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1、考研英语(一)-66 及答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Section Use of Eng(总题数:1,分数:10.00)Insurance companies provide a service to the community by protecting it against expected and unexpected disasters. Before an insurance company will agree to 1 anything, it collects accurate figures about the 2 . It knows, for

2、example, that the risk of a man being killed in a plane accident is less than the risk he 3 in crossing a busy road. This 4 it to quote low figures for travel insurance. Sometimes the risk may be high, as in motorracing or mountaineering. Then the company 5 a much higher price. 6 too many climbers h

3、ave accidents, the price rises still further. If the majority of climbers fall off mountains, the company will 7 to insure them. An ordinary householder may wish to protect his home against fire or his 8 against burglary. A shop keeper may wish to insure against 9 . In 10 cases, the company will che

4、ck its statistics and quote a premium. If it is 11 , it may refuse to quote. If it insures a shop and then receives a suspicious 12 , it will 13 the claim as a means of protecting itself against false claims. It is not unknown for a businessman in debt to burn down his own premises so that he can cl

5、aim much money from his insurance company. He can be sure that the fire will be investigated most carefully. Insurance companies also 14 insurance against shipwreck or disaster in the air. Planes and ships are very expensive, so a large 15 is charged, but a 16 is given to companies with an accident-

6、free record. Every week insurance companies receive premium 17 from customers. These payments can form a very large total 18 millions of dollars. The company does not leave the money in the bank. It 19 in property, shares, farms and even antique paintings and stamps. Its aim is to obtain the best po

7、ssible return on its investment. This is not so greedy as it may seem, since this is one way by which it can deep its premiums down and continue to make a profit 20 being of service to the community.(分数:10.00)A.assureB.insureC.ensureD.pressureA.threatB.dangerC.riskD.troubleA.holdsB.issuesC.intendsD.


9、.statueD.originA.discoverB.insureC.investigateD.protectA.receiveB.extendC.acceptD.preventA.premiumB.priceC.reliefD.propertyA.deductionB.reductionC.inductionD.productionA.paymentsB.fundC.capitalD.allowanceA.bringing upB.turning outC.arriving atD.running intoA.putsB.investsC.awardsD.impartsA.thoughB.w

10、henC.forD.while二、Section Reading Co(总题数:0,分数:0.00)三、Part A(总题数:0,分数:0.00)四、Text 1(总题数:1,分数:10.00)One of the many pleasures of watching Mad Men , a television drama about the advertising industry in the early 1960s, is examining the ways in which office life has changed over the years. One obvious ch

11、ange makes people feel good about themselves: they no longer treat women as second-class citizens. But the other obvious change makes them feel a bit more uneasy : they have lost the art of enjoying themselves at work. The ad-men in those days enjoyed simple pleasures. They puffed away at their desk

12、s. They drank throughout the day. They had affairs with their colleagues. They socialised not in order to bond , but in order to get drunk. Nowadays many companies are obsessed with fun. Software firms in Silicon Valley have installed rock-climbing walls in their reception areas and put inflatable a

13、nimals in their offices. Wal-Mart orders its cashiers to smile at all and sundry. The cult of fun has spread like some disgusting haemorrhagic disease. This cult of fun is driven by three of the most popular management fads of the moment: empowerment, engagement and creativity. Many companies pride

14、themselves on devolving power to front-line workers. But surveys show that only 20% of workers are“ fully engaged with their job “. Even fewer are creative. Managers hope that “ fun“ will magically make workers more engaged and creative. But the problem is that as soon as fun becomes part of a corpo

15、rate strategy it ceases to be fun and becomes its oppositeat best an empty shell and at worst a tiresome imposition. The most unpleasant thing about the fashion for fun is that it is mixed with a large dose of pressure. Boston Pizza encourages workers to send“ golden bananas“ to colleagues who are “

16、having fun while being the best“. Behind the“ fun“ there often lurks some crude management thinking: a desire to brand the company as better than its rivals, or a plan to boost productivity through team-building. Twitter even boasts that it has“ worked hard to create an environment that spawns produ

17、ctivity and happiness“. While imposing fake fun on their employees, companies are battling against the real thing. Many force smokers to huddle outside like furtive criminals. Few allow their employees to drink at lunch time, let alone earlier in the day. A regiment of busybodies from lawyers to hum

18、an resources functionariesis waging war on office romance, particularly between people of different ranks. The merchants of fake fun have met some resistance. When Wal-Mart tried to impose alien rules on its German staffsuch as compulsory smiling and a ban on affairs with coworkersit touched off a g

19、uerrilla war that ended only when the supermarket chain announced it was pulling out of Germany in 2006. But such victories are rare. For most wage slaves forced to pretend they are having fun at work, the only relief is to poke fun at their tormentors . Mad Men reminds people of a world they have l

20、osta world where bosses did not tbink that“fun“ was a management tool and where employees could happily quaff Scotch at noon. Cheers to that.(分数:10.00)(1).In the opening paragraph, the author introduces his topic by _.(分数:2.00)A.explaining a phenomenonB.justifying an assumptionC.posing an argumentD.

21、making a contrast(2).Which of the following statements can Not be inferred from paragraphs 3 and 4?(分数:2.00)A.Companies are competing each other in creating funB.Fun has been turned into a means as achieving corporate strategyC.Empowerment, engagement and creativity are nothing but empty conceptsD.T

22、witter prides itself in promoting the happiness as well as the productivity(3).By citing Wal-mart“s example, the author intends to _.(分数:2.00)A.warn companies of potential culture shock in multinational managementB.encourage dissatisfied workers to fight against their bossC.highlight the rarity of s

23、uccessful resistance against widespread cult for funD.express his admiration for disobedient German(4).The restriction on smoking and drinking reflects company“s _.(分数:2.00)A.contradiction in words and actionB.ignorance of employees“ true happinessC.violation of basic human rightsD.inflexibility in

24、managing staff(5).It can be inferred from the text that ad-men in 1960s are more happy than office workers today mainly because _.(分数:2.00)A.they are free to enjoy simple and spontaneous funB.they are empowered to make individual decisionsC.they are not forced to boost creavitivity and productivityD

25、.they can take a relief to poke fun at their boss五、Text 2(总题数:1,分数:10.00)The first time I tried shark-fin soup was at Time Warner“s annual dinner in Hong Kong. Shark-fin soup is a luxury item ($100 bowl in some restaurants)in Hong Kong and Mainland China, its biggest consumers; it“s a dish that embo

26、dies east Asia“s intertwined notions of hospitality and keeping (or losing) “face“. “It“s like champagne“, says Alvin Leung, owner of Bo Innovation, a Cantonese restaurant in Hong Kong. “You don“t open a bottle of Coke to celebrate. It“s a ritual . “ Unfortunately, this gesture of hospitality comes

27、with a price tag much bigger than that $ 100 bowl. All told, up to 70 million sharks are killed annually for the trade, despite the fact that 30% of shark species are threatened with extinction . “Sharks have made it through multiple mass extinctions on our planet, “ says Matt Rand, director of Pew“

28、s Global Shark Conservation division. “Now many species are going to go the way of the dinosaurfor a bowl of soup. “ The shark-fin industry has gained notoriety in recent years not just because of what it“s doing to the global shark population but also because of what“s known as finningthe practice

29、of catching a shark, removing its fins and dumping the animal back into the sea. While a pound of shark fin can go for up to $ 300, most shark meat isn“t particularly valuable, and it takes up freezer space and weight on fishing boats. Today, finning is illegal in the waters of the E. U. , the U. S.

30、 and Australia, among others; boats are required to carry a certain ratio of fins to carcasses (尸体) to prevent massive overfishing. But there are loopholes in antifinning laws that are easy to exploit. In the E. U. , for example, ships can land the fins separately from the carcasses, making the job

31、of monitoring the weight ratio nearly impossible. In the U. S. , a boat found carrying nearly 65, 000 lb. ( 30, 000 kg) of illegal shark fins won a court case because it was registered as a cargo vessel, which current U. S. finning. laws do not cover. Sharks populations can“t withstand commercial fi

32、shing the way more fertile marine species can. Unlike other fish harvested from the wild, sharks grow slowly. They don“t reach sexual maturity until later in lifethe female great white, for example, at 12 to 14 yearsand when they do, they have comparatively few offspring at a time, unlike, tunas , w

33、hich release millions of eggs when they spawn. The shark“s plight is starting to be weighed against the delicacy“s cultural value. The conservation group has lobbied local restaurants that offer the classic nine-course banquet served at Cantonese weddings, of which shark fin is traditionally a part,

34、 to offer a no-shark menu as a choice to couples. After my first encounter with shark-fin soup, I decided that, like my colleagues, I would probably skip it next time. Unfortunately, that next time came at an intimate dinner in a small, private dining room, where I was both a guest and a stranger. W

35、hen the soupthe centerpiece of the mealwas set down before me, I ate it. Apparently, I“m not the only one to cave . “You go to a wedding, and you refused to eat it just because you feel you“re insulted I“m not that extreme, “ Leung, the chef, says. “If other people believe that it brings luck .or br

36、ings face, I“d be a spoilsport . “To make a dent in the slaughter of the sharks, however, there are going to have to be a lot of people willing to spoil this particular sport.(分数:10.00)(1).Which of the following statements about shark-fin soup is true?(分数:2.00)A.It has a price tag much bigger than $

37、 100 bowlB.It carries rich cultural meaningC.It tastes like champagneD.It is expensive for its high nutrition(2).Some fishmen land the fins separately from the carcasses in order to _.(分数:2.00)A.escape punishment by lawB.make more freezer spaces on boatC.prevent massive overfishingD.exploit bad exec

38、ution of law(3).It can be inferred from the passage that _.(分数:2.00)A.large creatures tend to extinct more quickly than smaller ones such as tunaB.low breeding capability of shark is the vital reason for its endangermentC.the measures taken to battle against finning are not so successfulD.westerners

39、 show no interest in shark-fin soup(4).It is implied in this passage that to protect shark from extinction, the most important thing to do is _.(分数:2.00)A.to persuade restaurants to quit shark-fin soup in banquetB.to take courage to go against bad cuisine cultureC.to spot and make up for the loophol

40、e in lawD.to do more research to enhance the breeding capability of sharks(5).The best title for this passage is _.(分数:2.00)A.Dinausor First, Shark NextB.Endangered Shark SpeciesC.Dirty Trade of Shark-FinD.Killing by Eating六、Text 3(总题数:1,分数:10.00)Invention and innovation have been quintessentially A

41、merican pursuits from the earliest days of the republic. Benjamin Franklin was a world-famous scientist and inventor. Cyrus McCormick and his harvester, Samuel F. B. Morse and the telegraph, Alexander Graham Bell and the telephonethe 19th century produced a string of inventors and their world-changi

42、ng creations. And then there was the greatest of them all, Thomas Alva Edison. He came up with the crucial devices that would give birth to three enduring American industries:electrical power, recorded music and motion pictures. Much of the world we live in today is a legacy of Edison and of his dev

43、otion to science and innovation. Edison taught us to invent, and for decades we were the best in the world. But today, more than 160 years after Edison“s birth, America is losing its scientific edge. A landmark report released in May by the National Science Board lays out the numbers:while U. S. inv

44、estment in R for Schedule “s, they just phone the pharmacy. ( Schedule I substances are drugs like heroin that are never prescribed. ) For patients, that wealth of choices spelled danger. The result has hardly been surprising. Since 1990, there has been a tenfold increase in prescriptions for opioid

45、s in the U. S. , according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDCP). In 1990 there were barely 6, 000 deaths from accidental drug poisoning in the U. S. By 2007 that number had nearly quintupled , to 27, 658. Health officials do not tease out which drug is responsible for every death

46、, and it“s not always possible. “There may be lots of drugs on board, “ says Cathy Barber, director of the Injury Control Research Center at the Harvard School of Public Health. “Is it the opioid that caused the death? Or is it the combination of opioid, benzodiazepine and a cocktail the person had?

47、“ Still, most experts agree that nothing but the exploding availability of opioids could be behind the exploding rate of death. Despite such heavy death toil, the suivellance over these popular pills faces regulatory maze . In early 2009, the FDA announced that it was initiating a “ risk-evaluation

48、and mitigation strategy“. The regulations the FDA is empowered to issue include requiring manufacturers to provide better information to patients and doctors, requiring doctors to meet certain educational criteria before writing opioid prescriptions and limiting the number of docs and pharmacies all

49、owed to prescribe or dispense the drugs. “And with all that, “warns Dr. John Jenkins, director of the FDA“s Office of New Drugs, “ we do still have to make sure patients have access to drugs they need. “Any regulations the FDA does impose won“t be announced until 2011 at the earliest and could take a year or more to roll out. That leaves millions of people continuing to fill prescriptions, tens of thousands per year dying and patients in genuine pain wondering when a needed medication will relieve their sufferingand when it could lead

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