ISO 2300-1973 Sawn timber of broadleaved species Defects Terms and definitions Trilingual edition《阔叶树锯材 缺陷 术语和定义 三种语言版》.pdf

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ISO 2300-1973 Sawn timber of broadleaved species Defects Terms and definitions Trilingual edition《阔叶树锯材 缺陷 术语和定义 三种语言版》.pdf_第1页
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ISO 2300-1973 Sawn timber of broadleaved species Defects Terms and definitions Trilingual edition《阔叶树锯材 缺陷 术语和定义 三种语言版》.pdf_第2页
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ISO 2300-1973 Sawn timber of broadleaved species Defects Terms and definitions Trilingual edition《阔叶树锯材 缺陷 术语和定义 三种语言版》.pdf_第3页
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ISO 2300-1973 Sawn timber of broadleaved species Defects Terms and definitions Trilingual edition《阔叶树锯材 缺陷 术语和定义 三种语言版》.pdf_第4页
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ISO 2300-1973 Sawn timber of broadleaved species Defects Terms and definitions Trilingual edition《阔叶树锯材 缺陷 术语和定义 三种语言版》.pdf_第5页
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2、973-12-15 Sciages de bois feuillus - Dkfauts - Termes et d6f initions Premiere Edition - 1973-l 2-15 IIJIOMaTep%WIbI J-IMCTBeIIHbIXIIOpO,?J - nOpOJW - TepMmIbI II OnpeAeJIema JTepsoe s3qaue 1973-l 2-l 5 e 4 !52 U DC/CDU/YAK: 674.03-4 : 001.4 Ref. No./Rbf. No: IS0 2300 - 1973 (E/F/R) Em zf Ccmma .T%i

3、: IX0 2300 - 1973 (A/P) I Descriptors: wood - hardwoods - structural timber - sawn timber - defects - vocabulary / Descripteurs: bois - bois dur - bois de construction - bois sci6 - defaut - 8g vocabulaire / Oaacaase: esecsa - .ngeeeca +sepnan - naco&raTepYranbl cpoaewme - mmoaepaan - nopox - cnoeap

4、b R,m OS 2Y Price based on 38 pages / Prix base sur 38 pages / IGI paconaraa sa 38 CT. FOREWORD IS0 (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards institutes (IS0 Member Bodies). The work of developing International Standards is carried out throu

5、gh IS0 Technical Committees. Every Member Body inter- ested in a subject for which a Technical Committee has been set up has the right to be repre- sented on that Committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. Draft Interna

6、tional Standards adopted by the Technical Committees are circulated to the Member Bodies for approval before their acceptance as International Standards by the IS0 Council. International Standard IS0 2300 was drawn up by Technical Committee ISO/TC 55, Sawn rinber a& suw!ogs, and circulated to the Me

7、mber Bodies in June 197 1. It has been approved by the Member Bodies of the following countries: Australia Hungary Portugal Austria Iran Romania Belgium Ireland Spain Canada Italy Sweden Czechoslovakia Netherlands Thailand Egypt, Arab Rep. of New Zealand Turkey Finland Norway United Kingdom France P

8、akistan U.S.S.R. Germany Poland Yugoslavia The Member Bodies of the following countries expressed disapproval of the document on technical grounds: India South Africa, Rep. of AVANT-PROPOS IS0 (Organisation Inter-r-rationale de Normalisation) est une federation mondiale dorga- nismes nationaux de no

9、rmalisation (Comites Membres ISO). Lelaboration de Normes Internationales est confide aux Con&es Techniques ISO. Chaque ComitC Membre in&es& par une etude a le droit de faire partie du Comite Technique correspondant. Les organisa- tions internationales, gouvernementales et non gouvernementales, en l

10、iaison avec IISO, participent Bgalement aux travaux. Les Projets de Normes Internationales adopt&s par les Comitts Techniques sont soumis aux ComitCs Membres pour approbation, avant leur acceptation comme Normes Inter- nationales par le Conseil de 1X0. La Norme Internationale IS0 2300 a CtC ttablie

11、par le Comite Technique ISO/TC 55, Bois s&s et grwnes d sciuges, et soumise aux Comitb Membres en juin 1971. Elle a et6 approuvee par les ComitQ Membres des pays suivants: Allemagne Hongrie Portugal Australie Iran Roumanie Autriche Irlande Royaume-Uni Belgique Italie Suede Canada Norvege Tchecoslova

12、quie Egypte, Rep. arabe d Nouvelle-Zelande Thallande Espagne Pakistan Turquie Finlande Pays-Bas U.R.S.S. France Pologne Yougoslavie Les Comites Membres des pays suivants ont dbapprouvc le document pour des raisons techniques: Afrique du Sud, Rep. d Tnde BBEAEHPiE kiC0 (MeflyHaponHas Opramisaum no CT

13、aHaprriaauari)aEsrrreTcs BCeMHpHOfi t$eAepa- uaeiiHaqHo,HanbHbIx?praHoB noanapTmaun(KoTeToB-meHoB HCO). Paspa6oma eyHapObIxTaHapTOBOCyBnReTCIIexHllYeCKUMUOMTeTaMuCO.KaxcIir KOMHTeT-WIeH,3amTepeCOBaHHbI# BellTeJIbHOCTIIKaKoro-H6oTeXHIifeCKOrO KOMHTeTa, AMeeT npaB0 yqaCTBOBaTb B er0 pa6oTax. npaBIlTeJ

14、IbCTBeHHbIe I1 HenpaBETeJIbCTBCHHbIe MeXtAyHapOAHble OpraHII3auIIIi, COTpyAHWWOIWie C tico, TaKXfe npAHIiMaIOT yIaCTHe B pa6oTax. npOCKTb1 MemnyHapOflHbIX CTaHflapTOB, npIiHRTbIe TeXHWIeCKIIMIf KOMHTeTaMH, nepen HX yTBepmAeHHeM COBeTOM BCO B KaYeCTBe MeWIyHapOAHbIX CTaHflapTOB, paCCbIJIaIOTCR Ha ono

15、6peHueBCeM KOMIlTeTaM-YJIeHaM. MeX(flyHapOaHbI% CTaHnapT MC0 2300 6bIn noroToBneH TeXHWIeCKIiM KOMnTeTOhl I?CO/TK 55, fi/flO,Wll?lt?pUUflbl, kiHanpaBneH,B BIOHe 197irOfla,BCeMKOMIlTeTaM+JICHaM. OH 6511 OAO6peH KoMaTeTaw-WeHaMu cneny8Xwix crpas: ABCTUIH BTaJlIia COeAIiHeHHOe KOpOJIeBCTBO ABCZTHR KaHa

16、Aa CCCP Eenbrua HWepJIaHAbI TaitnaHn BeHrpm HOBaa 3enamurr TYPWR repMaHm HopBerm EHnaHmiR ErmeT, Apa6cKan Pecn. l-raKaCTaH pawm PipaH nonbma YexocnosaKHH pJIaHAHR rIopTyranaa Uh3ew-i PicnaHm PyMbIHHR mocJIaBHR KOMRTeTbI-YJIeHbI CJIefiyK)UFiX CTpaH OTKJIOHAJIki JIOKyMeHT II0 npElIHHaM TeXHIlYeCKOrO n

17、opflflq#a : IIHm K)mHO-Arl)pHKaHcKaK PecrryBnmca 0 International Organization for Standardization, 1973 l 0 Organisation Internationale de Normalisation, 1973 l MeXflyHaponaaH OpraHa3amm no CraHapTn3amm, 1973 l Printed in Switzerland / Imprime en Suisse / MsnaHo B UIBeIYIuapm IS0 2300 - 1973 (E/F/R)

18、 IX0 2300 - 1973 (A/P) IS0 2300 - 1973 (E/F/R) MC0 2300 - 1973 (A/P) s IS0 2300- 1973 (E/F/R) WC0 2300 - 1973 (A/P) m m: l-l ri 3 IS0 2300 -1973 (E/F/R) MC0 2300 -1973 (A/Q/P) IS0 2300 - 1973 (E/F/R) RCO 2300- 1973 (A/P) N . - lti . r( ri 5 IS0 2300 - 1973 (E/F/R) AC02300 - 1973 (A/P) N 6 IS0 2300 -

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21、/R) IWO 2300-1973(A/P) IS0 2300-1973 (E/F/R) UC02300 - 1973 (A/P) IS0 2300-1973 (E/F/R) IWO2300 -1973 (A/B/P) IS0 2300-1973 (E/F/R) I3CO2300-1973(A/P) 23 180 2300 -1973 (E/F/R) IWO2300 - 1973 (A/P) IS0 2300-1973 /F/R) &ICO 2300 -1973(A/P) &. _ -._-_. ti: - . * 25 IS0 2300- 1973 (E/F/R) EICO 2300-1973 (A/P) 26 IS0 2300-1973 (E/F/R) I3CO2300 -1973(A/P) 8 IS0 2300-1973 (E/F/R) MC02300 -1973 (A/P) IS0 2300 -1973 (E/F/R) IKO 2300 -1973 (A/P) f-4 r-: ei x 0 N X 30 IS0 2300-1973 (E/F/K) IlCO2300-1973(A/P) N ri d 0 E IS0 2300.1973 (E/F/K) HCO 2300-1973 (A/P) 32


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