2014年名校模拟试题分类汇编英语 专题16 完形填空 议论文、说明文.docx

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1、2014 年名校模拟试题分类汇编英语 专题 16 完形填空 议论文、说明文【2014 届新余一中宜春中学高三联考】完形填空(共 20 小题,每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分)阅读下面短文,掌握其段落大意,然后从 36 至 55 各题所给的四个选项 A.B.C 和 D,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。An increase in students applying to study economics at university is being attributed to the global economic crisis awakening a public 36 for know

2、ledge about how the financial system 37 .Applications for degree courses beginning this autumn were up by 15% this January, 38 UCAS, the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service. A spokesman for the Royal Economic Society said applications to do economics at A-level were 39 up.Professor John Bea

3、th, the president of the society, and a 40 lecturer at St Andrews University, said his first-year lectureswhich are open to students from all departmentswere 41 crowds of 400, rather than the 42 250.“There are a large number of students who are not economics 43 who would like to learn something abou

4、t it. One of the things I have done this year is to 44 my teaching to contemporary events in a way that one hasnt 45 done.” He added.University applications 46 7% last year. But there were rises 47 average in several subjects. Nursing saw a 15% jump, with peoples renewed 48 in careers in the public

5、sector, which are seen as more secure in economic crisis.A 49 study showed almost two thirds of parents believed schools should do more to teach pupils about financial 50 and almost half said their children had asked them what was 51 , although a minority of parents felt they did not understand it t

6、hemselves well enough to explain.Zack Hocking, the head of Child Trust Funds, said: “Its possible that one good thing to arise from the 52 will be a generation thats financially 53 and better equipped to 54 their money through times of economic 55 .”【小题 1】A.concernB.thirst C.sense D.taste【小题 2】A.wor

7、ksB.performsC.servesD.affects【小题 3】A.in terms ofB.according toC.on account ofD.in spite of【小题 4】A.yet B.once C.alsoD.still【小题 5】A.outstandingB.inspiringC.convincing D.leading【小题 6】A.catchingB.appealingC.drawingD.covering【小题 7】A.usualB.regularC.average D.common【小题 8】A.majorsB.interestsC.preferencesD.

8、standards【小题 9】A.attachB.adaptC.approachD.relate【小题 10】A.generally B.frequently C.traditionally D.originally【小题 11】A.raisedB.rose C.fellD.struck【小题 12】A.by B.inC.overD.above【小题 13】A.effectB.focus C.interestD.benefit【小题 14】A.recentB.lateC.presentD.unique【小题 15】A.mattersB.affairsC. eventsD.issues【小题 1

9、6】A.taking upB.going onC.calling upD.keeping on【小题 17】A.overturnB.downturn C.breakthroughD.breakout【小题 18】A.clevererB.smarterC.brighterD.wiser【小题 19】A.struggltB.measureC.manageD.earn【小题 20】A.stabilityB.puzzleC.uncertaintyD.recovery解析:文章大意:文章介绍申请到大学中学习经济专业的学生的增加被归因于全球性的经济危机激起了民众对于金融系统运作知识的渴望。通过举例说明这样

10、的现象的好处。【小题 1】考查名词和句意理解:A.concern 关心,担心,B.thirst 渴望,C.sense 感觉,D.taste 品尝,品味,这句话的意思是:越来越多的学生申请大学经济系是由于经济危机唤醒了人们对于金融系统是如何运作的知识的渴望。所以选 B。【小题 2】考查动词和句意理解:A.works 运作,起作用,B.performs 表演,表现,C.serves 服务,D.affects 影响,这句话的理解同上题,指金融系统的运作,所以选 A。【小题 3】考查词组和句意理解:A.in terms of 就 而言,B.according to 根据,C.on account of

11、 因为 D.in spite of 虽然,句意是:根据 UCAS 的调查,今年一月份开始的学位课程的申请已经上升了 15%。选 B【小题 4】考查副词和上下文理解:A.yet 然而,B.once 一旦,曾经,C.also 也,D.still 仍然,上句话说:学位课程的申请已经上升了 15%,这句话是申请 A 水平经济学的学生也在上升,选 C【小题 5】考查形容词和句意理解:A.outstanding 杰出的,B.inspiring 激励人心的,C.convincing 使人相信的, D.leading 主要的,这里是介绍 John Beath,是协会的主席,是St Andrews 大学的主讲师

12、,选 D【小题 6】考查动词和句意理解:A.catching 抓住,B.appealing 和 to 搭配,是“吸引”,C.drawing 画,吸引,拉,临近, D.covering 覆盖,涉及,句意:他的意图是面向所有的系科的第一年的讲座,吸引了 400 多人。选 C【小题 7】考查形容词和句意理解:A.usual 通常的,B.regular 常规的,定期的,C. average 平均的,D.common 普通的,常见的,这几个是相似的形容词,这里强调和平常不一样,这次的讲座吸引 400 多人,选 A。【小题 8】考查名词和句意理解:A.majors 主修 B.interests 兴趣,C.

13、preferences 偏爱,D.standards 水平, majors 这里指是主修经济学的学生,句意:又很多学生不是主修经济学的,选 A【小题 9】考查动词和词组搭配:A.attach 附上,B.adapt 适应,改编,C.approach 靠近,处理,D.relate 和 有关,relate sth to sth“把和联系起来”,这里是:教授今年的工作是把教学和当代的事件联系起来,选 D【小题 10】考查副词和句意理解:A.generally 普遍地,B.frequently 频繁地,C.traditionally传统地,D.originally 最初地,原始地,这里指教授的教学方法和

14、传统的方法不一样,选 C【小题 11】考查动词和句意理解:A.raised 举起,提出,筹集,饲养,B.rose 上升,上涨,起身,C.fell 下降,跌倒, D.struck 敲打,袭击,句意:去年的大学申请有上升,还有下面的句子:But there were rises 47 average in several subjects 也可以看出答案是 B。【小题 12】考查介词和词组搭配:A.by 相差,B.in 在里面,C.over 越过,D.above 在上面,above average 在平均值上面,高于平均值,句意:在几个学科上上升都在平均值以上,选 D【小题 13】考查名词和句意理

15、解:A.effect 影响,B.focus 聚焦,C.interest 兴趣,D.benefit利益,句意是:人们对公共部门又有了兴趣,这些部门在经济危机中更加安全,选 C【小题 14】考查形容词:A.recent 最近的,B.late 最迟的,C.present 现在的,在场的,D.unique 独特的,句意:最近的一项调查表明三分之二的父母认为学校应该做更多的事情来教学生关于经济问题,选 A【小题 15】考查名词:A.matters 事情;事态;问题;关于.的事情;物质;重要性B.affairs 事务,C. events 事件,D.issues 问题, (报刊的)期,号,发行物,这里的fi

16、nancial matters 是“ 和经济有关的事情” ,选 A【小题 16】考查词组和句意理解:A.taking up 从事,拿起,开始学, B.going on 进展,C.calling up 唤起, D.keeping on 反复,句意:有一半的人说孩子问过现在发生的事情,选B【小题 17】考查动词和句意理解:A.overturn 使)翻倒,B.downturn .(价格或活动)开始下降,衰退,低迷时期 C.breakthrough 突破,D.breakout 爆发,句意:这次的衰退带来的好处之一是这一代人在经济上更理智,选 B。【小题 18】考查形容词比较级,A.cleverer 更

17、聪明,B.smarter 更聪明,C.brighter 更聪明,D.wiser 更理智,这里指孩子在经济问题上更加理智,不是更聪明,选 D【小题 19】考查动词和句意理解:A.struggle 努力,挣扎,B.measure 衡量,C.manage 设法,管理,D.earn 挣得,句意是:这代人在经济问题上更加理智,能够管理好自己的钱,选 C【小题 20】考查名词和上下文串联:A.stability 稳定,B.puzzle 困惑,C.uncertainty 不确定,D.recovery 恢复,前面提到:the global economic crisis 可知是经济不确定的时期,选 C。答案:

18、【小题 1】B【小题 2】A【小题 3】B【小题 4】C【小题 5】D【小题 6】C【小题 7】A【小题 8】A【小题 9】D【小题 10】C【小题 11】B【小题 12】D【小题 13】C【小题 14】A【小题 15】A【小题 16】B【小题 17】B【小题 18】D【小题 19】C【小题 20】C【2014 届安徽望江中学月考】阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。After years of searching, a truth seeker was told to go to a cave, in which he would

19、 find a well. “Ask the well what is 36 , ” he was advised, “and the well reveal (告诉,揭露) it to you.” Having found the well, the seeker asked that most basic and important 37 . And from the depths came the answer: “Go to the village crossroad, and there you shall find what you are seeking.”Full of 38

20、the man ran to the crossroad to 39 only three rather uninteresting shops. One shop was selling pieces of metal, another sold 40 , and thin wires were for sale in the third. Nothing and no one there seemed to 41 much to do with the revelation of truth.Disappointed, the seeker returned to the well to

21、demand an 42 , but he was told only: “You will 43 in the future.”As years went by, the 44 of his experience at the well gradually 45 until one night, while he was walking, the sound of sitar (西塔琴) music 46 his attention. It was wonderful and it was 47 with great skill and inspiration.Deeply 48 , the

22、 truth seeker felt drawn towards the 49 . He looked at the fingers dancing over the strings. And then suddenly he let out a cry of joyful 50 : the sitar was made out of wires and pieces of metal and wood just like 51 he had once seen in the three stores.At last he understood the 52 of the well: we h

23、ave already been given everything we need; our 53 is to assemble (聚集) and use them in the proper way. Nothing is 54 so long as we recognize only fragments (碎片). But as soon as the pieces are put together, something new appears, whose nature we could not have 55 by considering the fragments alone.【小题

24、 1】36.A. truthB. hopeC. futureD. music【小题 2】37.A. factB. reasonC. questionD. well【小题 3】38.A. energyB. hopeC. mysteryD. surprise【小题 4】39.A. getB. countC. findD. open【小题 5】40.A. instrumentsB. clothingC. foodD. wood【小题 6】41.A. connectB. haveC. prepareD. offer【小题 7】42.A. explanationB. adviceC. excuseD.

25、opportunity【小题 8】43.A. succeedB. discoverC. payD. understand【小题 9】44.A. bitternessB. failureC. memoryD. secret【小题 10】45.A. doubledB. forgotC. disappearedD. recovered【小题 11】46.A. paidB. lostC. splitD. caught【小题 12】47.A. playedB. broadcastC. enjoyedD. conducted【小题 13】48.A. annoyedB. movedC. confusedD.

26、 frightened【小题 14】49.A. adviserB. directorC. composerD. player【小题 15】50.A. admirationB. distinctionC. recognitionD. imagination【小题 16】51.A. thoseB. thatC. itD. them【小题 17】52.A. secretB. messageC. theoryD. benefit【小题 18】53.A. targetB. difficultyC. taskD. shortcoming【小题 19】54.A. interestingB. meaningf

27、ulC. accessibleD. successful【小题 20】55.A. foreseen(预见)B. decidedC. judgedD. formed解析:本文通过真理追寻者在“井”的指引下去追寻真理,但是还是没有弄得“真理是什么”。然而真理是朴素的,不深奥也不华丽;真理是离你最近的,需要你在“蓦然回首”处领悟。最后真理追寻者通过自己的领悟明白了那口井的意思:世界早已给予了我们需要的一切东西,我们只需要将它们组合起来,并以适当的方式去使用它们。如果我们只看到零星的碎片,那一切就都不会有意义。可只要我们将这些碎片组合起来形成一个整体,新的事物便会产生,并且新事物的性质是我们仅从碎片上

28、无法预见的。 【小题 1】A 由上文的 a truth seeker 可知,选 A 项( 原词复现 )。hope 希望;future 未来;music 音乐。句意:寻寻觅觅多年,真理追寻者被告知去往一个洞穴中,在那里,他将会找到一口井。 “去问那口井什么是真理, ”他得到这样的建议, “那口井就会告诉你什么是真理。”【小题 2】C 由下文的 answer 可知,此处选 C 项(question 问题) 。fact 事实;reason 理由;well 井。句意:他得到这样的建议, “那口井就会告诉你什么是真理。 ”追寻者在找到那口井后,问了那个最重要的问题。从井底深处传来一个声音:“去村里的十字

29、路口,在那儿可以找到你想寻觅的答案。 ”【小题 3】B 听说能找到问题的答案,那个人自然是怀着“希望(hope)”跑向十字路口。energy 能量;mystery 秘密,谜,神秘,神秘的事物。surprise 惊讶。【小题 4】C 结果在十字路口,那个人只是 “发现(find)”了三个毫不起眼的商店。 get 得到,获得;count 计数,数数;open 开张,开着。句意:追寻者满怀希望和憧憬奔到十字路口,却只看到三家毫不起眼的店铺。【小题 5】D 由后文的“the sitar was made out of wires and pieces of metal and wood just li

30、ke 51 he had once seen in the three stores.”可知, 此空选 wood(原词复现) 。句意:一家在卖金属片,另一家在卖木材,第三家则在卖细金属丝。【小题 6】B 三家店铺里的物品和人似乎都与真理无啥联系。have sth. to do with 是固定短语,意为“与有关系” 。connect 连接,联结;使有联系; prepare 准备;offer 主动提供。【小题 7】A 探索者很失望地回到水井那儿要求水井一个“解释”。( 他按照水井指点的去做却没有找到真理,他希望水井能“解释 explanation”一下)。advice 建议;excuse 原谅,

31、借口;opportunity 机会,机遇。【小题 8】D 根据最后一段的 “At last he understood the 52 of the well”可知, 此处填understand(原词复现)。句意:追寻者感到很失望,回到井边想讨个说法,但井只告诉他:“你将来会明白的。 ”succeed 成功;discover 发现;pay 付出。【小题 9】C 与下面的一小题一并考虑。根据上文的叙述我们知道真理追寻者在“井边的那段经历”谈不上什么“bitterness 痛苦”或“failure 失败”(如果是痛苦的话,那就必定是失败的,反过来亦然),更没有什么“secret 秘密” 可言。所以答

32、案只能是“记忆 memory”了。句意:他渐渐淡忘了井边的那段经历,直到有一天晚上,他沐浴着月光漫步在路上,被耳畔传来的一阵西塔琴的演奏声吸引住了。【小题 10】C 根据常识“随着时间的推移”,人们的记忆不可能成倍(doubled)增加。根据下文,这儿不是说 “他的记忆恢复了(recovered)”,故排除 A、D 选项。那么剩下来的要么是“记忆的遗忘(forgot) 或是消失 (disappeared)”。但是若要选 B 项,则应用被动语态,故答案只能是 C 项。 【小题 11】D catch ones attention 吸引某人的注意力(西塔琴的演奏声吸引了他的注意力);pay ones

33、 attention to 把注意力集中在某一件事上。其余两个词(lose, split)不跟“attention” 搭配构成动词短语。句意:他渐渐淡忘了井边的那段经历,直到有一天晚上,他沐浴着月光漫步在路上,被耳畔传来的一阵西塔琴的演奏声吸引住了。【小题 12】A it 指代 music,与 play 搭配意为“演奏音乐” 。句意:那音乐相当美妙,弹奏的人琴艺高超,令听者深受鼓舞。broadcast 广播;enjoy 欣赏;conduct 指挥。【小题 13】B 上文的“inspiration( 鼓舞)”已经暗示了答案。如此美妙、令人鼓舞的音乐自然会让人“感动(moved)”。annoyed

34、 生气的;confused 困惑的; frightened 害怕的, 均不符合上下文的语境。【小题 14】D player 指演奏音乐的人,与【小题 12】呼应。adviser 提建议者;director 导演;composer 作曲者。句意:真理追寻者被深深地打动了,他不由自主地被弹琴的人吸引了过去。【小题 15】C 他因为“ 认出了”制作西塔琴的线、金属和木头就是他曾经在商店里见过的那些东西,而发出欣喜的叫声。admiration 羡慕,钦佩;distinction 区别,差别;recognition 认出,识别;imagination 想像力。recognition 符合语境。 【小题

35、16】A those 在本句中代替上文提到的 wires,metal and wood 作后面定语从句的先行词。that 与 it 代替单数名词;them 不能用作先行词。本段的文意:真理追寻者被深深地打动了,他不由自主地被弹琴的人吸引了过去。看着弹琴人的手指在琴弦上拨动飞舞,他突然注意到了锡塔琴本身。随即,他喜不自禁地叫了出来,因为他发现锡塔琴正是由细金属丝、金属片和木头组成的这些正和他之前在那三个店铺里看到过的物品一样。【小题 17】B 最后他终于明白了水井传达的寓意。 secret 秘密;message 消息, 信息, 要点, 寓意;theory 理论; benefit 利益,好处。B

36、项符合句意。【小题 18】C 下文“to assemble (聚集) and use them in the proper way(用恰当的方式把它们聚集起来并使用)”指的应该是“任务(task)”。target 目标;difficulty 困难;shortcoming 缺点。句意:我们需要的东西都已经有了,我们的“任务”是用恰当的方式把它们聚集起来并使用。(就像把线、金属和木头用恰当的方式聚集到一起就能做出西塔琴一样。).【小题 19】B 根据倒数第二段的阐述,我们不难推出 “如果我们看到的只是碎片,那就没什么意义的”也就是我们常常所说的“不要孤立地看问题” 。 meaningful 有意义

37、的;interesting 有趣的;accessible 可接近的;successful 成功的。【小题 20】A 它的本质即新生事物的本质不可能是靠我们去“决定的(decided)”、 “形成的(formed)”或是去“判定的(judged)”,而只能靠我们去“ 预见的” (比如,我们只是孤立地去看线、金属和木头,也就无法预见它们能做成西塔琴后的本质)。最后一段的文意:他终于明白了那口井的意思:我们需要的东西都已经有了,我们的“任务”是用恰当的方式把它们聚集起来并使用。世界早已给予了我们需要的一切东西,我们只需要将它们组合起来,并以适当的方式去使用它们。如果我们只看到零星的碎片,那一切就都不

38、会有意义。可是一旦我们将这些碎片组合起来形成一个整体,新的事物便会产生,并且新事物的性质是我们仅从碎片上无法预见的。 答案:【小题 1】A【小题 2】C【小题 3】B【小题 4】C【小题 5】D【小题 6】B【小题 7】A【小题 8】D【小题 9】C【小题 10】C【小题 11】D【小题 12】A【小题 13】B【小题 14】D【小题 15】C【小题 16】A【小题 17】B【小题 18】C【小题 19】B【小题 20】A【2013 届黑龙江大庆市高三第二次模拟】阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。In the

39、 era of high-tech today, face-to-face conversation is dying. The New York Times published an article recently that shows great 36 f or the “death of conversation”. It 37 that while technology such as cell phones, e-mails, and Internet posting makes us feel more 38 than ever, theyre also driving us a

40、way from people around us. Users get final connectivity 39 the price of 40 face-to-face conversation. Sherry Turkle, author of the article in The New York Times says people are 41 to a different way of being “alone together”.Actually, 42 text messages or writing micro-blogs allows us to 43 thoughts.

41、 But bits and pieces of online cannot 44 a “real conversation.” Lan Guo, 19, a freshman English major from Changsha University, said that she would like to hear peoples tone of voice and see their faces in a conversation. “The give and take of 45 in a conversation sharpens our minds.” she said. She

42、also mentions that 46 ourselves in mobile technology reduces our chance of starting conversations with strangers and 47 people.Turkle mentioned the popular 48 of “I share, therefore I am.” among this generation. Liu Xuan, a young writer from Taiwan and psychology graduate from Harvard University, th

43、inks its an attitude 49 by most young people. They are 50 busy creating or polishing their online persona (网络人格) that they forget how to live a 51 life. However, experts remind us that its 52 to blame mobile technology. Chen Chen, a sociology expert at China Youth & Children Research Center, points

44、out that 53 is still owners of tools whore avoiding personal contact. We take advantage of these devices to hide ourselves from others. Texting messages or calling may be a(n) 54 to avoid contact with others, such as having eye contact. “Only by strengthening conversation can we understand each othe

45、r. 55 throwing away the mobile phones is no t a solution.” she said.【小题 1】36.A. regretB. respectC. angerD. support【小题 2】37.A. advisesB. speaks C. suggestsD. talks【小题 3】38.A. receivedB. connectedC. sharedD. separated【小题 4】39.A. withB. forC. inD. at【小题 5】40.A. havingB. riskingC. sacrificingD. continui

46、ng【小题 6】41.A. relatedB. committedC. limitedD. accustomed【小题 7】42.A. sendingB. gettingC. readingD. Taking【小题 8】43.A. changeB. exchangeC. explainD. develop【小题 9】44.A. indicateB. replaceC. coverD. involve【小题 10】45.A. ideasB. lettersC. chancesD. gifts【小题 11】46.A. imaginingB. joiningC. buryingD. attachin

47、g【小题 12】47.A. interviewingB. introducingC. recognizingD. meeting【小题 13】48.A. feelingB. conceptC. imageD. Truth【小题 14】49.A. adaptedB. confirmedC. handledD. adopted【小题 15】50.A. soB. tooC. veryD. quite【小题 16】51.A. realB. colorfulC. dailyD. meaningful【小题 17】52.A. importantB. necessaryC. unfairD. uncomfo

48、rtable【小题 18】53.A. thatB. thisC. it D. one【小题 19】54.A. problemB. excuseC. strategyD. explanation【小题 20】55.A. EventuallyB. HardlyC. ApproximatelyD. Simply解析:本篇通过现代科技手机、网络等在为人们沟通提供便利的同时,也使得许多年轻人遭遇沟通危机,与周围人关系日渐疏远这一问题,展开议论,是手机等技术之错,还是现代人之过?【小题 1】A 从下文的“death of conversation”推断应该是为此而感到遗憾(regret)。 纽约时报近日发表的一篇文章表达了对“沟通对话被扼杀”的惋惜之情。respect 尊敬;anger 气愤;support 支持。【小题 2】C 下文是该篇文章说明的内容。该篇文章说明。advise 与 suggest 都有“ 建议”的意思,后面跟宾语从句时,从句中谓语动词要用 should+原形动词,其中“should”可以省略。但是“suggest”还有“说明、暗示”等意思,这时后面的宾语从句谓语动词则不受此限制。本句中“suggest”真是“说明”的意思。speak 和 talk 都是“说、说话”的意思,不符合上下文语境。


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