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1、翻译资格考试三级综合能力(口译)6 及答案解析(总分:7.00,做题时间:120 分钟)一、PART 1 (20 points, (总题数:1,分数:1.00)(1).The black people did not vote in America in 1941.(分数:0.10)A.TrueB.False(2).When Henry turned twenty-one, he drove to the courthouse to vote.(分数:0.10)A.TrueB.False(3).The registrar had decided not to enter the black p

2、eoples names in the voting book.(分数:0.10)A.TrueB.False(4).In order to register, people had to understand the Constitution of the United States.(分数:0.10)A.TrueB.False(5).According to the passage, only literate people could vote.(分数:0.10)A.TrueB.False(6).Henry was the first black person to vote in his

3、 county.(分数:0.10)A.TrueB.False(7).Henrys father and five other black people were also registered to vote that night.(分数:0.10)A.TrueB.False(8).The next day the clerk refused to register the people Henry brought in because they were not able to read.(分数:0.10)A.TrueB.False(9).Not all the white people c

4、oming to register could read.(分数:0.10)A.TrueB.False(10).Henry finally managed to get all the black people in his county registered.(分数:0.10)A.TrueB.False二、SECTION 2 (10 point(总题数:1,分数:1.00)(1).Which of the following statements is true according to what you have heard?(分数:0.10)A.I will eat lunch very

5、 quickly.B.I will have lunch before the meeting.C.I will eat lunch at the meeting.D.I will eat lunch while jogging.(2).What did he do?(分数:0.10)A.He telephoned me.B.He picked up the phone.C.He put the receiver down.D.He put my hanger up.(3).When can I go to see her?(分数:0.10)A.On weekends.B.Whenever I

6、 want.C.Anytime except weekends.D.When she wants to see me.(4).Who is going to London?(分数:0.10)A.Mary.B.Susan and Mary.C.Susan.D.Neither Susan nor Mary.(5).Which of the following statements is true about his friend?(分数:0.10)A.Writing exhausts his friend.B.His friend collects a lot of things to write

7、.C.His friend always has enough material to write on.D.His friend is doing research to write a paper.(6).What is suggested for your investment?(分数:0.10)A.Distributing your money among different companies.B.Investigating the company before investment.C.Dont invest all your money.D.Comparing different

8、 companies before investment.(7).What did the person do during the vacation?(分数:0.10)A.Stayed at home.B.Exhausted myself.C.Hardly had any rest.D.Dont know.(8).What is said about the research paper?(分数:0.10)A.The paper came out as short as I expected.B.Actually the paper was long enough to cover it.C

9、.The paper was short enough to present.D.The paper turned out better than I had expected.(9).Generally speaking, how many students fail this course?(分数:0.10)A.A few.B.Many.C.None.D.All.(10).How big is the house he moved in?(分数:0.10)A.As big as the old one.B.Twice as big as mine.C.As big as mine.D.Tw

10、ice bigger than mine.三、PART 2 (30 points, (总题数:3,分数:3.00)(1).When did a mass move to the suburbs begin in the U.S.?(分数:0.20)A.In the 1960s.B.In the 1940s.C.In the 1970s.D.In the 1950s.(2).What kind of people moved to the suburbs?(分数:0.20)A.Middle-class people.B.The rich.C.The poor.D.The young.(3).Wh

11、at happened to the city after the mass move?(分数:0.20)A.Housing costs decreased.B.Crime rate was much lower than before.C.All business moved out.D.Cities declined.(4).What happened to businesses after the mass move?(分数:0.20)A.They established branches in suburbs.B.They scattered here and there in cit

12、ies.C.Some bigger companies moved out.D.They lost many employees.(5).What does the speaker think of the movement to the suburbs?(分数:0.20)A.People may miss the cultural life in cities.B.The movement is still developing.C.It satisfies mans need to live and work in an ideal environment.D.People may lik

13、e the companionship in suburbs.(1).Where and when was my grandfather married?(分数:0.20)A.In Washington in 1885.B.In Washington in 1860.C.In Michigan in 1885.D.In Michigan in 1860(2).When did I decide to find out about “Aunt Maggie“?(分数:0.20)A.Three years ago.B.When my father died.C.About 85 years aft

14、er my correspondence with her.D.When I was nineteen.(3).How did I find L. Rarick?(分数:0.20)A.The telephone operator helped me.B.I got her name and number from the yellow book.C.I got her number from Charles.D.I got her address from my father.(4).When I reached L. Rarick, she was_.(分数:0.20)A.very susp

15、iciousB.greatly surprisedC.embarrassedD.unhappy(5).Which of the following is not true about “Aunt Maggie“?(分数:0.20)A.Her name was Margaret Rarick.B.She was my grandfathers half sister.C.She kept her maiden name.D.She was L. Raricks grandma.(1).What is the common opinion about age and work?(分数:0.20)A

16、.Work gets a lot easier after the age of 40.B.Most of ones work is done before the age of 40.C.There isnt much work to do after the age of 40.D.Work gets more difficult after the age of 40(2).What does the speaker think about age and work?(分数:0.20)A.Generally speaking, work gets much easier after 40

17、.B.Generally speaking, work gets much harder after 40.C.Age and work are not correlated.D.He is undecided.(3).What should not be valued after one is 40?(分数:0.20)A.The ability to work long hours.B.Judgment.C.Professional skills.D.Experience.(4).According to this passage, what should you do after 40?(

18、分数:0.20)A.Change your life style.B.Take things easy.C.Challenge the things you didnt do well before.D.Find out what you are good at.(5).What is the key to success in the speakers opinion?(分数:0.20)A.Know your strengths.B.Learn the right style of life from others.C.Keep learning.D.Accept your limits.四

19、、PART 3 (20 points, (总题数:1,分数:1.00)Beijing: The United States and North Korea had their first 1in four months here this afternoon as part of the 2negotiations on how to end North Koreas nuclear program, but diplomats played down prospects for 3. James A. Kelly, assistant 4, and Kim Yong II, North Ko

20、reas deputy foreign minister, met 5of formal discussions, 6on direct dialogue that began after a stormy meeting 7in which North Korea warned that it was moving quickly to 8nuclear arms. The Bush administration had insisted 9that it would only hold talks with North Korea 10because, it argued, only 11

21、pressure would persuade North Korea to 12. It got its way when North Korea dropped its insistence on 13and agreed, after extensive efforts by , to hold unusual simultaneous negotiations with 14, 15, 16and 17as well as the United States. Though Bush administration officials had not 18talking privatel

22、y with the North Koreans during 19, the fact that Mr. Kelly and Mr. Kim met on the first day was seen as a sign of 20by the American side.(分数:1.00)填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_五、PART 4 (30

23、points, (总题数:1,分数:1.00)_翻译资格考试三级综合能力(口译)6 答案解析(总分:7.00,做题时间:120 分钟)一、PART 1 (20 points, (总题数:1,分数:1.00)(1).The black people did not vote in America in 1941.(分数:0.10)A.TrueB.False 解析:理解推断。根据原文“When Henry turned twenty-one,he was legally allowed to vote,but in Davidson County in 1941,blacks could not

24、vote”,译文为:亨利 2l 岁以后,从法律上他有了选举权。但是 1941 年在戴维逊郡,黑人还是不能参与选举。题干表述与原文不符,根据原文不能推断出1941 年在美国黑人没有选举权。(2).When Henry turned twenty-one, he drove to the courthouse to vote.(分数:0.10)A.TrueB.False 解析:细节信息。根据原文“One night,after he had turned twenty-one,Henry put his father and five other people in his fathers Mod

25、el A Ford and drove to the house of the voting registrar”译文为:在他过了 21 岁后,一天晚上,亨利驾驶父亲的福特 A 型车,载着父亲和其它五个人,开车到了选举登记员的家里。本题关键是理解 the house of the voting registrar,意思是:选举登记员的家中。题干表述中亨利驾车到了法院,与原文的细节不符。(3).The registrar had decided not to enter the black peoples names in the voting book.(分数:0.10)A.True B.Fa

26、lse解析:理解推断。根据原文“The registrar was prepared for thisHe saidHenry be able to read the Constitution of the United StatesHenry picked it up and read itThe registrar looked at Henry and realized he had no choice”,译文为:登记员对此早有准备,他说亨利必须能读懂美国的宪法亨利拿起就读。登记员看着亨利,意识到他已别无选择。据此可以推断书记员本来是决定不把黑人加入选举名单的,但亨利符合条件,所以他没有

27、办法。题干使用的是过去完成时,表示过去的打算,所以是正确的。(4).In order to register, people had to understand the Constitution of the United States.(分数:0.10)A.True B.False解析:虚拟语气。根据原文“He said the literacy regulation required that Henry be able to read the Constitution of the United States”,译文为:他(登记员)说读写能力规则要求亨利能够读懂美国的宪法。此句是虚拟语气

28、,表示应具备的能力,所以题干表述是正确的。(5).According to the passage, only literate people could vote.(分数:0.10)A.True B.False解析:理解推断。根据原文的多处信息,如“I believe you ought to register these folksTheyre able to readNot all of your folks coming in here can read”,译文为:我认为你应当为这些人注册登记,他们都能够读书。不是所有到这儿来的白人都可以读书。据此可以推断出,只有会读写的人才能取得选举

29、权,题干表述是正确的。(6).Henry was the first black person to vote in his county.(分数:0.10)A.TrueB.False 解析:细节信息。根据原文“He was the first black to register in the county”,译文为:他是这个郡第一个登记注册选举权的黑人。题干表述是亨利是第一个投票的人,原文并没有提到,所以是错误的。(7).Henrys father and five other black people were also registered to vote that night.(分数:

30、0.10)A.True B.False解析:理解推断。根据原文“The second was his father,because Henry would not leave until his fathers name,and the names of the five others,were put in the book”,译文为:第二个是他的父亲,因为直到他父亲的名字还有其他五个人的名在被登记在册,他才会离开。据此可以推断出亨利的父亲和同去的五个人都注册了选举权,所以题干表述是正确的。(8).The next day the clerk refused to register the

31、people Henry brought in because they were not able to read.(分数:0.10)A.TrueB.False 解析:理解推断。根据原文“Henry brought more people to the courthouse,where he faced a different clerk who refused to register the peopleHenry told him,I believe you ought to register these folksTheyre able to readNot all of your f

32、olks coming in here can read”,译文为:亨利带着更多的人到了法院,这儿的登记员拒绝为这些人注册。亨利告诉他“我认为你应当为这些人注册登记,他们都能够读书。不是所有到这儿来的白人都可以读书。”根据上下文来推断如果来的人会读写的话,登记员是不能拒绝的,所以题干表述是错误的。(9).Not all the white people coming to register could read.(分数:0.10)A.True B.False解析:理解推断。根据原文“Not all of your folks coming in here can read”,译文为:不是所有到

33、这儿来的白人都可以读书。本题关键是理解 folks 指的就是白人,和登记员他们一类的人,即歧视黑人的人。据此推断题干表述是正确的。(10).Henry finally managed to get all the black people in his county registered.(分数:0.10)A.TrueB.False 解析:理解推断。根据原文“Henry got the people registered”,译文为:亨利使这些人都登记注册了。这些人指的是亨利带去注册的人,而不是整个郡的黑人,题干表述扩大了原文的所指范围,所以是错误的。二、SECTION 2 (10 point(

34、总题数:1,分数:1.00)(1).Which of the following statements is true according to what you have heard?(分数:0.10)A.I will eat lunch very quickly. B.I will have lunch before the meeting.C.I will eat lunch at the meeting.D.I will eat lunch while jogging.解析:固定搭配。根据原文“Since I have a meeting around noon,I will eat

35、my lunch on the run”关键在于理解固定搭配 on the run。On the run:hurrying busily from place to place,意指匆忙地,所以 a 选项“I will eat lunch very quickly。”是对原文的正确解释。而 d 选项则为干扰项,把 on the run 理解为 running 的意思,并用同义词 jogging 来代替了 running,具有迷惑性。(2).What did he do?(分数:0.10)A.He telephoned me.B.He picked up the phone.C.He put t

36、he receiver down. D.He put my hanger up.解析:电话场景,固定搭配。根据原文“He hung up on me”,关键在于理解固定搭配 hang up。hang up:to end up a telephone conversation,意指:挂断电话。选项 C“He put the receiver down”是对原文的正确解释,意指:把 receiver(听筒)放下。b 选项为“他拿起电话。”,d 选项为“他举起我的衣架(hanger)。”(3).When can I go to see her?(分数:0.10)A.On weekends.B.Whe

37、never I want. C.Anytime except weekends.D.When she wants to see me.解析:同义替换。根据原文“She went on to say that I could come to see her anytime”,译文为:她接着说我在任何时候都能去看她。b 选项用 whenever 代替了 anytime。(4).Who is going to London?(分数:0.10)A.Mary.B.Susan and Mary.C.Susan. D.Neither Susan nor Mary.解析:词义理解。根据原文“Susan and

38、 Mary are going to London and New York respectively”,译文为:苏姗和玛丽分别去伦敦和纽约。关键在于理解副词 respectively,respectively 的意思是:各自地,依次地。例如:My two sons,Adam and Alexander,are five and nine respectively。(5).Which of the following statements is true about his friend?(分数:0.10)A.Writing exhausts his friend.B.His friend c

39、ollects a lot of things to write.C.His friend always has enough material to write on. D.His friend is doing research to write a paper.解析:固定搭配。根据原文“His friend never runs out of things to write”,译文为:他朋友的写作素材永远不会枯竭(用完)。关键在于理解固定搭配 run out of,run out of 的意思是:用完,耗光。C 选项是对原文的正确解释。a 选项“Writing exhausts his

40、friend(写作耗尽了他朋友的灵感。)”正是对原文的否定。exhaust 意思是:用完,耗尽。(6).What is suggested for your investment?(分数:0.10)A.Distributing your money among different companies.B.Investigating the company before investment. C.Dont invest all your money.D.Comparing different companies before investment.解析:同义替换。根据原文“It would b

41、e a good idea to look into the company before you invest all your money”,译文为:在你把所有的钱进行投资之前,最好对这家公司做调查。关键在于理解固定搭配 look into,look into 意思是:调查,与 b 选项中的 investigate 是同义词,正确选项是对原文的同义替换。(7).What did the person do during the vacation?(分数:0.10)A.Stayed at home. B.Exhausted myself.C.Hardly had any rest.D.Don

42、t know.解析:细节信息。根据原文“I stayed at home for some much needed rest during the vacation”,译文为:假期里我待在家里做了必要的休息。a 选项直接再现了原文的表达 stayed at home。(8).What is said about the research paper?(分数:0.10)A.The paper came out as short as I expected.B.Actually the paper was long enough to cover it.C.The paper was short

43、enough to present.D.The paper turned out better than I had expected. 解析:比较结构。根据原文“The research paper was very brief, but still it was better than I expected.”,译文为:这篇论文很简短,但仍然比我预想的好。此题关键在于理解 brief 的词义和转折连词 but 之后的比较级结构。brief 的意思是:简洁的,简短的。a 选项“The paper came out as short as I expected”,这篇论文写出后和我预想的一样短

44、。b 选项“Actually the paper was long enough to cover it”,实际上这篇论文足够长,能涵盖所有要点。C 选项“The paper was short enough to present”,这篇论文很短,足够做报告。d 选项“The paper turned out better than I had expected”,这篇论文结果比我预想的要好。(9).Generally speaking, how many students fail this course?(分数:0.10)A.A few. B.Many.C.None.D.All.解析:词义

45、理解。根据原文“Students occasionally fail this course”,译文为:学生们偶尔通不过这门课。此题关键在于理解 occasionally 的词义,occasionally 意思是:有时候,偶尔,因此可以推断只有少数通不过。(10).How big is the house he moved in?(分数:0.10)A.As big as the old one.B.Twice as big as mine. C.As big as mine.D.Twice bigger than mine.解析:比较结构。根据原文“he has lived in a hous

46、e twice as big as mine”,译文为:他住的房子是我的房子的两倍。b 选项再现了原文的 as big as 结构。d 选项最具迷惑性,Twice bigger than mine,译文应为:比我的房子大两倍,即是我的房子的三倍。三、PART 2 (30 points, (总题数:3,分数:3.00)(1).When did a mass move to the suburbs begin in the U.S.?(分数:0.20)A.In the 1960s.B.In the 1940s. C.In the 1970s.D.In the 1950s.解析:数字信息。题干:在美

47、国大规模的涌向郊区的运动始于什么时候?根据原文“In the 1940s,urban Americans began a mass move to the suburbs”,译文为:在 20 世纪 40 年代,美国开始了一场大规模的涌向郊区的运动。所以选 b。(2).What kind of people moved to the suburbs?(分数:0.20)A.Middle-class people. B.The rich.C.The poor.D.The young.解析:细节信息。题干:哪些人涌向了郊区?根据原文“Since most of those making the mov

48、e were middle-class”,译文为:因为大多数向郊区转移的人是中产阶级。所以选 a。(3).What happened to the city after the mass move?(分数:0.20)A.Housing costs decreased.B.Crime rate was much lower than before.C.All business moved out.D.Cities declined. 解析:是非判断。题干:在大规模的转移之后,城市发生了什么变化?根据原文“many cities began to fall into disrepairCrime began to soar,housing construction costs continued to rise h


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