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1、大学生英语竞赛(NECCS)B 类英语专业初赛真题 2017年及答案解析(总分:150.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Part Listening Com(总题数:0,分数:0.00)二、Section A(总题数:1,分数:5.00)(分数:5.00)(1).What does the woman say about the hotel the man will stay at?(分数:1.00)A.It offers free meals and beverages.B.It provides free airport pick-ups.C.It is a newly restored

2、country villa.D.It is located near the city center.(2).What“s the man“s attitude toward advertising?(分数:1.00)A.Neutral.B.Positive.C.Negative.D.Indifferent.(3).Why can“t the man request a loan?(分数:1.00)A.He isn“t the bank“s regular customer.B.He hasn“t got a full-time job.C.He has provided false info

3、rmation.D.He has a terrible credit score.(4).What are tourists supposed to do during an eco-tour?(分数:1.00)A.Exploit the resources as fully as possible.B.Help protect the local environment.C.Have exactly the same meals with those of the local people.D.Make donations to preserve the scenery.(5).Why do

4、es the man want to quit his job?(分数:1.00)A.He isn“t satisfied with the pay.B.He can“t adjust to the fast pace of city life.C.He has found a new job in his hometown.D.He misses his family too much.三、Section B(总题数:0,分数:0.00)四、Conversation One(总题数:1,分数:5.00)(分数:5.00)(1).The woman went through two inter

5、views to become a flight attendant.(分数:1.00)A.正确B.错误(2).The woman spent five weeks doing safety training.(分数:1.00)A.正确B.错误(3).The woman experienced jet lag each time she got off the plane.(分数:1.00)A.正确B.错误(4).Wearing seat belts will prevent passengers from being thrown all over the cabin when there“

6、s sudden and severe turbulence.(分数:1.00)A.正确B.错误(5).If a fire starts on a plane, passengers should wait for flight attendants to lead them to the nearest emergency exit.(分数:1.00)A.正确B.错误五、Conversation Two(总题数:1,分数:5.00)(分数:5.00)(1).How much has the public college tuition increased?(分数:1.00)A.By1.7%B

7、.By9%C.Several hundred dollars.D.Almost a hundred dollars.(2).Why does the cost of college education rise faster than the economy as a whole?(分数:1.00)A.Colleges have to spend more hiring professors to teach.B.Facilities for college education are getting more expensive.C.College education has been gr

8、eatly affected by technology.D.Parents attach too much importance to college education.(3).In which area can students most easily find seats in colleges?(分数:1.00)A.In the Southeast.B.In the West.C.In the South.D.In the Mid-Atlantic.(4).Which is mentioned as a way for colleges to reduce students“ fin

9、ancial pressure?(分数:1.00)A.Providing part-time jobs.B.Offering scholarships.C.Offering online courses.D.Providing short-term loans.(5).Which student below may finish college in less than four years in the future?(分数:1.00)A.Julia, who will have the fourth year studying abroad.B.Mark, who can earn his

10、 tuition by himself.C.Jasmine, who has got straight A“s for all college courses.D.Lila, who will finish her last year“s courses via the Internet.六、Section C(总题数:1,分数:5.00)(分数:5.00)(1).How many awards did the previous record-setting movies win in the history of Golden Globe Awards?(分数:1.00)A.5.B.6.C.

11、7.D.8.(2).Who is Wilbur Ross according to the news?(分数:1.00)A.A steel billionaire.B.Former US Commerce Secretary.C.A mineral dealer.D.CEO of a US business company.(3).What was the building destroyed by the car bomb?(分数:1.00)A.A local hospital.B.A security office.C.A government office.D.A military tr

12、aining center.(4).What made “powerball“ the top trending term on Google in January 2016?(分数:1.00)A.A corruption scandal.B.A prince“s passing.C.The jackpot game.D.The US presidential election.(5).What is said about smoking?(分数:1.00)A.Its cost is almost equivalent to the global revenue from tobacco ta

13、xes.B.Another 9 billion people will die from smoking by 2030.C.It costs the global economy almost 1 billion dollars a year.D.Most tobacco-related deaths will occur in low and middle income countries.七、Section D(总题数:0,分数:0.00)八、Dictation(总题数:1,分数:5.00)Chemicals are added to a huge variety of products

14、 to give them certain properties. Many of these common chemicals are toxic to mammals and other animals. For example, one class of chemicals, called alkylphenols, can 1 hormone systems and growth. Alkylphenols are often found in shampoo. Not only are these chemicals toxic, but they do not 2 biodegra

15、de. In other words, they will be on our planet for a very, very long time. Chemicals with a combination of these properties are commonly known as “Persistent Organic Pollutants,“ or POPs. The combined effect of POPs on our health and on the environment is increasingly being studied and recognized. S

16、ome work has been done to control the use of POPs, but only 3 chemicals fall under current government controls. Additionally, companies don“t label their products with their chemical components, so consumers must do 4 to learn about them. Contrary to popular belief, POPs don“t stay locked away insid

17、e of the materials where they are used. These chemicals can escape and enter the soil during 5 . In fact, it now seems that no part of the planet is free of chemicals. (分数:5.00)九、Summary(总题数:1,分数:5.00)Intellectual property, the product of a porson or a company“ 1 , is protected through patents, name

18、ly, copyrights and trademarks. Copyrights protect original works of 2 , including books, 3 paintings, movies and architecture. Copyright has a time limit and after a period of time, the works can be copied or used 4 . Trademarks, different from copyrights, protect product 5 forever. (分数:5.00)十、Part

19、Vocabulary aB.for; aC.to; theD.for; the2.Generally, British independent schools provide a broader curriculum than _ required by law.(分数:1.00)A.itB.thatC.whichD.what3.They felt such heat in the jungle _ they had never felt before in other places in their life.(分数:1.00)A.asB.howC.whenD.where4.The US g

20、overnment has the right to regulate _ to animalscock fighting, bear and bull baiting, and dog fighting were all outlawed in the 19th century.(分数:1.00)A.cruelB.cruellyC.crueltyD.cruelties5.South Korea“s largest mobile phone operator is to offer users a new service that it says will repel mosquitoes a

21、nd subscribers can download a sound wave that is _ to human ears but annoys mosquitoes within a range of about a metre.(分数:1.00)A.audibilityB.inaudibilityC.audibleD.inaudible6.President Xi Jinping will today become the first Chinese leader to _ the annual World Economic Forum in the Swiss resort of

22、Davos.(分数:1.00)A.lectureB.reportC.presentD.address7.DINK is an _ for couples with dual income and no children and thus DINKs always have more disposable income than the average family.(分数:1.00)A.aphorismB.acronymC.analogyD.analogue8.A three-year search for the missing Malaysia Airline“s flight MH370

23、 has been called off, _ one of the great aviation _ mysteries.(分数:1.00)A.left; unsolvedB.leaving; solvedC.left; solvedD.leaving; unsolved9.The objectives of the Pearl Harbor Incident were the total destruction of the Axis powers and the establishment of a world order after unconditional victory _ Am

24、erican ideals and interest.(分数:1.00)A.in accord withB.linking withC.connected withD.approximate to10.Researchers say pizza-eaters are less _ certain cancers according to a study showing that those who ate at least one pizza a week were 59% less likely to contract cancer of the oesophagus, and they _

25、 tomato sauce.(分数:1.00)A.open to; believeB.prone to; creditC.infected with; relyD.concerned about; depend11.In the late 15th century, Christopher Columbus, an Italian navigator, sailed across the vast ocean and reached some small islands in the West Indies, but he thought he _ Asia and didn“t know h

26、e _ a new continent.(分数:1.00)A.reached; discoveredB.reached; had discoveredC.had reached; discoveredD.had reached; had discovered12.I“m sorry but you need find another parking space, because if any vehicle _ on these premises, it shall be towed away.(分数:1.00)A.is found parkingB.be found parkedC.will

27、 be found to be parkedD.had been found parking13.I can“t open this email attachment our Paris office has sent me. Are you sure you“re using the right program? Well, yes, it“s definitely the same program but I might have the wrong version. Their system is newer than ours. That“s why you can“t open it

28、. _(分数:1.00)A.You“d better change a program and try it again.B.Why not just print it and read it on paper?C.You“ll have to upgrade before you can read the file.D.We really need replace our computers with new ones.14.We“ve managed to reduce the energy consumption in our factory by about 15 percent in

29、 the last two years. That“s excellent. How have you managed that? Mainly because we“ve invested in a heat recovery system. We use the exhaust gases from our printing presses to provide energy to heat our dryers. Most of our power comes from hydro-electric plants. We“re hoping to use even more energy

30、 from alternative sources in the futureperhaps even wind power.(分数:1.00)A.What other sources of energy do you use?B.Why don“t you use fossil fuels?C.What does that mean exactly?D.How do you do that?15.Good evening, Mrs. Adams. I“m sorry to barge in on you like this but I“d like a word with you about

31、 your son, Brian. _ We“ve only just sat down to dinner. I can“t help that. I“m afraid it“s something I“ve got to get off my chest. I“ve weighed up all the pros and cons and decided that I have to have it out with you. Oh, all right. I suppose you“d better come in.(分数:1.00)A.Please come in and join u

32、s.B.Well, it“s a bit inconvenient.C.Long time no see.D.That“s none of your business!十一、Part Cloze(总题数:1,分数:10.00)The Troodos area of Cyprus is only an hour“s drive from the coast, so why not consider a day trip up into the mountains as a refreshing change from the beach? It will also be a wonderful

33、op 1 to get away from the traffic and noise of the city and to breathe in some clean, pine-scented air while enjoying stunning views. There are many important churches and monasteries in the mountains, including nine Byzantine painted churches, which are UNESCO World Her 2 listed sites. The best-kno

34、wn monastery is the Monastery of Kykko, home to a very important icon, reputedly painted by Saint Luke. The tomb of Archbishop Makarios , the first president of Cyprus, is nearby, looking towards the village of Panayia, 3 he was born. The rustic charm of the mountain villages must be experienced and

35、, if you go at the right time of the year, you will be able to buy cherries, plums, apples, grapes and pears, which are all at their 4 (fresh) and best in the mountains. Each mountain village has its own special charm; perhaps you will try to fit in a number of these, and save others for your next v

36、isit. The village of Agros is famous for its aromatic rosewater, an important ing 5 in the mouth-watering local cuisine. Kakopetria, at the head of the Solea valley, is well known for its excellent restaurants and beautifully 6 (renovate) village houses. Lania is known as the village of artists, whi

37、le Platres is a hillside resort with a friendly atmosphere, and numerous hotels and shops. Nearby are the perennial Caledonian Falls, Phoini, a village 4 km west of Platres, is famous for its pottery and trout farm. (分数:10.00)十二、Part Reading Compr(总题数:0,分数:0.00)十三、Section A(总题数:1,分数:5.00)Getting a c

38、old or catching the flu is a common complaint for people every year. In fact, people usually catch between two and five colds each year. No one enjoys the accompanying symptoms: the sore throat, running nose, constant sneezing and headaches. Unsurprisingly, cold medication has become a big business.

39、 People spend billions of dollars to combat this recurring problem. We see the number and variety of over-the-counter medicines each time we enter a pharmacy. Is a cure for the common cold possible? The answer seems to be both yes and no. (分数:5.00)十四、Section B(总题数:1,分数:10.00)Active learning occurs w

40、hen a learner takes some responsibility for the development of the activity, emphasizing that a sense of ownership and personal involvement is the key to successful learning. Unless the work that learners do is seen to be important to them and to have purpose and unless their ideas, contributions an

41、d findings are valued, little of benefit is learned. 1 It can involve reading, writing, listening, talking or working with tools, equipment and materials, such as paint, wood, chemicals, and so on. In a simple sense, it is learning by doing, by contrast with being told. (分数:10.00)十五、Section C(总题数:1,

42、分数:10.00)We all have expectations of what a “normal“ society looks like, but society can take an infinite number of different forms, as these unusual examples demonstrate. (分数:10.00)(1).Why are people at Twin Oaks encouraged to choose a variety of jobs?(分数:2.00)_(2).What is the problem with the majo

43、rity rule in Twin Oaks?(分数:2.00)_(3).Where do men play a bigger role in Meghalaya?(分数:2.00)_(4).Why has the men“s rights movement gained little support in Meghalaya?(分数:2.00)_(5).What is the author“s purpose in writing this article?(分数:2.00)_十六、Section D(总题数:1,分数:10.00)In 1783, the Treaty of Paris w

44、as signed, which indicated the end of the American Revolution. The victory the American people achieved enabled them to establish an independent nation, and introduced a new era. From 1789 to 1865, the United States gradually formed its national identity and established its political and legal insti

45、tution. When the United States began to develop into an industrial and urban society, the principle of assembly-line mass production was established, and technology began to bring vast material benefits to the industrial ized North. The South, however, remained agricultural. With an increasing numbe

46、r of farm laborers leaving the land to work in urban business es and factories, cities grew bigger and bigger. (分数:10.00)十七、Part Translation(总题数:0,分数:0.00)十八、Section A(总题数:1,分数:5.00)16.Despite the choking smog, Beijing is still the number one choice for graduate job seekers based on its “soft enviro

47、nment“, according to a report published last Tuesday. The Chinese capital is the preferred choice for finding work owing to its social environment, economic development, infrastructure, consumption habits and internationalized atmosphere. Although metropolises are still top choices for graduates to work in, the past three years have seen more university and college graduates work in prefecture-level cities, or even smaller cities. (分数:5.00)_十九、Section B(总题数:1,分数:10.00)在后英国退欧时代,英国能出售什么产品和服务呢? 1 幸运的是,英国还有一个世界领先的出口产业高等教育 (leading)。英国的院校分为两大类。一类是顶尖研究型院校,如牛津


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