ISO 14739-1-2014 Document management - 3D use of Product Representation Compact (PRC) format - Part 1 PRC 10001《文件管理 产品表示紧凑 (PRC) 格式的3D应用 第1部分 PRC 10001》.pdf

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ISO 14739-1-2014 Document management - 3D use of Product Representation Compact (PRC) format - Part 1 PRC 10001《文件管理 产品表示紧凑 (PRC) 格式的3D应用 第1部分 PRC 10001》.pdf_第1页
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ISO 14739-1-2014 Document management - 3D use of Product Representation Compact (PRC) format - Part 1 PRC 10001《文件管理 产品表示紧凑 (PRC) 格式的3D应用 第1部分 PRC 10001》.pdf_第2页
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ISO 14739-1-2014 Document management - 3D use of Product Representation Compact (PRC) format - Part 1 PRC 10001《文件管理 产品表示紧凑 (PRC) 格式的3D应用 第1部分 PRC 10001》.pdf_第3页
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ISO 14739-1-2014 Document management - 3D use of Product Representation Compact (PRC) format - Part 1 PRC 10001《文件管理 产品表示紧凑 (PRC) 格式的3D应用 第1部分 PRC 10001》.pdf_第4页
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ISO 14739-1-2014 Document management - 3D use of Product Representation Compact (PRC) format - Part 1 PRC 10001《文件管理 产品表示紧凑 (PRC) 格式的3D应用 第1部分 PRC 10001》.pdf_第5页
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1、 Reference number ISO 147391:2014(E) ISO 2014INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 14739-1 Firs t editio n 20141215 Document management 3D use of t Representation Compact (PRC) Produc format Part 1: PRC 10001 Gestion de documents Utilisation en 3D du format compact de reprsentation de produit (PRC) Partie 1: P

2、RC 10001 ISO 14739-1:2014(E) COPYRIGHT PROTECTED DOCUMENT ISO 2014 All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting on the internet or an intr

3、anet, without prior written permission. Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address below or ISOs member body in the country of the requester. ISO copyright office Case postale 56 CH-1211 Geneva 20 Tel. + 41 22 749 01 11 Fax + 41 22 749 09 47 E-mail Web Pu

4、blished in Switzerland ii ISO 2014 All righ ts reservedISO 14739-1:2014 ISO 2014 All righ ts reserved iiiContents Page Contents iii Foreword . v 1 Scope 1 2 Normative references 1 3 Terms and definitions . 2 4 Document syntax conventions . 2 4.1 Conventions 2 4.2 Example Structure 2 5 PRC file conce

5、pts . 3 5.1 The PRC file . 3 5.2 Versioning . 5 5.3 Unique identifiers . 6 5.4 Current data values 7 5.5 Userdata . 7 5.6 Units . 8 5.7 Tolerances . 8 5.8 Compressed file sections 9 5.9 Compressed geometry 9 5.10 Compressed tessellation 9 6 PRC file contents 9 6.1 Fileheader 9 6.2 Filestructure . 11

6、 6.3 PRC Schema . 13 7 PRC basic types 13 7.1 General 13 7.2 Uncompressed types 14 7.3 Compressed types . 15 8 Base entities 21 8.1 General 21 8.2 Abstract root types . 21 8.3 Structure and assembly 25 8.4 Miscellaneous Data . 45 8.5 Gra phics 56 8.6 Representation items 72 8.7 Mark up 77 8.8 Tessel

7、lation . 83 8.9 Topology 114 8.10 Curve . 150 8.11 Surface . 182 8.12 Mathematical O pe rato r 209 9 Schema Definition 213 9.1 General . 213 9.2 Enumeration Of Schema Tokens 214 ISO 14739-1:2014 i v ISO 2014 All righ ts reserved9.3 Schema Processing 216 9.4 Schema Requirements and Examples . 222 10

8、I/O Algorithms 225 10.1 Getnumberofbitsusedtostoreunsignedinteger . 225 10.2 Makeportable32bitsunsigned . 225 10.3 Writebits . 225 10.4 Writestring . 226 10.5 Writefloatasbytes. 226 10.6 Writecharact erar ray . 227 10.7 Writeshortarray . 228 10.8 Writecompressedintegerarray . 229 10.9 Writecompresse

9、dindicearray . 229 10.10 Writeunsignedinteger 230 10.11 Writeinteger 230 10.12 Writeintegerwithvariablebitnumber . 230 10.13 Writeunsignedintegerwithvariablebitnumber . 231 10.14 Writedoublewithvariablebitnumber 231 10.15 Writenumberofbitsthenunsignedinteger . 232 10.16 Writecompressedentitytype 232

10、 10.17 Writedouble . 233 10.18 Procedure For Writedouble . 270 11 Tessellation Compression Support . 274 11.1 Genera l . 274 11.2 Huffman Algorithm 275 11.3 B ode . 277 asis Pseudoc Annex A Example: Triangle . 281 (informati v e) Annex B (informati v e) List of figures and tables . 283 Bibliography

11、284 ISO 14739-1:2014 ISO 2014 All righ ts reserved vForeword ISO (the I n ternatio n al O rganiz ation for St anda rdization) i s a w orldwide f eder ati on o f n atio n a l standards bodies (ISO member b od ies). The w o rk o f pr ep aring Int ern a tion al S t a n d ards is nor mally c a r r i e d

12、 o u t t h r o u g h I S O t e c h n i c a l com m i ttee s. Ea ch m em be r body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been e stablished has the r ight to be r e pr esented on t hat c ommitt ee. Intern ation a l organiz a tio n s, g o v ern m ental and n o ngovern mental, i n

13、l i a i s o n w i t h I S O , a l s o t a k e p a r t i n the work. ISO collaborates closely w ith the Inter n ational El ect rotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of el e ctrotechnic a l standardization. The procedu r es u sed to d evelop this docum e nt a nd th o se i n tended f o r i t s f

14、u r t h e r m a i n t e n a n c e a r e d e s c r i b e d i n t h e I S O / I E C D i r e c t i v e s , P a r t 1 . I n p a r t i c u l a r t h e d ifferent a pproval criter ia needed f or the d i f f e r e n t t y p e s o f I S O d o c u m e n t s s h o u l d b e n o t e d . T h i s d o c u m e n t

15、 was dr afted in a ccordance with the editorial rul e s of the ISO /I EC Directives, Part 2 (see ). Attention is d rawn to th e possibility that some o f the element s o f t h i s d o c u m e n t m a y b e t h e s u b j e c t o f p a t e n t r i g h t s . I S O s h a l l n o t

16、 b e h e l d r e s p o n s i b l e f o r i d e n t i f y i n g any or a ll such patent rights. D etails o f a n y p a t e n t r i g h t s i d e n t i f i e d d u r i n g t h e d e v e l o p m e n t o f t h e d o c u ment w ill b e in th e Intr oduction an d/or on th e ISO lis t of pat e nt d eclarat

17、ions received (s ee ). Any trade name u sed in t his docu ment is infor m ation gi ven for t he c on venience o f us ers and does not constitute an endorsement. For an e xpl a nati on on the meani n g of I SO s pecific terms and exp r e ssions r elated to confor mit y assessment,

18、 a s well as i nformation a bout I SO s a dherenc e t o the W TO principles in t he T echnical ment a ry inform a tio n Barriers to Trade (TBT) s ee th e follow i ng URL : For e word Sup ple The commit tee r e sponsi b le f or this document is ISO/TC 171, Document management applications , Subcommit

19、tee SC 2, Application issues. ISO 14739-1:2014 vi ISO 2014 All righ ts reservedIntroduction The dat a r ep resentati ons i n PRC allow s 3 D design d ata, typic all y created i n CAD and PLM systems, t o b e lex docume n ts. viewed a nd i nterrogated by visu a lizat ion applicati ons and to b e int

20、egrat e d into co m p This document specifies a wide r an ge of dat a f orm s . The wide r ange is necessary to: Achieve a hi gh f idelity, v isually e quiv alent repres entati on o f 3 D d e s i g n d a t a p r o d u c e d b y a n advanc ed CA D or P L M s y stem with o ut r equiring th e origi nal

21、 ap pli cation. Allow applications t o co mpute hi gh accuracy prod u ct shape measu rements. PRC is intended to complement nat i v e o r o p e n s t a n d a r d C A D a n d P L M f or mats a s a co mpact, c onci s e binary f orm for visualiz ation and d o cumentatio n. PRC is not i nt e n d e d a s

22、 a d a t a f o r m a t f o r C A D interoper a bility o r use in f acto ry a utomation systems, e .g. aut omated m anu f acturin g a nd insp e ct ion ystems, whi ch is addressed by the IS O 10 3 0 3 sta ndards. sINTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 14739-1:2014 ISO 2014 All righ ts reserved 1Document manageme

23、nt 3D use of Product Representation ct (PRC) format Compa Part 1: PRC 10001 1 Scope This Int ernat ional Standard describe s PRC 10 00 1 of a product r e present a tio n co m pact (P R C) file form a t for thr e e dimensio nal ( 3 D) c o n tent d ata. T his fo rmat is designe d to b e inc l uded i n

24、 P D F (ISO 3 2 0 0 0 ) an d other similar document f ormats f or the p urpose o f 3D v isu a lizati o n a n d e x c h a n g e . I t c a n b e u s e d f o r creating, v iewing, and distributi ng 3 D data i n do cument e xch a nge w o rkfl ows. I t is o p timized t o store, load, and display various

25、kinds of 3 D data, especially t hat com ing from c omputer aid e d design ( CAD) systems. This Int y to: e rn a t ional St andard does not appl Method of el ectronic distribution Converting C AD system generate d dat a sets to the PRC for m at or operational details of rendering Specific technical d

26、esign, user i nter fac e , implement a tion, Required computer hard ware and/or operati n g systems 2 Normative references The followin g r eferenc e d documents are indispen sable for the ap plication of this docu ment. F o r dated refere nces, o n ly th e e diti on cit e d applies. F or u nd ated

27、r eferenc e s , t h e l a t e s t e d i t i o n o f t h e r e f e r e n c e d ing any amendment s) applies. document (i n clud ectronic imaging Vocabulary I S O 12 65 1 :19 99 , El ISO 2 4 5 171 : 20 08, Document management Engineering document format using PDF Part 1: Use of F/E-1) PDF 1.6 (PD , Do

28、cument management Portable document format ISO 3 2 0 00 IEE E 7 5 4 , Floating-Point Arithmetic The OpenGL Graphics System, A Specification, Version 4.1 (Core Profile), July 25, 2010 11Available at http:/ y/doc/glspec41.core.20100725.pdf ISO 14739-1:2014 2 ISO 2014 All righ ts

29、 reserved3 Terms and definitions F o r t h e p u r p o s e s o f t h i s d o c u m e n t , t h e t e r m s a n d d e f i n i t i o n s g i v e n in I S O 32 0 0 0 1, I S O 24 51 71 and ISO 1 2 6 51 a n d the follo wing a pply. 3.1 PRC File Writer software application which wr ites a particular PR C

30、file 3.2 PRC File Reader software application which re ads a pa rticular PRC f ile 3.3 byte group of eight bits processe d as a sin gle u n it o f da ta 4 Document syntax conventions 4.1 Conventions The followin g con ve ntion s a re used wi thin this doc ume nt to des c ribe data wi thin a PRC F il

31、e. Terms highlighted in bold w ithin thi s d ocument signify field names in the d escription of e n t i t y t y p e s . Entity types are denoted in italic. A tabl e with three colu m n s is use d to de scribe t he da t a within a contiguous portion o f th e file. T h e f i r s t c o l u m n i n d i

32、c a t e s t h e n a m e o f t h e f i e l d . F i e l d n a m e s are not uniq ue and can b e c onsidered t o have a scope limited to th e dat a class. The sec o nd c olumn describes th e typ e of th e dat a . This mi ght b e A simple d at a typ e such a s a Bo o lea n , UnsignedI n t e ger, o r Do

33、u b l e A simple class of d ata s u ch a s PR C_TYPE_TOPO_Body o r PtrTopolog y w h ere th e n a me of t h e class is used to defi n e t he data stored for that class An A rray w hich i ndicates a n array o f d at a o f the specified class. A n array has el e ments. E lements of an array ar e refere

34、nced beginn ing at 0. T h e t h i r d c o l u m n i n d i c a t e s i f t h e f i e l d i s r e q u i r e d o r o p t i o n a l . I f the fiel d is o ptional a condition is described when th e f ield i s present. The fi eld m a y also b e des cribed. 4.2 Example Structure ISO 14739-1:2014 ISO 2014 A

35、ll righ ts reserved 3Table 1 PRC file structure example Name Type Value flag1 Boolean (Required) describe flag1 data_field1 (Opti o nal; i f is TR UE) d es c r ibe da ta _f ield1 flag1 data_field2 (Opti o nal; i f flag1 is FALSE) desc ribe data_field2 topological_body_data PRC_TYPE_TOPO_Body (Requir

36、ed) describe topological_body_data data_type or Integer (Required) d ta_type escribe da data_of_type3 (Opti o nal; i f is 1) describe data_type data_type3 data_of_type4 (Opti o nal; i f data_type is 2) describe data_type4 Size UnsignedInteger (Required) describe size array_of_type5 Array size (Requi

37、red) describe t he arr a y o f 5 PRC file concepts 5.1 The PRC file A PRC File i s a s e qu ent i al b in ary fi le, written in a w ay to mak e the fil e portable across machine architectures and operating systems. PRC is opti m ized to store variou s kind s of 3D d a ta, especially t h ose co min g

38、 f rom co mput eraided d esi g n D main constructs of CAD systems ar e supported within the PRC File Format: (CA ) systems. Most of the Assemblies and parts s, surface s, and solids) Trees o f 3D e ntities (co o r dinate syste ms, wireframesurfaces Exact geometry representat ion for c u rves, riangu

39、l ated ) represent ation Tessellated (t Markup data P R C i s m e a n t t o b e m u l t i p u r p o s e . T h e r e a r e t w o w a y s t o s t o r e e x act geometry a nd t essell atio n depending o n the usa ge o f the fi le and on th e ori g in al information: Regular compression is u sed to d ir

40、ectly represent CAD data wi thout los s o r trans f or mation f r o m t h e o r ig i n a t in g CA D sy stem . H i g h c o m p r e s s i o n i s u s e d t o s t o r e v e r y s m a l l f i l e s , w h i c h h a v e a speci f ied p hysical tol erance f r o m the origin ati n g shap e. T h e t oleranc

41、 e i s typically 0, 0 0 1 m m for e xa ct g e om etric da ta and 0 ,01 mm f o r tessellation data. E a c h P R C F i l e c o r r e s p o n d s t o a s i n g l e m o d e l f i l e ( s e e 8 . 3 . 3 ) w h ich defi nes the r oot product o ccurrences w i t h i n t h e F i l e S t r u c t u r e s o f t h

42、 e P R C F i l e . A P R C F i l e i s a c o l l ection o f FileStructures which a r e independen t from e ach o ther and can come f rom various authoring P R C F i l e W r i t e r s . A F i l e S t r u c t u r e i s the repres entation o f an independent p hysical file d enoti n g an independent 3D

43、 par t, a ssembl y , etc. w i t h i n a P R C f i l e . H e n c e , t h e r e i s o n e h e a d e r f o r e a c h F i l e S t r u cture with s pecific information and one glob al header for the mo del file w hic h c ontai ns i nformatio n a bou t t h e P R C F i l e W r i t e r t h a t a s s e m b l

44、 e d all these individual F ileStructures into t he f inal P RC F ile. H e a d er s ections g ath e r pri m arily i n for m ation on fil e version, FileStructure id s and offsets for r e ading / sk ippi ng secti ons. ISO 14739-1:2014 4 ISO 2014 All righ ts reservedEach F ileStr ucture c o n tains on

45、 e or m ore product occurrences (se e 8.3.10. 2 ) . The produ c t occurrenc es denote the assembly h ier a rchy of t he F ileStructure. A pr oduct o ccurrence c a n have child nodes, which are also p roduct o ccurrences. The r e i s e x a c t l y o n e r o o t p r o d u c t o ccurrenc e in e ach Fil

46、 e Structure. T he root product occurrence i s the o nly en try point to t he FileStru cture. (refer to Figure 1 bel o w) I n p a r a l l e l t o t h e F i l e S t r u c t u r e s , t h e m o d e l f i l e a l s o c o n t a i n s a n array o f r oot pro duct o ccurrences t hat comprise the s tarting

47、 point for the entire a ssembly d escription. A product occurrence may refer to a corresponding part definition (see 8. 3 .11) which i n turn co n tai ns: Geometrical data stored in a t re e of repre se nta t ion ite m s (se e 8. 6.3) ps, grou p ed into an n otation e nt ities and views (see 8.7.2)

48、An optio nal t r ee o f p art m a rku i n: A product oc currence can conta A tree of product markup s Filters used to redefin e the l o a di ng a nd p resentatio n o f d ata d e f i n e d i n t h e c h i l d p r o d u c t occurrences or in the part definitio n ( see 8.3.12) T h e r e p r e s e n t a

49、 t i o n i t e m s a r e d e f i n e d t h r o u g h a c o m b i n a t i o n o f t essellati on or t opolo g y and geo m etry data, which may b e hi g hl y compr e sse d. The m ark ups are d efin ed by tessell ation d a ta. F.S. Bolt Model File P.O. Tire P.O. Bolt P.O. Rim P.O. Rim P.O. Nuts P.O. Washers P.O. Bolts P.O. Nuts P.O. Washers F.S. Tire P.D. Rim P.O. Nut P.D. Nut P.O. Washer P.D. Washer F.S. Rim F.S. Nut F.S. Washer P.O. Bolts P.O. Nut P.O. Washer Key: = Prototype


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