1、AReference numberNumro de rfrenceISO 7563:1998(E/F)INTERNATIONALSTANDARDNORMEINTERNATIONALEISO7563First editionPremire dition1998-07-01Fresh fruits and vegetables VocabularyFruits et lgumes en ltat VocabulaireCopyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with
2、 ISONot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-ISO 7563:1998(E/F) ISO 1998All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproducedor utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying an
3、dmicrofilm, without permission in writing from the publisher. / Droits de reproduction rservs.Sauf prescription diffrente, aucune partie de cette publication ne peut tre reproduite niutilise sous quelque forme que ce soit et par aucun procd, lectronique ou mcanique, ycompris la photocopie et les mic
4、rofilms, sans laccord crit de lditeur.International Organization for StandardizationCase postale 56 CH-1211 Genve 20 SwitzerlandInternet isoiso.chPrinted in Switzerland/Imprim en SuisseiiForewordISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwidefederation of national standards b
5、odies (ISO member bodies). The work ofpreparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISOtechnical committees. Each member body interested in a subject forwhich a technical committee has been established has the right to berepresented on that committee. International organizations,
6、 governmentaland non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISOcollaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission(IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees arecirculated to th
7、e member bodies for voting. Publication as an InternationalStandard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies castinga vote.International Standard ISO 7563 was prepared by Technical CommitteeISO/TC 34, Agricultural food products, Subcommittee SC 14, Fresh fruitsand vegetables.Annex A o
8、f this International Standard is for information only.Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISONot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-ISO ISO 7563:1998(E/F)iiiAvant-proposLISO (Organisation internationa
9、le de normalisation) est une fdrationmondiale dorganismes nationaux de normalisation (comits membres delISO). Llaboration des Normes internationales est en gnral confie auxcomits techniques de lISO. Chaque comit membre intress par unetude a le droit de faire partie du comit technique cr cet effet. L
10、esorganisations internationales, gouvernementales et non gouvernemen-tales, en liaison avec lISO participent galement aux travaux. LISO colla-bore troitement avec la Commission lectrotechnique internationale (CEI)en ce qui concerne la normalisation lectrotechnique.Les projets de Normes international
11、es adopts par les comits techniquessont soumis aux comits membres pour vote. Leur publication commeNormes internationales requiert lapprobation de 75 % au moins descomits membres votants.La Norme internationale ISO 7563 a t labore par le comit techniqueISO/TC 34, Produits agricoles alimentaires, sou
12、s-comit SC 14, Fruits etlgumes en ltat.Lannexe A de la prsente Norme internationale est donne uniquement titre dinformation.Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISONot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-
13、,-Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISONot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-INTERNATIONAL STANDARDNORME INTERNATIONALEISO ISO 7563:1998(E/F)1Fresh fruits and vegetables VocabularyFruits et lgumes
14、en ltat VocabulaireScopeThis International Standard defines the terms mostfrequently used in the context of fresh fruits andvegetables.NOTE The terms are listed in two categories in Englishalphabetical order. English and French indexes are includedfor reference purposes.Domaine dapplicationLa prsent
15、e Norme internationale dfinit les termes lesplus couramment employs dans le domaine des fruitset lgumes en ltat.NOTE Les termes sont classs en deux catgories danslordre alphabtique anglais. Des index anglais et franaissont inclus aux fins de rfrence.Copyright International Organization for Standardi
16、zation Provided by IHS under license with ISONot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-ISO 7563:1998(E/F)ISO21 General terms1.1abnormal external moistureexcess water on the surface of fruits or vegetables,caused by a natural agent (for example, rain) or due t
17、oan artificial treatment (for example, washing)NOTE Condensate appearing on the surface ofproducts when taken out of a cold store is not consideredto be abnormal external moisture.1 Termes gnraux1.1humidit extrieure anormaleexcs de vapeur deau la surface de fruits oulgumes provoqu par un agent natur
18、el (par exemplepluie) ou par un traitement artificiel (par exemplelavage)NOTE Le condens apparaissant la surface desproduits, en les sortant dun entrept frigorifique, nest pasconsidr comme humidit extrieure anormale.1.2abrasiondamage due to friction on the surface of a fruit orvegetable, sometimes d
19、uring growth but mostly afterharvesting, and usually caused by contact withanother part of the plant or another body1.2frottementaltration due la friction de la surface dun fruitou lgume quelquefois en cours de vgtation maisplus frquemment aprs la rcolte, gnralementprovoqu par le contact avec une au
20、tre partie de laplante ou un corps tranger1.3adherentforeign material firmly attached to a fruit or vegetable1.3adhrentmatire trangre fortement attache au fruit ou aulgume1.4bitter (taste)basic taste produced by dilute aqueous solutions ofvarious substances such as quinine and caffeine1.4amresaveur
21、terme utilis pour qualifier la saveurlmentaire provoque par des solutions aqueusesdilues de diverses substances, telles que la quinineet la cafine1.5bitter pitsmall brown spots in the flesh, showing through theskin as green or brown depressed areasNOTE This disorder should be distinguished fromrusse
22、ting (1.47). In the case of apples, it may be due toboron or calcium deficiency.1.5“bitter pit”maladie des taches amrespetits points bruns dans la chair prsentant traverslpiderme des zones de dpression vertes ou brunesNOTE Cette maladie est distinguer du roussis-sement (1.47). Dans le cas des pommes
23、, elle peut trecause par un manque de calcium ou de bore.1.6bloomthin powdery layer which is slightly waxy, secreted bythe plant, and found on the surface of some fruits (forexample, plums or grapes)NOTE Bloom is only very slightly adherent and altersfruit colour. Its very presence constitutes a cri
24、terion offreshness.1.6pruinemince couche poudreuse lgrement cireuse, scrtepar le vgtal, rencontre la surface de certains fruits(par exemple prunes, raisins), trs faiblement adhrenteet qui en modifie la couleurNOTE Sa seule prsence est un critre de fracheur.1.7brown corebrown heartbrowning of the cor
25、e region of fruits (mainly applesand pears) caused by incorrect atmosphere, chilling ofsome apple cultivars (McIntosh) or senescence offruits1.7trognon bruncur brunbrunissement de la zone situe au cur des fruits (enparticulier des pommes et des poires) provoqu parune atmosphre inadapte, la rfrigrati
26、on de certainscultivars de pommes (McIntosh) ou la snescencedes fruitsCopyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISONot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-ISO ISO 7563:1998(E/F)31.8brusqueterm used to qualif
27、y an artichoke having injuries dueto the action of frost on the cuticle of the bracts,resulting in detachment and browning (surface scald)1.8brusqueterme utilis pour qualifier lartichaut prsentant deslsions dues une action du gel sur la cuticuledes bractes, provoquant un dcollement et unbrunissement
28、1.9chilling damagetype of cold damage produced at temperatures abovethe freezing point in some fruits and vegetablesNOTE Mainly affects tropical and subtropical fruits andvegetables, but also some temperature-zone vegetables(e.g. tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, snap beans).1.9endommagement de rfrigrat
29、iontype dendommagement caus par le froid, produit des tempratures situes au-dessus du point deconglation dans quelques fruits et lgumesNOTE Cet endommagement affecte (notamment lesfruits et lgumes tropicaux et subtropicaux) maisgalement certains lgumes des zones tempres (parexemple les tomates, les
30、piments, les concombres).1.10cleanfree from signs of impurities, blemishes, or otherforeign materials such as earth, worms, sand or thevisible residues of treatment products1.10propredpourvu de traces apparentes dimpurets, souil-lures, de matires trangres telles que la terre, lesvers, le sable ou le
31、s rsidus visibles de produits detraitement1.11covered with waxhaving a thin film of waxy substances, either from thefruit or vegetable itself or from an artificial coatingsubstance1.11recouvert de cireprsentant une fine pellicule de substances cireusesprovenant soit du fruit ou du lgume lui-mme, ou
32、delapport dune substance denrobage artificielle1.12cultivarvarietygroup of cultivated plants which may be clearlydefined by morphological, physical, cytological,chemical or other characteristics and which, aftersexual or asexual reproduction, keeps its distinctcharacterNOTE 1 The concept of “cultiva
33、r” is essentially differentfrom the concept of the botanical variety “varietas”, in that “cultivar” is an infraspecific division resulting fromcontrolled selection, even if empirical; “varietas” is an infraspecific division resulting fromnatural selection. The terms “cultivar” and “variety” (in thes
34、ense of cultivated variety) are equivalent. In translations oradaptations of botanical nomenclature for particular uses,the terms “cultivar” or “variety” (or their equivalents inother languages) may be used in text.NOTE 2 The names of botanical varieties and species arealways in Latin form and are g
35、overned by botanicalnomenclature.1.12cultivarvaritensemble de plantes cultives pouvant tre claire-ment dfini par des caractres morphologiques,physiologiques, cytologiques, chimiques ou autres etqui, aprs multiplication sexue ou asexue, gardeses caractres distinctifsNOTE 1 Le concept de cultivar est
36、essentiellementdiffrent du concept de la varit botanique varietas ence sens que cultivar est une division infraspcifique rsultantdune slection contrle, mme empirique; varietas est une division infraspcifique rsultantdune slection naturelle. Les termes cultivar ou va-rit (dans le sens de varit cultiv
37、e) sont quivalents.Dans les traductions ou les adaptations du Code botaniqueen vue dutilisations particulires, les termes cultivar ouvarit (ou leur quivalent en dautres langues) peuventtre employs dans le texte.NOTE 2 Les noms des varits botaniques sont toujoursprsents sous forme latine et sont rgis
38、 par le Codebotanique.Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISONot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-ISO 7563:1998(E/F)ISO41.13cuticleshellskinexternal part of a fruit or vegetable, being of varyingthi
39、ckness and firmness, which protects the com-estible partNOTE “Cuticle” is the term used for the tender, thinand superficial lipoidic part; “peel” or “skin” is used for thefirm and more or less thick part; “shell” is used for thehard, more or less thick, fibrous or lignified part.1.13pidermecorcecoqu
40、epeaupartie externe dun fruit ou lgume de consistance etdpaisseur variables, qui protge la partie comestibleNOTE Lpiderme est le terme utilis pour dsignerla partie lipidique superficielle mince et molle; peau oucorce sont utiliss pour la partie plus ou moins paisseet consistante; coque est utilis po
41、ur la partie dure, plusou moins paisse, fibreuse ou lignifie.1.14degree of maturityqualitative or quantitative estimation of the statewhich a fruit (or vegetable) has reached during itsnatural growth and development1.14degr de maturitapprciation qualitative ou valuation de ltat auquelest parvenu un
42、fruit (ou lgume) au cours de sondveloppement naturel1.15depalletize (verb)to unload loads on pallets1.15dpalettiserdgrouper des charges palettises1.16deteriorationspoilagedamage due to diverse causes resulting in a decreaseor loss in quality of the produce1.16dtriorationaltrationdommage d diffrentes
43、 causes et provoquant unabaissement ou une perte de qualit du produit1.17downyterm describing skin which has the feel, softness andmellowness of velvet1.17veloutterme dcrivant un piderme prsentant au toucherlaspect, la finesse et la douceur du velours1.18earlyproperty of certain cultivars or varieti
44、es of fruits orvegetables of reaching the required stage of devel-opment before the mean normal period for the fruit orvegetable species concerned1.18prcocehtifproprit quont certaines varits de fruits oulgumes datteindre le dveloppement recherchavant la priode moyenne normale de lespceconsidre1.19fl
45、eshpulpparenchymatic tissue including reserve substances1.19chairpulpetissu parenchymateux renfermant des substances derserve1.19.1astringentterm describing complex sensation produced in themouth when eating fruits containing certain tanninsSee also ISO 5492.1.19.1astringenteterme dcrivant une sensa
46、tion complexe produitedans la bouche par des fruits contenant certainstanninsVoir galement ISO 5492.1.19.2compactdense1.19.2compactedense, serreCopyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISONot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without
47、 license from IHS-,-,-ISO ISO 7563:1998(E/F)51.19.3crunchyfirm and crisp when eaten1.19.3croquantecraquanteferme et craquante sous la dent1.19.4fibrouscontaining fibres, or elongated and more or lessresistant cells1.19.4fibreusecontenant des filaments ou cellules allonges plus oumoins rsistantes1.19
48、.5firmpresenting a significant resistance to pressure1.19.5consistanceprsentant une certaine rsistance la pression1.19.6stonygranularsclerifiedcontaining distinct, hard, gritty granules in the flesh ofthe fruit1.19.6pierreusegranuleusesclrifiecontenant des granules semblabes de petits grainsde pierre1.19.7vitreoushaving naturally t