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1、PMP 资格认证考试-项目范围管理(四)及答案解析(总分:20.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、B单项选择题/B(总题数:20,分数:20.00)1.During the execution phase of the project, you realized the subcontractors are working with incomplete and different scope statements. As the project manager, what should you do FIRST? A. Check the work completed against the

2、correct scope statements. B. Review the scope of work with the stakeholders. C. Document the inconsistencies to management, calculating the cost of nonconformance. D. Stop all activities until the scope of the work complete.(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.2.Over the last few weeks, the team has made three scope ch

3、anges to the activities and tasks on the projects. The project manager must be MOST careful to _. A. record all the changes B. provide documentation on all the changes to the sponsor C. make sure the changes are reflected in the project scope D. prevent more changes from occurring(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.3.

4、The customer wants to expand the scope of the project after performance measurement baseline has been established. Which document will the customer need to submit? A. Change request. B. Statement of work. C. Revised project schedule. D. Invoice.(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.4.During a walk through of a task, you

5、 discover that a team member is completing the work differently than stated in the WBS directory. How should you deal with this? A. Tell the team member to take a corrective action. B. Determine if the alternative way is acceptable to the functional manager. C. Ask the team member if the changes are

6、 necessary. D. Determine if the changes also change the scope of the work package.(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.5.Two months into a design project, the customer requested a modification to the project. The change was made a without notify the project manager. During the final testing phase, result were different

7、 from what was planned for, This scenario is an example of which of following? A. Poor definition of the test plan. B. Poor development of quality management plan. C. Poor use of scope change control. D. Poor adherence to the communication plan.(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.6.If a project manager is told that mo

8、difying the scope of the project may provide added value for the customer, the project manager should _. A. change the WBS B. change the scope baseline C. fix a variance report D. postpone the modification till a separate enhancement project in(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.7.Management-by-objectives refers to _.

9、 A. confirming practical objectives B. making objectives clearly C. increasing the project managers power D. A and B(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.8.Configuration management describes procedures for applying technical and administrative direction and surveillance. Which one of the following tasks is not performed

10、 in configuration management? A. Identifying functional and physical characteristics of an item or system. B. Controlling changes to characteristics. C. Performing an audit to verify conformance to requirements. D. Allowing automatic approval of changes.(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.9.You have been appointed pro

11、ject manager for a new project in your organization and must prepare a project plan. To help you provide the framework for this project, you decide to prepare a WBS to show the magnitude and complexity of the work involved. No WBS templates are available to help you. To prepare the WBS, you first st

12、ep should be to _. A. determine the cost and duration estimates for each project deliverable B. identify the major project deliverable C. identify the components of each project deliverable D. determine the key tasks to be performed(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.10.You are working on a telecommunication project.

13、The product and system requirements have been determined and agreed to by the customer, your management, and other key stakeholders. Work is proceeding on the project according to schedule. Everyone seems pleased with the progress to date. You have just learned that a new regulatory requirement will

14、 cause a change in one of the projects performance specification. To ensure that this change is incorporated onto the project plan, you should _. A. call a meeting of the change control board B. change the WBS, project schedule, and project plan to reflect the new requirement C. prepare a change req

15、uest D. immediately inform all affected stakeholders of the new approach to take on tee project(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.11.The PM distributed a document to the stakeholders which described the software to be developed, the functionality, the users it would serve and the installation timeline. The document w

16、as an example of _. A. product scope B. project scope C. a combination of project and product scope D. it was not complete enough to be either a product or a project scope document(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.12.The PM and project team have completed decomposition and have verified scope, when the marketing dep

17、artment makes a minor change to the product functionality to improve its appeal to the end customer. The PM and the project team _. A. refuses to accept the change since the scope has been veriied B. modifies the WBS and the decomposition C. accepts the change and incorporates it into the WBS, modif

18、ying the budget and the schedule and assigning accountability to the marketing team D. proceeds per the change process(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.13.The scope management plan is developed as _. A. part of the scope verification phase B. part of scope planning C. the initial steps of scope control D. part of th

19、e Scope Statement(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.14.The purpose of the scope statement includes all but which of the following? A. Provides a basis for future project decision. B. Establishes a contract between the project team and the customer. C. Sets criteria to use to determine if a project or phase have been

20、completed successfully. D. Establishes project constrains and assumptions.(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.15.On a critical project, with a short timeframe, a contractor found an omission in a proposal which had been submitted and approved. The contractor indicated this omission may change both scope and thus cost

21、to the project. Upon receiving notification, the PM should _. A. submit, or ask the vender to submit, a change request to include the omission in the scope of the project B. check the type of the contract used and approve the increase to the budget C. since the project is falling behind, approve bot

22、h the change in scope and the additional cost to the project to make sure the project is not delayed D. gather more information(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.16.To integrate approved scope changes, the PM should begin with _. A. approved budget B. project schedule C. product description D. WBS(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.17.

23、A precise description of a deliverable is called a _. A. specification B. baseline C. work package D. work breakdown structure element(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.18.Because of a new government regulation, you had to change the scope of your telecommunications project. Several changes were made to the projects

24、objectives. You have updated the projects technical and planning document as needed. Your next step should be to _. A. notify the stakeholders as appropriate B. revise the company the knowledge management system C. obtain formal acceptance from your sponsor and customer D. prepare a performance repo

25、rt(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.19.As a PM, you just received an ongoing project. Now you are examining a pile of scope change requests on a project. To assess the degree to which the project scope will change, you need to compare the requests to which project document? A. Scope statement. B. WBS. C. Project pla

26、n. D. Scope management plan.(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.20.A project manager is assigned to a new, high priority project. There are only five available resources because other resources are already committed to projects. The resources time available to complete the project is less than half the time needed, an

27、d the project manager cannot convince management to change the end date. The project manager should _. A. coordinate with team members the overtime necessary to complete the work B. provide the team with opportunities to do a great job on the work that can be accomplished C. cut the scope of work by

28、 removing the work that cannot be completed in the time provided D. use more experienced resources to complete the work faster(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.PMP 资格认证考试-项目范围管理(四)答案解析(总分:20.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、B单项选择题/B(总题数:20,分数:20.00)1.During the execution phase of the project, you realized the subcontractors are work

29、ing with incomplete and different scope statements. As the project manager, what should you do FIRST? A. Check the work completed against the correct scope statements. B. Review the scope of work with the stakeholders. C. Document the inconsistencies to management, calculating the cost of nonconform

30、ance. D. Stop all activities until the scope of the work complete.(分数:1.00)A.B. C.D.解析:只有 B 与确定范围问题的原因有关。 在项目的实施阶段期间,你发现分包商在按照不完整并且不同的范围说明进行工作。作为项目经理,你应该首先做什么? A) 检查按照正确的范围说明完成的_T 作。 B) 与项目干系人一起审核工作范围。 C) 用文件记录与管理不一致之处,计算不一致的成本。 D) 在工作范围完整之前停止工作。2.Over the last few weeks, the team has made three sco

31、pe changes to the activities and tasks on the projects. The project manager must be MOST careful to _. A. record all the changes B. provide documentation on all the changes to the sponsor C. make sure the changes are reflected in the project scope D. prevent more changes from occurring(分数:1.00)A.B.C

32、. D.解析:A 记录本身并不能确保范围是否改变,虽然记录也重要。所以 A 不是最佳选择。B 不是最佳选择。理由参见 A 的解释。C 最佳选择。是项目经理 在过去的几周里项目团队已经对活动和任务做了三项变更。项目经理必须非常仔细地_。 A) 记录所有变更 B) 向发起人提交所有变更的文件 C) 确保变更都反映在项目范围内 D) 防止更多的变更发生3.The customer wants to expand the scope of the project after performance measurement baseline has been established. Which doc

33、ument will the customer need to submit? A. Change request. B. Statement of work. C. Revised project schedule. D. Invoice.(分数:1.00)A. B.C.D.解析:对任何项目范围的变更,客户都要提供书面变更申请。配置管理程序用文件记录正常项目文件的物理特征以及控制对它们的变更所需的步骤。 在已经建立的绩效测量基准计划之后,客户要求扩大项目范围。客户将需要提交哪类文件? A) 变更申请。 B) 工作说明。 C) 修改的项目进度计划。 D) 发票。4.During a walk

34、through of a task, you discover that a team member is completing the work differently than stated in the WBS directory. How should you deal with this? A. Tell the team member to take a corrective action. B. Determine if the alternative way is acceptable to the functional manager. C. Ask the team mem

35、ber if the changes are necessary. D. Determine if the changes also change the scope of the work package.(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D. 解析:A 如果该项_T 作需要采取纠正措施,则应该由一个领域以上的人来实施。B 作为 PM,你关注的是这种不同的方法对项目本身的影响。职能经理接受与否并不改变对项目的影响。C 团队成员在任务层次应该有一些作出变更的灵活性,只要他们没有超出 WBS 词典的整体范围即可。D 正确。只要不改变工作包的范围,不同的方法是可以接受的。 在对一项任务的检查中,你发现

36、一个团队成员正在用与 WBS 词典中的规定不同的方法完成这项工作。你应该如何处理这种情况? A) 告诉这名团队成员采取纠正措施。 B) 确定这种不同的方法对职能经理是否是可以接受的。 C) 问这名团队成员,这种变化是否必要。 D) 确定这种变化是否改变了工作包的范围。5.Two months into a design project, the customer requested a modification to the project. The change was made a without notify the project manager. During the final t

37、esting phase, result were different from what was planned for, This scenario is an example of which of following? A. Poor definition of the test plan. B. Poor development of quality management plan. C. Poor use of scope change control. D. Poor adherence to the communication plan.(分数:1.00)A.B.C. D.解析

38、:如果当时恰当地记录了范围变更,完全可能立刻提出该项变更的影响。这道题考的是使用范围变更控制的重要性。 在一个设计项目开始两个月后,客户要求对产品作修改。在没有通知项目经理的前提下就做了这项变更。在最终测试阶段,测试结果与当初计划的不同。这种情况是下列哪项的例子? A) 测试计划定义不完善。 B) 质量管理计划的开发不完善。 C) 使用范围变更控制的技能差。 D) 不坚持沟通计划。6.If a project manager is told that modifying the scope of the project may provide added value for the custo

39、mer, the project manager should _. A. change the WBS B. change the scope baseline C. fix a variance report D. postpone the modification till a separate enhancement project in(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D. 解析:项目范围一旦确定并获主要的项目干系人批准,不得随意更改。PMI 一再强调,不要做额外的工作,不要镀金。项目经理没有必要考虑在项目范围外的增值内容。 如果项目经理被告知变更项目范围会给客户带来价值,项目经理应该_

40、。 A) 更改 WBS B) 更改范围基准线 C) 修改偏差报告 D) 推迟变更直到独立的更新项目成立7.Management-by-objectives refers to _. A. confirming practical objectives B. making objectives clearly C. increasing the project managers power D. A and B(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D. 解析:目标管理就是为了确定实践目标和使目标更清晰。 目标管理是_。 A) 确定实践目标 B) 使目标更清晰 C) 提高项目经理的影响力 D) A 和 B

41、8.Configuration management describes procedures for applying technical and administrative direction and surveillance. Which one of the following tasks is not performed in configuration management? A. Identifying functional and physical characteristics of an item or system. B. Controlling changes to

42、characteristics. C. Performing an audit to verify conformance to requirements. D. Allowing automatic approval of changes.(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D. 解析:选项 A、B、C 都是配置管理的内容。而 D 不是。 配置管理描述了如何使用指导和监督来控制项目范围。下面哪个任务不是在该管理过程中执行的内容? A) 确认一个条目或一个系统的功能和物理特征。 B) 针对特征控制变更。 C) 对项目范围进行审核以检验当前的项目范围是否与预定的要求相符。 D) 允许对变更的自动承认。

43、9.You have been appointed project manager for a new project in your organization and must prepare a project plan. To help you provide the framework for this project, you decide to prepare a WBS to show the magnitude and complexity of the work involved. No WBS templates are available to help you. To

44、prepare the WBS, you first step should be to _. A. determine the cost and duration estimates for each project deliverable B. identify the major project deliverable C. identify the components of each project deliverable D. determine the key tasks to be performed(分数:1.00)A.B. C.D.解析:WBS 的制作就是把项目的可交付成果

45、分解为更小的、便于管理的组成部分,直到工作和可交付成果定义到工作细目(工作包)水平。所以,在创建 WBS 以前,首先要确定的是项目的主要交付成果。 你已经被任命为一个新项目的经理,必须编制一份项目计划。为了给项目提供整体框架,你决定准备一个工作分解结构(WBS)来说明工作的复杂程度和工作量的大小。但是现在没有现成的 WBS 模板可供利用。为准备WBS 你做到第一步是_。 A) 为每个项目的交付成果确定成本的持续时间 B) 确定项目的主要交付成果 C) 明确每个项目交付成果的时间 D) 确定要执行的主要任务10.You are working on a telecommunication pro

46、ject. The product and system requirements have been determined and agreed to by the customer, your management, and other key stakeholders. Work is proceeding on the project according to schedule. Everyone seems pleased with the progress to date. You have just learned that a new regulatory requiremen

47、t will cause a change in one of the projects performance specification. To ensure that this change is incorporated onto the project plan, you should _. A. call a meeting of the change control board B. change the WBS, project schedule, and project plan to reflect the new requirement C. prepare a chan

48、ge request D. immediately inform all affected stakeholders of the new approach to take on tee project(分数:1.00)A.B.C. D.解析:在做 A 和 B 之前,首先应该做 C。而 D 应该是在该变更通过变更管理过程而被接受以后。 你正在管理通信项目。客户,你的上级和其他有关方面都已经确定和批准了产品和系统要求。项目按照时间表实施。到目前为止似乎每个人对进度感到满意。你刚刚得知一个新的管理规定将引起一个项目执行标准发生变更。为保证该变更包括在项目计划中,你应该_。 A) 召开变更控制委员会会议 B) 修改 WBS、项目时间表和项目计划,以反映新的规定和要求 C) 准备变更请求 D) 立即通知受到影响的各位干系人有关项目实施的变更内容11.The PM distributed a document to the stakeholders which described the software to be developed, the functionality, the users it would s

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