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1、2015 年北京市 西城 区中考二模英语 听力理解 (略 ) 四、单项填空(共 10 分,每小题 1 分) 从下面各题所的 A、 B、 C、 D 四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 1. Mr. Green teaches us English and we all love_. A. him B. his C. he D. Himself 解析 : 此题考查的是人称代词的宾格。句意为:格林先生教我们英语,我们都很爱他。结合动宾关系,这里要填入的是,人称代词 he 的宾格 him。 答案: A 2. Where shall we meet? How about_ the bus sto

2、p? A. over B. to C. at D. under 解析:此题考查地点介词,小地点我们要选择介词 at,大地点是 in,其他选项都不符合题意。 答案: C 3. _ is your favorite movie? X-Man, of course. A. How B. Who C. Whose D. What 解析:此题考查特殊疑问词。根据答语:当然是 X-Men。我们可以推断出问句应该是在问,你最喜欢的电影是什么?其他选项都不符合语境。 答案: D 4. Robin is a great actor, _he is also a good father. A. or B. but

3、 C. so D. and 解析:此题考查连词。句意为: Robin 是一个出色的演员,并且他也是一个好父亲。 and 表示并列,用于逻辑为并列关系的句子,在此题中符合语境。 答案: D 5. _I have a taste, Mom? Im afraid you cant. Its too hot. A. Must B. Can C. Need D. Should 解析:此题考查情态动词。句意为,妈妈我能尝尝吗 ?我恐怕你不能,它太烫了。 Should应该、 Need 需要、 Can 能,会、 Must 必须 根据句意可知答案为 C。 答案: B 6. He_ you the answer

4、as soon as he works it out. A. told B. tells C. will tell D. was telling 解析:此题考查主将从现。 as soon as 引导的时间状语从句,主句用将来时,从句用一般现在时。 答案: C 7. Who_ to clean the classroom yesterday? Li Ming. A. helps B. helped C. is helping D. will help 解析:此题考查一般过去时态。根据句意: “谁昨天打扫了教室?李明 ” 前半句出现了 yesterday,断定是过去时,所以用一般过去时态。 答案:

5、 B 8. He_ painting for 5 years and he paints well. A. learnt B. was learning C. has learnt D. will learn 解析:考查时态,根据他做这件事 for 5 years 而且他现在画的很好推断出此处应为现在完成时,所以答案为 C。 答案: C 9. There was a strong wind last night and the clouds_. A. were blown away B. will be blown away C. blew away D. blow away 解析:考查被动语

6、态,云被吹走,排除 C、 D,而且中有时间标志词 last night 所以选择 A 答案: A 10. Jessica wants to know_. Tell her well be there before 11:00 a.m. tomorrow. A. when did we arrive B. when we arrived C. when will we arrive D. when we will arrive 解析:考查宾语从句,第一步判断语序,应是陈述语序,排除 A、 C选项,根据答句 before 11:00 a.m. tomorrow 选择 D。 答案: D 五、完形填空

7、(共 15 分,每小题 1.5 分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的 A、 B、 C、 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 John and Mary had a nice home and two lovely children, a boy and a girl. Once John was asked to go on a business trip and Mary needed to go along too. They found a babysitter to care for the 11 and made the trip, returning home a l

8、ittle earlier than they had planned. As they drove into their home town, they 12 smoke, and they went to see what it was. They found a home on fire. Mary said, “Oh, well, it isnt our home. Lets go.” But John drove 13 and said, “The home belongs to Fred Jones who works at the factory. He wouldnt be o

9、ff work yet, maybe theres something we would do.” “It has something to do with us,” said Mary. But John drove up, stopped and found the whole house on fire. A woman in the street was crying, “The children! 14 the children!” John grabbed(抓) her by the shoulder saying, “Get a hold of yourself and tell

10、 us where the children are!” “In the 15 , ”cried the woman, “down the hall and to the left.” Although Mary didnt agree, John wet his clothes and 16 for the bathroom which was full of smoke and heat. He found the door and grabbed two children, holding one under each arm. As he left he could hear some

11、 other sound like crying. He sent the two badly 17 and nearly suffocated(窒息) children into waiting arms. Then he was told two more children were still in there. Mary grabbed his arm and shouted, “John! Dont go back! That house will fall down in any second!” But he shook her off and went back by 18 h

12、is way down the smoke-filled hallway and into the room. It seemed a century had passed 19 he found both children and started back. They were coughing and he lowered his body trying to get some 20 . As he walked up the endless steps, the thought went through his mind that there was something strangel

13、y familiar about the little bodies, and at last when they came out into the sunlight and fresh air, he found that he had just saved his own children. The babysitter had left them at this home while she did some shopping. 11. A. children B. pet C. garden D. business 解析:此处考查名词。由前面的 babysitter 可知此空应填 c

14、hildren。 答案: A 12. A. watched B. recognized C. noticed D. realized 解析:此处考查动词。空后面为 smoke,固应选择 noticed 注意到; watch 意为 “看 ”; recognize意为 “认出来,承认 ”; realize 意为 “认识到,实现 ”。 答案: C 13. A. farther B. off C. back D. closer 解析:此处考查副词。 but 表示转折,与 “Lets go”相反,并且下一段第一句为 “But John drove up”,所以,选择 closer。其他三个选项皆为相反的

15、意思。 答案: D 14. A. Find B. Get C. Move D. Hold 解析:此处考察动词辨析。当时 John 、 Mary 及老太太都在房子外,想要救出孩子,需先进入房子,找到孩子,才能带出,此路线有双向的含义。 A. Find“找到 ”,只是强调了进入的结果,并没有要 “带出 ”的含义,故不选。 B. Get 本身就有双向的含义,即 go and bring, 如Could you get me todays newspaper? 你能帮我拿今天的报纸吗?即 “过去拿到再带来 ”之意。C. Move“搬 ”,后面不与人搭配。 D. Hold “拿 ”,错因同 C。故选 B

16、。 答案: B 15. A. bathroom B. kitchen C. bedroom D. living room 解析:此处考查名词。此空为被困儿童的位置,由下文 36 空后面 bathroom 可知选择 A。 答案: A 16. A. looked B. cared C. headed D. reached 解析:此处考查动词。 head for 意为 “朝 .行进 ”。 Look for 寻找; care for 照料; reach for 伸出 .以触及。 答案: C 17. A. frightened B. surprised C. sad D. sick 解析:此处考查为形容

17、词。 frightened 害怕的,受惊的; surprised 惊奇的,惊讶的; sad 悲伤的; sick 生病的。根据文章情境,孩子应该是被惊吓到并且几乎窒息,所以选 A。 答案: A 18. A. following B. going C. pushing D. feeling 解析:此处考察动词辨析。需要联系上下文,盲做必死无疑。上文 “Mary grabbed his arm and shouted, “John! Dont go back! That house will fall down in any second!”交代背景,此时已经非常凶险, John 如果再进入,会有生

18、命危险。下文修饰 “way”的是 “down the smoke-filled hallway and into the room”,此处 smoke-filled 非常关键,意为 “浓烟密布的 ”,一个成人在浓烟中很难睁开眼睛,只能靠摸索前进。最常见的错误选 A, “follow ones way”表示 “沿着某人的路 ”,似乎有道理; B. go ones way表示直观的 “走出一条路 ” ,缺乏描述性; C. push ones way “闯出一条路 ”,常用于人多时的竞争场合,故不选; D. feel ones way“摸索一条路 ”,在眼睛看不见的状况下,用 “摸索 ”更加生动地体

19、现 John 的搜救过程。故 D 为最佳选项。 答 案: D 19. A. after B. before C. when D. until 解析: 此处考查介词辨析。原句为 “It seemed a century had passed 39 he found both children and started back.” 这个句子主句 “It seemed” 为一般过去时,从句 “a century had passed 39 he found both children and started back”为过去完成时,表示 “在他找到两个孩子 似乎过去了一个世纪 ”,这是对 John

20、救人的心理描写,是救人结束后的有感而发。 A. after “在 之后 ”,B. before “在 之前 ”, C. when “在 时 ”, D. until“直到 ” 。此处强调找孩子的过程非常艰难,故选择 B。 答案: B 20. A. water B. energy C. air D. light 解析:此处考查名词。放低身体试着获得一些空气。固选 air。 答案: C 六、阅读理解 (共 15 分,每小题 2 分) A Born in England, Elizabeth moved to the United States when she was 11 years old. S

21、he Elizabeth Blackwell (1821-1910) was the first woman in the U.S. to graduate (毕业 ) from medical school. She was a doctor and a teacher. In 1857,Elizabeth started a medical school for women. Shirley Chisholm (1924-2005) Shirley was born in New York City. She was the first black woman to serve in Co

22、ngress(国会 ).She served until 1983.In 1972, Shirley ran for President, who was the first African-American woman to do so. Sandra Oconnor (1930- ) Sandra was born in Texas. After finishing law school, Sandra worked as a lawyer. Later, she was a judge.In1981,Sandra became the first woman to serve on th

23、e U.S. Supreme Court (美国最高法院 ).She served for 24 years. Sally Ride (1951-2012) Sally was the first American woman in space. She rode into space on the space shuttle(航天飞机 ) in 1983 when she was 32.After that more than 42other American women flew in space. She also taught physics at the University of

24、California in San Diego. 21. When did Elizabeth start a medical school? A. In 1857 B. In 1972 C. In 1981 D. in 1983 解析:细节题,画出关键词 Elizabeth 和 start a medical school.根据 Elizabeth 定位到第一个框中,根据 start a medical school定位到第一 段最后一句话,可知答案是 A。 答案: A 22, When did Shirley do in 1972? A. She moved to the United S

25、tates. B. She ran for President. C. She began to work in New York. D. She finished law school. 解析:细节题,画出关键词 Shirley 和 1972,根据 Shirley 定位到第二个框中,根据 1972 定位到该段最后一句话中 In 1972, Shirley ran for President.可知答案选 B。 答案: B 23. Who once taught physics in San Diego? A. Elizabeth Blackwell B. Shirley Chishlom C.

26、 Sandra OConnor D. Sally Ride 解析:细节题,画出关键词 taught physics 和 San Diego,定位到第四个框中最后一句话,可知是 Sally Ride。 答案: D B The passenger pigeon(旅鸽 ) used to be one of the most common birds on the earth. A century ago, they became extinct(灭绝) . Scientist Ben Novak is working to bring the birds back. Here, he explai

27、ns to us why we should bring passenger pigeons back from extinct. The passenger pigeon is not the bird that you probably know. Its been gone from the world for100 years. It means that few living people have ever seen one flying in the sky. The passenger pigeon lived differently from other birds in A

28、merica-in flocks(群 ) made up millions of birds. They darkened the sky when they flew in the air. One reason to bring passenger pigeons back to life is that it would be wonderful to see a flock that big. It would also be cool to see an extinct animal. But its not just about doing something cool. Huge

29、 flocks of passenger pigeons played a key role in shaping forests. The weight of so many birds resting in the trees broke many branches(树枝) . This allowed more sunlight to reach the forest floor, which helped more plants grow. The birds also ate a large number of plants. That influenced which trees

30、grew in the forest. If we bring back the passenger pigeon, it would play an important role in shaping forest once again. 24. Scientists Ben Novak is working to_. A. learn more about the forest. B. find more birds in the forest. C. bring back the passenger pigeon. D. Work out the number of pigeons. 解

31、析:解析:细节题。由题干关键词 Ben Novak is working to 定位到文章第一段 Scientist Ben Novak is working to bring the bird back. 所以答案选 C. 答案: C 25. When did passenger pigeon become extinct? A. 10 years ago. B. 50 years ago. C. 100 years ago. D. 500 years ago. 解析:细节题。由题干关键词 passenger pigeon become extinct 定位到文章第一段 A century

32、ago, they became extinct(灭绝) . 所以答案选 C. 答案: C 26. How did the passenger pigeon live? A. In flocks. B. In paris. C. By resting in dark forests. D. By resting in cool places. 解析:细节题。由题干关键词 how passenger pigeon live 定位到文章第三段 The passenger pigeon lived differently from other birds in America-in flocks(群

33、 ) made up millions of birds 所以答案选 A。 答案: A 27. How did the passenger pigeon help forests? A. By helping more plants grow. B. By keeping many birds away. C. By staying on the forest floor. D. By preventing sunlight. 解析:细节题。由题干关键词 how passenger pigeon help forests 定位到文章第四段 The weight of so many birds

34、 resting in the trees broke so many branches(树枝) . This allowed more sunlight to reach the forest floor, which helped more plants growing. 所以答案选 A。 答案: A C Kids dont have a voice. They have no way to share their ideas. TEDx Youth is a locally organized event, where live talks and recorded videos are

35、 shared with the community(社区 ). TEDx Youth is always held on Childrens Day every year. It brings together big ideas from, and for kids. More importantly, it encourages kids to share their ideas with the world. “Age is but a number. Youre not too young to change the world. Planning an event alongsid

36、e young people makes you realize that kids have ideas that an adult might usually not think of,” said one TEDx Youth speaker. Another speaker said, “What I have come to realize is that no matter where you live or how old you are, everyone is eager to be someone great.” Organizing a TEDx Youth event

37、shows that kids are able to do much more than whats expected. They truly take this event and make it even more than what everyone hopes it will be. “The fact that youth, just like me, had planned and run the event shocked me most,” said one volunteer. “I thought the event was surprising. I couldnt b

38、elieve that kids of my age made the event happen.” There are several ways to take part in TEDx Youth. The easiest way is to become a speaker, if you think your idea is worth spreading. Another way is to attend an event. And lastly, you can become a TEDx Youth Reporter. Reporters take pictures from t

39、he event and post them on line, and send news about what is happening at event, interview some of the speakers, and write articles about the event. “It was wonderful to see how youth team members were with the whole event and how thankful they were (and still are!) to be given such an unbelievable c

40、hance as being part of a TEDx event,” said an organizer. TEDx Youth is welcoming kids from every culture who want to have a deeper understanding of the world. Those who get involved with it believe in the power of ideas, which can change attitudes, lives and the world. 28. What is the main purpose o

41、f holding a TEDx Youth event? A. To give kids a chance to record videos. B. To spread kids ideas all over the world C. To raise money for the local community D. To help kids with their schoolwork 解析:此题是细节题。通过 “.the main purpose.” 定位文章第一段的最后一句话 “More importantly, it encourages kids to share their ide

42、as with the world.” 选项 B中的 “to spread kids ideas all over the world” 属于同义词替换,所以 B选项正确。 答案: B 29. What did a volunteer think of the event? A. Quite typical B. Pretty crazy C. Rather difficult D. Surprising good 解析:此题属于细节题。通过 “.a volunteer.”定位第三段的最后一句 “I thought the event was surprising. I couldnt bel

43、ieve that kids of my age made the event happen.” 可知答案为 D。 答案: D 30. One of a reporters jobs is to_. A. give a talk B. do some interviews C. plan an event D. organize some activities 解析:此题属于细节题。通过题目定位第四段中间部分 “Reporters take pictures from the event and post them on line, and send news about what is ha

44、ppening at event, interview some of the speakers, and write articles about the event.”对照四个选项可知, B选项和文中 “interview some of the speakers”属于同义词替换,故 B选项正确。 答案: B 31. What is the best title of this passage? A. When Is TEDx Youth Held? B. Why can Kids Realize Their Dreams? C. How Can Kids Share Big Ideas?

45、 D. What Changes Can TEDx Youth Bring Us? 解析:此题属于主旨大意题。根据文章第一段和最后一段可以分析出,文章主要在介绍 TEDx Youth 是全世界的孩子们分享自我观点的平台,孩子们可以通过这个平台达到分享观点的目的。由此可知 C选项正确。容易造成迷惑的是 D 选项,文中最后一段的确提及 TEDx Youth可以改变观点、生活和世界,但是这并不是全文的主要内容,故排除。 答案: C D Kamal Meattle, in New Delhi, India, grows 400 plants in his office buildings greenh

46、ouse to help clean its indoor air. On the roof of an office building in Indias capital, the worlds smoggest city, Kamal Meattle has a special way of cleaning the air: a greenhouse with 400 common plants. Meattle has 800 other plants spread throughout its lower six floors, greening each room and hall

47、way. Their job: remove harmful things from the outdoor air. Meattle uses rainwater to water the trees so that they can grow faster and take in more pollutants. Hes asking Indias new government to require rainwater farming and to paint roofs, and buses, white. And hes pushing to build one of the worlds largest parks, complete wi


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