ISO IEC 23003-2 AMD 4-2016 Information technology - MPEG audio technologies - Part 2 Spatial Audio Object Coding (SAOC) - Amendment 4 SAOC Conformance《信息技术 多媒体框.pdf

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ISO IEC 23003-2 AMD 4-2016 Information technology - MPEG audio technologies - Part 2 Spatial Audio Object Coding (SAOC) - Amendment 4 SAOC Conformance《信息技术 多媒体框.pdf_第1页
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1、Information technology MPEG audio technologies Part 2: Spatial Audio Object Coding (SAOC) AMENDMENT 4: SAOC Conformance Technologies de linformation Technologies audio MPEG Partie 2: Codage dobjet audio spatial (SAOC) AMENDEMENT 4: Conformit SAOC INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO/IEC 23003-2 First edition

2、2010-10-01 Reference number ISO/IEC 23003-2:2010/Amd.4:2016(E) AMENDMENT 4 2016-11-01 ISO/IEC 2016 ii ISO/IEC 2016 All rights reserved COPYRIGHT PROTECTED DOCUMENT ISO/IEC 2016, Published in Switzerland All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or

3、 utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting on the internet or an intranet, without prior written permission. Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address below or ISOs member body in the country of the requester. ISO co

4、pyright office Ch. de Blandonnet 8 CP 401 CH-1214 Vernier, Geneva, Switzerland Tel. +41 22 749 01 11 Fax +41 22 749 09 47 ISO/IEC 23003-2:2010/Amd.4:2016(E) ISO/IEC 23003-2:2010/Amd.4:2016(E) Foreword ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) and IEC (the

5、International Electrotechnical Commission) form the specialized system for worldwide standardization. National bodies that are members of ISO or IEC participate in the development of International Standards through technical committees established by the respective organization to deal with particul

6、ar fields of technical activity. ISO and IEC technical committees collaborate in fields of mutual interest. Other international organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO and IEC, also take part in the work. In the field of information technology, ISO and IEC have establis

7、hed a joint technical committee, ISO/IEC JTC 1. The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1. In particular the different approval criteria needed for the different types of document should be noted. This

8、document was drafted in accordance with the editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2 (see Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. ISO and IEC shall not be held responsible for identifying

9、any or all such patent rights. Details of any patent rights identified during the development of the document will be in the Introduction and/or on the ISO list of patent declarations received (see Any trade name used in this document is information given for the convenience of

10、 users and does not constitute an endorsement. For an explanation on the meaning of ISO specific terms and expressions related to conformity assessment, as well as information about ISOs adherence to the WTO principles in the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) see the following URL:

11、oreword.html The committee responsible for this document is ISO/IEC JTC 1, Information technology, SC 29, Coding of audio, picture, multimedia and hypermedia information. ISO/IEC 2016 All rights reserved iii Information technology MPEG audio technologies Part 2: Spatial Audio Object Coding (SAOC) AM

12、ENDMENT 4: SAOC Conformance Add Clause 10, Conformance testing: 10 Conformance testing 10.1 Introduction This clause specifies conformance criteria for both bitstreams and decoders compliant with the SAOC standard as defined in Clauses 1 to 9 and Annexes A to G. This is done to assist implementers a

13、nd to ensure interoperability. 10.2 Terms and definitions The terms and definitions as stated in Clause 3 apply. Furthermore, the following terms and definitions will be used throughout this clause. bitstream data encoded according to the SAOC standard conformance test bitstream bitstream used for t

14、esting the conformance of an SAOC decoder. 10.3 SAOC conformance testing 5.5 defines the SAOC profiles and levels. Some conformance criteria apply to SAOC in general, while others are specific to the specific SAOC profile and its levels. Conformance shall be tested for the level of the profile with

15、which a given bitstream or decoder/transcoder claims to comply. 10.4 Bitstreams 10.4.1 Characteristics The SAOC audio object type (AOT) can be used in combination with various AOTs. 10.4.2 Test procedure Introduction An SAOC bitstream shall have the syntax and semantics as specified in Clau

16、ses 1 to 9 and Annexes A to G. The present subclause defines the conformance criteria that shall be fulfilled by a compliant bitstream. These criteria are specified for the syntactic elements of the bitstream and for some parameters decoded from the SAOC bitstream payload. ISO/IEC 23003-2:2010/Amd.4

17、:2016(E) ISO 2016 All rights reserved 1 ISO/IEC 23003-2:2010/Amd.4:2016(E) Configuration header SAOCSpecificConfig()/SAOCDESpecificConfig() bsVersion For restrictions, see bsSamplingFrequencyIndex Shall be in the range 0x00xc or 0xf. For further restrictions, see 10.4.2

18、.5. bsSamplingFrequency For restrictions, see bsLowDelayMode For restrictions, see bsFreqRes Shall not be encoded with a value of 0. bsFrameLength For restrictions, see bsNumObjects For restrictions, see bsNumFGOs For restrictions, see bsRelatedToij

19、No restrictions apply. bsTransmitAbsNrg No restrictions apply. bsNumDmxChannels For restrictions, see bsTttDualMode No restrictions apply. bsTttBandsLow Shall not be encoded with a value larger than the value of numBands as given by Table 33. bsPdgFlag No restrictions apply. bsOneIOC No re

20、strictions apply. bsDcuFlag For restrictions, see bsDcuMandatory No restrictions apply. bsDcuDynamic No restrictions apply. bsDcuMode No restrictions apply. bsDcuParam No restrictions apply. bsDeLimitFlag For restrictions, see bsDeLimitFgo No restrictions apply. bsDeLimitBgo No re

21、strictions apply.2 ISO 2016 All rights reserved ISO/IEC 23003-2:2010/Amd.4:2016(E) SAOCExtensionConfigData() bsSaocExtType No restrictions apply. Note that in case of values indicated as “N/A” in Table 43, the parsing function SAOCExtensionConfigData(bsSaocExtType) shall return the value

22、0, such that possibly present data is read as bsFillBits (i.e. skipped) and correct parsing of the bitstream can continue. bsSaocExtLen No restrictions apply. bsSaocExtLenAdd No restrictions apply. bsSaocExtLenAddAdd No restrictions apply. bsFillBits No restrictions apply. SAOCExtensionCo

23、nfigData(0) The syntactic element SAOCExtensionConfigData(0) shall not be present in case of Low Delay profile. This syntactic element shall not be present in case of Baseline and Dialogue Enhancement profiles of Level 1. Furthermore, this syntactic element shall not be present if the helper variabl

24、e numSlots has a value that is not listed in ISO/IEC 23003-1:2007, Table 55. Furthermore, if this syntactic element is present, the bitstream shall fulfil the requirements outlined in ISO/IEC 23003-1:2007, 6.1.13. For further restrictions, see bsDeLimitFgoEAO No restrictions apply. bsDeLim

25、itBgoEAO No restrictions apply. bsDcuFlag2 No restrictions apply. bsDcuMode2 No restrictions apply. bsDcuParam2 No restrictions apply. ResidualConfig() bsResidualSamplingFrequencyIndex Shall fulfil the requirements outlined in ISO/IEC 23003-1:2007, 6.1.13 and Table 88. bsResidualFramesP

26、erSAOCFrame Shall fulfil the requirements outlined in ISO/IEC 23003-1:2007, 6.1.13 and Table 87 bsNumGroupsFGO For restrictions, see bsResidualPresenti No restrictions apply. bsResidualBandsi Shall not be encoded with a value larger than the value of bsTtnBandsLowi. bsTtnDualModei No restr

27、ictions apply. bsTtnBandsLowi Shall not be encoded with a value larger than the value of numBands as given by Table 33. SAOCExtensionConfigData(1) No restrictions apply. ISO 2016 All rights reserved 3 ISO/IEC 23003-2:2010/Amd.4:2016(E) SAOCExtensionConfigData(2) The syntactic e

28、lement SAOCExtensionConfigData(2) shall not be present in case of SAOC-DE profile. Shall fulfil the requirements outlined in Table 51. SAOCExtensionConfigData(3) No restrictions apply. SAOCExtensionConfigData(8) ObjectMetaData() bsNumByteMetaDatai No restrictions a

29、pply. bsMetaDataij Shall be encoded in UTF-8 encoding format. SAOCExtensionConfigData(9) PresetConfig() bsNumPresets No restrictions apply. bsNumBytePresetLabeli No restrictions apply. bsPresetLabelij Shall be encoded in UTF-8 encoding format. bsPresetMatrix No restrictions a

30、pply. PresetMatrixData() bsPresetMatrixType Shall not be encoded with a value of 3. bsPresetMatrixElementsij No restrictions apply. PresetMatrixData() bsPresetUserDataIdentifieri Shall be encoded in UTF-8 encoding format. bsPresetUserDataLen No restrictions apply.

31、9 SAOCExtensionConfigData(10) The syntactic element SAOCExtensionConfigData(10) shall not be present in case of SAOC-DE profile. SeparationMetaData() bsNumSeparationPairs No restrictions apply. bsSeparationMainObjectIDi No restrictions apply. bsSeparationSubObjectIDi No restrictions app

32、ly. Bitstream payload SAOCFrame()/SAOCDEFrame() bsIndependencyFlag No restrictions apply.4 ISO 2016 All rights reserved ISO/IEC 23003-2:2010/Amd.4:2016(E) SAOCFramingInfo() bsFramingType No restrictions apply. bsNumParamSets For restrictions, see bsParamSlo

33、ti Shall be in the range 0bsFrameLength. EcDataSaoc() bsXXXdataModeij Shall fulfil the requirements outlined in ISO/IEC 23003-1:2007, 6.1.13. Shall not be encoded with the value 2 if EAO mode (residual coding) is applied. bsDataPairXXXij Shall have the value 0 if setIdx = dataSets-1. No

34、 further restrictions apply. bsQuantCoarseXXXij No restrictions apply. bsFreqResStrideXXXij No restrictions apply. SAOCEcDataPair() bsPcmCodingXXXij No restrictions apply. SAOCDiffHuffData() bsDiff Type No restrictions apply. bsCodingScheme No restrictions apply.

35、.5 SAOCHuffData1D() hcodFirstBand_XXX bsCodeW shall have a value out of a set of values as defined by column “code- word” of Tables A.2 and A.3, respectively, and shall have a length as defined by the corresponding entry in column “length”. hcod1D_XXX_YY bsCodeW shall have a value out of a set of va

36、lues as defined by column “code- word” of Tables A.4 and A.5, respectively, and shall have a length as defined by the corresponding entry in column length. bsSign No restrictions apply. ISO 2016 All rights reserved 5 ISO/IEC 23003-2:2010/Amd.4:2016(E) SAOCHuffData2DFreqPair() hcodLavIdx

37、 bsCodeW shall have a value out of a set of values as defined by column “code- word” of Table A.24, and shall have a length as defined by the corresponding entry in column “length”. hcodFirstBand_XXX bsCodeW shall have a value out of a set of values as defined by column “code- word” of Tables A.2 an

38、d A.3, respectively, and shall have a length as defined by the corresponding entry in column “length”. hcod2D_XXX_YY_FP_LL bsCodeW shall have a value out of a set of values as defined by column “code- word” of the applicable table out of Tables A.11 to A.22, and shall have a length as defined by the

39、 corresponding entry in column “length”. hcod1D_XXX_YY bsCodeW shall have a value out of a set of values as defined by column “code- word” of Tables A.4 and A.5, respectively, and shall have a length as defined by the corresponding entry in column “length”. bsSign No restrictions apply. S

40、AOCExtensionFrame() No restrictions apply. Note that in case of bsSaocExtType having values indicated as “N/A” in Table 43, the parsing function SAOCExtensionFrameData(bsSaocExtType) shall return the value 0, such that possibly present data is read as bsFillBits (i.e. skipped) and correct parsing of

41、 the bitstream can continue. bsSaocExtLen No restrictions apply. bsSaocExtLenAdd No restrictions apply. bsFillBits No restrictions apply. SAOCExtensionFrameData(0) bsDeLimitEaoUpdate No restrictions apply. bsDeLimitFgoEAO No restrictions apply. bsDeLimitBgoEAO No restrictions apply. bsDcu

42、DynamicUpdate2 No restrictions apply. bsDcuMode2 No restrictions apply. bsDcuParam2 No restrictions apply. Transport of SAOC data Transport in an MPEG environment Introduction In case of transport of SAOC data in an MPEG-4 environment, the following restrictions appl

43、y. In case of SAOCSpecificConfig() (or SAOCDESpecificConfig() for SAOC-DE profile) is conveyed out-of-band, any in-band SAOCSpecificConfig() (or SAOCDESpecificConfig() for SAOC-DE profile) shall be identical to the out-of-band one.6 ISO 2016 All rights reserved ISO/IEC 23003-2:2010/Amd.4:2016(E) In

44、case of embedding of MPEG SAOC data in MPEG-2/4 AAC payloads, the following restrictions apply. There must be at least one extension_payload() element with extension_type=EXT_SAOC_DATA (or extension_type=EXT_SAOC_DE_DATA for SAOC-DE profile) in each AAC frame in order to enable immediate implicit si

45、gnalling. In case of embedding of MPEG SAOC data in MPEG-1/2 Layer I/II/III bistreams, the following restrictions apply. The first bit of the ancSyncword must be byte-aligned with respect to the first bit of the 0xFFF syncword of the MPEG-1/2 frame header. The AncDataElement() must be completely inc

46、luded in the ancillary data of a single MPEG-1/2 frame. There must be at least one AncDataElement() in the ancillary data of each MPEG-1/2 frame in order to enable immediate implicit signalling. AncDataElement() ancSyncword Shall be 0x473. ancType No restrictions apply. ancStart No rest

47、rictions apply. ancStop No restrictions apply. ancLenBytes No restrictions apply. ancLenBytesAdd No restrictions apply. ancCrcWord Shall have the value as determined by the procedure specified in 8.2.4. ancDataSegmentByte A data block formed by concatenation of ancDataSegmentByte as specified in 8.2

48、.4 shall, if ancType=0x0 or ancType=0x1, constitute one SaocDataFrame() syntax element, padded at the end to obtain an integer number of bytes. SaocDataFrame(saocHeaderFlag) saocHeaderFlag No restrictions apply. saocHeaderLen No restrictions apply. saocHeaderLenAdd No restrictions apply

49、. bsFillBits No restrictions apply. saocTimeAlignFlag No restrictions apply. saocTimeAlign Shall have an absolute value no larger than two times the number of samples in the MPEG SAOC PCM frame as defined by bsFrameLength and bsSamplingFrequencyIndex or bsSamplingFrequency. Transport over PCM channels Introduction In case of transport of SAOC data over PCM channels, the following restrictions apply. The BuriedDa

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