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1、大学生英语竞赛 C 类非英语专业-18 及答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Multipe Choice(总题数:41,分数:100.00)1.There had been windows on the westerly side of the school, but they appeared to have been built up for a long time _ of the workmanship on the outside.(分数:1.00)A.estimated in the outlookB.to presume upon the clueC.to

2、be detected in the traceD.judging from the appearance2.I can“t agree with my Mum. I think that such an old-fashioned dress can“t cost a _. She says 100 pounds is a real(分数:1.50)A.lot of money; luckB.bargain; luckC.fortune; bargainD.big sum; fortune3._ is on the rise, with over 20% of serious crimes

3、being committed by children under the age of seventeen.(分数:2.50)A.Junior crimeB.Juvenile delinquencyC.Minor crimeD.Senior delinquency4.The Smiths were leaving that _ town. Everybody wanted to escape its noise and pollution and was looking forward to a _ country life.(分数:2.50)A.crowded; peacefulB.des

4、erted; peacefulC.desert; thrillingD.empty; sour5.When I first began writing poetry, I think the poets that I had studied at school _ my approach and the things I wrote about.(分数:2.50)A.communicatedB.impressedC.influencedD.discussed6.She is an excellent teacher who has taught in four schools, _ she t

5、aught, her principals had a high opinion of her.(分数:2.50)A.WhereverB.EverywhereC.In as much asD.In such schools that7.My friend Tanya _ Japanese for six years before she _ Japan. I“ve just received a letter from her. It says she has been studying Chinese for three months and _ for China in a month.(

6、分数:2.50)A.had been studying; visited; is leavingB.studied; had visited; will live inC.has studied; visited; would leaveD.was studying; has visited; leaves8.At the last place Gary worked, they _ an annual company picnic. All the employees _ bring their families along and spend the day at a nearby par

7、k. It was great.(分数:2.50)A.had to have; had toB.used to have; couldn“tC.would have; didn“t have toD.used to have; would9.They _ such a big van _ the price of gas would skyrocket.(分数:2.50)A.would have bought; if they knewB.wouldn“t have bought; had they knownC.wouldn“t have bought; if had they knownD

8、.wouldn“t have bought; did they know10.We“re going to paint the town _ to celebrate our win.(分数:2.50)A.blueB.purpleC.goldD.red11.Written in central Canada in the early part of the twentieth century, _, depicts life in Manitoda.(分数:2.50)A.The Midnight Sun was Victor Frank“s last novelB.Victor Frank“s

9、 last novel was The Midnight SunC.The Midnight Sun, which was Victor Frank“s last novelD.Which was Victor Frank“s last novel, The Midnight Sun12.An animator has to build up his or her work frame by frame. Each film takes a very long time to make, and so _ are essential to see the project through to

10、the end.(分数:2.50)A.research and developmentB.continuity and relaxationC.diversions and rewardsD.dedication and commitment13.How come you left the party without saying “good-bye“? I was angry with John. He shouted at me and my patience _.(分数:2.50)A.ran overB.ran awayC.ran throughD.ran out14.I“m a ner

11、vous wreck. We applied for a mortgage loan last week, and they _ let us know this morning if it had been approved.(分数:2.50)A.were supposed toB.might haveC.would haveD.must go to15.We can“t do any more now. Let“s call it a _.(分数:2.50)A.dayB.haltC.stD.opE.night16.Although we tend to think that they ar

12、e basically the same animal, dolphins, porpoises, and fish are not alike. Despite how similar they might seem, these three animals _ dolphins and porpoises are mammals while fish are not.(分数:2.50)A.different in thatB.different so thatC.differ in thatD.differ so that17.When Steve Fossett first attemp

13、ted his solo balloon flight around the world, he _ that he would encounter 10 days of thunderstorms over Argentina. Consequently, his balloon was damaged and he was forced to end his trip.(分数:2.50)A.wasn“t anticipatingB.wouldn“t anticipateC.had anticipated notD.had not anticipated18.Leslie“s upset.

14、She invited about 20 people to her house for a party and then no one showed up. The least they _ have done was to call to say they _ to go.(分数:2.50)A.might; were goingB.could; weren“t goingC.might; weren“t supposedD.should; were going19.I wish I _ myself better in English, but I(分数:2.50)A.will expre

15、ss; won“tB.could express; can“tC.would express; won“tD.can express; can“t20._ the interview in Boston lasted so long, I missed my connecting flight to New York.(分数:2.50)A.Due toB.WhenC.AsD.Despite21.John F. Kennedy was _ youngest President of the United States and _ to be murdered. Can you remember

16、how long he _ the country before his death?(分数:2.50)A.the; the fourth; had been rulingB./; fourth; have been rulingC.the; fourth; was rulingD.a; the four; ruled22.If I lose my new watch my parents will be very annoyed _ me.(分数:2.50)A.againstB.withC.forD.about23.I do not think _ possible to master a

17、foreign language without much memory work.(分数:2.50)A.thisB.thatC.itsD.it24.Does brain power _ as we get older? Scientists now have some surprising answers.(分数:2.50)A.descendB.declineC.reduceD.collapse25.I don“t believe in Brown“s adventure at all. It sounds so _.(分数:2.50)A.incredibleB.credibleC.incr

18、edulousD.credulous26.We“ll never get to the station on time _ we run as fast as we can.(分数:2.50)A.in caseB.even ifC.provided thatD.if only27.Oil sales volume in local urban and rural areas rose by 24% and 50% _, over July 2006.(分数:2.50)A.separatelyB.individuallyC.independentlyD.respectively28.The sh

19、ipping authorities followed the _ of the unidentified submarine on their radar screens.(分数:2.50)A.channelB.wayC.courseD.direction29.I set off as soon as I got the news about my grandpa“s illness. Unfortunately, he _ at the hospital before I _.(分数:2.50)A.has died; went thereB.had died; arrivedC.died;

20、 had been thereD.was dying; had gone30.The committee has made rules _ all its members are supposed to work.(分数:2.50)A.by whichB.so thatC.now thatD.for which31.They were married for fifteen years but have now _ up and live apart.(分数:2.50)A.splitB.dividedC.divorcedD.separated32.Mary sent me a gift and

21、 wished me many happy _ on my birthday.(分数:2.50)A.returnsB.memoriesC.congratulationsD.greetings33.The old lady _ leaving the store without paying for the goods.(分数:2.50)A.refusedB.deniedC.rejectedD.defied34.She has to work hard to keep the house _ and tidy with three small children.(分数:2.50)A.smooth

22、B.neatC.compactD.plain35.The farm produced more food than _ thought possible during World War .(分数:2.50)A.ever beB.would ever beC.has ever beenD.had ever been36.The building looks deserted but there“s _ to be someone on guard there.(分数:2.50)A.stillB.simplyC.boundD.probable37.As the plane flew off to

23、wards the mountains in the distance the sound of its engines gradually _.(分数:2.50)A.died awayB.sank downC.dropped offD.went out38.All flights _ because of the snowstorm, many passengers could do nothing but take the train.(分数:2.50)A.had been cancelledB.having been cancelledC.were cancelledD.have bee

24、n cancelled39.Could I change my pounds _ dollars, please? I“m off to the USA shortly.(分数:2.50)A.fromB.againstC.forD.by40.We would greatly _ any advice you may care to give.(分数:2.50)A.estimateB.appraiseC.appreciateD.evaluate41.Never before _ won gold medals in the Olympic Games.(分数:2.50)A.such many C

25、hinese athletes haveB.have so many Chinese athletesC.have such many Chinese athletesD.so many Chinese athletes have大学生英语竞赛 C 类非英语专业-18 答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Multipe Choice(总题数:41,分数:100.00)1.There had been windows on the westerly side of the school, but they appeared to have been built up for

26、a long time _ of the workmanship on the outside.(分数:1.00)A.estimated in the outlookB.to presume upon the clueC.to be detected in the traceD.judging from the appearance 解析:解析 句意:校园的西边有一些窗子,但是从外观判断他们已经存在很长时间了。judging from由判断出,现在分词做独立成分,和句子的主语没有关系,一般可以认为动作发出者是作者或大众一般视角。所以 D 选项正确。2.I can“t agree with my

27、 Mum. I think that such an old-fashioned dress can“t cost a _. She says 100 pounds is a real(分数:1.50)A.lot of money; luckB.bargain; luckC.fortune; bargain D.big sum; fortune解析:解析 句意:我不同意妈妈的看法,我认为这样一条过时的裙子不可能花太多的钱,但她却说一百英镑已经够便宜了。a fortune 一大笔钱,a real bargain 表示“以便宜价格购得之物”。3._ is on the rise, with ove

28、r 20% of serious crimes being committed by children under the age of seventeen.(分数:2.50)A.Junior crimeB.Juvenile delinquency C.Minor crimeD.Senior delinquency解析:解析 句意:青少年犯罪在上升,有 20%的重罪是 17 岁以下少年所犯。Juvenile delinquency 青少年犯罪,其他均不符合文意。4.The Smiths were leaving that _ town. Everybody wanted to escape i

29、ts noise and pollution and was looking forward to a _ country life.(分数:2.50)A.crowded; peaceful B.deserted; peacefulC.desert; thrillingD.empty; sour解析:解析 句意:Smiths 一家离开了那个拥挤不堪的城市。每一个人都想离开这个又嘈杂又肮脏的小镇,去寻找一个安静的地方。从后一句话可以推知这个小镇很拥挤,人们都想寻找一个安静的地方。5.When I first began writing poetry, I think the poets that

30、 I had studied at school _ my approach and the things I wrote about.(分数:2.50)A.communicatedB.impressedC.influenced D.discussed解析:解析 句意:当我第一次创作诗歌的时候,我发现在学校学的诗歌影响着我的创作方法和创作内容。influence 影响。communicate 交流,传染。impress 留下印象。discuss 讨论。6.She is an excellent teacher who has taught in four schools, _ she taug

31、ht, her principals had a high opinion of her.(分数:2.50)A.Wherever B.EverywhereC.In as much asD.In such schools that解析:解析 句意:她曾经在四所学校教过书,是一个非常优秀的老师,无论在哪里授课,校长对她的评价都很高。Wherever 的意思是“无论在哪”,引导让步状语从句。7.My friend Tanya _ Japanese for six years before she _ Japan. I“ve just received a letter from her. It sa

32、ys she has been studying Chinese for three months and _ for China in a month.(分数:2.50)A.had been studying; visited; is leaving B.studied; had visited; will live inC.has studied; visited; would leaveD.was studying; has visited; leaves解析:解析 句意:我的朋友 Tanya 在去日本之前学了六年的日语,我刚收到她的信,信上说她已经学了三个月的汉语,在一个月后去中国。从

33、题目中可知,Tanya 现在正在学习汉语,在此之前去过日本,因而要用过去时,在去日本之前就已经在学习日语,去日本是过去的事,去日本之前学日语就是过去的过去,因此用过去完成进行时,强调动作的延续性“一直在学日语”;一个月后将要去中国,leaving 表示将要发生的动作。8.At the last place Gary worked, they _ an annual company picnic. All the employees _ bring their families along and spend the day at a nearby park. It was great.(分数:

34、2.50)A.had to have; had toB.used to have; couldn“tC.would have; didn“t have toD.used to have; would 解析:解析 句意:Gary 以前工作的地方,每年公司都会有一次野餐,所有的员工都会带上家人一起在附近的公园玩上一天,那太棒了。used to do 和 would do 都表示过去经常和习惯性的动作,从 annual可以推知他们是经常做的事,因而 D 选项正确。9.They _ such a big van _ the price of gas would skyrocket.(分数:2.50)A

35、.would have bought; if they knewB.wouldn“t have bought; had they known C.wouldn“t have bought; if had they knownD.wouldn“t have bought; did they know解析:解析 句意:如果当时他们知道油价会涨的如此之快的话,就不会买这么大一辆货车了。此句是if 条件句的虚拟语气的用法,表示与过去事实相反,当从句中含有 had,should 或 were 的情况下,可将其提到句首,if 省略掉。10.We“re going to paint the town _ t

36、o celebrate our win.(分数:2.50)A.blueB.purpleC.goldD.red 解析:解析 句意:我们打算去酒吧庆祝我们的胜利。paint the town red 为口语中的习惯用法,表示“到酒吧或其他娱乐场所玩乐”。11.Written in central Canada in the early part of the twentieth century, _, depicts life in Manitoda.(分数:2.50)A.The Midnight Sun was Victor Frank“s last novelB.Victor Frank“s

37、last novel was The Midnight SunC.The Midnight Sun, which was Victor Frank“s last novel D.Which was Victor Frank“s last novel, The Midnight Sun解析:解析 句意:Victor Frank 最后一本小说午夜的太阳写于 20 世纪早期的加拿大中部,描述了 Manitoba 的生活。which 引导的是一个非限制性定语从句,修饰主语 The Midnight Sun,depicts 是谓语。12.An animator has to build up his o

38、r her work frame by frame. Each film takes a very long time to make, and so _ are essential to see the project through to the end.(分数:2.50)A.research and developmentB.continuity and relaxationC.diversions and rewardsD.dedication and commitment 解析:解析 句意:漫画家要逐个地构建作品,每一部电影都要花上很多时间来制作,因此献身和投入是将工程进行到底的关键

39、。dedication 献身,贡献,commitment 委托事项,许诺,承担义务。see.through 将进行到底。continuity 连续性。relaxation 松弛,放松,减轻。diversions 转向,转移。13.How come you left the party without saying “good-bye“? I was angry with John. He shouted at me and my patience _.(分数:2.50)A.ran overB.ran awayC.ran throughD.ran out 解析:解析 run out 耗尽,用光,

40、run over 跑过去,溢出。run away 潜逃,失控。ran through 跑着穿过,刺,戳,贯穿。how come 怎么发生的。14.I“m a nervous wreck. We applied for a mortgage loan last week, and they _ let us know this morning if it had been approved.(分数:2.50)A.were supposed to B.might haveC.would haveD.must go to解析:解析 句意:我现在紧张死了,上星期我申请了抵押贷款,如果得到了批准,今天早

41、上他们应该告诉我。were supposed to sth.应该做某事。根据上下文,与过去动作相反,用虚拟语气,所以 A 项正确。15.We can“t do any more now. Let“s call it a _.(分数:2.50)A.day B.haltC.stD.opE.night解析:解析 句意:我们现在就做这么多,今天就到这儿吧。call.a day 终止或结束某事。16.Although we tend to think that they are basically the same animal, dolphins, porpoises, and fish are no

42、t alike. Despite how similar they might seem, these three animals _ dolphins and porpoises are mammals while fish are not.(分数:2.50)A.different in thatB.different so thatC.differ in that D.differ so that解析:解析 句意:虽然我们倾向于认为海豚、鲸、鱼类基本属于一种动物,但它们并不相同。尽管它们看起来很相似,但这三种动物还是有不同这处,海豚和鲸属于哺乳动物,而鱼类则不是。differ in在不同。

43、that 引导宾语从句,所以 C 项正确。17.When Steve Fossett first attempted his solo balloon flight around the world, he _ that he would encounter 10 days of thunderstorms over Argentina. Consequently, his balloon was damaged and he was forced to end his trip.(分数:2.50)A.wasn“t anticipatingB.wouldn“t anticipateC.had

44、anticipated notD.had not anticipated 解析:解析 句意:当 Steve Fossett 第一次尝试独自乘热气球环球旅行的时候,他没有料想到会在阿根廷上空遭遇到 10 天的暴风雨,致使他的热气球受损被迫放弃飞行。had not anticipated 为过去完成时,含义为“没有料想到”,表示在主句发生的动作之前。18.Leslie“s upset. She invited about 20 people to her house for a party and then no one showed up. The least they _ have done

45、was to call to say they _ to go.(分数:2.50)A.might; were goingB.could; weren“t going C.might; weren“t supposedD.should; were going解析:解析 句意:Leslie“s 很难过。她邀请了大约 20 人到家里聚会却一个人都没有来,至少他们应该打电话告诉一声他们不来了。could have done 表示对过去事实的虚拟“本应该做某事”;were going to 是过去将来时,表示以主句动作发生的时间为起点将要发生的动作。the least 含义为“至少,最起码”。19.I

46、wish I _ myself better in English, but I(分数:2.50)A.will express; won“tB.could express; can“t C.would express; won“tD.can express; can“t解析:解析 句意:我希望我能够用英语更好地表达自己,但我做不到”。当 wish 的宾语从句中所叙述的情况不可能发生或可能性较小的时候,需要用虚拟语气,从句的谓语动词相对于主句的谓语动词时态向前推,而第二个空格表示“不能”而非“不愿”。20._ the interview in Boston lasted so long, I m

47、issed my connecting flight to New York.(分数:2.50)A.Due toB.WhenC.As D.Despite解析:解析 句意:由于在波士顿的面试持续了很长的时间,致使我错过了去纽约的联运航班。as 作连词引导原因状语从句。due to 为介词短语,引导原因状语时后接名词短语,不能接句子。21.John F. Kennedy was _ youngest President of the United States and _ to be murdered. Can you remember how long he _ the country befo

48、re his death?(分数:2.50)A.the; the fourth; had been ruling B./; fourth; have been rulingC.the; fourth; was rulingD.a; the four; ruled解析:解析 句意:John F. Kennedy 是美国历史上第四位年青的总统,也是第四位被暗杀的总统。你知道他死亡前执政了多长时间吗?最高级和序数词前都需要加定冠词修饰,统治这个国家为过去的过去,发生在 Kennedy 死亡之前,因此要用过去完成时或过去完成进行时,所以 A 项正确。22.If I lose my new watch my parents will be very annoyed _ me.(分数:2.50)A.againstB.with C.forD.about解析:解析 句意:如果我弄丢了这块新手表,父母将会非常生气。be annoyed with sb.因


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