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1、2016 年湖北省黄冈中学高三 5 月第一次模拟考试英语 第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 40 分) 第一节 (共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 30 分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项( A、 B、 C、和 D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 A Chester City Library offers a range of Library Special Needs Services to people who dont have access to our library service in the usual way. As long as you live i

2、n Chester City, well provide a wide range of library services and resources including: Large printed and ordinary printed books Talking books on tape and CD DVDs and music CDs Magazines Reference and information requests Home delivery service Let us know what you like to read and we will choose the

3、resources for you. Our staff will deliver the resources to your home for free. We also provide a service where we can choose the resources for you or someone instead of you choose the things from the library. You can also choose the resources you need personally. Talking books and captioned videos T

4、he library can provide talking books for people who are unable to use printed books because of eye diseases. You dont have to miss out on reading any more when you can borrow talking books from the library. If you have limited hearing which prevents you from enjoying movies, we can provide captioned

5、 videos for you at no charge. Languages besides English We can provide books in a range of languages besides English. If possible, we will request these items from the State Library of NSW, Australia. How to join? Contact the Library Special Needs Coordinator to register or discuss if you are eligib

6、le(合适的) for any of the services we provide -Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 9am -5pm on 4297 2522 for more information. 21. Library Special Needs Services are meant for_. A. those who are fond of reading B. people living in Chester City with an illness or disability C. only those who have walking di

7、sabilities D. those who cant get medical help in Chester City 解析: 推理判断题。根据第 一 句 Chester City Library offers a range of Library Special Needs Services to people who dont have access to our library service in the usual way.可知 Library Special Needs Services 这 项 特殊服务主要提供给那些无法和正常人一样到图书馆看书的人。故 B 项正确。 答案:

8、B 22. What can we learn from the passage? A. Few entertaining resources are offered here. B. People with limited hearing have to pay for captioned videos. C. Books with different languages are available. D. People have to choose what they need by themselves. 解析: 推理判断题。 根据 Languages besides English 部

9、分第 一 句 We can provide books in a range of languages besides English.可知切斯特 图书馆可以提供除英语之外的其他语言的 书籍 。故 C 项正确。 答案: C 23. To get home delivery service, you must_. A. only choose printed books B. have others choose the resources for you C. pay the library ahead of time D. register ahead of time 解析: 推理判断题。根

10、据 文章 最后一段 “ Contact the Library Special Needs Coordinator to register or discuss if you are eligible (合适的) for any of the services we provide.”可知如果你想得到相关服务,你首先要和图书馆取得联系,如符合要求,则要提前注册。故 D 项正确。 答案: D B In China, chain restaurants especially the big multinational ones are cool. Going to Starbucks, for e

11、xample, is a status symbol. It not only says, Im rich enough to buy this overpriced coffee, but also, Im cosmopolitan (见多识广的 ) enough to be part of globalization. Where I come from in the UK, however, chains are neither fashionable nor gourmet (美食的 ). Chains are where you go on New Years Day when no

12、where else is open, or when you are 5 years old and your parents cant stand hearing, Im hungry! any longer. In my own case (with regards to McDonalds), a chain is where you are taken on your first date. Even at the age of 13, I knew to give the guy the lets just be friends phone call the next day. I

13、n the UK, independent cafes and restaurants are making a comeback on the fashion scene. Nowadays, a Londoner who says lets meet for a coffee at Monmouth (an independent cafe) is much cooler than one who says lets go to Starbucks. Even if Monmouths coffee is a little more expensive, theres a satisfac

14、tion in knowing your pounds arent going straight to the big corporations. Of course, there are chain stores all over the UK; you cant go five minutes without spotting a Costa Coffee. But numbers do not add up to good taste. I do, however, have a confession (坦白 ). After moving to China I had moments

15、when all the rice and Kung Pao Chicken became too much. I, too, have retreated to McDonalds. 24. Many Chinese people like to go to multinational chain restaurants because _. A. the restaurants give customers a taste of foreign culture B. the restaurants offer different food and drinks from other res

16、taurants C. they believe that eating there will show their wealth and social status D. these restaurants are perfect places for a romantic date 解析: 推理判断题。根据第一段最后一句 It not only says, Im rich enough to buy this overpriced coffee, but also, Im cosmopolitan (见多识广的 ) enough to be part of globalization.可知

17、很多中国人到星巴克喝咖啡是炫耀富、见多识广以及社会层次高。故 C 项正确。 答案: C 25. Which of the following statements is TRUE? A. The author has grown tired of Chinese food. B. Branches of Monmouths cafe can be found all over the UK. C. Most independent stores are closed on New Years Day in the UK. D. It is cool in the UK to take your

18、 first date to a chain restaurant. 解析: 推理判断题。根据第二段第二句 Chains are where you go on New Years Day when nowhere else is open, or when you are 5 years old and your parents cant stand hearing, Im hungry! any longer.在英国当其他的餐厅关门的时候,人们才会去连锁餐厅用餐。也就是说在新年这样的日子里,大部分的 independent stores 都是不营业的额,所以这时人们才会去星巴克之类的连锁店

19、用餐。故 C 正确。 答案: C 26. We can infer from the article that _. A. the author doesnt like food from Pizza Hut B. the author doesnt like to follow fashion trends C. many Britons think that numbers mean poor quality D. many Britons dont like big corporations 解析: 推理判断题。根据第三段最后一句 Even if Monmouths coffee is

20、a little more expensive, theres a satisfaction in knowing your pounds arent going straight to the big corporations.顾客对于自己的钱没有直接进入星巴克这样的大公司非常高兴。也就是说很多英国人并不喜欢这些大公司。故 D 正确。 答案: D 27. What does the underlined word (in the last paragraph) mean? A. adapted B. contributed C. subscribed D. switched 解析: 词义猜测

21、题。本题较难。句子的 however是关键词。根据 文章 最后一段 I do, however, have a confession (坦白 )。 After moving to China I had moments when all the rice and Kung Pao Chicken became too much. I, too, have retreated to McDonald:s.作者原来并不喜欢星巴克之类的连锁店,但是他要坦白的是,来到中国以后, 吃了太多的 宫保鸡丁 ,他还是转变去吃了麦当劳。他去吃麦当劳主要因为饮食不习惯的问题。 所以该词 retreated意为 改

22、变、改变 。故 D 项正确。 答案: D C It never occurred to anybody, not even the creators that the world would care about the complex lives, loves and sufferings of a group of attractive and witty New Yorkers. But theres no doubt that Friends(老友记 )has become more than just a successful situation comedyit has estab

23、lished itself as one of the last great television phenomena of the last century. Along the way, it has made its half-dozen leading actors famous. Looking back on the strong friendship between the group of three men and three women who frequently gather at each others apartments and at Greenwich Vill

24、ages Central Perk coffee house, Friends was created by television producers, David Crane and Marta Kauffman. In 1993, the pair met producer Kevin S. Bright. Then the three became partners and got a deal to produce a new comedy for Warner Brothers. What they came up with was based on Crane and Kauffm

25、ans after-college years, when they hung out at the local coffee house and involved themselves in every aspect of each others lives. It didnt take long for viewers to make friends with Friends. The situation comedy quickly became a top ten hit. Critics loved it as well. Entertainment Weekly said the

26、show operated like a Broadway show, with twisty plots and unique jokes. The television theme song has also been a success with the public. The songs success helped save the television theme song. An ABC(美国广播公司 )executive was ready to order very short music intros(前奏 ) on his networks shows, thinking

27、 that viewers would hit the remote control as soon as the opening started. But the success of the Friends theme song led the ABC executive to change his mind- remote controls or not, the TV theme song would stay. Years have gone by, but Friends remains and will remain an example of a modern US situa

28、tion comedy that is both hugely entertaining television and nothing short of a genuine latter-day social phenomenon. 28. What is stressed in the second paragraph? A. The origin of Friends. B. The role models of Friends. C. The popularity of Friends. D. The brilliance of Friends. 解析: 段落大意题。根据本段后两句 Fr

29、iends was created by television producers, David Crane and Marta Kauffman. In 1993, the pair met producer Kevin S. Bright.when they hung out at the local coffee house and involved themselves in every aspect of each others lives.可知第二段主要讲述的是老友记这部情景喜剧是怎么创作出来的,是由 David Crane、 Marta Kauffman 制片人 Kevin S.

30、 Bright 一起创作出来的。故 A 项正确。 答案: A 29. Which of the following is TRUE about Friends? A. It has a simple but entertaining plot. B. It is about friendship between college students. C. It was criticized by Entertainment Weekly. D. It first came into being in the 1990s. 解析: 推理判断题。根据第二段第二句 In 1993, the pair

31、met producer Kevin S. Bright. Then the three became partners and got a deal to produce a new comedy for Warner Brothers. 和第三段第一句 It didnt take long for viewers to make friends with Friends.在 1993 年 David Crane、 Marta Kauffman 遇见了制片人 Kevin S. Bright,他们一起创作了老友记,不久以后这部影片电视剧就与观众见面了。说明这部情景喜剧最可能是在 90年代面世。

32、故 D 正确。 答案: D 30. What can we learn from the passage? A. Producer, Kevin S. Bright, graduated from the same college as David Crane. B. ABC once replaced the theme song of its TV show with a short music intro. C. The ABC executive thought highly of the theme song of Friends. D. Marta Kauffman expecte

33、d Friends to achieve great success. 解析: 推理判断题。根据第三段最后两句 An ABC(美国广播公司 )executive was ready to order very short music intros(前奏 ) on his networks shows, thinking that viewers would hit the remote control as soon as the opening started. But the success of the Friends theme song led the ABC executive t

34、o change his mind- remote controls or not, the TV theme song would stay.美国广播公司的总经理原以为观众这首主题曲不会受到太多的关注,但是后来它很受欢迎。总经理对之评价也很高。故 C 项正确。 答案: C 31. What might the author think of Friends? A. Its merits outweigh its shortcomings. B. Its success lies in the lack of good situation comedies. C. He/she has a r

35、eserved attitude towards its success. D. He/she shows great affection towards it. 解析: 推理判断题。作者在文意中多处出现了对老友记的正面评价,尤其是最后一段 Years have gone by5 but Friends remains and will remain an example of a modern US situation comedy that is both hugely entertaining television and nothing short of a genuine latte

36、r-day social phenomenon.认为这部情景喜剧有着巨大的影响。说明 作者非常喜欢这部喜剧。故 D 项正确。 答案: D D As the labor market becomes more attractive, more companies are sending their employees to school. Fiat Chrysler Automobiles is the latest company to use tuition assistance for employees which for decades has been a part of many

37、business benefits packages as part of a renewed effort to bring in and cultivate talent. And while the impact of such programs has yet to be fully assessed, many see it as a positive although gradual movement. For workers, it gives them a better opportunity for development, says Colleen Flaherty Man

38、chester, a professor. For firms, they are able to recruit the type of employees who have value education and are less likely to turn over, and thus have a higher level of retention(保留 ) . In all, 56 percent of US organizations offer undergraduate educational assistance while 52 percent offer graduat

39、e assistance. Largely driving the trend are Millennials, who happen to be the fastest-growing people in the US workforce today and to whom the idea of tuition support from employers is especially appealing. Nearly 60 percent of Millennials surveyed said they would choose a job with strong profession

40、al-development potential over one with regular pay raises. Employers are absolutely adapting to Millennials in the workplace. They recognize that they need more experience, more knowledge, more mentoring to be successful. And theyre asking for it. Of more than 140,000 Starbucks employees, only about

41、 4,000 have signed up for the companys College Achievement Plan. What the long-term effects such programs might have for companies retention and turnover rates remain unclear. But, the pluses of these programs are more important than the minuses. Were going to see a lot more of this in the future. 3

42、2. Using tuition assistance for employees _. A. has attracted a large number of talents B. is a trend that formed recently C. has existed for scores of years D. is well received by employees 解析: 推理判断题。根据文意第 一 句 As the labor market becomes more attractive, more companies are sending their employees t

43、o school.可知随着劳动力市场越来越有吸引力,更多的公司派员工进入学校学习。这说明助学金政策正变得越来越 流行 ,成为了一种新趋势。故 B 正确。 答案: B 33. What c an we learn from what Colleen Flaherty said? A. It is merely beneficial to employees B. It is a win-win event for employees and employers. C. Valuing education has become a trend for all companies. D. It tu

44、rns out to be tough for firms to find suitable employees. 解析: 推理判断题。根据文章第二段中 For workers, it gives them a better opportunity for development, 和 For firms, they are able to recruit the type of employees who have value education and are less likely to turn over, and thus have a higher level of retenti

45、on(保留 ) .可知对于工人来说,助学金政策给了他们有一个自我发展的机会,对于公司来说,可以更好地保留人才。所以对于双方来说这是一个双赢的做法。故 B 项正确。 答案: B 34. What does the underlined word it in Paragraph 4 refer to? A. Regular pay raises. B. More chances to be successful. C. Educational support. D. Professionaldevelopment potential. 解析: 词义猜测题。根据本段第二句 Nearly 60 per

46、cent of Millennials surveyed said they would choose a job with strong professional-development potential over one with regular pay raises.可知百分之 60的千禧一代愿意选择有发展潜力超过了那种经常加薪的工作。再根据划线前句 They recognize that they need more experience, more knowledge, more mentoring to be successful.可知人们意识到要想成功,他们需要更多的建议和知识

47、。他们现在正在追求这种知识。故横线词指 B 项含义。 答案: B 35. Which of the following statements is TRUE about the programs? A. The programs can guarantee the employees a good job. B. The impact of the programs remains to be estimated. C. Employees will benefit more from the programs than companies. D. Its less likely that e

48、mployees will remain in the same company after receiving the programs. 解析: 推理判断题。根据第二段最后 一 句 For firms, they are able to recruit the type of employees who have value education and are less likely to turn over; and thus have a higher level of retention( 保留) .可知对于公司来说,助学金政策可以更好的保留员工,也就是说在参加这个项目以后,员工更可

49、能会留在原来的 公司里 。故 D正确 。 答案: D 第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 10 分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。选项中有两项为多余选项。 While going through life with the pursuit of money on our mind, were often told that money cant buy happiness. But what truth is there in the saying? Is there a relation between money and happiness? 36 Humans are very se


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