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1、遗传学-9 及答案解析(总分:94.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、名词解释(总题数:5,分数:15.00)1.Intron and exon(分数:3.00)_2.Haldance Law(分数:3.00)_3.Episome(分数:3.00)_4.Variegated type of position effect(分数:3.00)_5.Male sterility maintenance line(分数:3.00)_二、选择题(总题数:10,分数:15.00)6.SRY 基因:_。A是一种果蝇分节基因,决定体节分化B是人类 Y 染色体短臂上的具有男性性别决定作用的基因C是 X 染色体失活

2、中心的调节基因D是哺乳动物性连锁基因剂量补偿效应的开关基因(分数:1.50)A.B.C.D.7.Pedigree method or somatic cell hybridization can be used to map human chromosome genes. When the former is used to do chromosome mapping? _.AX chromosome linked genes are easier than somatic genesBX chromosome linked genes are more difficult than soma

3、tic genesCX chromosome linked genes are as easy as somatic genesDAll the above statements are incorrect because the data of pedigree method is unable to be used in chromosome mapping(分数:1.50)A.B.C.D.8.异序性是指:_。AT4 噬菌体的环状排列基因次序模型B遗传重组时非姐妹染色单体之间形成的 Holliday 中间体交叉迁移造成的 DNA 双链异源性C由于倒位产生的融合基因表达的性状嵌合性D由于线粒

4、体在细胞分裂中的无序性而造成的机体内各组织间遗传上的异质性(分数:1.50)A.B.C.D.9.A female-male mosaic fruit fly may be formed, if there is chromosome loss or _.Aequal division during sperm generationBabnormal mitosis during merogenesis (fertilized egg cleavage)Cmeiosis in embryoDmeiosis when sperm is tailed(分数:1.50)A.B.C.D.10.以青霉素培

5、养基作为选择培养基,用来筛选细菌的营养缺陷型,这一技术的原理是_。A青霉素可杀死敏感型细菌,只允许抗性细菌生存B青霉素有时可以补偿营养缺陷型,允许营养缺陷性细菌在基本培养基上生存C青霉素在营养缺陷型的菌落特征上,起明显的修饰作用,便于人们观察认识D青霉素可杀死繁殖的原养型细菌,只留下营养缺陷型(分数:1.50)A.B.C.D.11.The cultured E. coli system was infected by two types of bacteriophages. One type is a-b-, another is a+b+. Then the lysate was sampl

6、ed and smeared on medium. The data of the bacteriophage growth by counting plaques is as follows: a+b+=4750, a+b-=370, a-b+=330, a-b-=4550. How much is the recombination rate between a and b? _A70% B12.8% C7% D15%(分数:1.50)A.B.C.D.12.玉米 n+1 花粉不育,n+1 胚囊则可育。已知 R 产生红色,r 无色。在杂交 RRrrr中子代的表现型比例是_。A1 红色:1 无

7、色 B3 红色:1 无色C5 红色:1 无色 D6 红色:1 无色(分数:1.50)A.B.C.D.13.Base-pair substitutions in point mutation include: _.Atransvertion and transformationBtransition and transvertionCconversion and transitionDtransposition and transvertion(分数:1.50)A.B.C.D.14.表观遗传变异(epigenetic variation): _。A在基因的 DNA 序列不变的情况下,基因表达发生

8、可遗传变异B也能引起表型改变C包括 DNA 甲基化、遗传印记、小 RNA 等造成的可遗传变异D上述几项陈述都正确(分数:1.50)A.B.C.D.15.In a strain of fruit fly, after several times of artificial hybridizations, the map distances of the given loci is A-B=10 m.u., A-C=20 m.u., A-D=25 m.u., B-C=30 m.u., B-D=15 m.u., If the genetic map is drawn according to the

9、se humbers, the correct locus order should be _.ADCBA BDBAC CCADB DACDB(分数:1.50)A.B.C.D.三、简述题(总题数:2,分数:30.00)16.试说明 RFLP 的基本原理,及其在现代遗传和人类疾病诊断过程中的应用。(分数:15.00)_17.Using interrupted mating experiment, 5 Hfr strains (1, 2, 3, 4 and 5)were inspected to infer the sequence that these strains transfer seve

10、ral different genes (F, G, O, P, Q, R, S, W, X and Y)to an F-strain. According to the results, any strain had its particular transferring sequence, as follows (only the first 6 genes transferred are cited for any strain):(分数:15.00)_四、分析计算题(总题数:2,分数:34.00)18.上海奶牛的泌乳量比根塞(Guernseys)牛高 12%,而根塞牛的奶油含量比上海奶

11、牛高 30%。泌乳量和奶油含量的差异大约各包括 10 个基因位点,没有显隐性关系。在上海奶牛和根塞牛的杂交中,F 2中有多少比例的个体的泌乳量和上海奶牛一样高,而奶油含量和根塞牛一样高?(分数:17.00)_19.An ordinary scientist conducted a cross of shmoos double heterozygote with the same genotype AaBb. The phenotypic segregation rate of the filial generation he detected is 9:7. He was sure this

12、is not a phenomenon of double recessive epistasis and it should be involved in a segregation rate of 9:6:1, and however, aabb is lethal. He thinks it would not be realizable to distinguish 9:7 and 9:6 by statistic method. but he cannot solve this problem. Can you help him?(分数:17.00)_遗传学-9 答案解析(总分:94

13、.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、名词解释(总题数:5,分数:15.00)1.Intron and exon(分数:3.00)_正确答案:(构成割裂基因(split gene)的两类交替存在的 DNA 序列。外显子是编码序列,是基因中对应于 mRNA 序列的区域;内含子是非编码序列,在初级转录产物加工成成熟 mRNA 的过程中被切除。)解析:2.Haldance Law(分数:3.00)_正确答案:(英国遗传学家和生理学家霍尔丹提出,凡是很少发生交换的个体必然是异配性别个体。这一定律称为霍尔丹定律(Haldance Law)。)解析:3.Episome(分数:3.00)_正确答案:(既可以存在

14、于细菌染色体之外作为一个独立的复制子,又可以整合到细菌染色体上作为细菌复制子的一部分的遗传因子,称为附加体(Episome)。)解析:4.Variegated type of position effect(分数:3.00)_正确答案:(位置效应的一种,与异染色质有关。一般当原来在常染色质区域的基因被变换到异染色质区的位置时,便会发生花斑位置效应(Variegated type of position effect),表现为基因在一些体细胞中失活,在另一些体细胞中有正常活性。)解析:5.Male sterility maintenance line(分数:3.00)_正确答案:(雄性不育保持系

15、指与雄性不育系杂交后,仍能保持不育系的雄性不育特征的品系,其细胞质和细胞核基因的组合是 N(rfrf)。)解析:二、选择题(总题数:10,分数:15.00)6.SRY 基因:_。A是一种果蝇分节基因,决定体节分化B是人类 Y 染色体短臂上的具有男性性别决定作用的基因C是 X 染色体失活中心的调节基因D是哺乳动物性连锁基因剂量补偿效应的开关基因(分数:1.50)A.B. C.D.解析:7.Pedigree method or somatic cell hybridization can be used to map human chromosome genes. When the former

16、is used to do chromosome mapping? _.AX chromosome linked genes are easier than somatic genesBX chromosome linked genes are more difficult than somatic genesCX chromosome linked genes are as easy as somatic genesDAll the above statements are incorrect because the data of pedigree method is unable to

17、be used in chromosome mapping(分数:1.50)A. B.C.D.解析:8.异序性是指:_。AT4 噬菌体的环状排列基因次序模型B遗传重组时非姐妹染色单体之间形成的 Holliday 中间体交叉迁移造成的 DNA 双链异源性C由于倒位产生的融合基因表达的性状嵌合性D由于线粒体在细胞分裂中的无序性而造成的机体内各组织间遗传上的异质性(分数:1.50)A.B.C.D. 解析:9.A female-male mosaic fruit fly may be formed, if there is chromosome loss or _.Aequal division du

18、ring sperm generationBabnormal mitosis during merogenesis (fertilized egg cleavage)Cmeiosis in embryoDmeiosis when sperm is tailed(分数:1.50)A.B. C.D.解析:10.以青霉素培养基作为选择培养基,用来筛选细菌的营养缺陷型,这一技术的原理是_。A青霉素可杀死敏感型细菌,只允许抗性细菌生存B青霉素有时可以补偿营养缺陷型,允许营养缺陷性细菌在基本培养基上生存C青霉素在营养缺陷型的菌落特征上,起明显的修饰作用,便于人们观察认识D青霉素可杀死繁殖的原养型细菌,只留

19、下营养缺陷型(分数:1.50)A. B.C.D.解析:11.The cultured E. coli system was infected by two types of bacteriophages. One type is a-b-, another is a+b+. Then the lysate was sampled and smeared on medium. The data of the bacteriophage growth by counting plaques is as follows: a+b+=4750, a+b-=370, a-b+=330, a-b-=455

20、0. How much is the recombination rate between a and b? _A70% B12.8% C7% D15%(分数:1.50)A.B.C. D.解析:12.玉米 n+1 花粉不育,n+1 胚囊则可育。已知 R 产生红色,r 无色。在杂交 RRrrr中子代的表现型比例是_。A1 红色:1 无色 B3 红色:1 无色C5 红色:1 无色 D6 红色:1 无色(分数:1.50)A.B.C. D.解析:13.Base-pair substitutions in point mutation include: _.Atransvertion and trans

21、formationBtransition and transvertionCconversion and transitionDtransposition and transvertion(分数:1.50)A.B. C.D.解析:14.表观遗传变异(epigenetic variation): _。A在基因的 DNA 序列不变的情况下,基因表达发生可遗传变异B也能引起表型改变C包括 DNA 甲基化、遗传印记、小 RNA 等造成的可遗传变异D上述几项陈述都正确(分数:1.50)A.B.C.D. 解析:15.In a strain of fruit fly, after several times

22、 of artificial hybridizations, the map distances of the given loci is A-B=10 m.u., A-C=20 m.u., A-D=25 m.u., B-C=30 m.u., B-D=15 m.u., If the genetic map is drawn according to these humbers, the correct locus order should be _.ADCBA BDBAC CCADB DACDB(分数:1.50)A.B. C.D.解析:三、简述题(总题数:2,分数:30.00)16.试说明 R

23、FLP 的基本原理,及其在现代遗传和人类疾病诊断过程中的应用。(分数:15.00)_正确答案:(RFLP(Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphisma,限制性片段长度多态性)。RFLP 是一种以 DNADNA 杂交为基础的第一代遗传标记。RFLP 基本原理:利用特定的限制性内切酶识别并切割不同生物个体的基因组 DNA,得到大小不等的 DNA 片段,所产生的 DNA 数目和各个片段的长度反映了 DNA 分子上不同酶切位点的分布情况。通过凝胶电泳分析这些片段,就形成不同带,然后与克隆 DNA 探针进行 Southern 杂交和放射显影,即获得反映个体特异性的

24、RFLP 图谱。它所代表的是基因组 DNA 在限制性内切酶消化后产生片段在长度上差异。由于不同个体的等位基因之间碱基的替换、重排、缺失等变化导致限制内切酶识别和酶切发生改变从而造成基因型间限制性片段长度的差异。RFLP 的等位基因具有共显性特点。RFLP 标记位点数量不受限制,通常可检测到的基因座位数为 14 个。RFLP 技术也存在一些缺陷,主要是克隆可表现基因组 DNA 多态性的探针较为困难;另外,实验操作较繁琐,检测周期长,成本费用也很高。自 RFLP 问世以来,已经在基因定位及分型、遗传连锁图谱的构建、疾病的基因诊断等研究中仍得到了广泛的应用。通过家系分析知道某一 RFLP 标记跟致病

25、基因紧密连锁时,同样可以利用这一 RFLP 对该致病基因遗传进行分析。例如,苯丙酮尿症是一种常染色体隐性遗传病。正常人基因组 MSPI 酶切后与苯丙酸代谢相关酶探针杂交可以产生两条 RFLP 特异带型(23kb,29kb),但是苯丙酮尿症患者只有一条 RFLP 特异带型(23kb)。根据这一标准,可以对一个有患病可能的家族的儿童进行早期诊断,RFLP 分析只有一条带可以确定为患者。并根据分析获得的父母遗传信息,可预测新生儿患此病的概率,指导优生优育。)解析:17.Using interrupted mating experiment, 5 Hfr strains (1, 2, 3, 4 and

26、 5)were inspected to infer the sequence that these strains transfer several different genes (F, G, O, P, Q, R, S, W, X and Y)to an F-strain. According to the results, any strain had its particular transferring sequence, as follows (only the first 6 genes transferred are cited for any strain):(分数:15.

27、00)_正确答案:(1)因为 Hfr 转入 F-的基因顺序,取决于 F 因子在供体染色体上整合的位点和方向,所以,原始菌株的基因顺序可以根据上述各 Hfr 株系直接推出。原始菌株的基因顺序如下图所示:)解析:四、分析计算题(总题数:2,分数:34.00)18.上海奶牛的泌乳量比根塞(Guernseys)牛高 12%,而根塞牛的奶油含量比上海奶牛高 30%。泌乳量和奶油含量的差异大约各包括 10 个基因位点,没有显隐性关系。在上海奶牛和根塞牛的杂交中,F 2中有多少比例的个体的泌乳量和上海奶牛一样高,而奶油含量和根塞牛一样高?(分数:17.00)_正确答案:(因为题目要求的个体类型是二性状都同于

28、亲本的 F2的极端类型,而且只要频率。因此,在这里,个体性状值(12%或 30%)可以不再考虑。同时,解题中,亦无需求其对应的基因型效应值,只求 F2中极端类型的预期频率即可。这样,根据题意,假定真实遗传的上海奶牛(P 1)基因型为 A1A1A10A10b1b1b10b10,真实遗传的根塞牛之基因型为 a1a1a10a10B1B1B10B10,则上述交配及求解可图示如下:P1 A1A1A10A10 b1b1b10b10 a1a1a10a10 B1B1B10B10 P2F1 A1a1A10a10 B1b1B10b10 A1a1A10a10 B1b1B10b10G(仅示高 (1/2) 10(1/2

29、)10A1 (1/2)10(1/2)10A1产值基因) A 10B1B10 A10B1B10F2(仅示高 (1/2) 20 A1A10B1B102产基因型) =(1/2) 40 A1A1A10A10 B1B1B10B10也就是说,泌乳量跟上海奶牛一样高而奶油含量和根塞牛一样高之 F2为(1/2) 40。)解析:19.An ordinary scientist conducted a cross of shmoos double heterozygote with the same genotype AaBb. The phenotypic segregation rate of the fil

30、ial generation he detected is 9:7. He was sure this is not a phenomenon of double recessive epistasis and it should be involved in a segregation rate of 9:6:1, and however, aabb is lethal. He thinks it would not be realizable to distinguish 9:7 and 9:6 by statistic method. but he cannot solve this problem. Can you help him?(分数:17.00)_正确答案:(首先,有无致死(aabb),是会改变分离比的;其次,为证实有无致死基因,可用双杂合子亲本(AaBb)测交比数小的子代类型(这里假定是 aaBB,aaBb,Aabb,AAbb 和 aabb),从而暴露较大比例双隐性个体,与预期比例进行对比。情形如下表示:)解析:

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