HD 481 3 S1-1986 Electromagnetic Compatibility for Industrial-Process Measurement and Control Equipment - Part 3 Radiated Electromagnetic Field Requirements《工业过.pdf

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HD 481 3 S1-1986 Electromagnetic Compatibility for Industrial-Process Measurement and Control Equipment - Part 3 Radiated Electromagnetic Field Requirements《工业过.pdf_第1页
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1、W 3V04583 0006088 L KEY WORLIC: industrial-process measurement and control; electromagnetic E respect to electromagnetic radiation fields radiation fields; test protocol with respect to electromagnetic radiation fields; severity LeveLs with . ELECTROPIAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY FOR INDUSTRI AL-PROCESS WE

2、ASUREMUJT AND CONTROL QUI PKNT PART 3: RADIATED EiECTRONAGNETiC FIELD REQUI REIIENTS CampatibiLitB IEWTC 65, not appended -_-_I_1_uy_-_ .This Harmo.nization Document was approved by-CENELEC on S9Bb-W-iO. The English and French versions of this Harmmiration Document are provided by the text of the iE

3、C publication and t.he German version is the officiat . , translation of the IEC text, The German translation is avaihble. According to the CENELEC internal Regulations the CEKLEC member NatianaL Committees are bound: to announce the existence of this Harmonization Document at national level by or b

4、efore 1987-03-35 to publish their new harmonized national standard by or before 1987-09-15 to withdraw al1 conflicting national standards by or before i987-09-25. Harmonized national standards are listed on the HD information sheet, which is availabte from the CErJEiEC NationaL Committees OF -from t

5、he CENELEC Central Secretar ia t. The CENELEC National Committees are the nations1 electrotechnical .committees of Austria, Belgium, Denmark, FinLand, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, ItaLy, Luxemburg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United * Kingdom. *- Copyright reserved to al I CENELEC members


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