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1、2014 年安徽省中考真题英语 第一部分 听力(略) 第二部分 英语知识运用(共三大题,满分 55分) VI.单项填空 (共 20 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 20 分 ) 从每小题所给的 A、 B、 C、 D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 31. It is _ for me to follow the Australian guests because I am good at English. A. bad B. easy C. hard D. right 解析: 本题考察四个形容词的含义。根据句子含义可以选出答案。 bad坏的; easy 简单的容易的; hard 硬的,难

2、的; right 对的 。 答案: B 32. _ the exam, well say good-bye to our dear teachers, classmates as well as our beautiful school. A. In B. For C. After D. Through 解析: 本题考察连词和介词的使用。很多同学会误选 in, 注意 in 后面加的是一段时间,这里是时间点,所以选 after。 in 在多久之后; for 因为; after 在 之后; through 通过。 翻译:考试之后 , 我们就要和我们亲爱的老师,同学和美丽的校园说再见了。 答案: C

3、 33. Can I bring a friend to your birthday party? Sure, _. A. no problem B. not at all C. my pleasure D. well done 解析: 本题考察情景交际。根据句子含义可以选出答案。本题容易误选 my pleasure, 注意它的固定用法,回答感谢的。 no problem 没问题; not at all 没关系 ( 回答感谢和对不起 ); my pleasure 我的荣幸(回答感 谢); well done 干得好 ( 回答鼓励 ) 答案: A 34. Rick has learned a l

4、ot about Chinese culture _ he came to China. A. before B. when C. until D. since 解析: 本题考察现在完成时的标志词,根据前面的 has learned现在完成时,后面的时间连接词应该用 since. 翻译:自从 Rick来中国,已经学习了很多的中国文化。 答案: D 35. I forgot to bring my dictionary. Could I use yours? Yes, you _. A. can B. must C. could D. should 解析: 本题考察情态动词的提问回答 Can /

5、Could 提问的一般疑问句,肯定回答和否定回答时都用 can. 答案: A 36. Mum, what are you cooking? It_ so sweet. A. tastes B. feels C. sounds D. smells 解析: 本题考察感官动词含义,根据句子含义可以选出答案。 taste 尝上去; feel 感觉上去;sound 听上去; smell 闻上去 。 答案: D 37. More and more people come to visit Mount Huangshan Thats true. It has become the _ of Anhui. A

6、. pride B. effort C. praise D. courage 解析: 本题考察名词含义,根据句子含义可以选出答案。 pride 骄傲; effort 努力; praise 赞扬; courage 勇气 。 翻译:越来越多的人来参观黄山。是的,它已经成为安徽的骄傲。 答案: A 38. Its so late. Why not write the report tomorrow? But I dont know _. I can do it if not now. A. why B. when C. how D. where 解析: 本题考察宾语从句的连接词,要注意的是句子含义。

7、另外可以看到后面有一句 if not now.可以推断本题在讨论时间问题。 why为什么; when 什么时间; how 怎么样; where 哪里。 翻译:太迟了,为什么不明天写报告呢?我不知道现在不写什么时候再写。 答案: B 39. As time_, youll come to think of English as your friend and love it. A. goes by B. runs out C. takes off D. turns up 解析: 本题考察固定搭配的含义。翻译的时候需要注意词组 think of as 把 看作 。 go by经过 时光流逝 ; r

8、un out用完 ; 耗尽 ; take off 起飞 脱下 ; turn up 出现 开大 。 翻译:随着时间的流逝,你会把英语当作你的朋友并且爱它。 答案: A 40. If my friends have any problems, my door is _ open to them. A. never B. seldom C. sometimes D. always 解析: 本题考察副词的含义。注意结合句子的含义就能得出答案。 never 从未; seldom 很少; sometimes 有时; always 总是。 翻译:如果我的朋友有任何问题,我的大门总是对他们敞开。 答案: D

9、41. Mr. Wang has left for Guangzhou. He _ a speech there in two days. A. gives B. gave C. will give D. has given 解析: 本题考察一般将来时,句子最后出现关键词 in two days 两天后 , in+一段时间表将来。 翻译:王老师已经动身去广州了,他两天就会在那有一场演讲。 答案: C 42. Jim, remember to return this book by Friday. _. A. Got it B. Good luck C. Thats right D. Its n

10、othing 解析: 本题考察情景交际。本题上下文选出答案。 Got it 知道了 ; Good luck 好运 ; Thats right 那是对的 ; Its nothing 没什么 。 翻译: Jim,记得到周五要还书啊。 知道了。 答案: A 43. _the sun was not yet up, many people were already taking exercise in the square A. As B. If C. Though D. Because 解析: 本题考察连词含义。根据句子含义选出答案。本题容易选成 because,如果同学不仔细读题,很容易翻译成 因

11、为太阳还没有升起来,所以很多人正在广场上做运动。一定要注意一个关键词 already 已经,所以和前句是转折 关系。 as 当 ; if 如果 ; though 尽管 ; because 因为。 翻译:尽管太阳还没有升起来,但是已经有很多人在广场上做运动了。 答案: C 44. I dont _ the heat, for Im used to hot weather. A. like B. mind C. know D. stand 解析: 本题考察四个动词的含义。选题时需要注意单词 heat 热度 高温 , stand 忍受,根据Im used to hot weather可以选出答案。

12、答案: B 45. You can take_ of the two toy cars and leave the other for your brother. A. both B. none C. either D. neither 解析: 本题考察不定代词的用法。 both 两者都; none (三个以上 )一个也不; either (两者 )任一; neither(两者)都不。 翻译:你能拿玩具车中的任何一个,然后把另外一个留给你的兄弟。 答案: C 46. Rose finished her study in the university and went to_ a good jo

13、b. A. take after B. look after C. care for D. search for 解析: 本题考察动词词组。 take after 长得像 效仿; look after 照顾; care for 照顾; search for 寻找。 答案: D 47. Spend more time talking with your parents, _they may not well understand you. A. or B. so C. and D. but 解析: 本题考察祈使句 +and, 祈使句 +or的用法。祈使句 +and 然后就 ; 祈使句 +or 否

14、则 翻译:多花点时间和你的父母聊天,否则他们不能很好的理解你。 答案: A 48. As we all know, the Silk Road _ China to the west in ancient times. A. connects B. connected C. will connect D. is connecting 解析: 本题考察过 去时,句子的最后有一个关键词 in ancient times.在古代,所以选择过去时。 答案: B 49. He is an honest boy. I have no reason to _ what he said. A. hear B.

15、 doubt C. repeat D. believe 解析: 本题考察动词含义。 hear 听到 ; doubt 怀疑 ; repeat重复 ; believe 相信。 答案: B 50. We failed in the singing competition. _. Better times are waiting for you. A. No way B. Best wishes C. Cheer up D. Good job 解析: 本题虽然考察的是情景交际,但是也包含了对四个词组含义的理解。 No way 决不;Best wishes 最美好的祝愿、祝福; Cheer up 加油,

16、振作起来 ; Good job 做得好。 翻译:我们歌唱比赛输了。振作起来,更好的时光在等着你。 答案 : C VII.完形填空 (共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分 ) 阅读下列短文 , 从每小题所给的 A、 B、 C、 D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。 A In China, very few children make pocket money, 51 , in western countries, most kids make pocket money by themselves. They make money in many different 52 . When ki

17、ds are very young, their parents help them sell the fruits of their own trees to neighbours. Kids may also help 53 do housework to make money at home. When they 54 sixteen, they can make money by sending newspapers or by working in fast food restaurants, 55 during the summer holidays. There are many

18、 56 of making pocket money by kids themselves. First of all, they learn the 57 of money by working hard so that they will not waste any. Secondly, they learn to 58 money to buy things they need or want, such as books, pencils, movies and even clothes they like. Thirdly, they learn to 59 the daily li

19、fe problems by helping their parents or others. Making pocket money is 60 for children when they grow up. That is why parents encourage their kids to make pocket money. 51. A. Also B. Anyway C. However D. Besides 解析: 上文提到 “ very few children make pocket money” ,下文讲述 “ most kids make pocket money” ,上

20、下文之间是转折关系,故选 C. however。 答案: C 52. A. ways B. levels C. homes D. countries 解析: 下文提到 “ they can make money by sending newspapers or by working ” ,by表示方式,故选 A. ways。 答案: A 53. A. teachers B. friends C. parents D. neighbours 解析: 文章第三句提到了 their parents help them并且由下文的 “ do housework ” 和 “ at home” ,得出答案

21、是 C. parents。 答案: C 54. A. get B. have C. catch D. reach 解析: A和 B都可以表示到达 A.当 get表示 “ 到达 ” 时是不及物动词,不可以直接接名词,用 get to; D. reach是及物动词,可以接名词 reach sixteen意思是到了 16岁 B.拥有; C.抓住。 答案: D 55. A. really B. hardly C. properly D. especially 解析: 此句表达 “ they can make money by sending newspapers or by working in fa

22、st food restaurants”与 “ during the summer holidays” 存在逻辑关系,用 especially表示 “ 尤其 ” , A选项为真正地; B选项为几乎不; C选项为可能地。 答案: D 56. A. choices B. advantages C. problems D. lessons 解析: 下文说 “ First of all, they learn; Secondly they learn to;Thirdly they learn to ” ,此处应是挣零花钱的好处,用 advantages, A选项为选择; C选项为问题; D选项为教训

23、。 答案: B 57. A. fun B. value C. message D. purpose 解析: 由 “ so that they will not waste any” 可知,这句应为通过努力工作了解了钱的价值, A选项为 “ 乐趣 ” ; B选项为 “ 价值 ” ; C选项为 “ 信息 ” ; D选项为 “ 目的 ” 。 答案: B 58. A. count B. waste C. manage D. change 解析: 根据上下文可知,他们学会了管理金钱来买他们所需要或想要的东西。 答案: C 59. A. give up B. look up C. deal with D.

24、 meet with 解析: 根据上下文可知,通过帮助父母和其他人,他们学会了处理日常生活问题。 A选项为“ 放弃 ” ; B选项为 “ 查看 ” ; C选项为 “ 处理 ” ; D选项为 “ 遇到,遭受 ” 。 答案: C 60. A. helpful B. careful C. beautiful D. successful 解析: 从上文提到的三种 advantages以及下文 “这就是为什么父母鼓励孩子挣零花钱 “ 可知,此处为应选 A. helpful“ 有帮助的 ” ; B选项为 “ 小心的 ” ; C选项为 “ 漂亮的 ” ; D选项为“ 成功的 ” 。 答案: A B Once

25、 there lived a farmer called Henry. He had a brother, Mike, in town who was an excellent gardener. His skill and his beautiful trees were 61 everywhere. One day, Henry went to town to visit Mike. Look, my brother, said Mike, Here is the best 62 tree from my garden. Take it home and 63 it so that you

26、, and your children, and your childrens children can enjoy it.” Henry was 64 with the apple tree and went back home. The next morning, he began to 65 where he should plant it. If I plant it on the hill,” said he to himself, the wind might catch it and 66 flown the fruit; If I plant it close to the r

27、oad, people who pass by will pick some of them; But if I plant it . 67 he planted the tree in the comer behind his house, where no one else could notice it. But the tree bore(结出 ) no fruit the first year, nor the second. Then Henry sent for his brother and said to him 68 , “You have cheated me. This

28、 is the third year and it bring me 69 but leaves. When Mike saw where the tree was planted, he laughed and said, You have planted the tree in such a cold corner without 70 or warmth. How, then, could you expect flowers and fruit? 61. A. simple B. famous C. similar D. common 解析: 根据上文,介绍 Mike时, “ who

29、was an excellent gardener” ,说明他种树的技巧很好,所以种树技巧和种出来的美丽的树,都很出名,符合题意。故选 B。其他选项, A. simple,简单; C. similar, 相似的; D. common, 常见的。均不符合。 答案: B 62. A. pear B. grape C. apple D. banana 解析: 根据下文,第二段 64题后面提示, “ the apple tree” ,可知 Mike送的是苹果树,故答案选 C。 答案: C 63. A. sell B. wash C. hide D. plant 解析: 根据上下文, Mike先是赠送苹

30、果树给 Henry.然后告诉 Henry把苹果树带回家 “ take it home” ,接下来肯定是让 Henry种苹果树,后面才能继续说 “ you, and your children, your childrens children can enjoy it” ,所以 plant符合题意,故选 D。 答案: D 64. A. tired B. patient C. pleased D. popular 解析: 根据上文,有人送 Henry苹果树, Henry肯定是很高兴地接受了苹果树,另外,文中有be pleased with的固定搭配,选择 C,符合题意。 答案: C 65. A.

31、learn B. wonder C. realize D. understand 解析: 根据下文, Henry自言自语,幻想把苹果树种在山上,路边,苹果树会被风刮掉,路人会偷摘果子。可以反推 65题, Henry想知道他应该把苹果树种在哪里。所以应该选择 wonder“ 想知道。 ” ,选择 B,符合题意。 答案: B 66. A. put B. cut C. push D. shake 解析: 根据所在句子, “ the wind might catch it and 66 down the fruit; 可以得知,大风会吹动苹果树,苹果会随风落下 ” 。所以 shake down the

32、 fruit“ 摇下果实 ” ,符合题意。答案选 D. shake。 答案: D 67. A. Finally B. Firstly C. Luckily D. Certainly 解析: 根据所在句子,关于在哪种苹果树, Henry假设了两种情况,种在山上和种在路边但又否定了。最终确定了把苹果树种在房屋后面的角落里,所以答案选 Finally, 符合题意。 答案: A 68. A. happily B. angrily C. kindly D. carelessly. 解析: 根据此段,苹果树没有结果子, “ But the tree bore(结出 )no fruit the first

33、year, nor the second.” ,和后面一句 “ You have cheated me” ,得知所以, Henry很生气地和 Mike说话。 B选项 angrily, 符合题意。 答案: B 69. A. nothing B. something C. everything D. anything 解析: 根据此段,苹果树没有结果子, Henry质 问 Mike, “ This is the third year and it brings me 69 but leaves.” 联系上下文,得知 Henry一无所获,除了树叶。所以选择 nothing,符合题意。 答案: A 7

34、0. A. air B. earth C. water D. sunlight 解析: 根据此段, Henry把树种在了阴暗的角落里, “ You have planted the tree in such a cold corner without 70 or warmth” ,这个角落应该没有阳光和温暖,符合题意。答案 A. air空气; B. earth泥土; C. water,水,都是角落里会有的。原文强调是冷的角落,所以没有阳光更合适。 答案: D VIII.补全对话 (共 5 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 5 分 ) 根据对话内容,从方框内的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有

35、两项为多余选项。 A. What happened? B. Long time no see! C. Who took these photos? D. Isnt dial John over there? E. We looked so funny in them. F. I cant believe its been ten years. G. And then he would fall asleep in Brian: Hi, Cindy. 71 Cindy; Hi, Brian. It is nice to see you and so many old classmates. Br

36、ian: So it is. 72 Cindy: Youre right. Its really a long time. Brian: Did you see the old photos on the wall? Cindy: I sure did. 73 Brian: But those are some great memories. Cindy: Hey! 74 Brian. Yes, it is. I remember he used to stay up all night studying. Cindy: 75 Brian: Yes. He was the only one l

37、eft in the class when he woke up. Cindy: That was really funny. 解析: 71.见面打招呼因此回复 “ 好久不见 ” ,故选 B。 72.根据 Cindy说的 “ You are right. Its really a long time.” 说明很长时间未见面,故选 F说明时间长。 73.根据 Brian说的 “ But those are some great memories” .但是这些是美好的回忆,说明上句有不太好的意思。 E说看起来搞笑,符合题意。故选 E。 74.根据 Brian说的 “ Yes, it is” 说明上

38、句是一般疑问句。只有 D符合,故选 D。 75.根据 Brian说的 “ Yes. He was the only one left in the class when he woke up.” 上句还是指 John,John最后在教室醒来说明他经常睡觉。故选 G。 答案: BFEDG 第三部分 阅读理解(共一大题,满分 40 分) IX.阅读理解 ( 共 20 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 40 分 ) 阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的 A、 B、 C、 D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。 A Tony Wheeler was born to travel. His father worked for

39、an airline. For the first 16 years of his life. Wheeler and his family lived in many different countries. In the early 1970s, Tony met a young woman named Maureen. They soon married. Before getting jobs, Tony and Maureen wanted to travel. They took a year-long trip from England, through Asia, to Aus

40、tralia. On the trip, they visited places like Iran( 伊朗 ) . India, and so on. When Tony and Maureen arrived in Australia, people asked many questions about their trip. To answer these questions, Wheeler wrote a book called Across Asia on the Cheap. The book told people about different countries weath

41、er, customs( 风俗 ) , and places to see. But unlike other travel books then, Tony Wheelers book also talked about places most tourists did not go. He also wrote about unusual things to see and do. The book was very popular. Tony and Maureen started a company called lonely Planet. They continued travel

42、ling. They wrote books for each place they visited. Today, 800 people work for Lonely Planet. The company has over 650 books. Tony Wheeler, the great traveller, still writes about travels to many places and will bring us more surprises. 76. Tony Wheeler and his wife ended the year-long trip in _. A.

43、 England B. Iran C. India D. Australia 解析: 题干的意思是 “ Tony Wheeler 和他的妻子为期一年的旅行的终点在哪里 ” ,关键词“ a year-long trip, ” 所以很快定位在第 2段,看到 “ They took a year-long trip from England,through Asia, to Australia” 。 答案: D 77. Tony Wheeler wrote the book Across Asia on the Cheap to _. A. make money for his next trip

44、B. tell people about his new company C. draw peoples attention to his family D. answer peoples questions about his trip 解析: 题干的意思是写 Across Asia on the Cheap为了什么从文中第三段 “ To answer these questions, Wheeler wrote a book called Across Asia on the Cheap.” 答案: D 78. How was the book Across Asia on the Che

45、ap different from other travel books then? A. It was longer and more popular. B. It was the first travel book in the world. C. It talked about places most tourists did not go. D. It talked about a countrys weather and customs. 解析: 从文中第三段 “ But unlike other travel books then in, Tony Wheelers book al

46、so talked about places most tourists did not go. ” 答案: C 79. Which of the following is TRUE about Tony Wheelers company? A. His father started it. B. It is an airline company. C. Hundreds of people work for it. D. It has no books about travelling. 解析: 第四段 “ 800 people work for Lonely Planet” 可以判断 C是正确的。 答案: C 80. The passage mainly talks about _. A. a great traveller and his books


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