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1、大学英语四级 122 及答案解析(总分:746.56,做题时间:130 分钟)一、Writing (30 minutes)(总题数:1,分数:30.00)1.For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay entitled My Best Friend. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in Chinese: 1. 你最好的朋友是个什么样子的人? 2. 你们如何成为好朋友的? (分数:30.00)_二、Reading

2、 Comprehensio(总题数:1,分数:71.00)Your Actions Speak Louder Communication Nonverbal communication (非语言交际) teaching it and measuring effect is more difficult than formal language instruction. But now that language has achieved its proper recognition as being essential for success, the area of nonverbal be

3、havior should be taught to people who will live in another country in a systematic way, giving them actual experience, awareness, sensitivity. Indeed, it is the rise in linguistic (语言上的) fluency which now makes nonverbal fluency even more critical. A linguistically fluent visitor may tend to offend

4、even more than those who dont speak as well if that visitor shows ignorance about interface etiquette (礼节) ; the national may perceive this disparity (不等) between linguistic and nonlinguistic performance as a disregard for the more subtle aspects of intercultural communication. Because nonverbal cue

5、s reflect emotional states, both visitor and host national might not be able to articulate (清晰明白地说 ) whats going on. While it would be difficult to map out all the nonverbal details for every language that Peace Corps (美国和平队) teaches, one can hope to make visitors aware of the existence and emotiona

6、l importance of nonverbal channels. I have identified five such channels: kinesic, proxemic, chronemic, oculesic, and haptic. Kinesics (身势语) Kinesics movement of the body (head, arms, legs, etc.) . The initial example from the health center in Ethiopia was a problem caused by a kinesic sign being us

7、ed which had different meanings cross-culturally. Another example, the American gesture of slitting ones throat implying “Ive had it,“ or “Im in trouble,“ conveys quite a different message in Swaziland. It means “I love you.“ Americans make no distinction between gesturing for silence to an adult or

8、 to a child. An American will put one finger to the lips for both, while an Ethiopian will use only one finger to a child and four fingers for an adult. To use only one finger for an adult is disrespectful. On the other hand, Ethiopians make no distinction in gesturing to indicate emphatic (断然的) neg

9、ation (拒绝) . They shake their index finger (食指) from side to side to an adult as well as to a child, whereas this gesture is used only for children by Americans. Thus, if visitors are not conscious of the meaning of such behavior, they not only offend their hosts but they will be offended by them. D

10、rawing in the cheeks and holding the arms rigidly by the side of the body means “thin“ in Amharic. Diet-conscious Americans feel complimented if they are told that they are slim and so may naturally assume that to tell an Ethiopian friend this is also complimentary. Yet, in Ethiopia and a number of

11、other countries, this is taken pejoratively (轻蔑地) , as it is thought better to be heavy-set, indicating health and status and enough wealth to ensure the two. Proxemics (空间语) Proxemics the use of interpersonal space. South Americans, Greeks, and others find comfort in standing, sitting, or talking t

12、o people at a distance which Americans find intolerably close. We give their unusual closeness the social interpretation of aggressiveness and intimacy, causing us to have feelings of hostility, discomfort, or intimidation (胁迫). If we back away to our greater distance of comfort, we are perceived as

13、 being cold, unfriendly, and distrustful. Somalis would see us as we see South Americans, since their interface distance is greater still than ours. Chronemics (语空) Chronemics the timing of verbal exchanges during conversation. As Americans, we expect our partner to respond to our statement immediat

14、ely. In some other cultures, people time their exchanges to leave silence between each statement. For Americans this silence is unsettling (使人不安的). To us it may mean that the person is shy, inattentive, bored, or nervous. It causes us to repeat, paraphrase, talk louder, and “correct“ our speech to a

15、ccommodate our partner. In the intercultural situation, it might be best for the visitor to tolerate the silence and wait for a response. Oculesics(目光语) Oculesics eye-to-eye contact or avoidance. Americans are dependent upon eye contact as a sign of listening behavior. We do not feel that there is h

16、uman contact without eye contact. In many countries there are elaborate patterns of eye avoidance which we regard as inappropriate. Haptics (体触语) Haptics the tactile (触觉的) form of communication. Where, how, and how often people can touch each other while conversing are culturally defined patterns. W

17、e need not go beyond the borders of our own country to see groups (Italians and black Americans, for example) which touch each other more often than Anglo-Americans do. Overseas, Americans often feel crowded and pushed around by people who have much higher toleration for public physical contact and

18、even need it as part of their communication process. A visitor may feel embarrassed when a host national friend continues to hold his or her hand long after the formal greetings are over. These five channels of nonverbal communication exist in every culture. The patterns and forms are completely arb

19、itrary, and it is arguable as to what is universal and what is culturally defined. (分数:71.00)(1).In Ethiopia you should not beckon an adult.(分数:7.10)A.YB.NC.NG(2).As people become more proficient in a language, their nonverbal errors are not considered serious.(分数:7.10)A.YB.NC.NG(3).Americans make n

20、o distinction between nonverbal communication with a child and an adult.(分数:7.10)A.YB.NC.NG(4).Eye-to-eye contact can be an important form of communication.(分数:7.10)A.YB.NC.NG(5).There are important differences in the proxemics of North and South Americans.(分数:7.10)A.YB.NC.NG(6).Anglo-Americans touc

21、h each other less often than Italians and black Americans do.(分数:7.10)A.YB.NC.NG(7).In Nigeria, prolonged eye-contact is considered disrespectful.(分数:7.10)A.YB.NC.NG(8).The five 1of nonverbal communication exist in every culture.(分数:7.10)填空项 1:_(9).Diet-conscious Americans feel 1if they are told tha

22、t they are slim.(分数:7.10)填空项 1:_(10).It is 1which now makes nonverbal fluency even more critical.(分数:7.10)填空项 1:_三、Listening Comprehens(总题数:1,分数:15.00)A.No one can find a supermarket.B.He helps people find a supermarket here.C.He has no idea where to find a supermarket.D.His family lives in this cit

23、y.A.In a library.B.In a bookstore.C.In a classroom.D.In the womans home.A.A doctor.B.A salesman.C.A pharmacist.D.A librarian.A.He has a better idea.B.He wants to be invited.C.It will depend on the weather.D.He is sure to go for an outing.A.Present a new book to the class.B.Read more than one book.C.

24、Read the book more thoroughly.D.Read the book to the class.A.Jane knows practically everyone.B.Jane knows Karl isnt hard to be happy.C.Karl didnt order the right thing.D.Jane always knows exactly what to say.A.He disagrees with the woman.B.He prefers not to argue about it.C.He shares the womans opin

25、ion.D.He wasnt able to live in the hotel.A.Marcia looks good in everything.B.He knew someone who looked like Marcia.C.He wishes he had a coat like Marcias.D.Marcia should get a new coat.四、Section B(总题数:2,分数:10.00)A.At a fitness centre.B.At a clinic.C.At a school.D.At a club.A.He came too early for t

26、he appointment.B.He missed the bus here.C.He went to a wrong address.D.He felt very bad when he got up.A.A weak heart.B.A skin disease.C.Bronchitis.D.Kidney trouble.A.To stay in bed for two or three days.B.To have a course of antibiotics.C.To take some cough mixture.D.To exercise more regularly.A.18

27、.B.8.C.16.D.6.A.Business executives.B.White-collar workers.C.Fashionable young people.D.Government officials.A.Fierce competition.B.Network problems.C.High price.D.Government policy.A.Conduct market research.B.Sell cameras.C.Advertise on newspapers.D.Give away the mobile phones.A.He got his first bi

28、cycle in 1971.B.He got his first bicycle when he was seven.C.He got his first bicycle when he was at high schoolD.He got his first bicycle in 1992.A.No.1B.7thC.14thD.40thA.In 1992.B.In 1993.C.In 1996.D.In 1997.A.4 times.B.5 times.C.6 times.D.7 times.A.They are kept in open prisons.B.They are allowed

29、 out of the prison grounds.C.They are ordered to do cooking and cleaning.D.They are a small portion of the prison population.A.Some of their prisoners are allowed to study or work outside prisons.B.Most of their prisoners are expected to work.C.Their prisoners are often sent to special centers for s

30、kill training.D.Their prisoners are allowed freedom to visit their families.A.They are encouraged to do maintenance for the training centre.B.Most of them get paid for their work.C.They have to cook their own meals.D.They can choose to do community work.A.An Indian summer brings warm days and nights

31、.B.An Indian summer occurs only in October.C.An Indian summer is an annual phenomenon.D.An Indian summer lasts many weeks.A.The first period of cold, wintry days in autumn.B.The turning of color and falling of leaves.C.A large mass of warm tropical air carried northward.D.The southwestern winds.A.A

32、short period of fair weather and mild days.B.No definite time of beginning or ending.C.Its end, which signals winters start.D.Soft yellow or orange skies.六、Section C(总题数:1,分数:10.00)As the death toll continues to climb in the wake of Sundays earthquake triggered tsunami, the world is (36) 1 the bigge

33、st-ever mobilization of international aid for a natural disaster. But (37) 2workers are warning that the geographic scope of the tragedy is so (38) 3that there is no way to (39) 4that life-saving food, fresh water and medicine will reach everyone in need. So far, the (40) 5, like the event that trig

34、gered it, is unparalleled in modern history. Already, aid workers report, the flow of material goods to some airports in the disaster zone greatly (41) 6storage and distribution (42) 7 Such is the case in Medan Indonesia, some 300 kilometers southeast of the devastated town of Banda Aceh. Speaking w

35、ith VOA by cell phone from Medan, Oxfam (43) 8 Mona Laczo believes that a planned aid shipment to the city has had to be diverted. She said; “Things change so fast, our plane that left the U. K. on Wednesday now, we are being told that, (44) 9. and we have to go back to square-one. Aside from food a

36、nd fresh water, Oxfam plans to distribute mosquito nets to protect tsunami-ravaged communities from mosquito-born diseases, such as dengue fever and malaria. (45) 10. At a news conference in New York, U. N. Secretary General Kofi Annan said the world body will be “stretched“ to meet the needs of tsu

37、nami survivors. But, he added, (46) 11. (分数:10.00)填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_七、Reading Comprehensio(总题数:2,分数:355.00)A soccer referee suspended (吊销执照) for scoring a goal while taking charge of a game has resigned after being found guilty of bringing t

38、he game into disrepute by the Essex County Football Association. The Essex County Football Association said that they were disappointed by the decision of Savill, who hit the headlines last year when his sympathy for a team getting beaten 18-1 went too far. “It is a pretty unique case and hopefully

39、it wont happen again,“ said Essex County FA chief executive Phil Sammons. Brian Savill was taking charge of a Great Bromley Cup game in the south of England between Earls Colne Reserves and Wimpole 2000. With 10 minutes remaining and Wimple getting beaten 18-1, Savill found the ball at his feet in f

40、ront of the Earls Coine goal and immediately banged it into the net, before signaling a goal. The laws of the game state that the referee is part of the playing area and that the game con tinues if the ball strikes him. There is no item in the laws to differentiate between an accidental or deliberat

41、e (故意的) touch of the ball. Savills bizarre (匪夷所思的) goal made little difference to the outcome as Earls Coine went on to win 20-2, but the officials were impressed. The Essex County Football Association finally found 47-year-old Savill guilty of bringing the game into disrepute and suspended him for

42、seven weeks. Savill, a referee with 18 years experience, resigned after finding out about the decision. “They havent got a sense of humor,“ he told The Times newspaper. “It brought enjoyment to everyone s lives. It shows refereeing can be enjoyable and that we are not Hitlers running blowing whistle

43、s all the time.“ However, he advised other referees against following his example. (分数:177.50)(1).According to the passage, Savili hit the headlines because _.(分数:35.50)A.what he had done was against the lawB.he took charge of a famous Cup gameC.he had 18 years experience as a refereeD.the officials

44、 were much impressed by him(2).What is the meaning of the word “disrepute“ in Line 2 Paragraph 1 ?(分数:35.50)A.Disagreement.B.Disrespect.C.Bad fame.D.Great enjoyment.(3).What does the word “it“ in Line 8 of Paragraph 3 refer to?(分数:35.50)A.A sense of humor.B.The football game.C.His goal in the game.D

45、.The score of the game.(4).It can be inferred from the passage that _.(分数:35.50)A.other referees were showing great interest in following Savills exampleB.the audiences were greatly impressed by Savilis sympathy in the gameC.a game will be stopped if the ball strikes the referee any time during the

46、gameD.it was Savills “sense of humor“ that made him suspended by the association(5).Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?(分数:35.50)A.SaviU s goal was of little help to the team of the Wimpole.B.The game was interrupted because of SavilIs bizarre goal,C.What Savill had done was

47、 quite rare among referees.D.Savill didnt want to be an example for other referees.Teaching children to read well from the start is the most important task of elementary schools. But relying on educators to approach this task correctly can be a great mistake. Many schools continue to employ instruct

48、ional methods that have been proven ineffective. The staying power of the “look-say“ or “whole-word“ method of teaching beginning reading is perhaps the most flagrant (臭名远扬的) example of this failure to instruct effectively. The whole-word approach to reading stresses the meaning of words over the meaning of letters, thinking over decoding, developing a sight vocabulary of familiar words over developing the ability to unlock the pronunciation of unfamiliar words. It fits in with the self-dir


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