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1、 2013 年莆田市初中毕业、升学考试试卷 英语试题 (满分: 150 分;考试时间: 120 分钟 ) 注意:本试卷分为 “试题 ”和 “答题卡 ”两部分,答题时请按答题卡中的 “注意事项 ”要求认真作答,答案写在答题卡上的相应位置。 听力部分 (满分 30 分 ) I听音选图听句子。根据你所听到的内容,选择正确的图画顺序。每个句子读两遍。 (6 分 ) 听对话根据你所听到的内容选择正确的答案。每段对话读两遍。 (12 分 ) 第一节听下面 4 段对话,每段对话后有 1 个小题,从题中所给的 A、 B、 C 三个选项中 选出最佳选项。 (6 分 ) ( )7 When does the ma

2、il always get up? A At 6: 00 a m B At 6: 30 a m C At 7: 00 a m ( )8 What did the woman perform yesterday? A Kung fu B Ballet C Magic tricks ( )9 Where does the conversation take place? A In a bank B In a hospital C In a shop ( )10 who is Bills favorite basketball player? A James B Yao Ming C Jeremy

3、Lin 第二节听下面 2 段对话,每段对话后有 2 个小题,从题中所给的 A、 B、 C 三个选项中选 出最佳选项。 (6 分 ) 听第 5 段材料,回答第 ll、 12 题。 ( )11 What is wrong with Michael? A He has a headache B He has a toothache C He has a stomachache ( )12 What will Michael do after school? A Have a rest B Take some medicine C See a dentist 听第 6 段材料,回答第 13、 14 题

4、。 ( )13 What book is Maria reading now? A An English book B.A math book C A Chinese book ( )14 How does Mafia like math? A Interesting B Boring C Difficult 听短文根据你所听到的内容选择正确的答案。短文读两遍。 (6 分 ) ( )15 How many people went to Jiuli Lake last week? A Two B Three C Four ( )16 How did they go there? A By car

5、 B By bus C By bike ( )17 How long did they stay there? A Two days B Three days C Four days ( )18 What did they do in the evening? A They visited beautiful lakes B They saw strange rocks C They enjoyed some special food 听短文填表格根据你所听到的内容按要求填写表格每空限填一词。短文读两遍。 (6分 ) 注意:请把第 1922 小题的答案填写在答题卡笔试部分 (写 )的上面。 M

6、y Little Friend Nanle Tony is my favorite pet Its a 19 Color Its skin is 20 Food 21 are its favorite Sport It likes 22 best 笔试部分 (满分 120 分 ) Part One:语言知识运用 (35 分 ) I选择填空从题中所给的 A、 B、 C 三个选项中选出能填入句子空格的最佳选项。 (15 分 ) ( )23 Doing exercise an hour day helps keep US fit A a B an C the ( )24一 Would you ple

7、ase pass me something to drink? 一 What about some ? A juice B beef C fish ( )25一 Id like a ticket to The Sound of Music 一 Sorry, there is left A some B none C any ( )26一 Jane, you cooked the food quite well 一 Thanks But I think you did than me A well B better C best ( )27 Adam came to China on May 1

8、st He visited many places of interest his trip A during B at C from ( )28 The Internet is really to US We can easily find information on it A boring B useful C interesting ( )29 The music is very beautiful, but Im afraid it is too loud Could you please ? 一 OK I will A turn it up B turn it on C turn

9、it down ( )30一 LetS go to the bookstore at half past nine tomorrow morning 一 ItS too late LetS make it A a quarter to nine B twenty to ten C a quarter to ten ( )3 1一 Would you like to come to my birthday party this evening7 一 Ye s Im very glad to A invite B invited C be invited ( )32一 Mom, Im leavin

10、g for Beijing tomorrow 一 ThatS nice Youd better ring me up you get there A until B as soon as C because ( )33 Great changes in our hometown in the past five years A take place B took place C have taken place ( )34一 Whats the noise? It sounds as if it is from upstairs It must be Jeff playing basketba

11、ll in the next room A Fm not sure B I agree C I dont think so ( )35一 We are proud of Mo Yan 一 Yes He is a great writer won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 2012 A which B who C what ( )36一 Your coat looks very nice Could you tell me? Of course You can buy it at www 17ugo com A where you bought it B

12、why you bought it C when you bought it ( )37 Which sign should Peter choose on the cellphone if he wants to listen to music? 补全对话从方框中所给的选项中选择正确的句子补全以下对话。 (10 分 ) C: Clerk B: Beth C: Good afternoon, Blue Sky Hotel 38 B: Good afternoon, I want to make a room reservation C: OK 39 We are sure that condi

13、tions here will make you feel comfortable B: 40 C: A standard room with two single beds costs ¥ 120 and a room with one single bed costs ¥ 100 41 B: I want to book two standard rooms with two single beds and one room with one single bed C: When do you want them? 42 B: From July 1st to July 3rd, two

14、nights A How many standard rooms do you want? B We have rooms with a bathroom Tv and air conditioning C Can I help you? D And how long do you plan to stay? E How much does a standard room cost? 3 8 3 9 40 41 42 完形填空从题中所给的 A、 B、 C、 D 四个选项中选择能填入相应空白处的最佳答案。(10 分 ) The situation seemed hopeless From the

15、 first day he entered my classroom, Willard lived in his own word, shutting out his classmates and me, his 43 Willard seemed to have no need to break his silence After the Thanksgiving holidays, we 44 news of the Christmas collection of money for the poor people in our school “Christmas is a season

16、of 45 ”I told my student, “By contributing to our Christmas cohesion, we will help the people in need We will start the collection tomorrow ” when I 46 the contributions the next day, I discovered that almost everyone had forgotten except Willard Carefully, he 47 two quarters(二十五美分硬币 )into the small

17、 collection box “I dont need any milk for lunch ”he said 48 a moment, just a moment, he smiled That night, after school, I couldnt help 49 my experience with the headmaster “I may be wrong, 50 I believe Willard might be getting ready to become a part of the world around him ”I told the headmaster “Y

18、es, I believe it sounds 51 ”he nodded, “I have just received a list of the poor families in our school who 52 need help through the Christmas collection Here, take a look at it As I gazed(凝 视 )down to read, I discovered Willard and his family were the top names on the list ( )43 A brother B teacher

19、C headmaster D cousin ( )44 A left B took C received D found ( )45 A playing B buying C giving D chatting ( )46 A called back B called for C called at D called up ( )47 A dropped B got C went D changed ( )48 A At B of C In D For ( )49 A taking B having C sharing D getting ( )50 A but B since C or D

20、however ( )51 A helpful B hopeful C hopeless D helpless ( )52 A seldom B never C more D most Part Two:阅读理解 (40 分 ) A An old couple was having problems remembering things, SO they decided to go to their doctor to make sure nothing was wrong with them When they arrived at the doctors, they explained t

21、o the doctor about the problems they were having with their memory After examining the couple, the doctor told them that they were physically fine but advised them to start making notes to help them remember things Later that night while watching TV, the old man stood up from his chair and his wife

22、asked,“Where are you going?”He replied, “The kitchen ”She asked, “Will you get me a bowl of ice cream 9”He replied。 “Sure ”She then asked him, “Shouldnt you write it down so that you can remember it?”He said, “No, I can remember that ” When the man was walking towards the kitchen, the woman shouted,

23、 “Dear, I would also like some strawberries with that You had better take notes because I know youU forget that too ”He replied “I can remember it all You want a bowl of ice cream and strawberries ”She added, “Well,1 would also like cream(奶油 )on top I know you will forget that, so please write it so

24、mewhere ”He shouted angrily “I dont need to write that at all I can remember everything ”Then he rushed into the kitchen After twenty minutes。 he returned from the kitchen and handed her a plate of bacon(培根 ) and eggs She stared(盯着看 )at the plate for a while and said, “You forgot my bread ” 根据短文内容,判

25、断句子正误。正确的写 “T”,错误的写 “F”。 (10 分 ) ( )53 The old couple had problems with their memory ( )54 The old woman wanted a bowl of ice cream and grapes ( )55 The old woman asked her husband to make notes three times ( )56 It took the old man twenty-five minutes to get the food ( )57 The old man thought he co

26、uld remember everything but failed B BelindaS little sister, Bernice, was very excited about taking the school bus by herself and entering school next year Seeing her excitement, Belinda decided to give her little sister a gift to start a new stage in her life She looked through some books and calle

27、d her best friend for ideas But what she did was useless Finally, she surfed the Internet and found some information about how to make a bag Belinda couldnt wait to start on the project 根据短文及表格内容,从题中所给的 A、 B、 C、 D 四个选项中,选择最佳答案。 (10 分 ) ( )58 Bernice was excited about A being on t11e school bus with

28、Belinda B taking the school bus by herself C being on the public bus by herself D using the bag made by her sister ( )59 Belinda decided to make a bag when she A read about it in one of her books B asked her best friend for ideas C found some information on the Internet D heard Bernice talking about

29、 going to school ( )60 What material is needed for Belinda to make the bag? A A pair of old jeans B A sewing machine C A pair of scissors D A safety pin ( )61 How many steps are mentioned in the passage? A Three B Four C Five D Six ( )62 Which picture can show Step 4? The airplant has wonderful and

30、amazing features It takes in moisture(水汽 )from the air through its leaves Although it is seen growing on another object or plant, the airplant simply uses the object or plant to support itself To prevent the roots from being too wet, avoid planting it in soil Keep the roots in a wellventilated( 通风良好

31、的 )environment Airplants can grow well hanging from fishing lines They can also be hung from seashells, teacups or even on wood Water the airplant once in a while Simply let the water fall from the roots The roots will take in the water for the airplant The airplant call live between 0 and 51 It doe

32、s not need to be in the light all the time However, sunlight(morning and evening only)helps it to reproduce(繁殖 )faster When it flowers, it turns a colorful pink, red or orange At most 8 young plants can grow from the airplant When these grow to half the size of the parent plant, simply pull them awa

33、y gently from the parent plant and plant them in another place The lifespan of an airplant depends on the care it gets and the environment it is placed in Generally, all airplant Can live for many years Because they are so beautiful and easy to take care of, airplants are excellent as birthday gifts

34、 or housewarming gifts 根据短文内容,从题中所给的 A、 B、 c、 D 四个选项中,选择最佳答案。 (10 分 ) ( )63 The airplant takes in moisture from A other plants B the air C the leaves D other objects ( )54 An airplant must not be placed in A soil B seashells C teacups D wood ( )65 Mommg sunlight can help the airplant A become drier

35、and smaller B produce young plants faster C turn into different colors D become half the size of the parent plant ( )66 The underlined word“lifespan”(in Paragraph 5)most probably means A生活 B生存 C生命 D寿命 ( )67 The airplant is easy to take care of because it A is a famous plant B needs little water and

36、sunlight C grows on other plants and objects D makes the garden beautiful D The traffic light turns red As a pedestrian(行人 ), what do you do? The traffic role says “stop and wait”, 68 A CCTV news program showed that in only an hour, more than 600 people jumped red lights when crossing a road in Shij

37、iazhuang, Hebei 69 Many people regard it as bad manners It is said that people jaywalk(乱穿马路 )because the red light lasts too long 70 A survey on Sina Weibo says that people jaywalk mainly because they pay no attention to the rules Many countries punish jaywalkers 21 Some Chinese cities have started

38、taking some actions, too For example, the first three people in a jaywalking group will be fined 50 yuan But calling on people to obey the rules is more important To completely solve the problem, 72 Otherwise(否则 ), the country will be out of order and the pedestrians will be in danger 从方框中所给的选项中选出能填

39、人空白处的最佳选项,补全短文。其中有一项为多余 选项。 (10 分 ) A However, some stop for red lights B but we often see groups of people running red lights C everyone should realize the importance of obeying the rules D However, the long waiting can t be an excuse for breaking the rules E Internet users jokingly name it“ the Ch

40、inese-style street crossing” F In Singapore(新加坡), the jaywalkers can be sent into prison for three months. 68 69 70 71 72 Part Three:写 (45 分 ) I任务型阅读根据图表内容,回答下列问题。 (5 分 ) 73 How many people were there in the team? 74 Did they collect rainwater on May 3rd? 75 How was the weather on May 4th? 76 What t

41、ime did they arrive at Tantalis on May 5th? 77 What did they set up the equipment for on May 5th? 短文填词根据短文内容和以下提示: 1)首 字母提示。 2)语境提示。 3)汉语提示。在每个空格内填入一个适当的英语单词。所填单词要求意义准确,拼写正确。 (10 分 ) Exam time! Most kids dont like exams, 78 we cant live without them They play all important 79.r in our lives Exams ar

42、e not all the same There are 80 kinds One kind tests our knowledge and skills The other kind helps find excellent students in different fields For example, universities 81.u it to choose students At middle school, exams are about answering 82 (问题 )on paper At university, doing an experiment or even 83.d a picture can also be exams Kids in different 84 take different exams In the USA, many school children do a book report or a science report 85 (作为 )part of the exams In Australia, middle school students need to use what they have learnt in class to make speeches 86. (有时 ), teamw


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