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1、高级阅读-阅读 3及答案解析(总分:108.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、PART ONE(总题数:1,分数:64.00)A. New StoreParkins search for a site for its next store has been ended by Marsdens misfortunes, with Parkin agreeing to buy half of the latters Birmingham store for40m.Parkins main store is in London, but it opened its second, in Birming

2、ham, three years ago, and has been seeking sites in other large cities. There was surprise that the new store, likely to open next year, is so close to the existing one, where profits have so far beaten Parkins sales targets, in case it draws customers away from the existing outlet.B. Capacity CutTh

3、e packaging industry has typically suffered from a vicious cycle, with rising prices leading to excess capacity, which in turn leads to a collapse in prices, and Johnson Keithley is no exception. The company has been attempting to smooth the boom/bust cycle by better capacity management, but it admi

4、tted yesterday that it has been forced to make significant cuts to capacity because of a surprisingly sharp downturn in demand. The group now expects its second-half results to fall below expectations, and warned of further problems on the horizon.C. Hit by Higher CostsHigher raw-material costs have

5、 reduced full-year profits at Bonners, the plastics manufacturer, with prices of polyethylene, the main component of its business, rising 8% since last year. Profits were also held back by the disposal of its packaging division, which accounted for over half of turnover the previous year. Additional

6、 costs were incurred by relocating the head office from Wrexham to Cardiff, and I from reorganization and redundancy in its plastics business. Bonners said that trading in the current year has started slowly, particularly in its European markets.D. Surprise FallShares in regional supermarket chain C

7、ouldson fell steeply yesterday after the retailer warned of losses at its biggest outlet, in Bristol. The warning was in stark contrast to its trading statement three months ago, which reported a rise in like-for-like sales of 5% in the preceding month. However, trading across the rest of the chain,

8、 including seven outlets bought last year from Luxona, showed a healthy improvement. The company has promised to do all it can to stem the decline of the last four weeks at the Bristol outlet.E. Modest ImprovementDorcas Foods has posted a modest rise in interim profits. However, the company says it

9、has had to absorb increased costs at its Quality Sugar subsidiary and the impact of a margin squeeze at its Australian baking operations. In sugar, the continued strength of sterling has capped profits, and with Dorcass move out of sugar-beet refining, expenditure on redundancy is having a serious i

10、mpact. At the same time, floods in Australia have led to higher wheat prices, which in turn have reduced margins in the companys baking operations.(分数:64.00)(1).This company reports not being able to pass on higher costs to its customers.(分数:8.00)A.B.C.D.E.(2).The sale of part of a company has had a

11、n adverse affect on profits.(分数:8.00)A.B.C.D.E.(3).This companys response to fluctuations in sales has not had the desired effect.(分数:8.00)A.B.C.D.E.(4).Jobs have been lost because a company has ended one of its activities.(分数:8.00)A.B.C.D.E.(5).There are fears about the impact of internal competiti

12、on within the company.(分数:8.00)A.B.C.D.E.(6).This company has reported contrasting results from different parts of its operations.(分数:8.00)A.B.C.D.E.(7).This company has spent money on moving part of its operation.(分数:8.00)A.B.C.D.E.(8).Efforts are to be made to turn around sales at a store.(分数:8.00

13、)A.B.C.D.E.二、PART TWO(总题数:1,分数:6.00)High fliers of the future head for specialist fairsDespite the recent development of online recruiting, graduate job fairs are still proving hugely popular in Britain with both employers and job hunters. (0) H Any graduate with big ambitions could be forgiven for

14、thinking that the north-west of England is the centre of the north-west of England is the centre of the universe next week. (9) As usual, they will all be looking for the brightest, best and most suitable graduates to employ.November 2 sees Expo Management (the finance, business and management fair)

15、, and on November 3, Technology for the Future (the IT, science and engineering fair), will be held.(10) Expo Management has also expanded, to incorporate a broad range of careers in business and management, as well as the finance sector. There are excellent transport links from all parts of the cou

16、ntry to where the fairs are being held. An accommodation booking service is available, and there is plenty of entertainment on offer.Employers are keener than ever to take part.(11) Having said that, employers use the fairs in order to make contact with the specific kinds of graduates they are looki

17、ng to recruit.(12) However, all graduates visiting the fairs with the right skills and motivation are likely to get a very positive response from employers.Preparation is the key to getting the most from these fairs and visitors should have done their homework. (13) It is sensible to exploit this op

18、portunity by coming armed with a good CV and a list of relevant questions to ask. Also, this year the fairs organizers have introduced a new support facility. (14) By visiting http:/world.co/gradfairs, they will get instant access to the full list of exhibitors and their vacancies, as well as links

19、to their company websites. With the world of business changing and expanding so rapidly, ambitious graduates will find that time spent at the fairs makes an excellent investment in their future.A They are keen for graduates to make use of this innovation before they attend the fairs.B Graduates can

20、take advantage of these to ensure that they know how to make the best applications possible in the weeks following the fairs.C The latter, only a few years old, has proved so successful that this year it has doubled in size: it now plays host to more than 40 employers.D In particular, it is those wi

21、th technical qualifications who are most sought after.E After all, they may not have another chance to see such a huge range of prestigious employers under one roof.F The reason is that is where a 170-strong list of employers will be setting up their stands at the start of Novembers round of graduat

22、e fairs.G This enthusiasm means that the prospects for graduate job-hunters are excellent at the moment.H As a result, they are getting bigger and bigger each time they hit the road again.(分数:6.00)填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_三、PART THREE(总题数:1,分数:6.00)Generally, the culture of any firm

23、 can be described as principally action-orientated, people-orientated or system-orientated. That is to say, the behavior that the managers exhibit tends to emphasize one of these three approaches to leadership and management.In successful firms where leadership is action-orientated, the culture is g

24、enerally driven by one or a handful of managers who present a strong vision for the firm and lead by example. The emphasis is on getting things done, on driving for change. Such leaders constantly infuse energy throughout the firm and reinforce it through training that emphasizes individual action,

25、showing initiative, taking considered risks and stressing individual output and results. It is a dynamic culture that rests on individuals being motivated to rise to the challenges of the business and being willing to take on responsibilities, often beyond what is considered their normal role.The do

26、wnside is that the approach can be somewhat one-sided, overlooking the need for systems to handle routine matters, and taking for granted that people are all driven by a sense of challenge. It can result in the strong and quick riding roughshod over the more considered and thoughtful. When overdone,

27、 action-orientation becomes flare behavior, insensitive to differences in situations and people.Successful people-orientated cultures derive from leadership that trains people to be ready to take responsibility and then invests them with it. Such firms delegate responsibility down as far as possible

28、. They are not the do it, check it, recheck it, double-check it and then check it again to be sure types of cultures. They empower trained people and trust them to build quality in. They ask people to make decisions and expect them to do so. If the decisions prove wrong, the experience is used as th

29、e basis for learning rather than for criticism or punishment. They emphasize commitment and mutual support, reinforced through training that focuses on how and when to delegate responsibility, on understanding and recognizing that people are not all the same, learning how to get the best out of ever

30、yone.However, people-orientated cultures are not warm and cuddly. They respect people, support them and develop them - but they expect them to perform. If people fail to live up to expectations after proper training investment, appropriate steps are taken. The downside of people-orientated cultures

31、occurs when responsibility is not appropriately delegated. Insufficient challenge for bright, trained people leads to poor performance. Equally, giving people more than they can handle without properly preparing them, and without providing adequate support if they initially falter, leads to the same

32、 result.Successful system-orientated cultures focus on trying to deal systematically with recurring problems and situations. Basically, they have their feet on the ground; in most organizations, 80070 of what is done is routine, and the system-orientated firm knows this. So its procedures handle the

33、 routine, leaving managers to use their energy on that 20% of the work that needs their expertise.The essence of a successful system-orientated culture is its ability and willingness to constantly question its systems. Such organizations tend to have strong corporate cultures, and people have to buy

34、 into them before being given the right to question and criticize. But given that, every process is up for evaluation and improvement.The rule book really matters, but it is not cast in stone. Away from the rule book, initiative is a key characteristic, but it is initiative in a strong team environm

35、ent. People consult where possible and take individual decisions only when it is not.(分数:6.00)(1).According to the text, a company that has an action-orientated approach to management is likely toA accept that some initiatives will be more successful than others.B view staff in terms of their person

36、al achievements.C emphasize the importance of staff input into strategy.D expect staff to work extra hours without remuneration.(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.(2).Which of the following does the writer consider a disadvantage of action-orientated management?A It attracts people who are unreliable.B It focuses too

37、 heavily on controversial issues.C It gives out the wrong kind of message to new recruits.D It makes a questionable assumption about human behavior.(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.(3).Unlike action-orientated companies, those who favor people-orientatedA keep a watchful eye on what their employees do.B are unwilli

38、ng to tolerate errors of judgment.C are sensitive to individual differences.D see indecision as a positive feature.(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.(4).According to the text, which type of person may under-perform in a people-orientated company?A an intelligent person who lacks stimulationB a new member of staff wh

39、o is keen to learn new skillsC a new employee who is given a challenging roleD an individual who learns less quickly than others(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.(5).In the writers view, the system-orientated approach isA visionary.B realistic.C uninspiring.D outdated.(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.(6).In a system-orientated cult

40、ure, employees areA encouraged to share ideas.B not expected to criticize colleagues.C trained to focus on self-improvement.D not allowed to challenge company policy.(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.四、PART FOUR(总题数:1,分数:10.00)Customer Relationship ManagementIn todays fast-moving market, it is a simple fact that pro

41、ducts are constantly being replaced by something new. For companies large and small, the most important real(21)with measurable, long-term value is loyal, one-to-one customer relationships. However, despite their importance, they do not(22)On any companys balance sheet. If a company lost 10% of its

42、inventory to theft, it would react swiftly, but if the company loses 10% of its customers, this may not be (23)In this age of product (24) in which the market fails to perceive any profound difference between products or companies, effective management of customer relationships is critical in achiev

43、ing a competitive (25)Delivering quality service and achieving high customer satisfaction have been closely (26) to profits, and consequently the (27) all companies are trying to make is to provide more internal and external customer relationship focus. By (28) available information technology, lead

44、ing companies have already shortened process and response times, increasing customer satisfaction.But companies must make a profit to survive, so telling a chief executive to focus more on customers, through the use of expensive information technology, may fall on deaf ears unless it can be demonstr

45、ated that such investments will be (29) In terms of revenue, market share and profits. Certain companies are responding to this new customer focus by completely (30) their traditional financial-only measurements of corporate performance, and seeking new ways of measuring customers perceptions and ex

46、pectations.(分数:10.00)(1).A worth B value C asset D property(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.(2).A turn out B make up C write out D show up(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.(3).A detected B regarded C conceived D distinguished(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.(4).A coincidence B similarity C agreement D connection(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.(5).A authority B c

47、ommand C advantage D preference(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.(6).A joined B linked C associated D combined(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.(7).A shift B fluctuation C motion D displacement(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.(8).A profiting B capitalizing C exploiting D benefiting(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.(9).A reinstated B restored C replaced D recouped(分

48、数:1.00)A.B.C.D.(10).A modifying B mending C refurbishing D overhauling(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.五、PART FIVE(总题数:1,分数:10.00)JUST HOW FAR WILL YOU GO FOR YOUR JOB?These days, a great many companies require more staff to spend more time working abroad on business assignments, as a result of the trend towards ec

49、onomic globalization.Nearly (31) senior managers believe that it is going to be more important than ever (32) executives to be globally mobile over the next five years. Ambitious young managers are also increasingly realizing that international experience is essential if they want to get anywhere near the boardroom of a modern, successful company.But (33) is a downside to this. A majority of top managers say they are now unwilling to make the personal sacrifices


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