IS0 11 843 refer

34、 to figure 1 and are illustrative. They do not form a normative part of this part of IS0 11843. Q IS0 LISO 11843 sapplique aux quantits mesures sur des chelles fondamentalement continues. Elle sap- plique des processus de mesure et des types dap- pareil de mesure o la relation fonctionnelle entre la

35、 valeur attendue de la variable de rponse et la valeur de la variable dtat est dcrite par une fonction dtalonnage. Si la variable de rponse ou la variable dtat est une quantit vectorielle, les concepts de IISO 1 1843 sappliquent sparment aux composan- tes des vecteurs ou aux fonctions des composante

36、s. NOTE - Les dfinitions no 6 et no 11 se rfrent des quantits thoriques qui, en ralit, demeurent inconnues. Des estimations de ces quantits thoriques peuvent tre dtermines partir de rsultats exprimentaux. Termes et dfinitions Sans restreindre Iapplicabilit gnrale de la prsente partie de IISO 11843,

37、il est suppos que la variable nette dtat (voir n“4) est non ngative et que la fonction dtalonnage (voir no 6) saccroit de faon strictement monotone. Voir aussi la note 1 de la dfi- nition no 9. La figure 1 illustre certains des concepts dfinis. La forme de la distribution de la variable de rponse et

38、 de la fonction dtalonnage nest quun exemple et nimplique aucune restriction un type particulier de distribution. Les symboles utiliss dans la prsente partie de IISO 11843 se rfrent la figure 1 et sont illustratifs. Ils ne constituent pas une partie normative de la prsente partie de IISO 11 843. 2 Q

39、 IS0 STD-IS0 31843-3-ENGL 1997 = 4853903 0733522 5Li2 W IS0 11843-1:1997(E/F) Response variable Variable de rponse Critical value oftheresponse variable Valeur critique de la variable de rponse , YI alibration function Fonction dtalonnage Minimum detectable value of the net state variable Valeur min

40、imale dtectable de la variable nette dtat Critical value of the net state variable Valeur critique de la variable nette dtat I - xc XD x=z-2, O Net state variable Variable nette dtat O ZO zc Value of Z in the basic state Valeur de Z dans ltat de base ZO 2 State variable Variable dtat Z State variabl

41、e zo Value of the state variable in the basic state X Net state variable, X = Z- zo xc Critical value of the net state variable XD Minimum detectable value of the net state variable Y Response variable yc Critical value of the response variable a Probability of an error of the first kind fl Probabil

42、ity of an error of the second kind for X = XD Figure 1 - Calibration function, critical value of the response variable, critical value of the net state variable and minimum detectable value of the net state variable 2 Variable dtat zo Valeur de la variable dtat dans ltat de base X Variable nette dta

43、t, X = 2- zo xc Valeur critique de la variable nette dtat XD Valeur minimale dtectable de la variable nette dtat Y Variable de rponse yc Valeur critique de la variable de rponse a Probabilit dune erreur de lere espce fl Probabilit dune erreur de 2eme espce pour X = XD Figure 1 - Fonction dtalonnage,

44、 valeur criti- que de la variable de rponse, valeur critique de la variable nette dtat et valeur minimale dtectable de la variable nette dtat 3 STD-IS0 LLBi3-L-ENGL 1997 4853703 0733523 489 W IS0 11843-1:1997(E/F) 1 state variable Z quantity describing the state of a system NOTES 1 Generally, a syst

45、em is characterized by more than one state variable. However, depending on the scope of the investigation, only one state variable is selected for the purpose of detecting a difference between an actual state and the basic state. 2 Usually the selected state variable attains its smallest value in th

46、e basic state. 1 variable dtat Z quantit dcrivant ltat dun systme NOTES 1 En gnral, un systme est caractris par plus dune variable dtat. Cependant, en fonction de lobjet de Iexa- men, une seule variable dtat est choisie afin de dtecter une diffrence entre un tat rel et ltat de base. 2 Habituellement

47、 la variable dtat choisie atteint sa valeur minimale dans ltat de base. EXEM PL ES EXAMPLES a) Concentration or amount of a substance in a mixture of substances. b) Intensity (energy density, power density, etc.) of the energy (radiation, sound, etc.) emitted by a source. c) Geometric change in a st

48、atic system when it is distorted. 2 basic state specific state of a system for use as a base for the evaluation of actual states of the system EXAMPLE A state of equilibrium or of an extreme condition. 3 reference state state of a system, the deviation of which from the basic state is assumed to be known with respect to the state variable, Z 4 net state variable X difference between the state variable, Z, and its value in the basic state, zo NOTES 1 The net state variable constitutes a derived variable following an interval


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