ISO 477-1982 Textile machinery and accessories Cone and cheese winding machines Vocabulary Trilingual edition《纺织机械与附件 圆锥形和圆柱形筒子络筒机 词汇 三种语言版》.pdf

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ISO 477-1982 Textile machinery and accessories Cone and cheese winding machines Vocabulary Trilingual edition《纺织机械与附件 圆锥形和圆柱形筒子络筒机 词汇 三种语言版》.pdf_第1页
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ISO 477-1982 Textile machinery and accessories Cone and cheese winding machines Vocabulary Trilingual edition《纺织机械与附件 圆锥形和圆柱形筒子络筒机 词汇 三种语言版》.pdf_第2页
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ISO 477-1982 Textile machinery and accessories Cone and cheese winding machines Vocabulary Trilingual edition《纺织机械与附件 圆锥形和圆柱形筒子络筒机 词汇 三种语言版》.pdf_第3页
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ISO 477-1982 Textile machinery and accessories Cone and cheese winding machines Vocabulary Trilingual edition《纺织机械与附件 圆锥形和圆柱形筒子络筒机 词汇 三种语言版》.pdf_第4页
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ISO 477-1982 Textile machinery and accessories Cone and cheese winding machines Vocabulary Trilingual edition《纺织机械与附件 圆锥形和圆柱形筒子络筒机 词汇 三种语言版》.pdf_第5页
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2、ition - 1982-02-15 MatQriel pour Iindustrie textile - Bobinoirs (6 fil crois6) - Vocabulaire Premiere ddition - 1982-02-15 TeKCTHJlbHble MaUlHHbl H BCllOMOl-aTeJlbHOe 060pyOBaHW3 - MOTanbHble MaUlHHbl (C HJlHHPHWCKHM HaMaTblBaHHeM H Anfi KOHYCHblX 606HH) - CnOBapb llepeoe HaAawe - 1982-02-15 UDCICDU

3、IYAK 677.053.235 : 001.4 Ref. No./RBf. no : i$z IS0 477-1982 (E/F/R) Z? CCblJlKa No : MC0 477-1982 (A/P) 2 Descriptors : textile machinery, winders, vocabulary. / Descripteurs : mat 3,2,1,2 lateral clamps holding and centreurs ou mandrins (expansibles ou centring the package former; non); II At pres

4、ent at stage of draft. 1) Actuellement au stade de projet. CCblJlKH MC0 1809, TeKCmUnbHble MaWUHbl u Bcno- MozamenbHOe 060pydOBaHUe - TUnbl na- mpoHoe dm HaMomKu - HoMeHKnamypa. OCHOBH ble TepMklH bl H 0npeRenetibifl MOTiUlbHaR MaWHa (c tvuqpu4ecKHM HaMaTblBaHHeM H Allfl KOHYCHblX 606HH) tieaBToh+at

5、HqecKafi MoTanbHafi MatuHHa : MoTanbHafl MaWtiHa, Ha KoopoG1 onepa- L(UM yCTaHOBKM U CMeHbl flUTNOU eyxonopHble i3epereHa; I) B HacToaqee apeMa B cTaAb3n npoeicTa. 2 IS0 477-1982 (E/F/RI MC0 4771982 (A/P) independant mandrels guided laterally (for example with the axis of the mandrel sliding

6、 in a groove). 3.29 package drive : Device intend- ed to ensure the drive and rotation of the winding package; of the following types : tangential surface drive (by friction); positive spindle drive (direct drive). NOTE - This type of drive is often equip- ped with a device (mechanic

7、al or otherwise) permitting: a) a constant linear velocity of winding; b) a preset range of linear velocity of winding. 3.2.3 yarn guide : (1) An element whose function is to ensure, without detriment to the yarn : - the guidance of the yarn and the application of pressure (ten- sion) to the package

8、; - the guidance of the yarn only (es : winding with pressure roller). (2) Split drum or grooved drum whose function consists of ensuring the simultaneous surface drive of the package and the guidance of the yarn. The pressure on the package depending upon the mass of the package or upon a correspon

9、ding pressure mechanism. 3.2.4 yarn guide traverse mechanism : A mechanism to impart movement to the yarn guide by one of the following systems : mechanical; hydraulic; electro-mechanical or elec- tronic. 3.2,5 wind ratio mechanism : A device permitting the setting of the win

10、d ratio. mandrins independants guides laterale- ment (par exemple avec les axes du man- drin coulissant dans des rainures). entrainement de Ienroulement : Dispo- sitifs assurant Ientrainement en rotation des supports denroulement ou de Ienrou- lement, du type : a entrainement tangentiel (par frictio

11、n); B entrainement direct (ou positif). NOTE - Ce type de commande est souvent complete par un Bquipement (mecanique ou autre) permettant dobtenir : a) une vitesse lineaire de bobinage cons- tante; b) une vitesse lineaire de bobinage variable suivant une programmation pr - le guidage du fil seul (bo

12、binage avec rouleau de pression par exem- de). (2) Tambour fendu ou tambour rai- nure dont la fonction consiste a assurer simultanement Ientrainement tangen- tiel de Ienroulement et le guidage du fil. La pression sur Ienroulement depend de la propre masse de celui-ci ou dun mecanisme de charge et de

13、 decharge de la pression. dispositif guide-fil : Ensemble assurant Ianimation du guide-fil (pour lui imprimer une course effectuee selon une loi de mou- vement determinee) B partir dun systeme : mecanique; hydraulique; Blectromecanique ou Blectronique. dispositif de croisure : Ensemble per- mettant

14、la determination du rapport de bobinage. eepereua co ccpepoo6pa30sareneM. IlpHBOA 606HHbl : YCTOWTBO, oBecne- WIBaIoqee BpaqeHue naTpoHa 606WHbI unM CBMOLI 606uHbl : CjlpuKUOHHbl (KOHTaKTHblA) IlpuBOA; HenOCpeACTBeHHblfi IlpuBOA (npUHyPu- TenbHblfi). nPMMEclAHuE - llpnsofl aririoro Tuna MO- Xer 06ec

15、neVnsarh nepet.4arbreauue npflw: a) C nOCTORHHOfi flHH 6) C nepeM?HHOU JlUHZtiHOl? CKOpCCTblC B OPBUCHMOCTU OT Tp260aiHUk HHTepacKnal(YuK : (1) AeTanb, KOTOpaR OllOCO6CTByeT COXpaHHOCTU HUTU U tipeAHa3HaleHa Am: - Hanpaener-rnri tiuru H HaxotMa Ha IlaKOBK); -ronbKo Arm HanpasneHufl HUTU (HailpUMep,

16、HaMOTKa C HaWlMHblM BanuKOM): (2) MOTanbHblA 6apa6aHruK C BUHTO- BblMU KaHaBKaMU, npeAHa3HaqeHHblti Ana 06eCneeHuR KaK apau(aren bKor0 ABWKeHUR 606uHbl, TaK U paCKrlaKU HUTU no ee BbicoTe. BenuwHa HamMa Ha ilaKOBK)3;LBUCUT OT MWCbl606HHbl UllU OT COOTBSTCTBylOerO HPXUMHOTO MexaHu3Ma. MexaHu3M npueou

17、a HuTepactmaAwKa : Mexatiu3M, 3aAarowuh HurepacKnaArnKy 0npeAeneHHoe rianpaanetrMeAaKKeriKfl c nOMOU(bio O ruApaBnwecKofi; aneKTpok4exarikV4ecKoA HnM 3neKTpokrHok MOTaJlbHOe yCTpOkCTB0 : YCTPOUCTBO, OflpeAeflRlOqf?e CTPYKTYP) HPMOTKU. 3 IS0 477-1982 (E/F/R) MC0 477-1982 (A/P) 3.2.6 anti-ribboning de

18、vice11 : Device serving to avoid the creation of irregularities on the surface of the wound package during winding and especially at the ends of the package. Its action (cyclic or periodic) modifies the position of the movement of the yarn by : - variations of the length of yarn wound per traverse;

19、- displacement of the reversal point of the yarn guide (the length of yarn per traverse remaining cons- tant); - simultaneous application of the above two systems. 3,2.7 anti-patterning device (or layering device) : Device serving to alter rapidly, normally within very short intervals of time, the w

20、ind ratio by means of variations of : - the number of cycles (to and fro) per minute of the traverse guide; - the speed of rotation of the package. The device is mainly applied to cone or cheese winding machines having sur- face drives (and to -cross winding in toilers), dispositif anti-rubansl) lou

21、 anti- cornesl : Dispositif servant a Bviter, pen- dant Ioperation de bobinage, Iapparition dirregularites de forme (creux et bosses) a la surface laterale et plus specialement vers les flancs de Ienroulement (ctcordesn ou ctcornes). Son action (cyclique ou aperio- dique) modifie la position de la c

22、ourse du guide-fil par: - variation de la longueur de cette course; - deplacement des points d/inversion du mouvement du guide-fil (la longueur de course restant constante); - application simultanee des deux systemes precedents. dispositif ctbrouilleur de zones), : Dis- positif servant a modifier ra

23、pidement et pendant des intervalles de temps tres courts (generalement) le rapport de bobi- nage par variation : - de la frbquence du cycle (de va-et- vient) du guide-fil; - de la vitesse de rotation de lenroule- ment. Ce dispositif est essentiellement applique aux bobinoirs a entralnement tangentie

24、l (et au bobinage croise dans les pots-turbine). ycrpolcsso ans npeAoTepau(ekim mry- TOBOrO) HnH JleHTOWlOO HaMaTblBaHHR: YCTPOTBO, npeAorapau(ak)qee nonene- HMe AeCeKTOB Ha IlOBepXHOOTM naKOEJKM C IlptVKefi llpki H - 0Mewetiwfl -roYek nepeMeHb1 iianpas- netrun fler.9ketiHn HuTeHanpaeu-renfl (BenMqu

25、Ha packnaflku ocraerce noc-ro- RHHOA); - O$jHOBpeMeHHOrO o6eux CMCTeM. npmeHeHwi perymop paenomepHocTH HaMaTblsa. HHIl : YCTPOTBO, cnyxaqee Anfl 6bl- CTpOrO H3MeHeHMR CTpyKTypbl HaMOTKM IlOCpeCTBOM M3hleHeHHR : - WCTOTbl L(MKna (BO3BpeTHO-IlOCTy narenbuoro) nuTeHanpaeMTena; - CKOpOCTkl Bpal B embarr

26、age; rpe6etirarbie; 4.1.2 pinch type (including disc ten- a pincement; sioners); UIati6OBble; 11 The word “ribboning” used here refers 1) Le terme (rubam) dbsigne ici un defaut oti 1) TepMlrH ,myT” 0603HarlaeT s#ecb fleeKT, to the effect caused by the winding on of les spires formant les couches successives se KorAa EHTKM np HaMaThlsawi, o6pasyloqw yarn directly over the preceding layer thus trouvent accumul6es en certains endroits de nocneAytoqMe CIIOH, cKannb4aakxcR B oTAenb- creating an uneven package. Ienroulement. HblX MecTax naKOeKM.

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