ISO 7348-1992 Glass containers manufacture vocabulary《玻璃容器 制造 术语 三种语言版》.pdf

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ISO 7348-1992 Glass containers manufacture vocabulary《玻璃容器 制造 术语 三种语言版》.pdf_第1页
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ISO 7348-1992 Glass containers manufacture vocabulary《玻璃容器 制造 术语 三种语言版》.pdf_第5页
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1、INTERNATIONAL IS0 STANDARD 7348 NORME INTERNATIONALE MEKAYHAPOAHbllij CTAHP,APT First edition Premihe Edition llepeoe wAaw4e 1992-03-01 Glass containers - Manufacture - Vocabulary Rkipients en verre - Fabrication - Vocabulaire CTeKJlRHHaR Tapa - Bblpa6oTKa - CJlOBapb Reference number Num such an ord

2、er will vary from country to country. Some terms have one or more words shown in parentheses which indicates that, in normal conversation, these words may or may not be used. Other terms are followed by “USA” and this indicates that they are particular to the American glass industry. Cross-reference

3、s are given after some terms to indicate that the same word is defined elsewhere with a different meaning. Alphabetical indexes in English, French and Russian are included to assist in the location of terms, and each term has the same identifying number regardless of the language in which it is defi

4、ned. Those terms which are in themselves defined in this International Standard and which are used in the definitions of other terms are shown in italic type. It is recognized that a number of terms included in this vocabulary are also used in the manufac- ture of other types of glassware, such as f

5、lat glass or borosilicate glass. Some of these terms, though, may have different definitions when so used. Terms which are specific to these other types of glass and terms relating to closures have been omitted. Introduction La prCente Norme internationale a pour objet de definir les termes utilids

6、dans la fabrication des recipients en verre. Elle a et6 Blaboree avec la collaboration active de la Commission internatio- nale du verre (ICG, International Commission on Glass) et de nombreux termes ont et6 empruntes a des documents rediges par le sous-comite Al de cette commission. Les definitions

7、 proviennent, pour beaucoup dentre elles, des diverses normes nationales ainsi que de la documentation publiee par les autorites competentes dans le domaine de la fabrication du verre et, pour dautres, de consultations des travailleurs de Iindustrie des recipients en verre. Les termes et definitions

8、 ont et6 regroup le choix peut varier de pays B pays. Certains termes sont accompa- gnes, entre parentheses, dun ou de plusieurs mot(s) qui peut (peuvent) ou non etre employ HeKO- TOpble OnpeeneHMR COCTaBneHbl Ha OCHOBe KOHCynbTaWl C pa60THHKeMH CTeKnOTapHOfi npO- hlblllineHHOCTM. TepMMHbl H onpegen

9、eHufl06beAMHeHbl B Boceh4b rna3, KoTopble noApa3flerwOTcflB norw4ecKoM nopflAKe nocnefjoeaTenbHocTM 0nepaqclA Bblpe60TKH. TephwHbkcwiotwMbl AaHbl B npoH33onb- HOM IlOpflAKe, KOTOpblA He CHTaeTCR npeAnOqTHTenbHblM; q bl6Op MOxeT 6blTb pa3nML(HblM I3 pa3HblX CTpaHaX. nOC.Ue HeKOTOpblX TepMLlHOB B CKO6

10、KaX yKe3aHO OAHO MnM HeCKOnbKO CnOB, KO- Topoe(bie) t4omeT (Moryr) ucnonb30BaTbcfl HnH He Hcnonb303aTbcfl B pa3rosopHoU pew. llocne Apyrlnx TepMHHOB CneAyeT ,USA”, r(TO 0603HaWeT, qT0 OHH CBOkTBeHHbl ElMepMKaHCKOfi CTe- KOnbHOA npOMblWieHHOCTM. CCblnKM nOCne HeKOTOpblX TepMHHOB yKta3blBalOT Ha TO, q

11、T0 OAHO H TO xe cnoB0 B pa3Hblx MecTax 0npeAenfleTcfl no-pa3HoMy. AnCjleBMTHble yKa3aTellM Ha aHrnMkKOM, CflpEIHqy3CKOM M pyCCKOhl R3blKaX BKnKNeHbl C 4eribtC o6nerqeHnfl OOMCKa TepMLlHOB, TPK KaK Ka)KflbIh I.43 yKe3EIHHblX TepMMHOB HMeeT CBOl? MfleHTHCH- KaqMOHHblil HOMep He3eElMCHMO OT R3blKe, Ha

12、KOTOpOM CAellaHO OripefleneHkle. TepWiHbl, MMelO- yt4ecri q 0npeAeneHMflx Apyrux TephwHos ki 0npefleneHHble cahw B HacTotugeM MeXqyHapOF(HOM CTeHAapTe, Ha6paHbl KypCllBOM. KonHqecTBo TephwHos B AaHtioM cnosape MomeT ticnonb308aTbcfl Tame B cnoeape fqpyrllx TM- nOB CTeKOn, TeKMX KaK nMCTOBOe HnH 60pOCWlMKaTHOe CTeKnO. HeKOTOpble M3 BTMX TeptMHOB hl0Q-r ynOTpe6nflTbCfl C jI,pyrMMM 3HaWHHRMM H OrlpeeneHLlflMl4. eU,HC#NWeCKl4e TepMGIHbI, npHcylqMe /jpyrllM BMAaM CTeKOn, a Tame TepYMHbl, OTHOCRII(HeCR K yKynOpKe CTeKnRHHOti Tapbl, OnyqeHbl. X


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