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1、大学英语六级听力-23 及答案解析(总分:252.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Section A(总题数:4,分数:105.00)(分数:35.00)A.Furnished apartments will cost more.B.The apartment can be furnished easily.C.The apartment is just what the man is looking for.D.She can provide the man with the apartment he needs.A.Mr. Johnsons ideas are nonsense.B.He

2、quite agrees with Mr. Johnsons views.C.Mr. Johnson is good at expressing his ideas.D.He shares the womans views on social welfare.A.Study in a quiet place.B.Improve her grades gradually.C.Change the conditions of her dorm.D.Avoid distractions while studying in her dorm.A.It has been put off.B.It has

3、 been cancelled.C.It will be held in a different place.D.It will be rescheduled to attract more participants.A.Janet loves the beautiful landscape of Australia very much.B.Janet is very much interested in architecture.C.Janet admires the Sydney Opera House very much.D.Janet thinks its a shame for an

4、yone not to visit Australia.(分数:21.00)A.It is based on a lot of research.B.It can be finished in a few weeks time.C.It has drawn criticism from lots of people.D.It falls short of her supervisors expectations.A.Karen is very forgetful.B.He knows Karen better now.C.Karen is sure to pass the interview.

5、D.The woman should have reminded Karen earlier.A.Ask Joe to apologize to the professor for her.B.Skip the class to prepare for the exam.C.Tell the professor shes lost her voice.D.Attend the lecture with the man.(分数:28.00)A.Their BBS was not as good as what they had thought before.B.Their progress in

6、 the website-design was hindered for lack of fund.C.Their full-time website designer was too busy to complete her task.D.Their temporary website designer was not qualified to do the BBS.A.She was a close relative of his colleague.B.She was recommended by someone he knows.C.She was assigned to help w

7、ith his program.D.She was chosen after being interviewed.A.She complained that she was given too much work.B.She admitted that she had been dishonest.C.She owed it to miscommunication between them.D.She insisted that she had made a terrific website.A.Resort to the Part-time Job Center.B.Turn to thei

8、r professor for help.C.Hire a professional with better pay.D.Pay her full fees for better work.(分数:21.00)A.A story in prose.B.A poem that rhymes.C.A translation of a short literary woreD.A journal about the process of writing.A.The class has been assigned to read it in English.B.He was able to read

9、it in French.C.He isnt sure its available in English.D.He thinks its an example of what the professor wants.A.Its quite different when pronounced in French and English.B.To write without using it is difficult both in English and in French.C.Every word in the French authors book contained it.D.Its co

10、mmonly used in English to make poetry rhyme.二、Section B(总题数:0,分数:0.00)三、Passage One(总题数:1,分数:28.00)(分数:28.00)A.Classmates.B.Colleagues.C.Boss and secretary.D.PR representative and client.A.He felt his assignment was tougher than Sues.B.His clients complained about his service.C.He thought the boss w

11、as unfair to him.D.His boss was always finding fault with his work.A.She is unwilling to undertake them.B.She complains about her bad luck.C.She always accepts them cheerfully.D.She takes them on, though reluctantly.A.Sue got promoted.B.John had to quit his job.C.Both John and Sue got a raise.D.Sue

12、failed to complete her project.四、Passage Two(总题数:1,分数:21.00)(分数:21.00)A.By greeting each other very politely.B.By exchanging their views on public affairs.C.By displaying their feelings and emotions.D.By asking each other some personal questions.A.Refrain from showing his feelings.B.Express his opin

13、ion frankly.C.Argue fiercely.D.Yell loudly.A.Getting rich quickly.B.Distinguishing oneself.C.Respecting individual rights.D.Doing credit to ones community.五、Passage Three(总题数:1,分数:21.00)(分数:21.00)A.If they dont involve any risks.B.If they produce predictable side effects.C.When the urgent need for t

14、hem arises.D.When tests show that .they are relatively safe.A.Because they are not accustomed to it.B.Because they are not psychologically prepared for it.C.Because their genes differ from those who have been tested for it.D.Because they are less sensitive to it than those who have been tested for i

15、t.A.They will have to take ever larger doses.B.They will become physically impaired.C.They will suffer from minor discomfort.D.They will experience a very painful process.六、Section C(总题数:1,分数:77.00)Most people dont wake up in the morning, comb their hair, and walk out the front door and onto the wor

16、ld stage. But Britains Prince William does, though hes trying his best to act like an (36) person.In many ways, Princes Williams graduation from Sandhurst Military Academy earlier this month (37) his battle for normality. “I really want to be in control of my own life,“ William said in an (38) after

17、wards. “Id want to go where my men went and Id want to do what they did. I would not want to be kept back for being (39) .“Yet he has accepted that it would be unfair to put his men at risk by his (40) on the front line. He (41) took it better than his brother Harry, who told officers: “ff I am not

18、allowed to join my unit in a war zone, I will hand in my (42) .“The differences in the princes characters are (43) : William is the sensitive one, Harry the royal playboy. (44) .The family have kept a close eye on William. But since he left St Andrews, (45) .A celebrity PR adviser recently said that

19、 Prince Williams relationship with the press would be crucial in terms of the future of the monarchy. “ (46) If he is influenced by his father then it could be the end,“ he said.(分数:77.00)填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_大学英语六级听力-23 答案解析(总分:252.00,做题时间:90

20、分钟)一、Section A(总题数:4,分数:105.00)(分数:35.00)A.Furnished apartments will cost more.B.The apartment can be furnished easily.C.The apartment is just what the man is looking for.D.She can provide the man with the apartment he needs. 解析:听力原文 M: Im looking for an unfurnished two-bedroom apartment. But all yo

21、ur apartments are furnished.W: We can take care of that. We can simply remove the furniture.Q: What does the woman mean?解析 男士想要不带家具的两居室房子,女士说可以把家具撤走,故选 D。对话没提价钱,故 A 错;男士不希望 furnished,故 B、C 错。A.Mr. Johnsons ideas are nonsense.B.He quite agrees with Mr. Johnsons views. C.Mr. Johnson is good at express

22、ing his ideas.D.He shares the womans views on social welfare.解析:听力原文 W: I dont agree with Mr. Johnson on his views about social welfare. He seemed to suggest that the poor are robbing the rich.M: He might have used better words to express his ideas, but I find what he said makes a lot of sense.Q: Wh

23、at does the man mean?解析 此题关键在于听懂“make a lot of sense 很有道理”,即 B“非常同意 Johnson 的观点”,故A 错;而女士不同意,故 D 错;男士说 Johnson 应该措辞得当,说明 C 错。A.Study in a quiet place. B.Improve her grades gradually.C.Change the conditions of her dorm.D.Avoid distractions while studying in her dorm.解析:听力原文 W: Ive been studying all t

24、he time, but still cant see any improvement in my grades.M: Maybe instead of studying in your dorm, youd better go some place where there are fewer distractions.Q: What does the man advise the woman to do?解析 男士用了 youd better 句型表达建议,“go some place where there are fewer distractions”说明他觉得女士现在学习的地方干扰较多

25、,所以应该找个安静的地方学习,故选 A,而不是 D“在宿舍学习时避免干扰”。A.It has been put off. B.It has been cancelled.C.It will be held in a different place.D.It will be rescheduled to attract more participants.解析:听力原文 W: The seminar originally scheduled for today has been canceled. The hours I spent preparing for it are totally wa

26、sted.M: Not really. As far as I know, its been postponed till next week.Q: What does the man say about the seminar?解析 本题考查 postpone 和 put off 的同义替换。A 正确。A.Janet loves the beautiful landscape of Australia very much.B.Janet is very much interested in architecture.C.Janet admires the Sydney Opera House

27、 very much. D.Janet thinks its a shame for anyone not to visit Australia.解析:听力原文 M: Hi, Janet. I hear youve just returned from a tour of Australia. Did you get a chance to visit the Sydney Opera House?W: Of course I did. It would be a shame for anyone visiting Australia not to see this unique creati

28、on in architecture. Its magnificent beauty is simply beyond description.Q: What do we learn from the conversation?解析 本对话的话题是 Sydney Opera House, unique creation in architecture“建筑学上独特的创作”和 magnificent beauty beyond description“难以描述的美”,这些用词充分表达了女士对悉尼歌剧院的赞美。对话主题不是泛泛而谈 landscape 或 architecture,故 A、B 错;

29、Janet 说 visiting Australia 的游客不参观 Sydney Opera House 很遗憾,而不是 D“不到澳大利亚很遗憾”。(分数:21.00)A.It is based on a lot of research.B.It can be finished in a few weeks time.C.It has drawn criticism from lots of people.D.It falls short of her supervisors expectations. 解析:听力原文 M: Sherry, how are you doing with you

30、r thesis?W: Oh, my thesis! Thats something I definitely dont want to talk about right now. I finished my first draft some time ago, but my supervisor said I should do more research if I want to achieve the quality he expects of me.Q: What do we learn from the conversation about the womans thesis?解析

31、女士不想谈她的 thesis,说明有问题,故可排除 A 和 B;对话中只提到她的 supervisor,没有提到很多人,故 C 错;假设条件句“if I want to achieve the quality he expects of me”说明现在还没 achieve the quality he expects of me,即 D“她的论文没有达到导师的期望值”。A.Karen is very forgetful. B.He knows Karen better now.C.Karen is sure to pass the interview.D.The woman should ha

32、ve reminded Karen earlier.解析:听力原文 W: I cant believe Karen is late for such an important occasion as a job interview. I reminded her time and again yesterday.M: You should have known her better by noweverything you tell her goes in one ear and out the other.Q: What does the man imply?解析 女士说她提醒 Karen

33、多次,但她还是面试迟到了,男士说“everything you tell her goes in one ear and out the other 你跟她说的话她左耳朵进右耳朵出”意即“听完了就忘,不往心里去”,故选 A,而非 D,更不可能是 C;此外,should have known her better 为虚拟语气,意为“本该更了解她了”,而非陈述语气的 B。A.Ask Joe to apologize to the professor for her.B.Skip the class to prepare for the exam. C.Tell the professor shes

34、 lost her voice.D.Attend the lecture with the man.解析:听力原文 W: Hi, Joe. I wonder if you could do me a favor and tell the professor Ive lost my voice so I cant attend this mornings class. I need the time to study for tomorrows exam.M: I dont think its wise to say so, since you are not going to give the

35、 lecture. You might as well simply skip the class and apologize to the professor later.Q: What will the woman probably do?解析 女士想让 Joe 转告教授,她嗓子说不出话,不能上课。以此为借口赢得时间准备明天的考试,而男士建议她还是逃课好了,事后再向教授道歉,所以女士很可能为了准备考试而逃课,即 B。A 错在让Joe 替她道歉;C 是原本的打算。(分数:28.00)A.Their BBS was not as good as what they had thought be

36、fore.B.Their progress in the website-design was hindered for lack of fund.C.Their full-time website designer was too busy to complete her task.D.Their temporary website designer was not qualified to do the BBS. 解析:听力原文 19-22M: Hi Jane, please come in and take a seat.W: Well, you would like to check

37、the progress of the website-design, right?M: Yes, but it seems that weve got some problems with the BBS. 19 The part-time web designer was not as good as what we had thought before. She informed us just now that she could not complete this task.W: Well, didnt you talk with her about what she should

38、do at the beginning?M: Not really. 20 She was recommended by Sampson and from what he told me, she sounded to be pretty qualified to do the job. Im not asking for a terrific web design but to build up a structure with all the basic elements of web design.W: Did you ask her why she wasnt frank with y

39、ou in the beginning if 19 she couldnt do the BBS?M: I did. 21 But she said it was a communication problem.W: So now what do you plan to do since she got the job half done?M: On one side, I will not pay her full fees since she wasnt honest with me in the beginning. On the other side, I have to search

40、 around for another guy to complete the job.W: I agree. That should also teach her a lesson. For us, 22 I think we had better turn to our Part-time Job Center for help. There, we can get a professional to work at it.19. What problem did the speakers encounter?解析 根据选项可以预测出问题:他们遇到了什么困难?话题与 BBS, websit

41、e-design, website designer 有关,因此听到对话中提及 problems with the BBS 时就要注意后文的具体解释:part-time web designer 是主要问题所在,即 D 中的 temporary website designer。她不会建 BBS 这一信息在对话中反复出现,此题不难作答。A.She was a close relative of his colleague.B.She was recommended by someone he knows. C.She was assigned to help with his program.

42、D.She was chosen after being interviewed.解析:听力原文 How did the man find the website designer?解析 根据选项可以大致预测出问题:“她”是通过什么途径来参与“他”的项目。B 是能听到的,只是把原文的具体人名模糊化了。A 有一定的干扰性,但文中并未提及“她”与推荐人是亲戚关系。A.She complained that she was given too much work.B.She admitted that she had been dishonest.C.She owed it to miscommun

43、ication between them. D.She insisted that she had made a terrific website.解析:听力原文 What did the part-time web designer explain about the situation?解析 根据选项可以大致预测出问题是“她”对某事的态度。当女士问男士是否询问过兼职网站设计员为何一开始没表明自己能力不够时,男士用间接引语引述她的理由是 communication problem,即 C 中的miscommunication。A.Resort to the Part-time Job Cen

44、ter. B.Turn to their professor for help.C.Hire a professional with better pay.D.Pay her full fees for better work.解析:听力原文 What did the woman suggest they do in the end?解析 选项为动词原形,一般考打算、建议、要求。在对话最后,男士说了两条打算,女士提了一条建议,A 与后者一致,为答案。C 有一定的干扰性,但原文中没有 with better pay 的依据。(分数:21.00)A.A story in prose. B.A po

45、em that rhymes.C.A translation of a short literary woreD.A journal about the process of writing.解析:听力原文 23-25M: I didnt see you in creative writing class today. What happened?W: Oh, just a dentist appointment. Thats all. Say, did we get a new assignment for next week?M: Yeah. A really interesting on

46、e, actually. 23 Were supposed to write a short story that has some sort of limitation or, or, constraints imposed on it.W: What do you mean? Like rhyming in a poem?M: Well, thatll be an idea. But what we write has to be prose, like prose poetry. Just to make rhyme in a poem is too easy, I guess. I t

47、hink Prof. Eliot really wants to challenge us, to put our creativity to the test.W: Well, did she give any hints about what she has in mind?M: Not really, 24 but I may have an idea of the kind of thing shes looking for. I just finished a really strange book by some French guy. He wrote a whole book

48、without even using a single e.W: A whole book without a single e? Hows it possible? But, wait a minute. I didnt know you can read French.M: I cant. I read the English translation. But get this. Theres not one e in that either.W: No way. Think of the words you couldnt use.M: I know, but that translator manages it. I got the book at home if you want to check out for yourself. 25 Whats really amazing to me is that leaving e in French is no easy job and doing it in English is gonna involve a complete different group of words. Its a real work of mind.W: Sometime y


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