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1、2017年江苏省南京市中考模拟试题英语 一 、 单项填空。从 A、 B、 C、 D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 ( 15分) 1. Lost in Hong Kong directed by Xu Zheng is _ interesting film. Most people like it. A. a B. an C. the D. 不填 解析: 表示数量 “一 ”。 徐峥演的人在囧途是一部有趣的电影,很多人都非常喜欢。根据“interesting film”可知是泛指一部电影,故选 B 答案: B 2. Dont tell anybody about it. Keep it

2、 _ you and me. A. to B. for C. with D. between 解析: 句意:不要告诉任何人,只有我们两个人知道。根据 “Dont tell anybody about it”不会有任何人知道了,所以表示两者之间,故选 D 答案: D 3. At present, WeChat is very popular among young people. I agree with you. We like to share our _ on it. A. spirit B. ideas C. fund D. cases 解析: 当前,微信已经非常流行。是啊,我们喜欢在上

3、面分享想法。 share idears“分享观点 ”其他选项 a精神 c喜欢 d案子 都不合语境,故填 B 答案: B 4. Jack, could you help me _these pictures on the blackboard? It may help us know more about the hazy weather.(雾霾 ) With pleasure. A. put in B. put up C. put on D. put down 解析: 你可以帮我把这些图片放到黑板上吗?这样一边我们更清楚认识雾霾。根据“these pictures on the blackbo

4、ard?”可知选 B 答案: B 5. There are a group of people over there. What do you think _? A. to happen B. is happened C. will happen D. is happening 解析: 句意:那有好多人,你觉得正在发生什么?根据 “there are”可追是正在进行的事情,故选 D。 答案: D 6. Talking with my parents is _ difficult for me. They never understand me. Dont worry. Nothing is d

5、ifficult if you try your best. A. seldom B. never C. always D. sometime 解析: 句意:和我父母谈话对我来时是很困难的,他们从来不理解我。根据句意语境,A很少 B从来 D有时 可知选 C 答案: C 7. Tom always says hello to everyone. He is very _. A. helpful B. polite C. proud D. modest 解析: 句意: tom总是对每一个人都说你好,她很有礼貌。 “says hello to everyone”由此可知是表扬她懂礼貌,故选 B。 答

6、案: B 8. Excuse me, could you tell me _? Theres an e-shop on the third floor. You can make it there. A. how to arrive the e-shop B. how can I go to the e-shop C. where I can have my IPod repaired D. which was the way to the e-shop 解析: 句意:打扰你一下,请问哪里可以修理我的 ipod根据 “Theres an e-shop on the third floor. Y

7、ou can make it there.”这样的回答,可知是问地点。故选 C。 答案: C 9. _ will the 8th English Festival be held in ShuRen? In one week. A. How soon B. How far C. How often D. How long 解析: 句意:第八届英语节将会在多久后举行。一个星期以后。根据 “In one week.”可知是将来时态。故选 A。 答案: A 10. Boys and girls, you _ talk in class, or you will miss something impo

8、rtant. A. cant B. mustnt C. shouldnt D. neednt 解析: 句意:同学们,不要在课堂上说话,否则你将会错过重点。根据 “ or you will miss something important.”可知是禁止,故选 B。 答案: B 11. _ you have a try, you will never know if you will succeed in doing it. A. Unless B. Because C. Although D. When 解析: 句意:除非你去试了,否则你永远不会知道你是否会成功。 you will never

9、know你永远不会知道 可知前一句是假定,故选 A。 答案: A 12. Mike did very well in this math exam and he made _ mistakes in it. A. little B. few C. a little D. a few 解析: 句意: mike在数学考试中取得好成绩,并且他犯了很少的错误。国家 “ did very well in this math exam”可知他表现不错故选 B 答案: B 13. _ wonderful our school is! There are many good teachers and stud

10、ents in it. A. What B. What a C. How D. How a 解析: 句意:你学校真棒,这有很多优秀的老师和学生。根据 “many good teachers and students in it”可知表示感叹,故选 C。 答案: C 14. The documentary A Bite of China II is quite popular around China recently. How do you like it? _. A. I think so B. Pretty good C. Its my pleasure D. All right 解析:

11、陈述语气,一个动作在另一个过去动作之前已经完成,一般现在时的被动语态 。句意:近期舌尖上的中国,在中国非常流行。你觉得怎么怎样?根据问题 How do you like it?可知选 B。 答案: B 15. We failed in the writing competition. _. You cant win every time. A. No way B. Best wishes C. Cheer up D. Good job 解析: 句意:我们在写作大赛上失败了。振作起来,你不可能每一次都赢的。 You cant win every time.可知是鼓励安慰,故选 C。 答案: C

12、二 、 完形填空。 ( 10分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项( A、 B、 C和 D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 Three men were caught in North China recently for killing four people in a HK $ 190 000 robbery in Shenzhen 10 years ago. The 16 , Liu, Tian and Cao, were brought back to Shenzhen at the end of last month. They came to Shenzhen from

13、 their hometown of Changchun in Jilin in 2002, when they were 17 their twenties. Liu ran a beauty salon in Gangxia Village in Futian District, 18 was losing money. Short of money, the three decided to 19 a neighboring store which dealt in currency exchange (货币兑换 ). On Sept. 25, 2004, the three, alon

14、g with 20 person, Gong, from Sichuan Province, went to the store 21 they wanted to exchange RMB into HK currency. They killed a woman and three men in the store, escaping to Shenzhen 22 HK $ 190 000. Shenzhen police began 23 them which remained fruitless for the following 10 years. But they were tol

15、d last month that the suspects were probably 24 in Changchun. Changchun police caught Cao in a small village near his home. With 25 from Cao, police arrested Tian at a hospital where he was working as a doctor. Liu was arrested soon after. 16. A. shoplifters B. thieves C. thieves D. kidnappers 17. A

16、. on B. at C. in D. for 18. A. where B. which C. who D. what 19. A. broke B. attack C. steal D. rob 20. A. other B. another C. the other D. others 21. A. saying B. talking C. speaking D. telling 22. A. on B. with C. without D. in 23. A. searching B. searching for C. looking D. finding 24. A. lived B

17、. stayed C. worked D. hidden 25. A. words B. money C. information D. news 解析: 16.句意:上个月这三个商店扒手回到了深圳 根据下文 “the three decided to a neighboring store ”故选 A。 17.句意:当时他们 20岁 , “in ones twenty”为固定搭配在某人 20岁时,故选 C 18.句意:刘出生在广西一个美丽的村庄 根据 “was losing money. ”可知先行词为district,地点为先行词用 which连接。故选 C。 19.句意:因为缺钱所以去抢

18、劫一个商店,根据 “Short of money, the three decided to a neighboring store ”abc都不符合语境,故选 D。 20.句意:这三个人和另外的一个人 根据 “from Sichuan Province,”可知又有另外一个人,故选 B。 21.句意:他们来到商店说他们想兑换人民币 根据该句时态,可知应该用过去进行时,故选 A。 22.句意:他们杀害了店员,拿着 19000出逃到了深圳。四个选项中只有 with有携带;拿着的意思 故选 B。 23.句意:深圳的警察开始搜索他们 根据 “escaping to Shenzhen” 前后时态要一致,

19、 search for 又是固定搭配 搜索的意思,故选 B。 24.上个月警察被告知嫌疑犯很可能隐藏在长春 根据 “Changchun police caught Cao in a small village near his home”可知是隐藏起来了,故选 D。 25.句意:根据曹的信息,警察哈快找到了另外两人 , information有信息;消息,的意思,其他三项不合语境,故选 C。 答案: 16. A 17. C 18. B 19. D 20. B 21. A 22. B 23. B 24. D 25. C 三 、 阅读理解。 ( 30分) 阅读下列材料,从每题所给的四个选项( A、

20、 B、 C和 D)中,选出最佳选项。 A 26. Among the books, there is/are _ written for children. A. one B. two C. three D. four 27. Which of the following books is after2009 in print? A. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. B. Deceptively Delicious. C. Rich Dad, Poor Dad. D. The Road. 解析: 26.根据第一本 “RReading level: A

21、ge: 9-12”知儿童可读,故选 A。 27.根据 “Date: 01/01/2010”可知第三本书是 2009年后出版的。故选 C。 答案: 26. A 27. C B Even nowadays there are a lot of misunderstandings between nationalities. Lets have a look at what the following people have to say. Maria Conti: I find the English people insincere(虚伪 ), cold and unfriendly. They

22、 keep saying Thank you, Im sorry, even when they dont know each other. They are even polite to their own relatives! Except for helping you find your way in the streets, they arent really friendly and never invite you to their houses. Giannis Sinios: On the contrary I found them both broad-minded and

23、 friendly. I was invited to peoples houses and they all showed great interest in my ideas, Greek life and people. In England I learned that it was possible to be warm, friendly and polite at the same time. Judy Brown: I lived in both Italy and Greece for a few years. At first there were a few misund

24、erstandings between my foreign friends and myself. For example, I once gave a Greek friend a present for her birthday. I was rather sorry that she didnt unwrap it immediately. Whats more, she even didnt thank me until I asked her if she liked it! Ive learned from different experiences that a lot of

25、foreigners find our attitude to what we English people call politeness is rather insincere. They feel that politeness isnt necessary between friends. 28. According to Maria Conti, it is _. A. insincere to keep saying thank you and Im sorry to strangers B. necessary for relatives to be polite to each

26、 other C. unfriendly for the English people to help your way in the streets D. not polite for the English people to invite her to their houses 29. Giannis Sinios is from_. A. England B. Greece C. Italy D. America 30. According to Judy Browns experience, _. A. what the English people call politeness

27、is rather insincere B. the English people are less polite than the people in other countries C. ideas of what are good manners are the same in different countries D. ideas of what is politeness are not always the same in different countries 解析: 28.根据 “They keep saying Thank you, Im sorry, even when

28、they dont know each other.”可知要增加对陌生人说谢谢对不起,故选 A。 29.根据 “Greek life and people.”可知 Giannis Sinios 来自 greence。故选 B。 30.根据 “a lot of foreigners find our attitude to what we English people call politeness is rather insincere.”可知对于把投稿家的人来说礼貌对的的意识不一样的。故选 D。 答案: 28. A 29. B 30. D C Being safe in your every

29、day life needs knowledge. If you remember the following information, your life will be much safer. Always notice the environment around you. You shouldnt walk alone outside. Make sure where the public phones are. If anything dangerous happens, you can find them easily. Your bag should be carried tow

30、ards the front of your body instead of putting on your back. When a bus is full of people, it is easy enough for a thief to take away the things in the bag on your back. If you are followed by someone you dont know, cross the street and go to the other way, let the person understand that you know he

31、 or she is after you. Next, dont go home at once. You are safer in the street than you are alone in your home or in a lift(电梯 ). If you have to take a bus to a place far away, try to get to the stop a few minutes earlier before the bus leaves. This stops other people from studying you. On the bus, d

32、ont sit alone. Sit behind the driver or with other people. Dont sleep. 31. Which of the following is Not safe when you are out? A. Go home alone late at night. B. Make sure where the public phones are. C. Dont get to the bus stop too early. D. Always notice the environment around you. 32. Youd bette

33、r put your bag _ when there are too many people on a bus. A. on your back B. beside you C. in front of you D. behind the driver 33. When you are followed by someone on your way home, you should _ to make yourself safe. A. run home B. find a lift and go in C. turn back and walk towards him or her at

34、once D. cross the street and go to the other way 34. When you take a bus alone, its safe for you _. A. to sit behind the driver or with other people, but not to sleep B. to talk with the driver C. to call your friends D. to get off the bus at once 35. What can you learn from the text? A. How to noti

35、ce the environment around you. B. How to be safe in your everyday life. C. How to cross the street. D. How to use the public phones. 解析: 31.根据 “You shouldnt walk alone outside. Make sure where the public phones are. If anything dangerous happens, you can find them easily.”可知当你春门在外的时候最危险,故选A。 32.根据 “

36、Your bag should be carried towards the front of your body instead of putting on your back.”可知在公交站应该把宝宝放在前面,故选 C。 33.根据 “cross the street and go to the other way, let the person understand that you know he or she is after you.”可知选 D。 34.根据: On the bus, dont sit alone. Sit behind the driver or with ot

37、her people. Dont sleep.可知要坐在司机后面或者和其他人一起坐,但是不要睡着。故选 A。 35.总览全文可知全文讲述了出门在外可能会遇到的危险,以及如果遇到危险应该怎么做才能避免自己收到伤害,所以怎样安全的度过每一天才是文章主旨。故选 B。 答案: 31. A 32. C 33. D 34. A 35. B D In todays world many people seem to be hungry for money. Some of them even lose their lives for it. Money does have its most useful e

38、ffect(影响 ) on the poor, but once a person has a rich life, a lot more money doesnt mean more happiness. If money was everything, all millionaires would have true love, true friendship, good health and a long life. However, this is not always true. Nothing else is more pleasant than the three words w

39、hich are I love you. But can love be bought? Im afraid not. Love means to give, not to take. To every person, health and long life are probably the most precious(宝贵的 ) things. Well, can health and a long life be bought with money? The answer is No. Of all the longest living people in the world, few

40、of them are millionaires. True friendship cant be bought either. In a word, where money is worshiped(崇拜 ), money can cause brothers to quarrel, lovers to hate, strangers to fight and so on. No matter how much money you have, it is still not enough to make you a happy person if you have no one to lau

41、gh with, no one to cry for. 36. According to the passage, which of the following do you think is right? A. Money is everything. B. Money isnt necessary. C. Money is important, but not the most important. D. With no money, with no success. 37. Whats the most important thing for every person according

42、 to the writer? A. Only money. B. Health and a long life. C. Only friendship. D. A, B and C 38. Which sentence of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A. If you havent much money, you cant get more happiness. B. You may live a long life even if you are poor. C. Every year many people die

43、in the world because their family is poor. D. If you are rich, you will have less friendship. 39. In fact, many millionaires _. A. have true friendship B. die earlier C. have good health D. have true love 40. What does the sentence Love means to give, not to take. mean? A. 爱意味着给你,而不能带走。 B. 爱是可以得到的,不

44、要走开。 C. 爱意味着奉献,而不是索取。 D. 爱是可以索取的,而不必付出 解析: 36.根据 “Money does have its most useful effect(影响 ) on the poor, but once a person has a rich life, 可知钱很有用但是钱不是最重要的。故选 C。 37.根据 “ If money was everything, all millionaires would have true love, true friendship, good health and a long life. ”可知健康和长寿才是最重要的。故选

45、B。 38.根据 “Well, can health and a long life be bought with money? The answer is No.可知及时好穷也可以获得很长时间。故选 B。 39.根据 “Of all the longest living people in the world, few of them are millionaires. ”实施上很多百万富翁死的更早。故选 B。 40.根据 “True friendship cant be bought either. In a word, where money is worshiped(崇拜 ), mon

46、ey can cause brothers to quarrel, lovers to hate, strangers to fight and so on.”可知爱是奉献而不是所取故选 C。 答案: 36. C 37. B 38. B 39. B 40. C 四 、 填空。 ( 5分) 根据括号中所给定汉语写出单词,使句子意思完整正确。 41. Can you _(借给 ) me your bike? I want to take a bicycle ride around Qinhuai River. 42. Now more and more _(图书馆 ) will be open f

47、or free to local people in the future. 43. How often did you use to play football with your classmates? _(两次 ) a week. 44. Be careful not to step on a snake when you walk _(穿过 ) the rainforest. 45. Remember this, children. The more _(细心 ) you are, the fewer mistakes you will make. We know, Mr. Huang

48、. 解析: 41.句意:你可以吧自行车借我吗?根据提示可知填 lend,又 can提问故用原型。 42.句意:现在越来越多的图书馆免费开放,图书馆为可数名词,故用复数形式。 43.句意:你和你的同学多久玩一次足球。一周两次。表示频率,故填 “ twice”。 44.句意:当你查阅森林的时候不要踩到蛇。句子前后时态要一致,故填 “ through”。 45.句意:孩子记住:你越悉心你犯的错误就少。根据提示故填 “ careful”。 答案: 41. lend 42. libraries 43. Twice 44. through 45. careful 五 、 根据句子意思,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。 ( 5分) 46. The book isnt m


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