1、英汉翻译教程自考题-15 及答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、B(总题数:0,分数:0.00)二、BA(总题数:10,分数:20.00)1.I felt approaching footsteps. I stretched out my hand as I supposed to my mother. _ A.我感到有人走近,于是伸出了手,以为是把手伸向母亲。 B.我感到有人走近,我就伸出了手,因为我在等我的母亲。 C.我感到有人向我走来,我想那是我母亲,她把手伸向我。 D.我感到有人向我走来,我想那是我母亲,她伸手搂抱我。(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.2.She b
2、lurred the ink on the letter with her tears. _ A.她的眼泪把信上的墨水弄得模糊不清。 B.她的眼泪把信上的字迹弄得模糊不清。 C.她的眼泪把信上的字句弄得模糊不清。 D.她的眼泪把信上的话语弄得模糊不清。(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.3.Bill was given a chair and asked to wait a little as darkness came on, then suddenly the whole bridge was outlined in lights._ A.天快黑了,有人给比尔一把椅子,请他坐下等一会儿。忽然
3、电灯全亮了,整座大桥的轮廓被灯照了出来。 B.给比尔一把椅子,他被要求坐下等一会儿,天快黑了。忽然电灯全亮了,照出了整座大桥的轮廓。 C.天快黑了,有人给比尔一把椅子,请他坐下等一会儿。忽然电灯全亮了,照出了整座大桥的轮廓。 D.给比尔一把椅子,他被要求坐下等一会儿,天快黑了。忽然电灯全亮了,整座大桥的轮廓被灯照了出来。(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.4.The world is a very pleasant place to live in as soon as we accept the fact that other people have a right to live as we
4、ll as ourselves._ A.一切民族共存共荣,这样的世界才可称乐土。 B.我们一旦承认别人也和我们同样有生活的权利,就会立刻觉得这个世界也很不错。 C.当我们承认别人也有和我们同样生活舒适之权利时,世界就会成为一个乐园。 D.同此世界,不独有我,亦复有人,苟明此理,自不至因世事之不尽如我意而悻悻然矣。(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.5.You must have heard of Agnes Smedley, a progressive American journalist and writer. _ A.你一定听说过阿格尼丝史末特莱,美国进步记者兼作家。 B.你一定听说过美国
5、进步记者兼作家阿格尼丝史末特莱。 C.你一定听说过阿格尼丝史末特莱,他是美国进步记者兼作家。 D.你一定听说过美国出色的记者兼作家阿格尼丝史末特莱。(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.6.直到在法庭受到审讯时,他才明白了事情的真相。_ A.It was until his trial in the court that he got to know the truth of it. B.It was not until his trial in the court that did he get to know the truth of it. C.It was not until his tr
6、ial in the court that he got to know the truth of it. D.It was until his trial in the court that did he get to know the truth of it.(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.7.正如一个人的伟大不在于他的身高一样,一个民族的伟大不在于人口的多少。_ A.The greatness of a nation is no less determined by its population that the greatness of a man is determined by
7、his height. B.The greatness of a nation is not as determined by its population as the greatness of a man is determined by his height. C.The greatness of a nation is not determined by its population the same as the greatness of a man is determined by his height. D.The greatness of a nation is no more
8、 determined by its population than the greatness of a man is determined by his height.(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.8.我第一次听她在晚会上唱歌,她的歌声就深深地打动了我。_ A.Because it was the first time I heard her sing at a party, her song moved me deeply. B.When I first heard her sing at a party, I was deeply moved. C.I first heard he
9、r singing at a party, I was deeply moved. D.Because it was the first time I heard her sing at a party, her voice moved me deeply.(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.9.对这一问题实际上还没有进行过科学实验。_ A.People have not made scientific experiments on this question practically. B.Practically speaking, they havent yet made scientific
10、 experiments on this question. C.This question has not been tested by scientific experiments practically. D.Practically no scientific experiments have yet been made on this question.(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.10.不发达地区大都是拥有丰富资源的地区,发展潜力是很大的。_ A.Most of the less developed areas are rich in resources, have great
11、potential for development. B.Most of the less developed areas are rich in resources and have great potential for development. C.Most of the less developed areas are rich in resources development potential is very great. D.Most of the less developed areas are rich in resources and their development p
12、otential very great.(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.三、BB(总题数:5,分数:10.00)11.All of the following ideas are the Ciceros, except_. A.it wasns necessary to translate word for word. B.he preserved the general style and force of the language. C.it wasns his duty to count out words to the reader like coins but rather to
13、pay them out by weight as it were. D.he aimed at translating sense, not words.(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.12.鲁迅对翻译的主张是_。 A.文学翻译的最高标准是“化” B.凡是翻译,必须兼顾着两面,一当然力求其易解,二则保存着原作的丰姿 C.重神似不重形似 D.必须非常忠实于原文(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.13.句法上下文是指_。 A.在一个句子的范围内该单位周围的一些语言单位 B.该单位的超出句子范围的语言环境 C.该词词组或句子所属的句法结构 D.该单位周围具体的词汇单位、词和固定词组的总和(分数:2
14、.00)A.B.C.D.14.英语中多用_,汉译中往往不用。 A.主语 B.谓语 C.进行时 D.被动语态(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.15.王力先生认为,英文中的形合法使_在大多数情况下是不可缺少的。 A.介词 B.介词短语 C.分词 D.联合成分(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.四、B(总题数:0,分数:0.00)五、BA(总题数:10,分数:10.00)16.to grant a license(分数:1.00)_17.a kind of invitation(分数:1.00)_18.outward investor(分数:1.00)_19.historically signific
15、ant experiment(分数:1.00)_20.brightly painted(分数:1.00)_21.agonizing flashbacks(分数:1.00)_22.reel down(分数:1.00)_23.river bed(分数:1.00)_24.sufficiency rate(分数:1.00)_25.an average growth rate(分数:1.00)_六、BB(总题数:10,分数:10.00)26.君主专制制度(分数:1.00)_27.面向现代化(分数:1.00)_28.解放和发展社会生产力(分数:1.00)_29.教育机关(分数:1.00)_30.单位面积产
16、量(分数:1.00)_31.外祖父(分数:1.00)_中年_遛狗_34.狭长的洼地(分数:1.00)_35.整天地做活(分数:1.00)_七、B(总题数:0,分数:0.00)八、BA(总题数:5,分数:10.00)36.原文:Water had become the engineers element, and men like Brindley were possessed by it. 译文:水已经成为工程师的元素,像布林德利这样的人就被它占有了。(分数:2.00)_37.原文:“Dont order me about like that, John Durbeyfield. You kn
17、ow my name as well as I know yours!” 译文:约翰德比菲尔德,不要像这样命令我。你知道我的名字,正如我知道你的名字。(分数:2.00)_38.原文:Some girls started to dance with each other immediately; others just stood around, talking and looking。 译文:有几个姑娘马上互相跳起舞来,有一些只是站在四周,边看边说着话儿。(分数:2.00)_39.原文:Among so many well dressed and cultured people, the co
18、untry girl felt like a fish out of water. 译文:同这么多穿着体面而又有教养的人在一起,这位乡下姑娘感到像一只离开水的鱼。(分数:2.00)_40.原文:World War was more complex than World War , which was a collision among the imperialist powers over the spoils of market, resources and territories. 译文:第二次世界大战比第一次世界大战更复杂,那是帝国主义列强之间争夺市场资源和领土的冲突。(分数:2.00)
19、_九、BB(总题数:5,分数:10.00)41.原文:他虽然是初次登台演出,却演得很自然。 译文:Acting was very natural though it was the first time he appeared on the stage.(分数:2.00)_42.原文:这些问题就是他提出的关于美国政治制度的问题。 译文:These questions are his questions on the American political system.(分数:2.00)_43.原文:合营企业的一切活动应遵守中华人民共和国法律、法令和有关条例规定。 译文:All activiti
20、es of an equity joint venture shall obey the Peoples Republic of Chinas laws, decrees and pertinent regulations.(分数:2.00)_44.原文:工头就说:“没号了!没号了!” 译文:The foreman would say, “No more numbers! No more numbers!“(分数:2.00)_45.原文:每天天不亮戴着星星去排队,工厂没开大门就排上老长的队了。 译文:We had to queue up wearing the stars before daw
21、n. A long queue formed before the mills door opened.(分数:2.00)_十、B(总题数:0,分数:0.00)十一、BA(总题数:1,分数:15.00)46.Its never been one special thing that my father has done but all the special things he has gone out of his way to do. He has worked days on end in dirty dead. end jobs just to put food on the tabl
22、e. Im sure there were times, when he went hungry just to feed us. After working a full day he would come home and spend hours playing with me when I was little. My dad is always quiet and understanding while others would have lost their temper. The one memory that I will always treasure of my father
23、 is the 44 mile canoe trip we took down the Current River when I was a teenager. We spent the first night in hammocks and the second night in a cave; he pointed out countless sites and animals, and went to great pains to make sure I had a good time.(分数:15.00)_十二、BB(总题数:1,分数:15.00)47.50年前,正当世界反法西斯战争取
24、得伟大胜利之时,联合国诞生了。这是国际关系史上的重大事件。在本世纪上半叶,不到 30年就爆发了两次世界大战,给人类带来空前的浩劫和惨痛的教训。联合国宪章的制定和联合国组织的创建,适应了时代进步的客观需要,体现了各国人民渴求消除战争劫难的强烈愿望,反映了人类要求建立一个和平、平等、合作和繁荣的新世界的美好理想。战后 50年间,世界发生翻天覆地的变化。时而波澜壮阔,令人振奋;时而风雨如磐,惊心动魄。半个世纪的经验和教训,联合国宪章的宗旨的原则,和平和发展的时代主题,向我们提出庄严而迫切的需求。(分数:15.00)_英汉翻译教程自考题-15 答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、B
25、(总题数:0,分数:0.00)二、BA(总题数:10,分数:20.00)1.I felt approaching footsteps. I stretched out my hand as I supposed to my mother. _ A.我感到有人走近,于是伸出了手,以为是把手伸向母亲。 B.我感到有人走近,我就伸出了手,因为我在等我的母亲。 C.我感到有人向我走来,我想那是我母亲,她把手伸向我。 D.我感到有人向我走来,我想那是我母亲,她伸手搂抱我。(分数:2.00)A. B.C.D.解析:解析 本题考查句子中动词的翻译。本句的动词是由 felt, stretched, suppo
26、sed一系列的动作构成的,而这些动作的主语是同一个人,所以只需要写出一个主语,这样显得句子紧凑有力。那么就可以排除 B、C、D 三项。答案为 A。2.She blurred the ink on the letter with her tears. _ A.她的眼泪把信上的墨水弄得模糊不清。 B.她的眼泪把信上的字迹弄得模糊不清。 C.她的眼泪把信上的字句弄得模糊不清。 D.她的眼泪把信上的话语弄得模糊不清。(分数:2.00)A.B. C.D.解析:解析 本句考查词语暗含意思的翻译。名词 ink本身是“墨水”的意思,但是 the ink on the letter是表示信上的“字迹”。同时按照
27、语言习惯,眼泪模糊的是字迹而不是墨水,故选项 A、C、D 均不正确。答案为 B。3.Bill was given a chair and asked to wait a little as darkness came on, then suddenly the whole bridge was outlined in lights._ A.天快黑了,有人给比尔一把椅子,请他坐下等一会儿。忽然电灯全亮了,整座大桥的轮廓被灯照了出来。 B.给比尔一把椅子,他被要求坐下等一会儿,天快黑了。忽然电灯全亮了,照出了整座大桥的轮廓。 C.天快黑了,有人给比尔一把椅子,请他坐下等一会儿。忽然电灯全亮了,照出
28、了整座大桥的轮廓。 D.给比尔一把椅子,他被要求坐下等一会儿,天快黑了。忽然电灯全亮了,整座大桥的轮廓被灯照了出来。(分数:2.00)A.B.C. D.解析:解析 本题考查语态和主语的翻译。英语里省略了主语 somebody, 因为是被动形态,Bill 虽然看起来是主语,但实际上它是宾语,这是被动结构的特征。所以翻译的时候要注意把句子的主语翻译出来而让比尔做宾语,“有人给比尔一把椅子”。同时,后面的句子也是被动语态,四个选项都译成“忽然电灯全亮了”,也就是说主语中心词是电灯。所以相对应的就是电灯照亮了大桥,是主动语态,如果是大桥做主语,就是被动语态,大桥被电灯照亮了。而两点结合得很好的只有 C
29、项。答案为 C。4.The world is a very pleasant place to live in as soon as we accept the fact that other people have a right to live as well as ourselves._ A.一切民族共存共荣,这样的世界才可称乐土。 B.我们一旦承认别人也和我们同样有生活的权利,就会立刻觉得这个世界也很不错。 C.当我们承认别人也有和我们同样生活舒适之权利时,世界就会成为一个乐园。 D.同此世界,不独有我,亦复有人,苟明此理,自不至因世事之不尽如我意而悻悻然矣。(分数:2.00)A.B.
30、C.D. 解析:解析 此题考查对语言运用的综合能力,根据汉语语感,首先排除 B,因为读起来很别扭,不是汉语的表达习惯。其次,题干并没有涉及到民族的问题,因此,排除 A。在 C和 D中,说得比较好的很显然是 D。答案为 D。5.You must have heard of Agnes Smedley, a progressive American journalist and writer. _ A.你一定听说过阿格尼丝史末特莱,美国进步记者兼作家。 B.你一定听说过美国进步记者兼作家阿格尼丝史末特莱。 C.你一定听说过阿格尼丝史末特莱,他是美国进步记者兼作家。 D.你一定听说过美国出色的记者兼
31、作家阿格尼丝史末特莱。(分数:2.00)A.B. C.D.解析:解析 此题考查对修饰语的理解。progressive 是进步的意思,因此排除 D。A、B 和 C中最符合汉语习惯的是 B,比较精炼。答案为 B。6.直到在法庭受到审讯时,他才明白了事情的真相。_ A.It was until his trial in the court that he got to know the truth of it. B.It was not until his trial in the court that did he get to know the truth of it. C.It was not
32、 until his trial in the court that he got to know the truth of it. D.It was until his trial in the court that did he get to know the truth of it.(分数:2.00)A.B.C. D.解析:解析 本题考查如下两个知识点:(1)“直到才,常翻译为“not.until“,如果去掉本句的强调意味,则可译为“He did not get to know the truth of it until his trial in the court“如果强调时间,此句可
33、改为“Not until his trial in the court did he get to know the truth of it“此时,否定词放在句首,后面要部分倒装。(2)“It is/was+被强调的部分+that+其他部分(该部分用陈述语序)”是一种强调句,把前面的第 2句话变化一下则为选项 C。选项 A、D 中因没有“not“而表现不出“直到才”的意思,故排除;B 项中“that“后面没把倒装转换为陈述语序,也排除。答案为 C。7.正如一个人的伟大不在于他的身高一样,一个民族的伟大不在于人口的多少。_ A.The greatness of a nation is no le
34、ss determined by its population that the greatness of a man is determined by his height. B.The greatness of a nation is not as determined by its population as the greatness of a man is determined by his height. C.The greatness of a nation is not determined by its population the same as the greatness
35、 of a man is determined by his height. D.The greatness of a nation is no more determined by its population than the greatness of a man is determined by his height.(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D. 解析:解析 本题考查如下几个用法:(1)“no less than“的意思是“不少于;多达”,表示肯定含义。因此,A 项中使用它是错误的。(2)表示“与一样不”时通常翻译为“no more than+比较状语从句或其省略形式”,该结构否定
36、的是前后两部分的内容。本题显然适于用此种结构,D 项即是如此,故正确。(3)过去分词可作形容词,因此可以有“as+过去分词+as”这种结构,B 项是对该结构的误用,故排除。(4)“the same as“前必须有“be“或系动词或实义动词,故排除 C项;C 项可改为“its population the same is true that the greatness of a man is not determined“。答案为 D。8.我第一次听她在晚会上唱歌,她的歌声就深深地打动了我。_ A.Because it was the first time I heard her sing at
37、 a party, her song moved me deeply. B.When I first heard her sing at a party, I was deeply moved. C.I first heard her singing at a party, I was deeply moved. D.Because it was the first time I heard her sing at a party, her voice moved me deeply.(分数:2.00)A.B. C.D.解析:解析 (1)在该句中文中,前后两句不是因果关系,因此 A、D 项错误
38、。(2)英语中常用被动语态,因此应把“歌声深深打动我”译为“我被深深打动”即 I was deeply moved;并且,英文重形合,句子结构性强,因此本句主语尽量前后统一用“I“,B、C 项在这个方面恰当。至此,可彻底排除 A、D 项。(3)C项前后两句因没有连接词而构成糅合句,因此排除。答案为 B。9.对这一问题实际上还没有进行过科学实验。_ A.People have not made scientific experiments on this question practically. B.Practically speaking, they havent yet made scie
39、ntific experiments on this question. C.This question has not been tested by scientific experiments practically. D.Practically no scientific experiments have yet been made on this question.(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D. 解析:解析 此题考察被动语态。当题干中没有明确主语的时候,就要考虑用被动语态,因此根据这个特点,排除 A和 B。C 选项中 test用词不够准确,应该用 experiment。答案为 D。10.不发达地区大都是拥有丰富资源的地