1、 Reference number ISO/IEC 24570:2005(E) ISO/IEC 2005INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO/IEC 24570 First edition 2005-02-15 Software engineering NESMA functional size measurement method version 2.1 Definitions and counting guidelines for the application of Function Point Analysis Ingnierie du logiciel Mthode
2、de mesure de la taille fonctionnelle NESMA, version 2.1 Dfinitions et manuel des pratiques de comptage pour lapplication de lanalyse des points fonctionnels ISO/IEC 24570:2005(E) PDF disclaimer This PDF file may contain embedded typefaces. In accordance with Adobes licensing policy, this file may be
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7、09 47 E-mail copyrightiso.org Web www.iso.org Published in Switzerland ii ISO/IEC 2005 All rights reservedISO/IEC 24570:2005(E) ISO/IEC 2005 All rights reserved iiiContents Page Foreword. v Introduction . vi 1 Scope 1 2 Overview 1 2.1 Objective of this International Standard. 1 2.2 Focus of this Int
8、ernational Standard. 1 2.3 Organization of this International Standard . 2 3 Introduction to FPA. 3 3.1 Brief description of FPA . 3 3.2 Use of FPA: application function point count versus project function point count 4 3.3 The types of function point counts . 5 3.4 Function point counts during a pr
9、oject 5 3.5 Scope of the count and boundary of the application to be counted . 5 3.6 Users 5 3.7 Functions and function types 6 3.8 The complexity of a function . 6 3.9 The valuing of function types 7 3.10 The function point count 7 4 Guidelines to carry out an FPA 7 4.1 Step-by-step plan for carryi
10、ng out an FPA. 8 4.2 Types of function point counts and their accuracy. 8 4.3 The role of the quality of the specifications. 10 4.4 FPA during a project. 11 4.5 Determining the application function point count. 11 4.6 Determining the project function point count 13 4.7 FPA in specific situations. 16
11、 4.8 Illustration: FPA and the system life cycle . 20 5 General counting guidelines 25 5.1 Counting from a logical perspective. 25 5.2 Applying the rules . 25 5.3 Built functionality, not requested functionality . 25 5.4 Double counting 25 5.5 Production of re-usable code 26 5.6 Re-use of existing c
12、ode 26 5.7 Screens and reports 26 5.8 Input and output records 26 5.9 Security and authorization . 26 5.10 Operating systems and utilities. 26 5.11 Report generators and query facilities . 27 5.12 Graphs 27 5.13 Help facilities . 27 5.14 Error messages and other messages .27 5.15 Menu structures 28
13、5.16 List functions. 28 5.17 Browse and scroll functions 28 5.18 Cleaning functions 28 5.19 Completeness check on the function point count. 29 5.20 FPA tables 29 ISO/IEC 24570:2005(E) iv ISO/IEC 2005 All rights reserved5.21 Deriving logical files (data functions) from a normalized data model .30 5.2
14、2 Shared use of data 34 6 Internal Logical files35 6.1 Definition of an internal logical file35 6.2 Counting internal logical files 36 6.3 Determining the complexity of internal logical files 37 7 External Interface Files .38 7.1 Definition of an external interface file .38 7.2 Counting external int
15、erface files38 7.3 Determining the complexity of external interface files40 8 External inputs.40 8.1 Definition of an external input41 8.2 Counting external inputs 42 8.3 Determining the complexity of external inputs 44 9 External Outputs45 9.1 Definition of an external output .45 9.2 Counting exter
16、nal outputs47 9.3 Determining the complexity of external outputs50 10 External inquiries 51 10.1 Definition of an external inquiry.51 10.2 Counting external inquiries52 10.3 Determining the complexity of external inquiries 53 11 Practical Situations and their solutions54 11.1 Standard authorization
17、functions 55 11.2 Specific authorization functions55 11.3 Report generator and query facility.56 11.4 Help functions56 11.5 Error messages57 11.6 Menu structures.57 11.7 FPA tables 58 11.8 Denormalization.59 11.9 Counting logical files (data functions)61 11.10 Combined external inputs 65 11.11 Count
18、ing a transaction file .66 11.12 Reports on different media.67 11.13 Daily and weekly processing69 11.14 Conversion.69 11.15 External outputs with summary information70 11.16 The number of data elements on a report.72 11.17 Combined external outputs72 11.18 Combination effects with functions 77 11.1
19、9 Querying with several search keys79 11.20 Screens with list function.81 11.21 Browse and scroll functions 82 11.22 Selection screens and changing data with a search key 85 11.23 Direct and delayed processing 89 11.24 Case study of a customer application.91 Annex A (normative) The most important fe
20、atures and tables for valuing function types .95 Annex B (normative) Function point analysis glossary101 Annex C (informative) Application of function point analysis including general system characteristics .106 Annex D (informative) General system characteristics.113 ISO/IEC 24570:2005(E) ISO/IEC 2
21、005 All rights reserved vForeword ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) and IEC (the International Electrotechnical Commission) form the specialized system for worldwide standardization. National bodies that are members of ISO or IEC participate in the development of International
22、 Standards through technical committees established by the respective organization to deal with particular fields of technical activity. ISO and IEC technical committees collaborate in fields of mutual interest. Other international organizations, governmental and non- governmental, in liaison with I
23、SO and IEC, also take part in the work. In the field of information technology, ISO and IEC have established a joint technical committee, ISO/IEC JTC 1. International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2. The main task of the joint technical comm
24、ittee is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards adopted by the joint technical committee are circulated to national bodies for voting. Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the national bodies casting a vote. Attention is drawn to t
25、he possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. ISO and IEC shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. ISO/IEC 24570 was prepared by Joint Technical Committee ISO/IEC JTC 1, Information technology, Subcommittee SC 7, So
26、ftware and system engineering. ISO/IEC 24570:2005(E) vi ISO/IEC 2005 All rights reservedIntroduction Version 1.0 (November 1990) The NESMA Board set up a counting guidelines committee devoted to the standardization of counting guidelines/definitions in September of 1989. The committees task was and
27、(still) is to draw up and maintain a NESMA FPA manual. Version 1.1 (May 1991) Version 1.1 is a reprint of version 1.0. Except for the improvement of some minor errors, the two versions are the same. Addendum (May 1994) The manual Definitions And Counting Guidelines For The Application Of Function Po
28、int Analysis satisfies a great need and has become a standard in the Netherlands within a short time. In May of 1991 the Board of the NESMA set up the work group “FPA Case Study“ and gave it the task of developing a case study that would present the application of FPA and counting guidelines within
29、a context. While developing the case study, the work group felt that a number of definitions of counting guidelines needed to be more precise: The derivation of logical files from a data model in third normal-form (the so-called denormalization rules) A more concrete definition of the concept of FPA
30、 table Uniform treatment of selection screens Dealing with combination effects of functions The Counting Guidelines Committee established additional counting guidelines for these topics after extensive discussion took place both within the committee itself and within the work group FPA Case Study. Y
31、ou will find the additional counting guidelines necessary and/or helpful when working out the case. In view of the issue date of the case (mid 1994), the NESMA Board decided to issue these additional counting guidelines as an Addendum to version 1.1 of the Counting Guidelines Manual. Version 2.0 (Ap
32、ril 1996) This new version of the manual Definitions And Counting Guidelines For The Application Of Function Point Analysis incorporates the following improvements: The guidelines recorded in the addendum have now been integrated into the manual A large number of points in the guidelines have been f
33、urther clarified The results of extensive consultation with the IFPUG have been processed The manuals accessibility has been increased further as a result of editorial improvements Many examples and illustrations have been added ISO/IEC 24570:2005(E) ISO/IEC 2005 All rights reserved viiThe committee
34、 is of the opinion that the changes made are chiefly an elaboration and further illustration of the guidelines drawn up earlier. In modifying the manual, the committee has worked in such a way that the changes made have as little effect as possible on the results of a function point analysis. Append
35、ix D goes further into this. The guidelines published in this manual have been applied to a rather large case study with the title, FPA Case Study “Hotel“ For The Application of Function Point Analysis. Applying the guidelines in practice is explained in this document in detail. The publication of t
36、his version takes precedence over versions 1.0 and 1.1, as well as the Addendum. English translation of version 2.0 (November 1997) This English version of the manual is an accurate translation of the Dutch version Version 2.1 Unadjusted (February 2002) This version has been developed for the manual
37、 to be an ISO recognized standard. The main adaptation is the exclusion of the General System Characteristics. This exclusion conforms to the ISO standard 14143-1 Functional Size Measurement. Reason for this International Standard The NESMA was set up in the spring of 1989. (At that time it was call
38、ed the NEFPUG.) During its first meeting in June, it carried out a study among its participants in order to survey which subjects they were interested in. The standardization of counting guidelines/definitions was high on the list. In reaction to this, the NESMA Board decided to set up a committee d
39、evoted to this topic. This committee set itself the task of putting together a International Standard for the theoretical application and the practical use of function point analysis (FPA) 1 . Over the years a number of “dialects“ have arisen for FPA. These dialects complicate the goal of determinin
40、g the number of function points and make it almost impossible for organizations to compare results. One insufficiently acknowledged reason for this is that different interpretations of the “Albrecht“ method have arisen. This International Standard hopes to provide clarity by formulating standards fo
41、r the definitions and counting guidelines that pertain to FPA. Intended audience This International Standard is meant for everyone who performs function point counts; i.e., both for people who count according to the NESMA rules and for those who use the IFPUG rules. For those using the IFPUG rules,
42、the NESMA International Standard can be a valuable supplement to the IFPUG International Standard if the differences stated on the website “WWW.NESMA.ORG” are taken into account. The NESMA International Standard, after all, contains many hints, guidelines, and examples that can be of value to every
43、FPA counter. It is assumed that the reader has some knowledge of FPA. Nevertheless, we have also attempted to produce as complete a International Standard as possible that includes sufficient introductory material and explanation for the new FPA user. For both the maintenance of the IFPUG Internatio
44、nal Standard and the NESMA International Standard there is a co-operation between the IFPUG CPC and the NESMA CPC. Departure points of this International Standard The NESMA FPA method is in principle applicable to all Functional domains. The following documentation has served as the foundation for this International Standard: IBM CIS e.g., productivity standards and productivity attributes. This particular topic has been described in the manual “Budgeting on the basis of logical design using function point analysis”, also by the NESMA.