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1、大学英语四级(2013 年 12 月考试改革适用)-试卷 209 及答案解析(总分:118.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Writing(总题数:2,分数:4.00)1.Part I Writing(分数:2.00)_2.For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the following topic. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. Online bookstores such as Amazon an

2、d Dangdang are enjoying great popularity in recent years. Some people argue that traditional bookstores will be replaced by those online bookstores since people can always buy cheaper books there. Whats your opinion?(分数:2.00)_二、Listening Comprehens(总题数:12,分数:50.00)3.Part II Listening Comprehension_4

3、.Section A_A.Religious violence.B.Refugee issues.C.A ferry disaster.D.A rescue operation.A.198.B.200.C.290.D.500.A.To raise money for African.B.To raise money for Haitian earthquake victims.C.To sing in memory of Michael Jackson.D.To make a recording of the original version of the song.A.The organiz

4、er is one of the co-writers of the first song.B.Singers will use the same recording studio as in 1985.C.The recording session is expected to last long.D.Stars from the original version will take part.A.15 of them.B.3 of them.C.100 of them.D.Dozens of them.A.Italy.B.Africa.C.The Mediterranean region.

5、D.Places unknown.A.25.B.3.C.17.D.100.5.Section B_A.Its hereditary.B.The shampoo he used caused it.C.He combs his hair too much.D.He is old enough to lose hair.A.Use some special shampoo.B.Wear a wig.C.Don t try to comb hair over the bald or thin patch.D.Go to the doctor for advice.A.Over the radio.B

6、.At a doctor s office.C.At the man s house.D.At a drug store.A.It suits him.B.It looks ridiculous.C.It looks old.D.It s getting worse.A.Friends.B.Coworkers.C.Interviewer and interviewee.D.Doctor and patient.A.He thought Art was useless.B.He was offered a job in a big accounting firm.C.He wanted to g

7、o to London to study Art.D.He wanted to do some interesting things.A.The job don t have good prospects.B.He earns fairly a little.C.He found a better job.D.He cant get interested in the job.A.Doing a lot of photography.B.Going to conceits frequently.C.Playing traditional jazz and folk music.D.Travel

8、ing in Africa.6.Section C_A.The first stomach compartment.B.The name of the upper jaw.C.The stomach where digestion takes place.D.The name of the bacteria in the cow s stomach.A.Food storage.B.The production of milk.C.Digestion.D.The creation of cuds.A.Cud.B.Reticulum.C.Bacteria.D.Grass.A.Because yo

9、u have more opportunities.B.Because you have much pressure of your former colleagues.C.Because your old friends aren t watching you.D.Because everyone knows you in a new place.A.You may feel lonely and unhappy at the beginning.B.You can t find a good job.C.You may waste a lot of time.D.You have to l

10、eave your children.A.You should think about the future when you move.B.Moving brings opportunities as well as some problems.C.Husband and wife dont matter if he or she can benefit from the move.D.Children are always happy to move to a new city.A.Better memories.B.Better study habits.C.More efficient

11、 ways of conveying information.D.Greater abilities to deal with complex tasks.A.They can spend more time in mastering language.B.They don t make things more complex.C.They have a good memory.D.They are not afraid of making mistakes.A.Because they have complex communication needs.B.Because they don t

12、 want to appear stupid.C.Because they are always in a hurry.D.Because they have to finish work first.A.Who are the better language learners, children or adults?B.Why do adults learn a foreign language?C.What are the advantages and disadvantages of adults in learning language?D.What are the troubles

13、and worries of adults in learning language?三、Reading Comprehensio(总题数:8,分数:60.00)7.Part III Reading Comprehension_8.Section A_Keeping healthy requires a conscious effort. You make choices about the foods you eat, just 1you make choices about getting fresh air, exercise, and rest. And if you are like

14、 most people, you are making bad choices, particularly in your diet. I d like to offer some 2here. Nowadays, health experts are 3against fats and proteins. Though these experts are right in telling you to be careful about the foods you eat, they are wrong in 4you to stay away from fats and proteins.

15、 Both of these things serve important 5in the body. Fats provide 6. And they are especially useful because they can be 7in the body for future use. Proteins are required for growth needs and for 8the body against diseases. It is equally important that they are included in your diet too. A good diet

16、is one that includes some fats and proteinsbut not too much. You should already be eating five servings of vegetables and four servings of fruits every day. So be sure to include two servings of something high in protein and one or two servings of something 9in fat into your diet. Then you will be o

17、n the 10to great health!A)but B)road C)as D)functionsE)advising F)collecting G)defending H)unrealisticI)warning J)proper K)energy L)suggestionsM)stored N)while O)rich(分数:20.00)填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_10.Section B_How to Make Attractive and Effective Powe

18、rPoint PresentationsA)Microsoft PowerPoint has dramatically changed the way in which academic and business presentations are made. This article outlines few tips on making more effective and attractive PowerPoint presentations.The TextB)Keep the wording clear and simple. Use active, visual language.

19、 Cut unnecessary wordsa good rule of thumb is to cut paragraphs down to sentences, sentences into phrases, and phrases into key words. Limit the number of words and lines per slide. Try the Rule of Five-five words per line, five lines per slide. If too much text appears on one slide, use the AutoFit

20、 feature to split it between two slides. Click within the placeholder to display the AutoFit Options button(its symbol is two horizontal lines with arrows above and below), then click on the button and choose Split Text between Two Slides from the submenu.C)Font size for titles should be at least 36

21、 to 40, while the text body should not be smaller than 24. Use only two font styles per slideone for the title and the other for the text. Choose two fonts that visually contrast with each other. Garamond Medium Condensed and Impact are good for titles, while Garamond or Tempus Sans can be used for

22、the text body.D)Embed the fonts in your presentation, if you are not sure whether the fonts used in the presentation are present in the computer that will be used for the presentation. To embed the fonts:(1)On the File menu, click Save As.(2)On the toolbar, click Tools, click Save Options, select th

23、e Embed TrueType Fonts check box, and then select Embed characters in use only.E)Use colors sparingly: two to three at most. You may use one color for all the titles and another for the text body. Be consistent from slide to slide. Choose a font color that contrasts well with the background.F)Capita

24、lizing the first letter of each word is good for the title of slides and suggests a more formal situation than having just the first letter of the first word capitalized. In bullet point lines, capitalize the first word and no other words unless they normally appear capped. Upper and lower case lett

25、ering is more readable than all capital letters. Moreover, current styles indicate that using all capital letters means you are shouting. If you have text that is in the wrong case, select the text, and then click Shift+F3 until it changes to the case style that you like. Clicking Shift+F3 toggles t

26、he text case between ALL CAPS, lower case, and Initial Capital styles.G)Use bold or italic typeface for emphasis. Avoid underlining, it clutters up the presentation. Dont center bulleted lists or text. It is confusing to read. Left align unless you have a good reason not to. Run “spell check“ on you

27、r show when finished. The BackgroundH)Keep the background consistent. Simple, light textured backgrounds work well. Complicated textures make the content hard to read. If you are planning to use many clips in your slides, select a white background. If the venue of your presentation is not adequately

28、 light-proof, select a dark-colored background and use any light color for text. Minimize the use of “bells and whistles“ such as sound effects, “flying words“ and multiple transitions. Dont use red in any fonts or backgrounds. It is an emotionally overwhelming color that is difficult to see and rea

29、d. The ClipsI)Animations are best used subtly: too much flash and motion can distract and annoy viewers. Do not rely too heavily on those images that were originally loaded on your computer with the rest of Office. You can easily find appropriate clips on any topic through Google Images. While searc

30、hing for images, do not use long search phrases as is usually done while searching the web-use specific words.J)When importing pictures, make sure that they are smaller than two megabytes and are in a jpg format. Larger files can slow down your show. Keep graphs, charts and diagrams simple, if possi

31、ble. Use bar graphs and pie charts instead of tables of data. The audience can then immediately pick up the relationships. The PresentationK)If you want your presentation to directly open in the slide show view, save it as a slide show file using the following steps. Open the presentation you want t

32、o save as a slide show. On the File menu, click Save As. In the Save as type list, click PowerPoint Show. Your slide show file will be saved with a ppt file extension. When you double-click on this file, it will automatically start your presentation in slide show view. When youre done, PowerPoint au

33、tomatically closes and you return to the desktop. If you want to edit the slide show file, you can always open it from PowerPoint by clicking Open on the File menu.L)Look at the audience, not at the slides, whenever possible. If using a laser pointer, dont move it too fast. For example, if circling

34、a number on the slide, do it slowly. Never point the laser at the audience. Black out the screen(use “B“ on the keyboard)after the point has been made, to put the focus on you. Press the key again to continue your presentation.M)You can use the shortcut commandCtrlP to access the Pen tool during a s

35、lide show. Click with your mouse and drag to use the Pen tool to draw during your slide show. To erase everything youve drawn, press the E key. To turn off the Pen tool, pressEsconce. MiscellaneousN)Master Slide Set-Up: The “master slide“ will allow you to make changes that are reflected on every sl

36、ide in your presentation. You can change fonts, colors, backgrounds, headers, and footers at the “master slide“ level. First, go to the “View“ menu. Pull down the “Master“ menu. Select the “slide master“ menu. You may now make changes at this level that meet your presentation needs.(分数:20.00)(1).Whe

37、n making the PowerPoint, the wording of the text should not be complicated.(分数:2.00)填空项 1:_(2).When importing pictures, make sure that they are smaller than 2MB.(分数:2.00)填空项 1:_(3).A more formal situation is capitalizing the first letter of the first word.(分数:2.00)填空项 1:_(4).Centering bulleted lists

38、 or text is confusing to read.(分数:2.00)填空项 1:_(5).The ways in which academic and business presentations are made have been changed by Microsoft PowerPoint.(分数:2.00)填空项 1:_(6).Pressing the E key can help you to erase everything you ve drawn.(分数:2.00)填空项 1:_(7).In each slide, the font styles for the t

39、itle and the text should contrast with each other.(分数:2.00)填空项 1:_(8).In order to meet your presentation needs, you can make changes at the “slide master“ level.(分数:2.00)填空项 1:_(9).Sound effects should be used as less frequently as possible.(分数:2.00)填空项 1:_(10).When making the presentation, you shou

40、ld look at the audience as possible as you can.(分数:2.00)填空项 1:_11.Section C_Man is endlessly inventive. But his greatest invention is non-invention, the skill of transmitting intact(完美无损的)and unchanged from one generation to the next the fundamental ways of doing things which he learned from the gen

41、eration which preceded him. Children are conceived and reared, houses built, fish caught, and enemies killed in much the same way by most of the members of any society: and these patterns are maintained for relatively long periods of time. From the perspective of those in each new generation, and fo

42、r the society as an enduring, historical entity(统一的), this process of cultural transmission yields enormous economy. Thanks to it, each generation need not rediscover at great cost in time and subject to great risk of failure, what those coming before have already learned. Not only is knowledge thus

43、 conserved, but the basis for communal life, resting on common information and understanding is thus established. Since all those in each generation receive more or less the same cultural heritage from the preceding generation, they can more easily relate to one another and more effectively coordina

44、te their actions. The grand total of all the objects, ideas, knowledge, ways of doing things, habits values, and attitudes which each generation in a society passes on to the next is what the anthropologist often refers to as the culture of a group. The transmission of culture is man s substitute fo

45、r the instincts(本能)whereby most other living creatures are equipped with the means for coping with their environment and relating to one another. Yet it is more flexible than instinct, and can grow: that is, it can store new information, infinitely more rapidly than the process of mutation and biological evolution can enrich the instinctual storehouse of any other species.(分数:10.00)(1).What does the passage mainly discuss?(分数:2.00)A.The relation between culture and invention.B.The transmission of human culture.C.The history of human ci


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