1、 Reference number ISO 13399-1:2006/Amd.1:2010(E) ISO 2010INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 13399-1 First edition 2006-02-15 AMENDMENT 1 2010-05-01 Cutting tool data representation and exchange Part 1: Overview, fundamental principles and general information model AMENDMENT 1 Reprsentation et change des don
2、nes relatives aux outils coupants Partie 1: Vue densemble, principes fondamentaux et modle gnral dinformations AMENDEMENT 1 ISO 13399-1:2006/Amd.1:2010(E) PDF disclaimer This PDF file may contain embedded typefaces. In accordance with Adobes licensing policy, this file may be printed or viewed but s
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7、 09 47 E-mail copyrightiso.org Web www.iso.org Published in Switzerland ii ISO 2010 All rights reservedISO 13399-1:2006/Amd.1:2010(E) ISO 2010 All rights reserved iiiForeword ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO member b
8、odies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental a
9、nd non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization. International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives
10、, Part 2. The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies ca
11、sting a vote. Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. Amendment 1 to ISO 13399-1:2006 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 29, Small to
12、ols. ISO 13399-1:2006/Amd.1:2010(E) ISO 2010 All rights reserved 1Cutting tool data representation and exchange Part 1: Overview, fundamental principles and general information model AMENDMENT 1 Page 6, 5.1.2 Add the following application object as the first indent: fitting_bounds Page 14, 5.2.11 Re
13、place the EXPRESS specification with the following: EXPRESS specification: TYPE limitation_definition_select = SELECT (limits_and_fits, plus_minus_bounds, fitting_bounds); END_TYPE; Page 21, 5.2.26 Add the following definition below the title. A coating is an applied material layer or layers deposit
14、ed on a substrate. Add the following subclauses. coating_name A coating_name is a name by which the coating is referred to. coating_process A coating_process is a process by which the coating has been applied. ISO 13399-1:2006/Amd.1:2010(E) 2 ISO 2010 All rights reservedPage 42, 5.
15、2.58 Replace this subclause with the following: 5.2.58 grade A grade is a label for the final composition of the cutting item material substrate or substrate and coating. coating The coating specifies the coating of the grade. cutting_condition The cutting_condition specifies the r
16、elevant cutting conditions for the grade. identifier This is an identifier for the grade. standard_designation A standard_designation is a designation for the grade based on a standard. substrate The substrate specifies the substrate of the grade. workpiece_materi
17、al The workpiece_material specifies workpiece materials that are suitable for machines using the grade. Page 43, 5.2.60 Replace the first paragraph with the following: 5.2.60 item An item is either a single object or a unit in a group of objects. It collects the information that is common to all ver
18、sions of the object. An item shall always be classified as cutting item, tool item, adaptive item, or assembly item using a specific_item_classification. Additionally, if an assembly_definition exists for at least one version of the item, the item shall be classified as being an assembly using speci
19、fic_item_classification. Page 44, 5.2.61 Replace this subclause with the following: 5.2.61 item_characteristic_association An item_characteristic_association associates a characteristic to an item_definition. ENTITY item_characteristic_association; associated_characteristic : item_characteristic_sel
20、ect; associated_item : item_definition; relation_type : OPTIONAL STRING; END_ENTITY; ISO 13399-1:2006/Amd.1:2010(E) ISO 2010 All rights reserved 3Add the following subclause. relation_type The relation_type specifies the meaning of the relationship. Where applicable, the following values sh
21、all be used: has characteristic: The relationship indicates that the item possesses the related characteristic. is related to: The relationship indicates that the item is related to the characteristic. used for: The relationship indicates that the item may be used in the context of the related chara
22、cteristic. Page 44, 5.2.62 Replace this subclause with the following: 5.2.62 item_definition An item_definition is a view of an item_version. This view is relevant for the requirements of one or more application domains and collects product data of the item_version. NOTE The selection of data descri
23、bing an item_version can be different for assembly purposes, shipping purposes or analysis purposes. Each item_definition may be a mating_definition, an assembly_definition, or a physical_item_definition. EXPRESS specification: ENTITY item_definition SUPERTYPE OF (ONEOF(assembly_definition, mating_d
24、efinition, physical_item_definition); associated_item_version : item_version; contexts : OPTIONAL SET OF application_context; id : STRING; name : OPTIONAL string_select; END_ENTITY; Page 44, Replace this subclause with the following: contexts The contexts specifies the set of appli
25、cation_context objects in which this view of the item_version is relevant. Page 44, delete ISO 13399-1:2006/Amd.1:2010(E) 4 ISO 2010 All rights reservedPage 50, 5.2.70 Add the following definition below the title. A location is a place or position where a product or resource can exist. Add
26、the following subclauses. location_id A location_id is an identifier of the location. location_name A location_name is the word or group of words by which the location is known. location_type The location_type specifies the type of location. Where applicable, the following
27、 values shall be used: warehouse: The location is a warehouse. turret: The location is a tool turret. room: The location is a room. machine: The location is a machine tool. Page 57, 5.2.84 Add the following definition below the title. A physical_item is a type of item that identifies an individual a
28、rtefact that has been made. It is a collector of data common to all revisions of the physical_item. Page 57, 5.2.85 Add the following definition below the title. A physical_item_location_association is a relationship that allows a physical_item_definition to have a location. Add the following subcla
29、uses. located_item The located_item attribute specifies the physical_item that is being located. location The location attribute specifies the location object. Page 57, 5.2.86 Add the following definition below the title. A physical_item_definition is a type of item_definition that
30、 defines a characterization view of a version of a physical_item. ISO 13399-1:2006/Amd.1:2010(E) ISO 2010 All rights reserved 5NOTE The physical_item_definition entity type supports the representation of different views of a physical_item for different purposes. Multiple views of the same physical_i
31、tem are represented by different instances of physical_item_definition for the same physical_item_version. Page 57, 5.2.87 Add the following definition below the title. A physical_item_state_association is a relationship that allows a physical_item_definition to have state or to be in a state. Add t
32、he following subclauses. associated_physical_item The associated_physical_item specifies the physical_item_definition which has a state. associated_state The associated_state specifies the state which is being assigned. role The role specifies the role of the physical_item
33、_state_association. Where applicable, the following values shall be used: observed: The associated state is an actual observed state. predicted: The associated state is a predicted state, it may or may not be true. Page 57, 5.2.88 Add the following definition below the title. A physical_item_structu
34、re_association creates a parent child relationship between physical_item_definitions. NOTE The relationship relates physical_items at the physical_item_definition level since a single physical_item (a single solid body which you can touch) can have multiple functions with their own assembly of compo
35、nents. EXAMPLE A multi-function tool which has three different functions on the same tool body, each function having its own insert and clamping system. Add the following subclauses. related The related attribute specifies the child of the relationship. relating The relating attrib
36、ute specifies the parent of the relationship. Page 58, 5.2.89 Add the following definition below the title. A physical_item_version is a type of item_version that identifies a revision of an individual artefact that has been made. An item whose properties can only be known by observation, or by deri
37、vation from observations. ISO 13399-1:2006/Amd.1:2010(E) 6 ISO 2010 All rights reservedNOTE The physical_item_version represents the physical product, something one can touch. Page 65, 5.2.100 Add the following definition below the title. A realized_item_association is a relationship between a produ
38、ct, represented by an item, and the product that has been made, represented by a physical_item_version. Add the following subclauses. physical_item The physical_item attribute specifies the physical_item that is a realization of the item_version. realized_item_version The realize
39、d_item_version attribute specifies the item_version object of which the physical_item is a realization. Page 67, 5.2.104 Add the following definition below the title. A state is the mode of being in which something does or could exist for a period of time. Add the following subclause. name
40、 The name specifies the name by which the state is known. Page 68, 5.2.107 Add the following definition below the title. A substrate is the main material composition of a cutting item. Add the following subclause. name This is the name by which the substrate is referred to. ISO 13399-1:200
41、6/Amd.1:2010(E) ISO 2010 All rights reserved 7Page 68, 5.2.108 Replace this subclause with the following: 5.2.108 Transformation A transformation is a geometric transformation composed of translation and rotation. Scaling is not included. Each transformation is a transformation_3d or a transformatio
42、n_2d. EXPRESS specification: ENTITY transformation ABSTRACT SUPERTYPE OF (ONEOF(transformation_2d, transformation_3d); axis_1 : OPTIONAL direction; axis_2 : OPTIONAL direction; local_origin : cartesian_point; END_ENTITY; Add the following subclauses. axis_1 Axis_1 is the direction used to
43、determine the derived X-axis direction. axis_2 Axis_2 is the direction used to determine the derived Y-axis direction. local_origin The local_origin is the required translation, specified as a cartesian point. The actual translation included in the transformation is from the geom
44、etric origin to the local origin. Page 68, 5.2.110 Replace this subclause with the following: 5.2.110 transformation_3d A transformation_3d is the definition of a geometric transformation in 3D space. A transformation_3d is a type of transformation. EXPRESS specification: ENTITY transformation_3d SU
45、BTYPE OF (transformation); axis_3 : OPTIONAL direction; END_ENTITY; ISO 13399-1:2006/Amd.1:2010(E) 8 ISO 2010 All rights reservedAdd the following subclause. axis_3 Axis_3 is the direction used to determine the derived Z-axis direction. Page 72, after 5.2.117 Add the following new subclaus
46、es. 5.2.118 fitting_bounds A fitting_bounds is the specification of the allowable deviation from a numerical value for a fitting. EXPRESS specification: ENTITY fitting_bounds; lower_bound : STRING; significant_digits : OPTIONAL STRING; upper_bound : STRING; value_determination : OPTIONAL STRING; END
47、_ENTITY; lower_bound The lower_bound specifies the value of the tolerance that shall be subtracted or added from the exact value to establish the minimum allowed value. significant_digits The significant_digits specifies the number of decimal digits indicating the accuracy of the
48、 lower_bound and upper_bound values. The significant_digits need not be specified for a particular fitting_bounds. upper_bound The upper_bound specifies the value of the tolerance that shall be added or subtracted to the exact value to establish the maximum allowed value. value_d
49、etermination The value_determination specifies information on how the fitting_bounds shall be interpreted. The value_determination need not be specified for a particular fitting_bounds. Where applicable, the following values shall be used: calculated: The value has been calculated; designed: The value represents a value intended by the design; estimated: The value has been estimated; measured: The value has been measured; required: The value represents a requ