ISO 30061-2007 Emergency lighting《应急照明》.pdf

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1、 Reference number ISO 30061:2007(E) CIE S 020/E:2007 ISO 2007INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 30061 CIE S 020/E First edition 2007-11-01 Emergency lighting clairage de secours ISO 30061:2007(E) PDF disclaimer This PDF file may contain embedded typefaces. In accordance with Adobes licensing policy, this fi

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4、at the file is suitable for use by ISO member bodies. In the unlikely event that a problem relating to it is found, please inform the Central Secretariat at the address given below. COPYRIGHT PROTECTED DOCUMENT ISO 2007 All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may

5、 be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from either ISO at the address below or ISOs member body in the country of the requester. ISO copyright office Case postale 56 CH-1211 Geneva 20 Tel.

6、+ 41 22 749 01 11 Fax + 41 22 749 09 47 E-mail Web Published in Switzerland ii ISO 2007 All rights reservedISO 30061:2007(E) ISO 2007 All rights reserved iii Foreword ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards

7、 bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organiza

8、tions, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization. ISO 30061 was prepared as Standard CIE S 020/E by the International Commiss

9、ion on Illumination, which has been recognized by the ISO Council as an international standardizing body. It was adopted by ISO under a special procedure which requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote, and is published as a joint ISO/CIE edition. The International Commi

10、ssion on Illumination (abbreviated as CIE from its French title) is an organization devoted to international cooperation and exchange of information among its member countries on all matters relating to the science and art of lighting. ISO 30061 was prepared by CIE Technical Committee 5-19 Emergency

11、 Lighting. Standard Emergency Lighting Eclairage de secours Notbeleuchtung CIE Standards are copyrighted and shall not be reproduced in any form, entirely or partly, without the explicit agreement of the CIE. CIE Central Bureau, Vienna CIE S 020/E:2007 Kegelgasse 27, A-1030 Vienna, Austria UDC: 628.

12、978.6 Descriptor: Emergency lighting CIE S 020/E:2007 ISO 30061:2007(E) CIE S 020/E:2007 CIE 2007 All rights reserved ISO 2007 All rights reserved v CIE 2007 All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electr

13、onic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from CIE Central Bureau at the address below. CIE Central Bureau Kegelgasse 27 A-1030 Vienna Austria Tel.: +43 1 714 3187 0 Fax: +43 1 714 3187 18 e-mail: Web: ISO 30061:2007(E) CIE S

14、020/E:2007 vi CIE 2007 All rights reserved ISO 2007 All rights reservedFOREWORD Standards produced by the Commission Internationale de lEclairage (CIE) are a concise documentation of data defining aspects of light and lighting, for which international harmony requires such unique definition. CIE Sta

15、ndards are therefore a primary source of internationally accepted and agreed data, which can be taken, essentially unaltered, into universal standard systems. This CIE Standard has been prepared by CIE Technical Committee TC 5-19* “Emergency Lighting“: TABLE OF CONTENTS FOREWORD . iv 1. INTRODUCTION


17、nts for emergency mode 6 10.3.2 Requirements for non-emergency mode . 7 10.4 Uniformity . 7 10.4.1 Uniformity of colours 7 10.4.2 Uniformity between colours . 7 10.5 Height of the sign equating to viewing distance. 7 11. INFLUENCE OF SMOKE. 7 12. ANNEX (INFORMATIVE): BIBLIOGRAPHY 8 * The chairperson

18、 of this TC was B. Weis (DE); members were: J. Audestad (NO), J. Breaden (AU), M. C. Crawford (US), H. Finke (DE), J. Horvth (HU), H. Jusln (FI), J. Lecocq (FR), T. Lemons (US), J. L. Pimenta (BR), P. Rombauts (BE), A. Stockmar (DE), A. Tanaka (JP), G. Vandermeersch (BE), and C. Watts (UK), with the

19、 following committee advisors: P. K. Bandyopadhyay (IN), E. Bistricky (AU), A. Ottosson (SE), N. Radovanovi (YU), M. K. Timmings (CA), N. Vassilev (BG), J. Wild (PL). CIE, 2007 ISO 30061:2007(E) CIE S 020/E:2007 CIE 2007 All rights reserved ISO 2007 All rights reserved vii ISO 30061:2007(E) CIE S 02

20、0/E:2007 viii CIE 2007 All rights reserved ISO 2007 All rights reservedEMERGENCY LIGHTING 1. INTRODUCTION The primary objective of emergency lighting is the provision of visual conditions that can alleviate panic and facilitate safer evacuation of buildings occupants during the failure of normal pow

21、er supply/lighting, in clear (non-smoke) and smoke filled conditions. The emergency lighting scheme design should be based on worst conditions (e.g. minimum light output, maximum glare limits) of the luminaires during operating life and should be based only on direct light from luminaires. The contr

22、ibutions by room surface inter- reflections should be ignored. However, in lighting systems such as indirect luminaires or uplights (used in maintained/combined mode), where the luminaire works in conjunction with a reflecting surface, the first reflection should be taken as direct light from the sy

23、stem and subsequent reflections should be ignored. The requirements given in this standard are a minimum for design purposes and are calculated for the full rated duration period and end of design life of the equipment. A special chapter for smoke is included. Safety signs may also fulfil further fu

24、nctions within maintained operation. In most countries, states or towns statutory regulations relating to emergency lighting already exist. For this reason, the appropriate authority should always be consulted before commencing the design of a specific emergency lighting system. It is hoped that by

25、providing an international standard, lighting technical requirements in local statutory regulations will converge on that standard. 2. SCOPE This standard specifies the luminous requirements for emergency lighting systems installed in premises or locations where such systems are required. It is prin

26、cipally applicable to locations where the public or workers have access. 3. NORMATIVE REFERENCES The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenc

27、ed document (including any amendments) applies. CIE 17.4-1987. International lighting vocabulary (ILV) (Joint publication IEC/CIE). IEC 60598-2-22. Luminaires Part 2-22: Particular requirements - Luminaires for emergency lighting. ISO 3864-1. Graphical symbols Safety colours and safety signs Part 1:

28、 Design principles for safety signs in workplaces and public areas. ISO 6309. Fire protection Safety signs. ISO 7010. Graphical symbols Safety signs used in workplaces and public areas. ISO 16069. Graphical symbols Safety signs Safety way guidance systems (SWGS). ISO 30061:2007(E) CIE S 020/E:2007 C

29、IE 2007 All rights reserved ISO 2007 All rights reserved 14. TERMS AND DEFINITIONS emergency lighting escape lighting standby lighting escape route lighting open area lighting high risk task area lighting Fig. 1. Specific terms of emergency lighting. 4.1 emergency lighting (ILV 845-09-10) lighting p

30、rovided for use when the supply to the normal lighting fails 4.2 escape route route designed for escape in the event of an emergency 4.3 escape lighting that part of emergency lighting that provides illumination of escape routes, open area lighting, and high risk task area lighting when normal light

31、ing fails, as well as guidance markings whenever the escape routes are occupied 4.4 standby lighting (ILV 845-09-13) that part of emergency lighting provided to enable normal activities to continue substantially unchanged 4.5 escape route lighting that part of emergency lighting provided to ensure t

32、hat the routes of escape can be effectively identified and safely used and that obstructions within the escape route are visible 4.6 open area lighting (in some countries known as anti-panic lighting) that part of emergency lighting provided to avoid panic and to provide illumination allowing people

33、 to reach a place where an escape route can be identified 4.7 high risk task area lighting that part of emergency lighting that provides illumination for the safety of people involved in a potentially dangerous process or situation and to enable proper shut down procedures for the operator and other

34、 occupants of the premises 4.8 emergency exit way out that is intended to be used during an emergency 4.9 safety sign sign which gives a general safety message, obtained by a combination of colour and geometric shape and which, by the addition of a graphic symbol or text, gives a particular safety m

35、essage (ISO 3864-1 / ISO 6309 / ISO 7010) 4.10 externally illuminated safety sign sign that is illuminated, when it is required, by an external source ISO 30061:2007(E) CIE S 020/E:2007 2 CIE 2007 All rights reserved ISO 2007 All rights reserved4.11 internally illuminated safety sign sign that is il

36、luminated, when it is required, by an internal source 4.12 escape route sign safety sign used to mark directions and exits in escape routes 4.13 direction escape route sign safety sign to mark the direction of an escape route 4.14 exit sign safety sign to mark emergency exits 4.15 safety way guidanc

37、e system (ISO 16069) system to provide conspicuous and unambiguous information and sufficient visual cues to enable people to evacuate an occupied area in an emergency along a specified escape route by using a comprehensive arrangement of visual components, signs, and markings 4.16 duration of emerg

38、ency mode time interval that the rated lumen output shall be provided 4.17 rated duration of emergency mode time interval, as claimed by the manufacturer, that the rated emergency lumen output is provided (IEC 60598-2-22) 5. ESCAPE LIGHTING To provide visibility for evacuation, lighting is required

39、in the volume of the space. Safety signs that are provided at all exits intended to be used in an emergency and along escape routes shall be illuminated to indicate unambiguously the route of escape to a point of safety. Where direct sight of an emergency exit is not possible, an illuminated safety

40、sign (or series of signs) shall be provided to assist progression towards the emergency exit. An escape lighting luminaire complying with IEC 60598-2-22 shall be sited to provide appropriate illuminance near each exit door and at positions where it is necessary to emphasize potential danger or the l

41、ocation of safety equipment. The places for which emphases shall be considered are listed as the following: a) at each exit door intended to be used in an emergency; b) at stairs so that each flight of stairs receives direct light including especially the top and the bottom steps; c) at any other ch

42、ange in vertical level; d) at mandatory emergency exits and safety sign locations; e) at each change of direction; f) at each intersection of corridors; g) at each final exit; h) at each first aid post; i) at each piece of fire fighting equipment and call point; j) if smoke is of prime concern, it i

43、s recommended to mount luminaires at least 0,5 m below the ceiling (see also Chapter 11). Positions denoted as b, c, h, and i, if not on the escape route nor in an open area shall be illuminated to 5 lx minimum at the floor. ISO 30061:2007(E) CIE S 020/E:2007 CIE 2007 All rights reserved ISO 2007 Al

44、l rights reserved 36. ESCAPE ROUTE LIGHTING 6.1 For escape routes up to 2 m in width, the horizontal illuminance on the floor along the centre line of an escape route shall not be less than 1 lx and the central band consisting of not less than half of the width of the route shall be illuminated to a

45、 minimum of 50 % of that value. NOTE: Wider escape routes can be treated as a number of 2 m wide strips or be provided with open area (anti-panic) lighting. 6.2 The ratio of the maximum to the minimum illuminance along the centre line of the escape route shall not be greater than 40 : 1. NOTE: To pr

46、ove the ratio a grid system should be used according to CIE S 015, chap. 4.3.3. 6.3 Disability glare shall be kept low by limiting the luminous intensity of each luminaire within the field of view during the maximum lumen output in emergency mode of operation. For horizontal escape routes, the lumin

47、ous intensity of the luminaires shall not exceed the values in Table 1 within the zone 60 to 90 from the downward vertical at all angles of azimuth (see Fig. 2). For all other escape routes and areas, the limiting values shall not be exceeded at any angle (see Fig. 3). 1 = glare zone Fig. 2. Glare z

48、one. 1 = glare zone Fig. 3. Glare zone. NOTE: High contrast between a luminaire and its background can produce glare. In escape route lighting the main problem will be disability glare, in which the brightness of the luminaires can dazzle and prevent obstructions or signs from being seen. ISO 30061:

49、2007(E) CIE S 020/E:2007 4 CIE 2007 All rights reserved ISO 2007 All rights reservedTable 1. Disability glare limits. Mounting height above floor level H in m Escape route and open area (anti-panic) lighting luminous intensity I max in cd High risk task area lighting maximum luminous intensity I max in cd 0,0 H 40. The luminaire shall not substantially subtract from this. 6.5 The duration and response time should conform to national requirements. NOTE: If these do not exist then t


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