HD 388-1980 Transformers for Tubular Discharge Lamps Having a No-Load Output Voltage Exceeding 1000 V (Generally Called Neon- Transformers)《空载输出电压超过1000V的管式放电灯用.pdf

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HD 388-1980 Transformers for Tubular Discharge Lamps Having a No-Load Output Voltage Exceeding 1000 V (Generally Called Neon- Transformers)《空载输出电压超过1000V的管式放电灯用.pdf_第1页
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HD 388-1980 Transformers for Tubular Discharge Lamps Having a No-Load Output Voltage Exceeding 1000 V (Generally Called Neon- Transformers)《空载输出电压超过1000V的管式放电灯用.pdf_第2页
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HD 388-1980 Transformers for Tubular Discharge Lamps Having a No-Load Output Voltage Exceeding 1000 V (Generally Called Neon- Transformers)《空载输出电压超过1000V的管式放电灯用.pdf_第3页
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HD 388-1980 Transformers for Tubular Discharge Lamps Having a No-Load Output Voltage Exceeding 1000 V (Generally Called Neon- Transformers)《空载输出电压超过1000V的管式放电灯用.pdf_第4页
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HD 388-1980 Transformers for Tubular Discharge Lamps Having a No-Load Output Voltage Exceeding 1000 V (Generally Called Neon- Transformers)《空载输出电压超过1000V的管式放电灯用.pdf_第5页
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2、00 V (Couramment appels ltransformateurs non”) TRANSFORMATOREN MIT .EINZR LEERSPNNUNG UBER 1 O00 V FR LEUCHT2HRS;I (Allgemein lNeontransformatoren” genannt) This HD consists of the following: - . TITLE PAGE BODY OF HD - FULL EXT PRODUCED BY CEEIELEC TC 34X HARMONIZED NATIONAL .STANDARDS A: B: ._ . C

3、H :, - D: DK : E: F : NF C 71-221 (1979) . GR : I: A- dev IRL : L. a: NL : P: s: SF : UK : .- i Date of announcement: 1982-03-01 Date of withdrawal : 1983-03-01 I 3L104583 0005270 7 - ._ CENELEC G EN E RA L SECRETA RI AT Rue ErBdarode 2. Eta 5 - 1000 BRUXELLES Tel, 02- 511 79 32 - TILOX 26297 Cenlso

4、 b . . . . _- _. . . -E N G L I S H VER SION , _ TRANSFORMERS FOR TUBULU DISCkARGE LAMPS HAVING (Generally called. neon-transfbrmerc) . A NO-LOAD OUTPUT VOLTAGE EXCEEDING I O00 V Transf-ormateurs pour lampes tubu- laires i dcharge ayant une tension secondaire vide suprieure . rhren (Allgemein “Meont

5、ransforsa- ,I 000 V (Couramment appels “transformateurs nont*) Transformatoren mit einer Leer-. Spannung ber 12009 V r Leucht- toren“ genannt) 3 GEN ERAL SECRETARIAT Rue Brbdsrode 2, Bu S - 1000 BRUXELLES TL 02-511 7s 38 - fdlrx 26257 Cmnbc b ENGLISH VERSION UN : 621.)14.2?:621.32.2:621.027. hey WOP

6、CIS: trazsforner - tubular discharge laEp - independent transforner - built-in transformer - izheoently short-circuit proof-tracsormer 7 normal load ecuivalent resistance - efcective load - Diah power factor tracsormer - rated saxiuiir: operating teEperata-e - perriisaibie ambient temperature - rate

7、d teaperature rise - supply voltage - output voltage - no-load cut?ut voltage - wor)ris vQLtege - icput current - output currett - frequency - capacitors - rated capacltanc - tFpe testlna - dotackajle part - rated valne - earthing terioinal - electrical chrecferiatics - mgnetic izfiuence - beating -

8、 ecduracce - degzee of protection - protection against direct contact - moisture resitaqce - icsulatfon resistance - electrical strength - comection of . the conductors - earthiag - creepage distance - cleex-ance - .insulating material - resistance to rusting - terminal vito screw clamping - screwle

9、ss terminal .d .- TRANSFORMERS FOR TUB DISCEAEGE LAP EAYING A NO-LOAD OUTPUT VOLTAGE EXCEEDING I O00 V . (Generzllg called neoc-transformers) Transformateurs pour lampes tubu- laires dcharge ayant une tension secondzire A vide sp6rieul.e . 1 000 V (Couamment asgels 11 trans Io raz t eur s n on“ 1 .

10、Traccformatoren nit eise- Eeer- spannmg oer 7 COO V fik Leucht- r kren ( ALge me i-. “Reentrara iornz- toren“. genannt) .- .The Harmonization Document consists of.the text prrpze-ed iri 9978 by CENELEC TC 34X. This HD was adopted by CENELECon 6th July 1980 All texts prepared -by CENELEC exist- in th

11、ree official .versions (English, . . According to the CENELEC Internal Regul ations the- CENELEC mions, for exhple, tnhere ex- plosions zre.liab7e to occur, specizl constructions may be requized. . (1) See definition of 0 2.070 .- - (2) See Appendix Co - - -.- HD 3UU July I980 3YOLi583 0005274 4 -2-

12、 2. 2 .I 2.2 2.3 2 04 2.5 2.6 2 07 This specification does not apply to auto-trensfonners, whose use, where permitted, - - ._ . is governed by nationd wiring regulations, . - . _ - - -.- _. _ . - - This. specification ney nevertheless serve ES a guide for . transformers with applications other thm t

13、hose specified in the scope, for instance transformers for photographic lemps, as long as their characteristics remein within the frzmenork of.those specified in the scope and they ere not the subject of enfEC particular specification, DEFINITIONS Voltage and current Unless othemise specified, r,Di.

14、s, vd.ues are implied. .Independent transformer Transformer consisting of one r more separzte elements so designed that it, or they, cen be mounted seoerately outside eny other fitting and without additional enclosure. Built-in transformer Transformer exclusively desimed to be built into 81i o-Jier

15、fitting. a box, en enclosure, or the like, Short-circuit Droof transformer Transformer in which the tempereture rise does not exceed fhe specified limits when the trensfomer is overloaded or short- circrited. Inherently short-circuit woof-transfomer Short-circuit proof transfomer without my device f

16、or autonaticP7-4 opening the input circuit or the output circuit in cese of ovezload or short-circuit, “ubular cold cathode dischawe lm A discharge tube having cathodes xhich may be coeted with an electron emitthg material and which during the starting process without externalheating, emits electron

17、s by field emission. These lamps have a low pressure filling of rae gas (or nixwe of rare gases) and possibly mercury vapour of fluorescent materials. They cen,have an -ide coating No-load rated output voltam The maximum voltage between the teminals of the output winine;(s) of the transformer comect

18、ed to rated supply voltage at rated frequency, with no load on the output circuit. It is the peak value divided by 3 - 3404583 0005275 b El . Juby 9980 .- 2.8 Wormal loed- eouivolent resistance -I - The non-inductive resistznce connected to the output temimis of the -* i trulsformer which will allow

19、 the rated outpctt current to flow in tine output iiinding(s) when the rated supply vcrltzge at rztefi frequency is applied to the input xindint;. 2,g ?,r“tective. load The discharge lamps connected to the output teninals of the trasfomer which allow the rated output current to flox in the oubut k.h

20、Cing(s) when the rated supply voltzge at rated frequency is -plied to the input xh 8 smples (of vhich 7 Ere for the test of 9 12 - 3nwace - a6 one for all other tests), In genere1 all the tests shall be carried out for each me of trmIlomez-. If a range of transfomers of similar tyoe is involved, the

21、 tests nay carried out on a representative selection or“ the rage agreed upon by tine manuficturer and tie customer (or the test leboratory). If transformers of the sane range ere selecte as samples to e tested ad if eg-reed by the manufzcturer and the customer (or the test leboretorg),! only those

22、tests whichING .(2) 7.1 Trenaformers shall be marked with : E) mark of origin (registered trade-mark, trade mark or name of the. b responsible vendor) ; makers model or type reference; c) rated voltage , in volts ; d rated input current, in mperes, or rate input, in voltenperes; e) rated frequency o

23、f the supply, in herz; f) rated no-load output voltzge, in volts or kilovolts. In the csse of transfomers where the output winding has its centre point connected to the external metal perts, this nerP5ng shall be in the terms x - o - x V, where x is the voltage on the half outout winding; . g ) rate

24、d output current, in nilliamperes or amperes; h) the following additionel marking shall Se edded, if eppropriate : the winding shall be rcarked with the cleime value following hl : tramformers with a rzted mezhum opereting tenpertrture of , . the symbol tw, values increasing in multiples of 5 9C; h2

25、 : transformers with tw marking shall also be nsrlced with “3 : transformers with tw mirking, xhich 2t the olenufacture-rs choice have to be tested for,a perio of 60 days during ;he endurance test of placed between b,rackets bediately after the tx inioT- .!Che ,standard endurance test which is 30 de

26、ys need not be mmked o 12, shall be narked with the spbol D 60, i) in the case of trmsfomers without tw the Pemissible upper limit of the ambient tenperature; (1 ) HD 365 - Classification of degrees of protection provided by enclosures, (2) If, according to national wiring rules, editional nerkings

27、are require. Index, survey ad cozpihtiog of the sule . . sheets e 3404583 0005279 3 I -7 - nu juo JuIy 1980 j) rete$ voltage, rated capacitance, rated operating teqereture and test voltage of capacitors necessary to obtein the correct performance of the transformers, if these capacitors are intercha

28、ngeable; k) in the czse of transformers provided with additional terminals for the connection of a power factor compensation cepacitor, a wiring diagram showing the relevent circuit as well zts the value of the capacitulce of the cepacitor(s) to be connected and the corresponding power factor (9); 1

29、) in the case of independent trensformers, symbol for degrees of protection, in accordance with HD 365; Note : for transformers of the degrees 2,.4 or 5 of protection against ingress of liquid, the corresponding symbol indicated in %ble 1 m2y be zdded; Table 1 : Symbols for degree of protection agai

30、nst ingress of 1qUiCi. Degree of proteckion agahst ingress of liquid JPg - IP x4 . .IP x5 Corresponding CEE symbol b- ( one drop) .- A (on drop ina trimgle) A A (two trimgles with one drop ia ezch) m) if applicable, the spbob for independent trmfomers 0 8.) in the case of independent trznsformers, t

31、he symbol for wdagerous voltage“, in kcorfiance tiith ED 243 S2. 7.2 - In the case of independerit transformers, the symbol for engeroui3 .volFage,the nark of origh, the rndcers model or type reference end the symbol for degrees of.grotection shell be on one of the extern7 faces of the tr.ansformer

32、which renoveble wi-khou$ the .use of a tool, Other markings may be placed so that they are only visible Eften? opening oz removal of the cover, conprise the cover if this is not 7.3 Terminals intended for the connection of an earthing conducior shatl be marked with the symbol 1 OR a nordetachable pa

33、rt, In the case of transformers provided with two earthing temiazfs, the cpbol E for the eerthing terinincl which is to be comeoted to a protective device shell be used. Ikarlcing shall. be indelible and easily legible, - - 7.4 7.5. - Compliance with the requirements f $9 7.1 to 7.5 shell be checke5

34、 by inspection and by rubbiig the marking by hend for 15 seconds with a piece of cloth soaked with water and again for 15 seconds with a piece of cloth so b) in cese of trensformers, a point of the output winding of which is connected to the external metal parts, tini8 point is connecte6 to that ter

35、minal of the output winding where the greater short- circuit current is observed; the other winding shd1 be connecteci - to its normal load; .- - . - c) in case of transformers the output winding of which is not connected to external metal parts, the - output _-_ tiinding-is shofft- circuited; _, .

36、- . - . - - . . . d) in case of transformers having more than one output wLning, one winding is short-circuited ad the other winrings _. are coxqe-cted to their normal load, . -. 11.4 After the heating tests and efter cooling down, the trulsforiner shell comply with the following conditions : a) the

37、 irasformer meking shzll still be legible; b) the transformer shall withstand the voltage test accoring to subclzuse 17.3, the test voltage, however, being reduced by 25 % 11.5 Transformers shell be tested first mer nomel conditioas ai rated supply voltage ad at rated frequency until stzble conditio

38、ns are reached, then the temperature of the windings are measured. After this, the supply voltage is adjusted to 1.1 tirces the rated velue in order to check the temperatures of the oihcr coaponents. !The tes 1.1 times the rated supply voltage . The test shall be carried out in e draught free room O

39、F enclosure, the transformer being supported by two wooden blochic; with a t-rans- versa1 section of 75 x 75 mm, Temperatures are measured by mea of thermocouples, exceot thet winding temperatures are measured by the resistance nethod uchg the following equation( ) : *uner abnormal condktions is mad

40、e 2t _.- ._ (1 1 R2 R1 t2 = - (234,5 I= ti) - 23495 . * where : tl = initial teaperature in OC t2 = final tempereture in OC R1 = resistance at teolperature tl R2 = resistmce at temperature t2 W 3404583 0005283 5 I EID 388 - 41 - July 3980 12. 12.1 12.2 12.3 124 r The ambient temperature is nezsured

41、et e distance of ebout 1% nm from the transformer or from the box, end et helf the height of the box . In any test, neither conpound nor vernish shall be enitted, Xinor seepage, which shows no tendency to fz71 euey, shell be neglected, EKDUF?k?CB mis test shall be epplied only to trmsforners which z

42、ze rsrked with the rated roarimum operating tezqeretrt-e (tw), The teput voltage of the trmsfotog +o $ 17.3-hetween the sme parts zs.specfl“ied for b.) ve, the tes% . voltage being equal to t - - _ nose . - -. . trinsfbrmers , -which - ._. 04, the test voltage being eqwl to 9 .f %mes the rated suppl

43、y voltage, ., During thethemal endurwce test, the seven trsnsI“smers shell be place in an oven end tne rated s.upply voltage epplied -to the circuito HC ,- July 1980 , W 3404583 0005284 7 a - 12 - The transformer shall function electricelly in e naner shilar to that in normel use. capecitors, conpor

44、ints or other auxiliaries which should not be subjected to the test, outsie the oven. Gther componectswhich do not illfluence the opereting conditions of the windings may be renoved, Note : In the ceses where. it .is necesszry to disconnect .cspecitors, shall be disconnected and recokecte again in c

45、ircuit buk . compomnts or other euziliaries which should not be subjected to the test, it is recommended that the manufacturer supplies special trensf ormers iritn tinsse parts removed en eny necessary additionel connections brought out from the transformer. In general, to obtain normal operating co

46、nditions, the trznsfomers will be tested with their normal load (see equivaient load shall always be kept outside the oven, - 2.18). The l.=.zps or . _. - .- - . The oTen-themostets are then regulzted in such a -i.ey thzt the internal tenperature of the oven attiinc a value such hzt the tempereture

47、of the hottest winding in each of tne txmsfoners is eyprozhately equal to the objective value given in Tz-ile 3e TLBLE 3 : Objective tes.* teqeratures . Reted aiaximtun op erzt hg t enperatwe ! Theoretical test teqerzture i adzys j I for a life test perio9 of I 30 days (OC) (OC) I tw The standard li

48、fe test period is 30 deys, except for trasforners ciarked with .60 days. After 4 hours,the actual temperature of the winding is detenined by.the “change in resistance“ nethod ad if necessaq the oven theimostatc ere re-adjusted to approxiffiete as closely as oossole to the objective test ieqereture.

49、Thereefter a daily reaing of the air temperature in the oven is taen to ensure thet tine tnemostats are meintaking the correct value to within2 2 OC. 60“ which ere subjected to a life test period of HD 36 July I980 . The winding temperatwes are measured again after 24 hours and the final test period for eny trmsformer is detemined from the following eqEtion (2). The permissible difference etween the actual objective temperature of the ottest


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