HD 586 1 S1-1994 Mineral Insulated Cables with a Rated Voltage not Exceeding 750 V Part 1 Cables《额定电压不超过750 V的矿物绝缘电缆 第1部分 电缆》.pdf

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HD 586 1 S1-1994 Mineral Insulated Cables with a Rated Voltage not Exceeding 750 V Part 1 Cables《额定电压不超过750 V的矿物绝缘电缆 第1部分 电缆》.pdf_第1页
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HD 586 1 S1-1994 Mineral Insulated Cables with a Rated Voltage not Exceeding 750 V Part 1 Cables《额定电压不超过750 V的矿物绝缘电缆 第1部分 电缆》.pdf_第2页
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HD 586 1 S1-1994 Mineral Insulated Cables with a Rated Voltage not Exceeding 750 V Part 1 Cables《额定电压不超过750 V的矿物绝缘电缆 第1部分 电缆》.pdf_第3页
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HD 586 1 S1-1994 Mineral Insulated Cables with a Rated Voltage not Exceeding 750 V Part 1 Cables《额定电压不超过750 V的矿物绝缘电缆 第1部分 电缆》.pdf_第4页
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HD 586 1 S1-1994 Mineral Insulated Cables with a Rated Voltage not Exceeding 750 V Part 1 Cables《额定电压不超过750 V的矿物绝缘电缆 第1部分 电缆》.pdf_第5页
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1、Rue de Stassart 35 - B - 1050 Bruxelles Td.: (+32 2) 618 68 71 -Fu: (+32 2) 618 69 18 Hinrr8l inrulatod erblos with 1 r8tOd voltage not oxceeding 750 V Part 1: Cables HO 586.1 $1 SHEET Issue 1 1994-01-31 JtnU8ty 199) Cibler 8 isolant mineral, de Hinrralisoliorte Leitungen mit einer tension assigne n

2、o diprrsrnt pas Nennrpannung bis 150 V IS0 V foil 1: Loitungon Partie 1: Cibles Related to Directive: 73123lEEC This Harmonization Document consists of the following: - Title Page - Text prepared by CENELEC Technical Comnittee TC 20 date of ratification : 1993-09-22 date of announcement : 1994-02-01

3、 date of latest publication : 1994-08-01 date of withdrawal : 1994-08-01 - LIST OF NATIONAL STANDARDS, IF ANY, IS 6IVEN OVERLEAF - HARHONIZATION DOCUMENT HO 506.1 S1 DOCUHENT DHARMONISATION HARMONfSIERUN6500KUHENT hU8ry 1994 _ UDC 621.315.2:621.315.613:621.3.027.26 Doscriptors: Eloctric instrllrtion

4、, inSUl8ted conductor, inrulrtod crblo, mineral matorial, tpocificrtion, dimension, tost, marking ENGLISH VERSION Mineral inrulrtod C8blOS with 8 rated voltrgo not excooding 750 V P8rt 1: CrblOr Ciblos 8 isolant ninirrl, do tonsion asrignie no diprrrrnt Partio 1: Cibler g8S 750 v Hinorrlirolirrte Lo

5、itungon nit 8in.r NOnnrP8nnUng bis 750 V Toil 1: Loitungon This Harmonization Document was approvod by CENELEC on 1993-09-22. CENELEC members are bound to comply with,the CENICENELEC Intornal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for implementation of this Harmonization Document on a national l

6、evel. Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning national implomentation may be obtained on application to the Central Socretrriat or to any CENELEC momber. .- This Harmonization Document oxirtr in three official versions (English, French, German 1, CENELEC members are the national e

7、lectrotechnical committees of Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland., Frrnco, Gormany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, $pain, Sweden, SWitterlrnd rnd United Kingdom. CENELEC European Conmittee for Eloctrotochnical Strndardization Comit Europen de Normalisatio

8、n Electrotechnique Europaisches Komitoe fr Eloktrotechnische Normung Cintra1 Socrotariat: ruo do Strrrart 35, 8-1050 Brusrolr 1994 Copyright reserved to CENELEC nombers Ref. No. HD 586.1 S1:1994 E -i- 1 Page 2 - _ HD 586.1 S1:1994 m 3404583 OLL4038 02T m FOREWORD This Harmonization Document was prep

9、ared by CENELEC Technical Committee TC 20, Electric Cables. The text of the draft was submitted to the CENELEC Unique Acceptance Procedure (UAP) in January 1993 and was approved by CEWELEC as HD 586.1 S1 on 22 September 1993. Tne foliowing dates were fixed: - latest ate of announcement of the HD at

10、national level - latest date of publication of a harmonized national standard (dop) 1994-08-01 - iatest iate of withdrawal of confiicting national standaras (daw) 1994-08-01 For products which have complie with the relevant national standard before i994-08-01, as shown by the manufacturer or Dy a ce

11、rtification boy, this previous sranaard may continue to appiy for production until 1995-08-01. NOZ: Requirements for terminations for use with the cables described in this Part 1 of HD 586 are given in Part 2: Terminations. References are made, in this HD 586.1 to other Harmonisation Documents and I

12、nternational Standards as follows: HD21 Polyvinyl chloride insulated cables of voltages up to and including 450/750V HD405.1 Tests on Electric Cables Under Fire Conditions. Part 1 : Test on a single vertical cable (Endor! HD505 Common test methods for insulating and sheathing materials of Electric C

13、ables (Endorsing IEC 811) HD602 Test on gases evolved during combustion of materials from cables: Determination of Degree Acidity (Corrosivity) of gases by measuring pH and conductivity (Endorsing IEC 754-2) HD606 Measurement of smoke density of electric cables burning under defined conditions (Endo

14、rsing IEC 1034) IEC33 1 Fire resisting charactefistics of electric cables. IEC 332-1 I (doa) 1994-02-01 Page 3 - 3404583 0334039 Tbb HD 586.1 S1 :i994 CONTENTS eane 2. Obiect 3. Voltaoe Ratinp 3.1 500V mineral insulated cable (light duty grade) 3.2 750V minerai insulated cable (heavy duty grade) 4.

15、o nductors 4.1 Material and form 4.2 Resistance 5. Insulation 5.1 Material 5.2 Resistance 5.3 Thickness 5.4 Dielectric strength 6. Sheath 6.1 Material 6.2 Thickness 6.3 integrity 6.4 Diameter over copper sheath 6.5 Electrical resistance 7. Outer Covering 7.1 General 7.2 Material 7.3 Optional perform

16、ance requirements under fire conditions 8. Comdete Cable 8.1 Bending 8.2 Flattening 8.3 Fire Resistance 8.4 Voltage 9. Marking 10. Cable Tests 10.1 General 10.2 Test Conditions Appendix A - Test Methods for Type and Sample Tests Appendix B - Test Methods for Routine Tests Tables 1-1 1 Figures 1-2 Pa

17、ge 4 HD 586.1 S1:1994 - 1. 2. 3. 4. MINERAL INSULA TED CAMS WITH A RATED Vol T AGE NO T FXCEED ING 750 V ScoPe This standard applies to mineral insulated general wifing cables with copper sheath and copper conductors with rated voltages up to 750V. Ptovkion s made for a corrosion resistant mer covet

18、inp over the sheath, when required. This outer coveting is not rpecfed for the purposes of electrical insulation of the metal sheath. * Obiect The object of this standard is to specify mineral insulated cables that are safe and reliable when properly used, to state the manufacturing requirements and

19、 characteristics to achieve this, rnd to specify methods for checking conformiry witti those requirements. Cables shall be rated as follows: 3.1 500V mineral insulated cab le liaht dutv P rade) For use where the voltage between conductors and sheath and between conductors does not exceed 500V r.m.s.

20、 or 500V d.c. 3.2 750V mineral insulated cab le heaw dutv a radel For use where the voltage between conductors and sheath and between conductors does not exceed 750V r.m.s. or 750V d.c. Conductors 4.1 Material and Form Conductors shall be of plain, annealed high conductivity copper. The cross sectio

21、n shall be approximately circular. 4.2 Resistance The resistance of all conductors of each finished cable, corrected if necessary to 2OoC shall not be greater than the appropriate values given in Tables 1 and 2. Compliance shall be checked by measuring the resistance of each conductor of each comple

22、te coil of completed cable and meas,uring the length of the cable. jmrhclc. 02 5 3404583 OLL404L bL4 Page 5 HD 586.1 s1:1994 If necessary, correction to 2OoC and to a kngth of 1 km shall be nude by apPlying th formula: lo00 x- 254.5 Ra3 4 m.5 + t L in which: t R, L R, is the temperature of the cable

23、 at the time of measurement in OC is the resistance at 2OoC, in Ohms per kilometre is the length of the cable in metres is the resistance in Ohms of L metres of cable at toc The resistance measurement also checks the continuity of the conductors. 5. Insulation 5.1 Material The insulation shall be of

24、 compressed powdered mineral or minerals which form a compact body. 5.2 Resistance The product of the insulation resistance in megohms, measured in accordance with appendix B1, and the cable length in kilometres shall be not less than 1000Mb.h except for cable lengths shorter than 1 OOm when the mea

25、sured insulation resistance shall be not less than 10000 MO. 5.3 Thickness The minimum thickness of insulation between conductors and between each conductor and the sheath, measured in accordance with appendix Al, shall not be less than the nominal thickness given in Tables 1 and 2 by more than O.lm

26、m plus 20% of the nominal value. 5.4 Dielectric Strenath The dielectric strength shall be such that no breakdown of the insulation occurs when samples of finished cables are tested in accordance with Appendix A2, using the appropriate test voltage. 6. Sheath 6.1 Material The sheath shall be of plain

27、 or alloyed annealed copper. 6.2 Thickness The mean sheath thickness in accordance with Appendix A3 shall be not less than the appropriate value given in Tables 3 and 4. The minimum sheath thickness shall be not less than 90% of the specified mean value. Page 6 HD 586.1 S1:1994 .- - II 3404583 OLL40

28、42 550 II 6.3 hteariyy The sheath integrity shall be such that the insulation resistance shall comply with 5.2 and no electrical breakdown shall occur when finished abies are tested in accordance with Appendix 63, using the opproprione test voitage. Diameter over CODDB r sheath 6.4 The diameter of t

29、he cable over the copper sheath measured in accordance Witt Appendix 82 shall comply with the appropriate values given in Tables 1 and 2 10.05mm. 6.5 Electrical Resistance lhe electrical resistance of the copper sheath of samples of finished cables shall not be greater than the appropriate maximum v

30、alues given in Tables 5 and 6. 7. Oute r Coverinp 7.1 General A thermoplastic or other covering may be applied over the copper sheath for corrosion protection, identification or aesthetic appeal. This covering may be of any colour appropriate for the country of use. 7.2 Material The material shall b

31、e such that it shall comply with all the requirements given below. In addition optional extra requirements for cables which produce low corrosive gas emission, and low smoke emission under fire conditions are given in 7.3. 7.2.1 Thickness The mean and minimum outer covering thickness determined in a

32、ccordance with Appendix A4 shall be not less than the appropriate values given in Table 7. 7.2.2 Intearity No fault shall be detected when the cable, complete with outer covering, is spark tested in accordance with Appendix 84, using the test voltage given in Table 7 based on mean thickness of the o

33、uter covering. 7.2.3 Low TemDerature ImDacf When samples of cable with outer covering are tested in accordance with Clause 8.5 of HD 505.1.4 Si, the samples shall not crack at a temperature of -1 5 i2OC. 7.2.4 Heat shock When samples of cable with outer covering are tested in accordance with Clause

34、9.2 of HD505.3.1 Si, the samples shall not crack at a temperature of 150 i 3OC. 3404583 OLL4043 497 Page 7 HD 586.1 S1 :I 994 8. 9. 1 o. Perfomam u When a cable with an MRW cowring is tested in accordance with HD405.1 S1, the charred or affected portion shall not reach within 50mm of the top clamp.

35、7.2.5 nder Fire Condmoa 7.3 QQt ional Performa nce Rwuiremem unde r Fire Con- 7.3.1 Emission of acidic and corrosive aam When samples of covering mrial removed from finished cables designated as having low emission of corrosive gases are tested in accordance with HD602 S1, the pH shall not be iess t

36、hon 4.3 and the conductivity shall not be Oreater than 1 Oy/mm. 7.3.2 Low Smoke e mission When samples of finished cables designated as having low smoke emission under fire conditions are tested in accordance with HD606.2 S1, the smoke produced shall be such that the light transmittance meets the re

37、quirements given in Table 8. The sample requirements shall be in accordance with Table 8. Comdete Cab le 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 Bend in p Cable samples shall withstand applied voltages of 750V for 500V grade cable and 1250V for 750V grade cable after bending tests are carried out in accordance with appendi

38、x A5 with the mandrel diameter given in Table 9. Flattening Cable samples shall withstand applied voltages of 750V for 500V cable and 1250V for 750V grade cable after flattening tests are carried out in accordance with Appendix A6 and the flattening factors in Table 10. Fire Resistance Completed cab

39、les shall comply with the requirements of IEC Publication 331. VoltaQe No breakdown shall occur when cables are tested in accordance with Appendix A7. Markinp All cable shall be identified with the rated voltage and a means of identifying the manufacturer. Marking shall comply with the requirements

40、of HD21.1 S2 Clause 3 except that for cable without an outer covering the information may be marked on a label attached to each length of cable. Cable TesB 10.1 General The following three categories of test are used in this standard. Page 8 HD 586.1 S1:1994 - 10.1.1 Twx Tests T1 Tests required to b

41、e made before uippiying a type of cable covered by this standard on a general cornmarchl buis, in der to demonmata satisfactory performance characteristics to meet the intended application. These tests are of such a nature that, after they have been made, they need not be mpeated unless changes are

42、made in the able materhh or design which might change the performance characteristics. 10.1.2 FACTORS Tabulated diameter over sheath - 10 13 20 io 13 20 - Fiattoning Factor 0.65 0.70 0.80 0.90 Page 22 HD 586.1 S1:1994 - - - I 3404583 OLL4058 918 SCHEDyLE O F TESTS I TEST Conductor: I Resistance Insu

43、lation: Resistance Thickness Dielectric Strength Sheath: Thickness Integrity Diameter Resistance Outer Covering: Thickness Integrity Low Temperature Impact Heat Shock Fire Performance Outer Covering: Emission of acidic and (Optional) corrosive gases Smoke Emission Finished Cable: Bending Flattening

44、Fire Resistance Voltage CLAUSE CATEGORY 4.114.2 R 5.2 R 5.3 T 5.4 T 6.2 T 6.3 R 6.4 R 6.5 T 7.2.1 T&S 7.2.2 R 7.2.3 T&S 7.2.4 T&S 7.2.5 T&S 7.3.1 T&S 7.3.2 T&S 8.1 T 8.2 T 8.3 T 8.4 5 R = Routine test T = Type test S = Sample test T & S = Type and Sample Test 3404583 0334057 854 hge 23 HD 586.1 S1:1

45、994 r CI amo w A n Y / Wing iirrr Dimension is in miliimcircr. Figure 1. Bending test apparatus 9 FIGURE 1 - BENDING TEST APPARATUS 3404583 OZ140bl 576 - P8.w 24 HD 586.f S1:1994 operation 1 operation 2 (a) Opcntioru for abies of shah dimmr ibon 14 mm operation 1 operation 2 operation 3 operation L (bl Ooerations for cables of sheath diimstrr 14 mm or ims NOTE. Full Itna indicire shape of trmple It SUR of each opemion. clble ir mtmd through 180 rrwnd the longitudiiul *xu of the unknt ponion kwrn ch ornion.


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