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1、大学英语四级-词汇 8及答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)词汇1.The reason 1 his going to France was that he got a new job there. (分数:1.00)2.Some of the members demanded to know why they had been kept in ignorance 1 the true facts until they reached the present critical stage. (分数:1.00)3.We must not rule 1 the possibilit

2、y of miscalculation. (分数:1.00)4.Care should be taken to decrease the length of time that one is subjected 1 loud continuous noise. (分数:1.00)5.When we say a body is at rest, we mean only its position is relative 1 something fixed. (分数:1.00)6.We must bring our ideas into correspondence 1 the laws of t

3、he objective external world. (分数:1.00)7.A large part of human activity, particularly in relation to the environment, is 1 response to conditions or events. (分数:1.00)8.Mechanics is the study of the effects of force on bodies or liquids 1 rest or in motion. (分数:1.00)receive, conceive, deceive, perceiv

4、e(分数:8.00)(1).Workers in big firms 1 a substantial part of their pay in the form of bonuses.(分数:2.00)(2).It was then that I 1 the notion of running away.(分数:2.00)(3).They 1 that they were unwelcome and left.(分数:2.00)(4).At least he was quite straightforward about it; you can“t say he was trying to 1

5、 you(分数:2.00)confuse, refuse(分数:4.00)(1).She 1 his proposal of marriage.(分数:2.00)(2).They had 1 me with their conflicting advice.(分数:2.00)eject, inject, project, reject(分数:8.00)(1).He was 1 for the army because of his bad eyesight.(分数:2.00)(2).Those noisy youths were 1 from the cinema.(分数:2.00)(3).H

6、e has to be 1 twice daily with an antibiotic.(分数:2.00)(4).Some creatures 1 their tongues to catch insects.(分数:2.00)9.If I were you, I wouldn“t get involved 1 their problems. (分数:2.00)10.Electric power can be derived 1 the sun-warmed surface waters of the ocean. (分数:2.00)11.Can you run 1 200 copies o

7、f this notice before the post goes? (分数:2.00)12.We“ve run out 1 sugar. Ask Mrs. Jones to lend us some. (分数:2.00)13.The revolutionaries sacrificed themselves 1 our country during the past years. (分数:2.00)14.Melted iron is poured into the mixer much in the same way 1 tea is poured into a cup from a te

8、apot. (分数:2.00)15.You won“t amount to anything if you are satisfied 1 what you have achieved. (分数:2.00)16.In a few years, China will be able to produce camera recorders 1 a large scale. (分数:2.00)17.Our products are second 1 none. (分数:2.00)18.The door squeaks. It needs oiling. Will you please see 1 i

9、t? (分数:2.00)19.It took you two years to realize he was dishonest. She saw 1 him from the start. (分数:2.00)evolve, involve, revolve(分数:6.00)(1).The moon 1 (a) round the earth.(分数:2.00)(2).They 1 a new system for running the factory.(分数:2.00)(3).The sale contract 1 three companies.(分数:2.00)ascend, desc

10、end(分数:4.00)(1).The path started to 1 more steeply at this point.(分数:2.00)(2).The elevator 1 rapidly to the bottom floor.(分数:2.00)assemble, resemble(分数:4.00)(1).He doesn“t 1 either of his parents(分数:2.00)(2).The whole school 1 in the main hall.(分数:2.00)20.There is no sense 1 leaving inexperienced pe

11、ople to make important decisions. (分数:2.00)21.Some plants are so sensitive 1 pollution that they can only survive in a perfectly clean environment. (分数:2.00)22.In spite of failing to save every endangered species, we may preserve the majority 1 extinction. (分数:2.00)23.Observations were made 1 the ch

12、ildren at the beginning and at the end of preschool and first grade. (分数:2.00)24.My bike is 1 your service You can use it any time you like. (分数:2.00)25.Having decided to rent a flat, we set 1 contacting all the accommodation agencies in the city. (分数:2.00)26.The travellers sought shelter 1 the rain

13、 and happened to find a roadside inn. (分数:2.00)27.The circulation of the monthly shot 1 to almost 500 thousand. (分数:2.00)28.Shut 1 all wicked thoughts from your mind and be a good man. (分数:2.00)29.The poor boy resigned himself 1 passing the night under the stars. (分数:2.00)30.A healthy life is freque

14、ntly thought to be associated 1 the open countryside and homegrown food. (分数:2.00)deserve, conserve, preserve, reserve(分数:8.00)(1).These seats are 1 for the committee members.(分数:2.00)(2).People 1 fish in salt.(分数:2.00)(3).This old building should be 1.(分数:2.00)(4).This city 1 its label as the garde

15、n of the world.(分数:2.00)assign, design, resign(分数:6.00)(1).He has 1 himself to the possibility that he may never walk again.(分数:2.00)(2).The school and church were 1 by the same architect.(分数:2.00)(3).One of the members was 1 to take the minutes.(分数:2.00)大学英语四级-词汇 8答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)词汇1.The

16、reason 1 his going to France was that he got a new job there. (分数:1.00)解析:for 题意为:他之所以去法国是因为他在那儿找了份新工作。reason for (doing) sth.中的 for,不可用 of替代。2.Some of the members demanded to know why they had been kept in ignorance 1 the true facts until they reached the present critical stage. (分数:1.00)解析:of 题意为:

17、一些成员要求知道为什么直到目前的关键时期他们才被告之真相。in ignorance of“(对)不知道(或不了解)”。3.We must not rule 1 the possibility of miscalculation. (分数:1.00)解析:out 题意为:我们不能排除计算错误的可能性。rule out 表示“排除”,为固定搭配。4.Care should be taken to decrease the length of time that one is subjected 1 loud continuous noise. (分数:1.00)解析:to 题意为:人们应注意减少受

18、强烈持续噪音影响的时间。be subjected to 意为“遭受”。5.When we say a body is at rest, we mean only its position is relative 1 something fixed. (分数:1.00)解析:to 题意为:说某一物体处于静止状态,我们的意思是它的位置与某一固定物相对不变。relative to“与相对的”。6.We must bring our ideas into correspondence 1 the laws of the objective external world. (分数:1.00)解析:wit

19、h 题意为:我们必须使自己的思想符合外界的客观规律。bring.into correspondence with意为“使与相符合”。7.A large part of human activity, particularly in relation to the environment, is 1 response to conditions or events. (分数:1.00)解析:in 题意为:大部分人类活动,特别是与周围环境有关的活动,是对各种情况或事件的反应。in response to意为“作为对的反应”:He shook his head in response to my s

20、uggestion 他摇摇头,算是对我的建议的反应。8.Mechanics is the study of the effects of force on bodies or liquids 1 rest or in motion. (分数:1.00)解析:at 题意为:力学研究力对静止或运动中的物体或流体的影响。at rest 表示“在静止中”,为固定搭配。receive, conceive, deceive, perceive(分数:8.00)(1).Workers in big firms 1 a substantial part of their pay in the form of

21、bonuses.(分数:2.00)解析:receive(2).It was then that I 1 the notion of running away.(分数:2.00)解析:conceived(3).They 1 that they were unwelcome and left.(分数:2.00)解析:perceived(4).At least he was quite straightforward about it; you can“t say he was trying to 1 you(分数:2.00)解析:deceiveconfuse, refuse(分数:4.00)(1)

22、.She 1 his proposal of marriage.(分数:2.00)解析:refused(2).They had 1 me with their conflicting advice.(分数:2.00)解析:confusedeject, inject, project, reject(分数:8.00)(1).He was 1 for the army because of his bad eyesight.(分数:2.00)解析:rejected(2).Those noisy youths were 1 from the cinema.(分数:2.00)解析:ejected(3)

23、.He has to be 1 twice daily with an antibiotic.(分数:2.00)解析:injected(4).Some creatures 1 their tongues to catch insects.(分数:2.00)解析:project9.If I were you, I wouldn“t get involved 1 their problems. (分数:2.00)解析:in 题意为:如果我是你,就不会和他们牵扯在一起。involve“使卷入,牵涉”,后接介词 in (sth.)。10.Electric power can be derived 1

24、the sun-warmed surface waters of the ocean. (分数:2.00)解析:from 题意为:电力可从晒热的海洋表层水体获得。derive from 意为“取得,获得”。11.Can you run 1 200 copies of this notice before the post goes? (分数:2.00)解析:off 题意为:你能在邮差出发前把这份启示印 200份吗?run off“(快速)复印出,打印出”。12.We“ve run out 1 sugar. Ask Mrs. Jones to lend us some. (分数:2.00)解析:

25、of 题意为:咱们没糖了。请琼斯夫人借给咱们一点吧。run out of“没有了,把用光了,耗尽了”。13.The revolutionaries sacrificed themselves 1 our country during the past years. (分数:2.00)解析:for 题意为:在过去的岁月中,许多革命志士为了祖国献出了生命。sacrifice oneself/one“s life for sth.“为而牺牲”。14.Melted iron is poured into the mixer much in the same way 1 tea is poured in

26、to a cup from a teapot. (分数:2.00)解析:as 题意为:铁水倒进混铁炉里就像把茶水从茶壶倒入茶杯一样。the same.as 为固定搭配,as本身为代词,在 as+从句结构中兼有关系词的作用。15.You won“t amount to anything if you are satisfied 1 what you have achieved. (分数:2.00)解析:with 题意为:如果你满足了现状,就不会有出息。be satisfied with=be content with 或 be happy with“满足于”。16.In a few years,

27、 China will be able to produce camera recorders 1 a large scale. (分数:2.00)解析:on 题意为:几年之后,中国将能够批量生产录像机。on a large/small scale 表示“大/小规模地”,为固定搭配。17.Our products are second 1 none. (分数:2.00)解析:to 题意为:我们的产品不次于任何其他产品。second to none 是固定词组,意为“首屈一指,比谁都好”。18.The door squeaks. It needs oiling. Will you please

28、see 1 it? (分数:2.00)解析:to 题意为:那门吱吱响,该上点油了,请你来做吧。see to sth.“处理,照料;负责;修理”,还可以说 see to it that.“负责做到,设法做到”。19.It took you two years to realize he was dishonest. She saw 1 him from the start. (分数:2.00)解析:through 题意为:你花了两年才看清他的虚伪,而她一开始就看穿了。see through sb.“看穿,识破(某人)”。evolve, involve, revolve(分数:6.00)(1).T

29、he moon 1 (a) round the earth.(分数:2.00)解析:revolves(2).They 1 a new system for running the factory.(分数:2.00)解析:evolved(3).The sale contract 1 three companies.(分数:2.00)解析:involvedascend, descend(分数:4.00)(1).The path started to 1 more steeply at this point.(分数:2.00)解析:ascend(2).The elevator 1 rapidly t

30、o the bottom floor.(分数:2.00)解析:descendedassemble, resemble(分数:4.00)(1).He doesn“t 1 either of his parents(分数:2.00)解析:resemble(2).The whole school 1 in the main hall.(分数:2.00)解析:assembled20.There is no sense 1 leaving inexperienced people to make important decisions. (分数:2.00)解析:in 题意为:不该让缺乏经验的人做重要的决

31、定。There is no sense in doing sth.=There is no point in doing sth.“做是没有道理的或是没有意义的”。21.Some plants are so sensitive 1 pollution that they can only survive in a perfectly clean environment. (分数:2.00)解析:to 题意为:有些植物对污染太敏感,只能在完全洁净的环境中生长。be sensitive to sth.“对敏感(灵敏)的”。22.In spite of failing to save every e

32、ndangered species, we may preserve the majority 1 extinction. (分数:2.00)解析:from 题意为:虽然我们不能拯救每一个濒危物种,但我们可以保护大多数免于灭绝。preserve.from“保护,保藏以免”。23.Observations were made 1 the children at the beginning and at the end of preschool and first grade. (分数:2.00)解析:of 题意为:对孩子们在学前班和小学一年级开始时和结束时的情况进行了观察。make observ

33、ations of为固定搭配,相当于 observe,句中用的是该短语的被动式。24.My bike is 1 your service You can use it any time you like. (分数:2.00)解析:at 题意为:我的自行车任你支配,任何时候你都可以随意使用。at sb.“s service“供使用,听命于差遣”。25.Having decided to rent a flat, we set 1 contacting all the accommodation agencies in the city. (分数:2.00)解析:about 题意为:在决定租房后,

34、我们随即着手同城里所有的房屋中介所进行联系。set about (doing)“着手做”。26.The travellers sought shelter 1 the rain and happened to find a roadside inn. (分数:2.00)解析:from 题意为:旅行者们在找地方避雨的时候,找到了一家路边酒店。shelter“掩蔽,庇护”。27.The circulation of the monthly shot 1 to almost 500 thousand. (分数:2.00)解析:up 题意为:这种月刊的发行量猛增到 50万份。shoot up 意为“急

35、升,猛增,(价格等)暴涨”。28.Shut 1 all wicked thoughts from your mind and be a good man. (分数:2.00)解析:out 题意为:你要杜绝脑子里的一切恶念头,做个好人。shut out“把关在外面,排除”。29.The poor boy resigned himself 1 passing the night under the stars. (分数:2.00)解析:to 题意为:可怜的男孩只好在星光下过夜。resign oneself to“甘受,只好”(to 是介词,后接名词或动名词)。30.A healthy life i

36、s frequently thought to be associated 1 the open countryside and homegrown food. (分数:2.00)解析:with 题意为:健康的生活经常同广阔的乡村和自家产的食物联系起来。associate with“与联系起来”,如:Red is usually associated with danger.红色经常使人联想到危险。deserve, conserve, preserve, reserve(分数:8.00)(1).These seats are 1 for the committee members.(分数:2.

37、00)解析:reserved(2).People 1 fish in salt.(分数:2.00)解析:preserve(3).This old building should be 1.(分数:2.00)解析:conserved(4).This city 1 its label as the garden of the world.(分数:2.00)解析:deservesassign, design, resign(分数:6.00)(1).He has 1 himself to the possibility that he may never walk again.(分数:2.00)解析:resigned(2).The school and church were 1 by the same architect.(分数:2.00)解析:designed(3).One of the members was 1 to take the minutes.(分数:2.00)解析:assigned


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