ISO IEC 12247-1993 Information technology 3 81 mm wide magnetic tape cartridge for information interchange helical scan recording DDS format using 60 m and 90 m.pdf

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ISO IEC 12247-1993 Information technology 3 81 mm wide magnetic tape cartridge for information interchange helical scan recording DDS format using 60 m and 90 m.pdf_第1页
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ISO IEC 12247-1993 Information technology 3 81 mm wide magnetic tape cartridge for information interchange helical scan recording DDS format using 60 m and 90 m.pdf_第5页
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1、INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO/IEC 12247 First edition 1993-12-15 Information technology - 3,81 mm wide magnetic tape cartridge for information interchange - Helical scan recording - DDS format using 60 m and 90 m length tapes Technologies de /information - Cartouche de bande magndtique de 3,81 mm de la

2、rge pour Itkhange dinformation - Enregistrement par balayage en spirale - Format DDS utilisant des bandes de 60 m et 90 m de long Reference number ISO/IEC 12247:1993(E) Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISONot for ResaleNo reproduction or net

3、working permitted without license from IHS-,-,-lSO/lEC 12247:1993 (E) contents Page Section 1 - General 1 scope 2 Conformance 2.1 Magnetic tape cartridge 2.2 Generating system 2.3 Receiving system 3 Normative references 4 Definitions 4.1 Absolute Frame Number (AFN) 4.2 Area ID 4.3 Automatic Track Fi

4、nding (ATF) 4.4 Average Signal Amplitude 4.5 azimuth 4.6 back surface 4.7 byte 4.8 cartridge 4.9 Channel Bit 4.10 Data Format ID 4.11 Early Warning Point (EWP) 4.12 End of Data (EOD) 4.13 Error Correcting Code (ECC) 4.14 flux transition position 4.15 flux transition spacing 4.16 frame 4.17 Housekeep

5、ing Frame 4.18 Logical Beginning of Tape (LBOT) (0 ISO/IEC 1993 All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from t

6、he publisher. ISO/IEC Copyright Office l Case postale 56 l CH-1211 Genbe 20 l Switzerland Printed in Switzerland 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ii Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISONot for ResaleNo reproduction or netw

7、orking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-ISO/IEC 12247:1993 Q 4.19 4.20 4.21 4.22 4.23 4.24 4.25 4.26 4.27 4.28 4.29 4.30 4.31 4.32 4.33 4.34 4.35 4.34 4.37 magnetic tape Master Standard Amplitude Calibration Tape Master Standard Reference Tape Optimum Recording Field partition boundary physica

8、l Beginning of Tape (PBOT) Physical End of Tape (PEOT) physical recording density pre-recording condition record Reference Recording Field Secondary Standard Amplitude Calibration Tape Secondary Standard Reference Tape Separator Mark Standard Reference Amplitude Tape Reference Edge Test Recording Cu

9、rrent track Virtual End of Tape (VEOT) 5 Environment and safety 5.1 Testing environment 5.2 Operating environment 5.3 Storage environment 5.4 Transportation 5.5 Safety 5.6 Flammability Section 2 - Requirements for the case 6 Dimensional and mechanical characteristics of the case 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5

10、6.6 6.7 6.8 6.8.1 6.8.2 6.8.3 6.8.4 6.8.5 6.8.6 6.8.7 6.8.8 6.8.9 6.8.10 General Overall dimensions Loading grip Holding areas Notches of the lid Lid dimensions Optical detection of the beginning and end of tape Bottom side Locking mechanism of the slider Access Holes Recognition, Sub the outputs ar

11、e known and stated in relation to those of the Master Standard Amplitude Calibration Tape. NOTE - Secondary Standard Amplitude Calibration Tapes can he onlelbd fmm Sony Corporation, Audio Devioe Business Deparlm the light transmittance of the prism shall be greater than 50 % of that of a reference p

12、rism when measured as specified in annex A, - or, the light of a light source within the drive passes through the tape from inside the cartridge and falls through the lower windows onto the detectors placed on each side of the case. Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided b

13、y IHS under license with ISONot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-EO/IEC 12247:1993 (E) The positions and dimensions of these windows allow the cartridge to be used with drives implementing either system, they shall be 7=6,20mmf0,10mm b, = 7.65 mm f 0.10

14、mm I& = 1,50 mm:- &, = 39 mm f 0.1 mm &I = 1.8 mm f 0,l mm b2 = 7.0 mm f 0.2 mm b3 = 2,5 mm min. Dimension &, specifies the position of the rear edge of the windows relative to Reference Plane X. Dimension J& shall be measured relative to this rear edge. 6.8 Bottom side See figures 10 and 11. The bo

15、ttom side is shown in figure 10 with the lid and the slider in the closed position and in figure 11 with both in the open position. The dimension b4 of the bottom half, b5 of the slider and 4, of the lid shall satisfy the following conditions h, = 73.0 mm f 0.3 mm 5554 k36554 6.8.1 Locking mechanism

16、 of the slider The cartridge shall have a locking mechanism for the slider which locks it in the closed and open positions. The design of this mechanism is not specified by this International Standard, except for the different forces acting on the slider, and for its detent. The slider shall be spri

17、ng-loaded by a spring holding it in the closed position when it is unlocked. The force required to operate the slider shaIl not exceed 2 N. The slider shall have two grooves with an opening at each end. The detent of the locking mechanism shall protrude through these openings so as to hold the slide

18、r in both open and closed positions. The detent shown in cross-section C-C is only an example of implementation. The grooves are paraIlel to Reference Plane 2 and aligned with the slider lock release notches of the lid. The positions and dimensions of the grooves and of the openings for the detent o

19、f the locking mechanism when the slider is in the closed position shall be 7=12mmf0,1mm bs = 49.8 mm f 0.2 mm b, = 10.0 mm f 0.1 mm L40 = 2.0 mm +:t- * L4, = 3,0 mm min. L42 = 1.5 mm min. Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISONot for ResaleNo

20、reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-IsO/lEC 12247: 1993 (E) L43 = 0.8 mm f 0.1 mm +w L44=0,8mm-olm” k = 45” min. L4s = 0.65 mm f 0,05 mm The position and dimensions of the openings for the detent when the slider is held in the open position are determined by kg, L40. L4

21、3 and L44- In the closed position of the slider, the maximum force to be exerted on the detent in a direction perpendicular to Reference Plane Z and over a stroke of 0.65 mm shall be 0.5 N max. In the open position of the slider the holding force shall be 0,3 N min. 6.8.2 Access Holes The slider sha

22、ll have two circular Access Holes (see section B-B) which, in the open position of the slider, allow penetration of the drive spindles into the hubs. The diameters of these Access Holes shall be d, = 10.0 mm f 0,2 mm d2 = 12.0 mm max. 6.8.3 Recognition, Sub-datums, and Write-inhibit Holes The bottom

23、 half shall have a number of holes on an edge at its rear. This edge shall be defined by L, = 45.2 mm f 0,2 mm L4, = 49.2 mm f 0.2 mm The centres of these holes lie on a line perpendicular to Reference Plane Y at a distance from Reference Plane X of L4, = 47.2 mm f 0.2 mm Recognition Holes T

24、here shall be four Recognition Holes numbered from 1 to 4 as shown in figure 10. Their positions and dimensions shall be d3 = 2.5 mm f 0.1 mm L49= l,OmmfO,l mm Lso = 56,O mm f 0.3 mm L1=4,0mmf0,1mm Ls, = 1,O mm f 0.1 mm L5, = 3,0 mm min. All Recognition Holes shall have the cross-section shown in cr

25、oss-section F-F in figure 11 for Recognition Hole No. 1. One of the two cross-sections F-F shows a Recognition Hole closed by means of a plug, the other shows it with the plug punched out. These plugs shall withstand an applied force of 0,5 N max. without being punched out. This International Standa

26、rd prescribes the following states of these holes: Recognition Holes No. 1 and No. 3 shall be closed Recognition Hole No. 2 shall be closed for Type A cartridges Recognition Hole No. 2 shall be open for Type B cartridges Recognition Hole No. 4 may be open or closed Copyright International Organizati

27、on for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISONot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-lSO/lEC 12247:1993 (E) Other combinations of the states of the Recognition Holes No. 1, No. 2 and No. 3 are reserved for future applications (see annex B).

28、 Write-inhibit Hole The position and dimensions of the Write-inhibit Hole shall be d4 = 2.5 mm f 0.1 mm Lso = 56.0 mm f 0.3 mm When the Write-inhibit Hole is open, recording on the tape is inhibited, when it is closed recording is enabled. The Write-inhibit Hole shall have the cross-section s

29、hown in cross-section F-F in figure 11 for Recognition Hole No. 1. One of the two cross-sections F-F shows the hole closed by means of a plug, the other shows it with the hole punched out. These plugs shall withstand an applied force of 0.5 N max without being punched out. The case may have a movabl

30、e element allowing the Write-inhibit Hole to be opened and closed. If present, this element shall be such that the state of Write-inhibit Hole is visible (see figure 3 as an example). Such an element shall neither be broken nor moved by a force smaller than 0.5 N. Regardless of whether a plug or a m

31、ovable element is used to select the open and closed states of the Write-inhibit Hole, the following dimensions from cross-section F-F shall define the closed and open states, respectively. Ls, = 1,O mm f 0.1 mm Ls3 = 3.0 mm min. Sub-datum Holes These holes are used to position the cartridge

32、 in the drive. Their position and dimensions shall be as follows. - The hole seen below the Write-inhibit Hole in figure 11 shall have an elongated form and the same cross-section E-E as shown for the other hole. Ls4 = 45.5 mm f 0.2 mm Ls, = 3.5 rnrnT,“b mn . + 0.05 L5,=2,50mrnooo mm . - The positio

33、n and dimensions of the other Sub-datum Hole shall be + 0.05 d, =2,50mm-ooo - d6 = 1.0 mm min. Ls, = 55 mm f 0.1 mm L5, = 2,0 mm min. Ls9 = 1.2 mm min. The edge of both Sub-datum Holes shall have a chamfer of 0.2 mm f 0,l mm. 6.8.4 Datum Holes The lower half has two Datum Holes also used to position

34、 the cartridge within the drive. One of them has an elongated form, the other is circular. Cross-section D-D shown for the latter also applies to the former. Their positions and dimensions shall be IO Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISONot

35、for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-lSO/lEC 122471993 (E) =51.0mm*0.1 mm + 0.05 Lh, = 2.80 mm- ooo - . Le, = 3.5 mm l,“b - . Le, = 3.0 mm min. + 0.05 d7 =2,80mm-oa,m” . The upper edge of both Datum Holes shall have a chamfer of 0.2 mm f 0.1 mm. 6.8.5 Access

36、 room for tape guides When the cartridge is inserted into the drive, tape guides in the drive pull out the tape toward the heads of the drive. The shape and dimensions of the access room provided by the cartridge for these tape guides shall be (see also Lh4 = 3,l mm max. Le, = 5.6 mm min.

37、L6, = 11.0 mm max. + 0.7 Ls7=7,0mm -oo mm 9 &s = 6,7 mm min. a=45Of 1” &, = 47.9 mm min. l+, = 3.30 mm:,“:- . 6.8.6 Holes for accessing the bubs The lower half has two holes through which the spindles of the drive can access the hubs when the slider is in the open position. The positions and dimensi

38、ons of these holes shall be d, = 9,0 mm f 0.1 mm L, = 29,00 mm f 0.15 mm &, = 10,5 mm f 0,l mm b, = 30,O mm f 0.1 mm 6.8.7 Internal structure of tbe lower half see figure 12. In figure 12 the different elements of the inside of the lower half are shown. There shall be a locking mechanism for the hub

39、s to prevent them from rotating when the lid is in the closed position. The design of this locking mechanism is not specified by this International Standard, thus it is not shown in figure 12. Locking and unlocking of the hubs shall depend upon the position of the lid as specified in 6.13. D

40、iameter of tbe wound tape The diameter of the tape wound on a hub shall be ds = 36.5 mm max. 11 Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISONot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-lSO/lEC 12247: 1993 (JI) 6

41、.8.7.2 Tape wind The magnetic surface of the tape shall face outwards. Tape motion The forward direction of tape motion is from the left side of the cartridge to its right side (see figure 1 and 2). Guide posts The tape shall pass around two guide posts in the cartridge, the axes of

42、which are perpendicular to Reference Plane Z and pass through the centres of the Datum Holes. The positions and dimensions of these guide posts shall be - their positions are determined by those of the centres of the Datum Holes, - their cross-section shall be circular with a radius R, = 3.0 mm f 0.

43、1 mm over an angle of 180 in clockwise sense starting at angle p=45“* 1” - their cross-section over the other half of 180” is not specified by this International Standard. Position of the tape in tbe case (view A) When the tape runs from one guide post to the other it shall remain between tw

44、o planes parallel to Reference Plane Z. The distance of these planes to Reference Plane Z shall be L74 = 1.4 mm min. L,5 = 6.4 mm max. The design centre for the position of the tape centreline is ba = 3.9 mm The height of the access room specified in 6.8.5 for the tape guides shall be L,7 = 8.0 mm I

45、IIIII Tape patb zone When the cartridge is inserted into the drive, the tape is pulled outside the case by tape guides as mentioned above. It is then no longer in contact with the guide posts. The tape path zone of the case is the zone in which the rape must be able to move freely. This zone

46、 is defmed by L7s=5Jmmf0,1mm L,9 = 56,5 mm f 0.3 mm L, = 8.0 mm f 0.2 mm 6.8.8 Light path See figure 12. As specified in 6.7 there is a lower window in the right and left sides of the case through which light having passed through the tape can pass and fall onto a detector of the drive. In order to

47、ensure that the corresponding light path is not obstructed by inner elements of the case, its configuration in this zone shall be as follows. The position and dimensions of the lower window are specified by b. and L, (see figure 9). The dimensions L, = 1.5 mm max. L, = 5,O mm min. 12 Copyright Inter

48、national Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISONot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-lSO/lEC 12247:1993 (E) ensure that no elements of the case obstruct the light path. 6.8.9 Support Areas See figure 13. When the cartridge

49、 is inserted into the drive and held in position by forces perpendicular to Reference Plane Z acting on the Holding Areas (see 6.4). it shall be supported by three Supporting Areas A, B, c on its bottom side, shown shaded in figure 13. The position and dimensions of these areas shall be as follows. - Areas A and B are not specified by this International Standard because they depend o

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