1、GRE-60及答案解析(总分:-76.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、SECTION 1(总题数:0,分数:0.00)二、Directions: Each sen(总题数:7,分数:-7.00)1.Although scientists have long - the human appendix as - organ, there is a growing body of evidence indicating that the appendix does in fact have a significant function as a part of the bodys immune sy
2、stem.(分数:-1.00)A.overestimated . a minorB.discounted . a vestigialC.valued . a majorD.ignored . a pivotalE.(E) studied . an inaccessible2.The teacher has - catering to some students, but to retain his tenure, which effects only after a teacher has unanimously gratified his students, he offers his co
3、mplaints -.(分数:-1.00)A.a hesitancy about . carelesslyB.an aptitude for . sparinglyC.a repugnance toward . tactfullyD.an enthusiasm about . zealouslyE.(E) a blitheness about . carefully3.Current estimates put thirteen percent of global flora at risk of extinction, but this number does not include - p
4、lants from tropical regions, where the majority of the worlds plants grow.(分数:-1.00)A.apocryphalB.deciduousC.rareD.innumerableE.(E) vanished4.The primary impulse of each human being is to - himself, but the secondary impulse is to venture out of the self, to correct its provincialism and heal its lo
5、neliness.(分数:-1.00)A.sullyB.actualizeC.rejectD.declareE.(E) withdraw5.It is difficult to conceive how, even for those people well disposed to rule themselves, the attempt to achieve happiness should be rendered so - by one single curse, that of a bad form of government.(分数:-1.00)A.laudatoryB.ineffec
6、tualC.corruptD.disorganizedE.(E) ill-tempered6.The monarch and his followers thought of the court as - how the kingdom ought to be, the harmonious expression of a larger social order centred on the monarch.(分数:-1.00)A.a miscalculation ofB.irrelevant toC.a microcosm ofD.recognizable asE.(E) isometric
7、 to7.Even if the public ate up every - detail about their leaders, that same public grew offended that the news media would actually pander to their baser impulses.(分数:-1.00)A.mesmericB.loftyC.supineD.resonantE.(E) lubricious三、Directions: In each (总题数:9,分数:-9.00)8.AGENDA: MEETING :(分数:-1.00)A.chart:
8、 destinationB.choreography: danceC.verdict: juryD.entremets: courseE.(E) prescription: component9.COMMENCEMENT: ADJOURNMEN :(分数:-1.00)A.sapphire: fissureB.signal: frequencyC.lasso: spliceD.activity: dormancyE.(E) rule: rebellion10.SCORNFUL: SNEER :(分数:-1.00)A.saturnine: groanB.distressed: rejoiceC.p
9、rovoked: winkD.embarrassed: blushE.(E) bewildered: wail11.PERORATION: SPEECH :(分数:-1.00)A.epic: stropheB.luminance: umbrageC.epilogue: novelD.rhythm: poemE.(E) image: picture12.FILIBUSTER: POSTPONE :(分数:-1.00)A.spend: gambleB.hoax: dupeC.wheel: vauntD.entice: attractE.(E) malign: criticize13.PROTEAN
10、: IMMUTABLE :(分数:-1.00)A.incipient: inchoateB.slovenly: dapperC.articulate: eloquentD.vitiated: passiveE.(E) pious: agnostic14.BUMPER: DAMAGING :(分数:-1.00)A.ballast: founderingB.scale: comparingC.buoy: navigatingD.drill: extractingE.(E) hoist: cantilevering15.SOLDIER: COUNTRY :(分数:-1.00)A.provost: s
11、tudentB.president: universityC.bodyguard: individualD.lawyer: courtE.(E) sheriff: crime16.SCRIBBLE: DRAW :(分数:-1.00)A.imply: suggestB.quibble: evadeC.harmonize: playD.chisel: engraveE.(E) babble: speak四、Directions: Each pas(总题数:0,分数:0.00)五、Behavioral psycholog(总题数:4,分数:-4.00)17.According to the pass
12、age, “infralimbic neurons . fire to the tone only when rats are recalling extinction on the following day“ (lines 7-9) for which of the following reasons?(分数:-1.00)A.Extinction has not been proven to erase the memory of fear conditioning in rats.B.The extinction response requires a number of days to
13、 develop.C.The subjects original fear response was not conditioned to a tone.D.The infralimbic cortices carry the memory of fear extinction.E.(E) Rats that show the least fear demonstrate the greatest increase in infralimbic tone responses.18.It can be inferred that a rat with its infralimbic cortic
14、es destroyed would respond which of the following ways to a tone previously conditioned to induce a fear response?. It would demonstrate fear if extinction had occurred the previous day. It would demonstrate fear if extinction had occurred earlier than the previous day. It would demonstrate fear eve
15、n if extinction had never occurred at all.(分数:-1.00)A. onlyB. onlyC. and onlyD. and onlyE.(E) , , and 19.Which of the following most accurately describes the passage?(分数:-1.00)A.A description of a replicable experimentB.A summary report of new findingsC.A recommendation for pursuing a new area of re
16、searchD.A refutation of an earlier hypothesisE.(E) A confirmation of an earlier research20.According to the passage, behavioral psychologists studying the extinction process have discerned which of the following?(分数:-1.00)A.The exact length of time required for a fear response to become extinct in a
17、 human subjectB.The effect of tone conditioning in comparison with other forms of stimuliC.The possible effects of surgical operations on the infralimbic corticeD.The potential of tone conditioning in treating undesirable fear responsesE.(E) The limits of Pavlovs contribution to modern behavioral ps
18、ychology六、Taking the nation-st(总题数:7,分数:-7.00)21.In presenting his analysis, the author does all of the following EXCEPT(分数:-1.00)A.Provide specific examples of the problems in historiographyB.Describe some of the criteria employed in determining what makes a nationC.Question the adequacy of the his
19、toriographers present interpretation of spatial categoriesD.Propose solutions to some the problems in historiographyE.(E) Make general statements without reference to specific examples22.The author of the passage suggests that historiographers should view history primarily as(分数:-1.00)A.a political
20、conflict over spatial boundaries which can only be resolved through the input of historiographersB.a chorus of conflicting voices whose dissonances cannot be resolved, but to which historiographers must listenC.a field that complicates the assignment of geographic boundaries to the extent that such
21、boundaries can never be resolvedD.a conflict between nations whose sovereignty historiographers have the duty to assessE.(E) a history of conflicts over spatial demarcation which are ultimately irrelevant to the truth of history23.Which of the following best states the main point of the passage?(分数:
22、-1.00)A.The approach to the problem of spatial boundaries is plagued by a number of problems that historiographers are obliged to confront.B.Historiographers can benefit from studying the traditional geography of nations in greater depth.C.Historiographers should try to refrain from solving the prac
23、tical issues that arise in the resolution of spatial boundary issues.D.The categorization and demarcations of geography at the national level is more complicated than that of the sub-national or supra-national level.E.(E) The spatial demarcation of nations is the most complicated issue in contempora
24、ry historiography.24.The author mentions all of the following as examples of complications arising from the application of spatial markers EXCEPT(分数:-1.00)A.An area of a country smaller than the nation considers itself to be a nation.B.A boundary is demarcated around a nation which does not include
25、the people of the nation.C.A continent is divided into two areas for implicit ideological purposes.D.Two nations dispute the exact geography of a border based on an ancient historical claim.E.(E) The history of a nation is erroneously conflated with the character of one particular region.25.The pass
26、age supplies information for answering which of the following questions?(分数:-1.00)A.What do historiographers consider to be the precise difference between a nation and a nation-state?B.What concepts in the field of historiography are considered unambiguous?C.Are tribal areas without national spatial
27、 markers ever represented as nations?D.What is an example of a nation represented in supra-national units?E.(E) How does the establishment of national spatial boundaries produce political problems?26.It can be inferred from the passage that the author mentions the case of Holland and the Netherlands
28、 in order to(分数:-1.00)A.cite the case of a “primitive“ or “barbaric“ nation being distinguished from a “civilized“ nationB.provide an example of a state whose borders do not perfectly coincide with those of a nationC.offer an example of the characteristics of a nation being applied to a particular a
29、rea of the nationD.present a case of a single region being treated by historiographers as representative of an entire nationE.(E) describe the case of a nation whose cultural and political identities distinguish it from a contiguous state27.The author of the passage puts the word “savage“ and “barba
30、rian“ (lines 9-10) in quotation marks most probably in order to(分数:-1.00)A.signal his reservations about the way these terms have been used to define geography through human categoriesB.draw attention to the discrepancies between the way historiographers treat the supra-national and sub-national lev
31、elsC.emphasize historiographys unique tendency to rely upon social categories to draw geographic distinctionsD.question the notion of the spatial marker itself by asserting the general ambiguity of these termsE.(E) argue for the replacement of these terms by historiographers with more politically co
32、rrect substitutes七、Directions: Each que(总题数:11,分数:-11.00)28.SUBSTANTIATION:(分数:-1.00)A.denunciationB.illusionC.oppositionD.disproofE.(E) dispute29.IMPUDENT:(分数:-1.00)A.thoughtfulB.convincingC.developedD.methodicalE.(E) deferential30.CARDINAL:(分数:-1.00)A.indefinableB.diminutiveC.understatedD.inconseq
33、uentialE.(E) intangible31.BANALITY:(分数:-1.00)A.creative statementB.complex analysisC.unprepared declarationD.pithy explanationE.(E) precise representation32.QUANDARY:(分数:-1.00)A.concealed hostilityB.certitudeC.weak resistanceD.slight panicE.(E) senseless rage33.ADULATION:(分数:-1.00)A.camouflageB.defe
34、nseC.purificationD.cessationE.(E) vituperation34.ENDEMIC:(分数:-1.00)A.apparentB.curableC.superficialD.alienE.(E) intermittent35.REDOUBTABLE:(分数:-1.00)A.mediocreB.permanentC.lucidD.unavoidableE.(E) predictable36.ESTRANGEMENT:(分数:-1.00)A.ongoing discussionB.disguiseC.commotionD.reconciliationE.(E) sola
35、ce37.TAINTED:(分数:-1.00)A.obviousB.numbC.accessibleD.wholesomeE.(E) shrilling38.RECANT:(分数:-1.00)A.replyB.affirmC.divulgeD.directE.(E) suggest八、SECTION 2(总题数:0,分数:0.00)九、Directions: Each sen(总题数:7,分数:-7.00)39.Ancient people felt much - concerning the notion that the appearance of comets was inauspici
36、ous, but nevertheless exhibited - concerning the proper reaction to the phenomenon.(分数:-1.00)A.conviction . apprehensionB.apathy. ignoranceC.disparity. discordD.consensus . disagreementE.(E) suspicion. hesitancy40.Performing rote memory exercises rarely improves the - of any given subject, but - may
37、 nevertheless be useful to the student preparing for an examination.(分数:-1.00)A.coherence. exercisesB.clarity. heuristicsC.comprehensibility . mnemonicsD.succinctness . explicationE.(E) volubility . summarization41.Smith is -, to the degree that he seldom disguises his contempt towards - activities.
38、(分数:-1.00)A.a firebrand . religiousB.a dilettante . convivialC.a philistine . intellectualD.a misanthrope . individualisticE.(E) a plebian . common42.The view that the yield of rice remains steady is by no means -,owing to the fact that yearly tempests overflowing Asia influence it in - manner.(分数:-
39、1.00)A.uncertain . a capriciousB.uncontested . a predictableC.unrealistic . a catastrophicD.convincing . a redundantE.(E) infallible . an erratic43.An enthusiast of sprightly music, Mendler surprised us all by proclaiming the final piece on the concert program, a lugubrious - as his favorite.(分数:-1.
40、00)A.ariaB.dirgeC.sonataD.jigE.(E) overture44.Throughout the 1940s, the director Orson Welles was considered something of - in the motion picture industry, as famous for his highly - personality as his inimitable cinematic genius.(分数:-1.00)A.an enigma . charismaticB.a revolutionary . vapidC.a leader
41、 . self-effacingD.a martinet . imperiousE.(E) a prodigy . prolific45.A rhetorician who spends so much of his time studying the famous - of logic is more than likely to produce a few self-evident statements of his own.(分数:-1.00)A.self-knotsB.paradoxesC.twistsD.tautologiesE.(E) platitudes十、Directions:
42、 In each (总题数:9,分数:-9.00)46.DROLL: LAUGH :(分数:-1.00)A.exclamatory: shriekB.blushful: stammerC.gruesome: quailD.sly: simperE.(E) insipid: bore47.PICTURE: COLLAGE :(分数:-1.00)A.commodity: trademarkB.symbol: rebusC.software: calculatorD.membership: badgeE.(E) dose: instructions48.OBSTACLE :IMPEDE :(分数:-
43、1.00)A.diary: reminisceB.blandishment: coaxC.plan: economizeD.request: imperilE.(E) drama: perform49.SPEAK: DRAWL :(分数:-1.00)A.eat: sipB.run: canterC.lament: sighD.gain: coverE.(E) look: glance50.LIGHT: COLOR :(分数:-1.00)A.radiation: temperatureB.celerity: spanC.quality: quantityD.sound: pitchE.(E) s
44、trength: stress51.LIZARD: REPTILE :(分数:-1.00)A.daisy: daffodilB.professor: academyC.officer: armyD.violet: flowerE.(E) chlorine: alcohol52.CHURCH: SANCTUARY :(分数:-1.00)A.lounge: hotelB.porch: mansionC.stage: curtainD.cavern: mountainE.(E) house: boudoir53.NADIR: ZENITH :(分数:-1.00)A.observation: phen
45、omenonB.travel: distanceC.median: meanD.abyss: summitE.(E) encomium: dismissal54.PRECIPITATION: HAIL :(分数:-1.00)A.bud: grassB.shark: minnowC.lecture: clamorD.storm: cycloneE.(E) rain: height十一、Directions: Each pas(总题数:0,分数:0.00)十二、Carl Jungs well-doc(总题数:4,分数:-4.00)55.According to the passage, the c
46、ollective unconscious and the personal andunconscious have in common which of the following?(分数:-1.00)A.Both the collective unconscious and the personal unconscious are hereditary, deriving from common cultural experiences, including symbolic archetypes.B.Both the collective unconscious and the pers
47、onal unconscious share an extricable link with the conscious that should be made evident.C.Both the collective unconscious and the personal unconscious contain repressed experiences.D.Both the collective unconscious and the personal unconscious share a position at the center of the human ego.E.(E) B
48、oth the collective unconscious and the personal unconscious include dreams, fantasies, and actions that should be made conscious.56.In mentioning “dreams, fantasies, and actions“ (line 12) the author supports the claim that “ego-centered conscious is not really self-sufficient“ (lines 14-15) by impl
49、ying which of the following?(分数:-1.00)A.Dreams, fantasies and actions tend to be hereditary phenomenon, suggesting that ones culture plays the most primary role in shaping ones consciousness.B.Certain elements of consciousness deserve repression of which the consciousness is not sufficiently capable.C.Other elements of consciousness, such as cultural archetypes, affect the human experience than those of which human beings are