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1、大学英语四级 121 及答案解析(总分:746.51,做题时间:130 分钟)一、Writing (30 minutes)(总题数:1,分数:30.00)1.A recent investigation shows that about 80 percent of pupils have private tutors. In this part, you are to write a composition of 120 words about The Advantages and Disadvantages of Private Tutoring.(分数:30.00)_二、Reading C

2、omprehensio(总题数:1,分数:71.00)Picnic in the Dining-Room “We shall be having a picnic tomorrow afternoon,“ said my hostess, Mrs. Brown. “It will be quite simple and we shant make any fuss. I think an afternoon in fife open air will do us good, dont you? Would you like to come with us?“ I had already mad

3、e an appointment with the hairdresser but I weakly agreed to cancel it. Mrs. Brown smiled graciously. “I shall be making some cakes this afternoon,“ she explained, “so I shant have any free time. I wonder whether you would mind doing some shopping for me during your lunch hour, that is, if you can f

4、it it in.“ She handed me a typewritten list made up of twenty-four separate items, from shrimps to sugared almonds, including an order for a chicken, four sliced loaves, a half-litre of fresh cream and some Camembert, all to be delivered at the house before five o clock. That still left me with plen

5、ty to carry myself, and it seemed that if only I could manage to stagger home with my load, there would be no danger of starving the next afternoon. That evening a violent thunderstorm broke. Rain poured down; the sky was split by terrifying flashes of forked lightning while peals of thunder drowned

6、 conversation. But Mrs. Brown was not upset. “It will have cleared up before morning,“ she prophesied. “When this storm has passed we It have ideal weather, you 11 see. The B. B. C. weather forecast has promised sunshine, and they don t often make mistakes.“ She was right. The following morning was

7、glorious. Early in the morning I could hear her moving about in the kitchen. Breakfast was late and consisted of corn flakes and toast. “I must apologize for neglecting you,“ said Mrs. Brown. “So much to do ! You wont mind making your bed this morning, will you7 Im so busy. Im afraid we shall have t

8、o make do with cold meat and potatoes for lunch.“ The whole morning seemed to be spent in loading the car with a variety of bags, baskets and mysterious parcels. After a lunch of cold mutton, boiled potatoes, and limp damp lettuce, we took our rain jackets and umbrellas and fitted ourselves into the

9、 car. I was in the back seat, squeezed uncomfortably in the midst of a mountain of equipment. We crawled for the next two hours along a main road where a line of traffic was wedged so tightly together that it was almost stationary. Mr. Brown was in charge of the steering wheel but Mrs. Brown control

10、led the driving. At last we turned down a narrow lane and started looking for a suitable place for tea. Each one that we saw had its drawbacks: too sunny, too shady, too exposed, too sheltered. “If we were to picnic there, we should be too hot, cold, conspicuous, shut in,“ declared Mrs. Brown as she

11、 inspected each in turn. At last she decided that a certain meadown ( in reality no different from ally other meadow we had examined) would do. Mr. Brown opened the gate and drove the car inside. We started to unload. I had never in my life realized that so much stuff could be required for a simple

12、picnic. A folding table was produced together with a clean glossy tablecloth, folding chairs (with cushions), enough crockery and cutlery for a banquet and more than enough food for six courses, paper napkins, a transistor radio, half a dozen illustrated magazines and even soap, a towel, water and a

13、 bowl for washing our hands after the meal. I half expected a crimson carpet, possibly footstools for our feet, with red candles as tasteful table decorations. I did discover a tin of fly killer, a bottle of ammonia for the treatment of stings and even some indigestion tablets. For a whole hour we m

14、ade our preparations and at last everything that we needed was ready. As we were enjoying our first mouthful of thermosflask soup, a stout man opened the gate and came towards us. “Sorry to make a nuisance of myself, but in five minutes we shall have finished milking the cows,“ he announced. “Theyll

15、 be coming back here directly after.“ Mrs. Brown gazed at him speechless for a moment. At last she found words. “But you can see weve only just started eating,“ she protested indignantly. “surely you can delay sending them in for an hour or so?“ “Sorry maam, weve other jobs to do. Well give you time

16、 to clear up: that s the most that we can allow. Say twenty minutes. You know youre trespassing, of course?“ Mrs. Brown seemed to collapse in her chair. I wished I were fifty miles off. Mr. Brown was the only one that accepted the situation philosophically. “It seems to be high time we departed,“ wa

17、s his only comment. Half an hour after we moved off as the cows were wandering down the lane and as the first drops of rain were falling. We joined the traffic jam in the main road. Three hours later we unpacked again and had our picnic in Mrs. Browns dining-room-with a carpet underfoot but still no

18、 candles. We were strangely silent but our deep sense of grievance did not in any way prevent us from eating a great deal. (分数:71.00)(1).The author was most probably a tenant of the family. (分数:7.10)A.YB.NC.NG(2).When the author was invited by Mrs. Brown to go on a picnic, she accepted it happily. (

19、分数:7.10)A.YB.NC.NG(3).From the authors description, we can conclude that Mrs. Brown had made very detailed arrangements for the picnic. (分数:7.10)A.YB.NC.NG(4).Mrs. Brown decided to have the picnic in a certain meadow without much thought. (分数:7.10)A.YB.NC.NG(5).The farmer told the picnickers to leav

20、e because he was unfriendly and fault-finding. (分数:7.10)A.YB.NC.NG(6).“I wish I were fifty miles off“ means that the author was eager to go home. (分数:7.10)A.YB.NC.NG(7).Mr. Brown was happy that I was invited to joined the picnic. (分数:7.10)A.YB.NC.NG(8).The evening before the picnic broke a violent t

21、hunderstorm, but Mrs. Brown was still 1 about the weather. (分数:7.10)填空项 1:_(9).When we went out for the picnic we met a heavy 1 along the main road. (分数:7.10)填空项 1:_(10).Finally we had our picnic in 1. (分数:7.10)填空项 1:_三、Listening Comprehens(总题数:1,分数:15.00)A.The man saw Mark on the street two months

22、ago.B.The woman had forgotten Marks phone number.C.The woman made a phone call to Mark yesterday.D.Mark and the woman had not been in touch for some time.A.The man is late for the trip because he is busy.B.The woman is glad to meet Mr. Brown in person.C.The man is meeting the woman on behalf of Mr.

23、Brown.D.The woman feels sorry that Mr. Brown is unable to come.A.At 10:30.B.At 10:25.C.At 10:40.D.At 10:45.A.The man no longer smokes.B.The man is under pressure from his wife.C.The man usually follows his wifes advice.D.The man refuses to listen to his doctors advice.A.Move to a big city.B.Become a

24、 teacher.C.Go back to school.D.Work in New York.A.Quit delivering flowers.B.Work at a restaurant.C.Bring her flowers every day.D.Leave his job to work for her.A.She can find the right person to help the man.B.She can help the man out.C.Shes also in need of a textbook.D.She picked up the book from th

25、e bus floor.A.The man was confused about the date of the appointment.B.The man wants to change the date of the appointment.C.The man is glad hes got in touch with the doctor.D.The man cant come for the appointment at 4:15.A.The two speakers are at a loss what to do.B.The man is worried about his fut

26、ure.C.The two speakers are seniors at college.D.The woman regrets spending her time idly.A.She has learned a lot from the novel.B.She also found the plot difficult to follow.C.She usually has difficulty remembering names.D.She can recall the names of most characters in the novel.四、Section B(总题数:2,分数

27、:10.00)A.She was sick.B.She couldnt make up her mind as to which countries she should visit.C.She couldnt think of a topic for her composition.D.She was totally disorganized.A.That she go on a holiday.B.That she try to get organized.C.That she ride a camel.D.That she write about her trip.A.Hungary.B

28、.North Africa.C.Egypt.D.The Holy Land.A.To pack his bags for his trip.B.To write his own composition.C.To see a doctor for his illness.D.To pick up some photographs.A.A working boy.B.An advertiser.C.A middle school student.D.A college student.A.His home is too far away.B.The dorm is too noisy.C.He d

29、oesnt like pop music.D.There is no dorm available.A.The young man doesnt keep a pet.B.The young man is good at bargaining.C.No one would like to rent her apartment if she doesnt do so.D.She prefers to rent her apartment to an industrious young man.A.$100.B.$150.C.$155.D.$160. Questions 23 to 25 are

30、based on the conversation you have just heard.A.A researcher.B.A college professor.C.A technician.D.A writer.A.The book was outdated.B.The book sold many copies.C.The book was praised by critics.D.The book became more popular than her other books.A.The book is an attack on the use of chemical preser

31、vations in food.B.The book is a discussion of the hazards insects bring to the food supply.C.The book is a warning about the dangers of misusing insecticides.D.The book is an illustration of the benefits of the chemical industry.A.They wanted to follow his example.B.They fully supported his undertak

32、ing.C.They were puzzled by his decision.D.They were afraid he wasnt fully prepared.A.It is more exciting than space travel.B.It is much cheaper than space travel.C.It is much safer than space travel.D.It is less time-consuming than space travel.A.They both attract scientists attentionB.They can both

33、 be quite challengingC.They are both thought-provoking.D.They may both lead to surprising findings.A.To show how simple the mechanical aids for diving can be.B.To provide an excuse for his changeable character.C.To explore the philosophical issues of space travel.D.To explain why he took up underwat

34、er exploration.A.Only half the worlds water can be used.B.The world population is increasing faster and faster.C.Half of the worlds water resources have been seriously polluted.D.Humanity has not placed sufficient value on water resources.A.Be reduced to the minimum.B.Stimulate domestic demand.C.Ref

35、lect its real value.D.Take into account the occurrences of droughts.A.Build big lakes to store water.B.Construct big pumping stations.C.Build small and cheap irrigation systems.D.Channel water from nearby rivers to crop land.A.Guarantee full protection of the environment.B.Centralize the management

36、of water resources.C.Increase the sense of responsibility of agencies at all levels.D.Encourage local and regional control of water resources.六、Section C(总题数:1,分数:10.00)Honesty is one of the best virtues. It is also one of the most important and (36) 1 personal qualities that people should build, be

37、cause honesty can bring you (37) 2 and respect from others. An honest person can (38) 3 real friendship. He can also be (39) 4with responsibility, which is (40) 5to his success and happiness. An honest student should (41) 6 all himself to his studies, showing humiliation before knowledge. An honest

38、businessman may over more and more customers through being true to the customers in (42) 7competitions. In (43) 8, a student who cheats in examinations may be caught on the spot and destroy his own reputation. A businessman may lose his customers and even markets (44) 9. (45) 10, all can be attribut

39、ed to deception and dishonesty. Remember, (46) 11. (分数:10.00)填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_七、Reading Comprehensio(总题数:2,分数:355.00)In the United States the science of climate change still remains a controversial issue. Part of the problems is that it is

40、complex and hard to isolate its parts. We do know how vital it is to life. The atmosphere forms a gaseous, protective envelope around earth protecting the earth from the cold of space, from harmful ultraviolet light, and from all but the largest meteors. After traveling over 93 million miles, solar

41、energy strikes the atmosphere and earths surface, warming the planet and creating what is known as the “bio sphere“ which is the region of earth capable of sustaining life. Atmospheric circulation is one important reason that life on earth can exist at higher latitudes because equatorial heat is tra

42、nsported poleward, moderating the climate. The atmosphere is not just a protector but also a great transporter. The transport of water vapor in the atmosphere is an important mechanism by which heat energy is redistributed poleward. Heat energy absorbed at the equator is deposited at the poles and t

43、he temperature gradient between these regions is reduced. The circulation of the atmosphere and the weather it generates is but one example of the many complex, interdependent events of nature. The web of life depends on the proper functioning of these natural mechanisms for its continued existence.

44、 Some argue that climate change is too complicated to be attributed only to human activity. For example, fossil studies of radiolaria, a group of one-celled animals characterized by silicon-containing shells, have given scientists a fairly accurate account of climatic conditions in the distant past.

45、 Geologists found these 450,000-year-old microorganisms pre served in cores of sediment taken beneath the floor of the Indian Ocean. They provide a re cord of cycles of climatic changes, determined by the alternating layers of species of warm and cold-preferring radiolaria. We now have confirmation

46、that changes in the earths orbital geometry caused the ice ages. This does not let us off the hook because although we can hardly alter the basic forces at work that alter climate, even small contributions by humans can have dramatic effects. Given natures interconnectedness, it is possible that the

47、 most serious threats have yet to be recognized. (分数:177.50)(1).The first paragraph of the text deals mainly with the earth atmospheres.(分数:35.50)A.sheltering effectB.reviving effectC.invigorating effectD.cleansing effect(2).The best definition of “biosphere“. as it is used in the text is.(分数:35.50)

48、A.the protective envelope formed by the atmosphere around the living earthB.that part of the earth and its atmosphere in which life can existC.the living things on earth whose existence is made possible by circulation of the atmosphereD.the circulation of the atmospheres contribution to life on earth(3).According to the text, fossil studies of radiolaria are significant because they.(分数:35.50)A.live in the depths of the oceanB.are one-celledC.have survived through the agesD.demonstrate


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