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1、大学英语六级改革适用(听力)-试卷 349及答案解析(总分:34.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Listening Comprehens(总题数:7,分数:34.00)1.Part II Listening Comprehension_2.Section B_A.He was born in New England.B.He once worked for Harvard University.C.He was Edward Thomas friend.D.He wasnt awarded any prize.A.They contain no exaggeration of rhetori

2、c.B.They are full of explicit morals.C.They force us to think.D.The lines and sentences are beautiful.A.Farming activities.B.The meaning of life.C.Revolution.D.Morality.A.Doing potential harm to human bodies.B.Increasing moist in the users eyes.C.Reducing the working hours to three hours a day.D.Mak

3、ing the users eyes more beautiful: much wider.A.Radiation from the terminal.B.Stress in working hours.C.Without adequate eye-drops.D.Less or little moisture in the eyes.A.Make a long time to rest.B.Feel relaxed while working.C.Close eyes more often.D.Keep eye-drops handy.A.In the white pages.B.In th

4、e blue pages.C.In the yellow pages.D.In the green pages.A.The phoning fee.B.The mileage.C.The area code.D.The area map.A.Hang up the phone and make a call later.B.Ask the operator to leave a message.C.Give the number to the other party to phone back.D.Find a free public phone and call again.A.Check

5、your number and call again.B.Tell the operator what has happened.C.Ask the operator to put you through.D.Ask the operator what has happened.A.Water might become clean and pure.B.People will live in a better environment.C.There will be no police to protect people.D.People need to spend more money on

6、education.A.To build hospitals and schools.B.To build roads and railways.C.To train the police officers.D.To teach and train the citizens.A.Some people refuse to pay taxes.B.The rich people pay higher taxes.C.Every citizen has a duty to pay taxes.D.The taxes are used to make laws.A.It interests stud

7、ents in a career in counseling.B.It recruits counselors to work in the placement office.C.It facilitates students to find a part-time job easily.D.It convinces local merchants to hire college students.A.Gardening and landscaping.B.Retailing.C.Financing.D.Child-care.A.A job listing.B.A personal resum

8、e.C.A permission slip.D.A salary requirement.A.Refine their interviewing techniques.B.Arrange their working schedules.C.Select appropriate practical courses.D.Write cover letters for their resumes.大学英语六级改革适用(听力)-试卷 349答案解析(总分:34.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Listening Comprehens(总题数:7,分数:34.00)1.Part II Listening

9、 Comprehension_解析:2.Section B_解析:A.He was born in New England.B.He once worked for Harvard University.C.He was Edward Thomas friend. D.He wasnt awarded any prize.解析:解析:短文谈到,从 1912年到 1915年,Robert Frost 住在新英格兰,他和一些诗人成为了朋友,包括 Edward Thomas,故选 C。A.They contain no exaggeration of rhetoric. B.They are ful

10、l of explicit morals.C.They force us to think.D.The lines and sentences are beautiful.解析:解析:短文谈到,Frost 的诗歌没有夸张的修辞,故选 A。B 过于绝对化。A.Farming activities. B.The meaning of life.C.Revolution.D.Morality.解析:解析:短文说从诗人的视角,我们可以感受到农场的日常生活,还有一些背景场景,比如犁地、摘苹果或者补墙,故选 A。D 项是强干扰项,“moral”是 Frost诗歌中蕴涵的感情,并不是诗歌的主题。A.Doin

11、g potential harm to human bodies. B.Increasing moist in the users eyes.C.Reducing the working hours to three hours a day.D.Making the users eyes more beautiful: much wider.解析:解析:细节题。computer 是人们日常生活、工作不可缺少的一部分,但短文同时指出,电脑也带来问题,其中一个就是可能给人的身体带来伤害。故 A正确。BUT 题,听到 BUT就知道其后的内容需要格外重视。A.Radiation from the te

12、rminal.B.Stress in working hours.C.Without adequate eye-drops.D.Less or little moisture in the eyes. 解析:解析:推断题。短文提到:“blinking keeps eyes moist-thus reducing straim”(眨眼使眼睛保持湿润,从而减少眼疲劳);而短文还指出,使用电脑时人们的眨眼频率仅为每分钟 7次,非常低,因此眼睛的湿润度很低,由此引起眼疲劳。故 D正确。A.Make a long time to rest.B.Feel relaxed while working.C.C

13、lose eyes more often. D.Keep eye-drops handy.解析:解析:细节题。短文提到,如果你工作中面对电脑,应该经常性地闭眼休息。因此 C正确。A.In the white pages.B.In the blue pages. C.In the yellow pages.D.In the green pages.解析:解析:推断题。电话蓝页上包含城市服务、政府部门和公立学校的电话号码,而 city council属于 government agencies,因此可以在蓝页上查到,故 B正确。A.The phoning fee.B.The mileage.C.T

14、he area code. D.The area map.解析:解析:细节题。提到打长途电话后马上就说了需要“区号”,即 C。选项 D是强干扰项,注意 area map上面也有“区号”,所以区域图只是查找区号的一种手段。A.Hang up the phone and make a call later.B.Ask the operator to leave a message.C.Give the number to the other party to phone back. D.Find a free public phone and call again.解析:解析:细节题。如果在打长途

15、电话时用光了钱,可以告诉对方你所用公用电话的号码,然后让对方打过来,故 C正确。A.Check your number and call again.B.Tell the operator what has happened. C.Ask the operator to put you through.D.Ask the operator what has happened.解析:解析:细节题。如果打长途电话时拨错号了,打给接线员解释一下情况,接线员会再次帮你接通,故 B正确。if 后面的内容是考点。A.Water might become clean and pure.B.People wi

16、ll live in a better environment.C.There will be no police to protect people. D.People need to spend more money on education.解析:解析:文中叙述了一系列市民不纳税的后果,其中就有提到“没有警察保护人民安全和财产”。故C为正确答案。A、B 两项跟原文表述相反;D 项与问题没有直接因果关联。A.To build hospitals and schools.B.To build roads and railways.C.To train the police officers.

17、D.To teach and train the citizens. 解析:解析:原文说第二大项公款是用来教育和培训市民。故 D正确。符合“听到什么选什么”原则。A、B、C 项都是利用原文中的 schools、roads、police 等制造的干扰项。A.Some people refuse to pay taxes.B.The rich people pay higher taxes.C.Every citizen has a duty to pay taxes. D.The taxes are used to make laws.解析:解析:全文都提到了 taxes一词,且详细分析了纳税的

18、重要性和这些税款如何取之于民用之于民,文章末尾还提到了“法律规定我们要纳税,我们别无选择”。故 C为最佳选项。A.It interests students in a career in counseling.B.It recruits counselors to work in the placement office.C.It facilitates students to find a part-time job easily. D.It convinces local merchants to hire college students.解析:解析:细节题。介绍 placement s

19、ervice(就业服务机构)前,听到了不定式,可知提供这种服务的主要目的是给学生介绍 part-time jobs,故 C正确。A.Gardening and landscaping. B.Retailing.C.Financing.D.Child-care.解析:解析:在听到前文的 gardening and landscaping时应竖起耳朵听其下文,接着又听到表示最高级信息的 require the most time和 the least flexible,可知选 A。A.A job listing.B.A personal resume. C.A permission slip.D.

20、A salary requirement.解析:解析:细节题。文中提醒学生咨询时 be sure to bring a resume(一定要带上自己的简历),因此B正确。A 不是学生要带来的,而是 placement service提供给学生的材料。此题符合“听到什么选什么”的解题原则。A.Refine their interviewing techniques. B.Arrange their working schedules.C.Select appropriate practical courses.D.Write cover letters for their resumes.解析:解析:细节题。根据录音最后提到的“我们的顾问会告诉您成功面试的技巧。”可推知 A正确。对in addition之类的标志性结构后的补充说明要留意。


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